A completely blind boy, who can barely drag his legs to cook some food, pleaded with the Fund’s correspondent to share his life story in a way that wouldn’t weigh down the readers with sorrow!
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He is completely blind, a disabled person of the first group, yet, even when talking about his difficult situation, he cares about you. It is said that when a person is born, his star is also born in the sky. 37 years ago, on a cloudy sky in Saingilo (historical area in the North of Azerbaijan), a star suddenly lit up, but the eyes of the little boy, whose birth his star announced to the earth, could not “light up.” Since then, no one has seen this star in the sky… Who knows, maybe the star fell from the sky and descended to the earth in search of that little boy. Perhaps, this star wants to give up its “stellar light” to lit the sad eyes of the blind young man…
Levan is always in search of the Lord! He prays, talks to the Creator! We are sure that the Lord will open the hearts of all who read this touching article and they will extend a helping hand!
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Charity Number: One call saves a life!
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“I miss my childhood,” said Levan with a smile, infusing these words with the sadness of his entire life. During the interview, Levan asked me to write an article so that the reader would not feel sad. Can you imagine? What a big heart he has!
Levan: In such cold, I can’t even turn on a heater, because I have no means to pay for utilities at the end of the month. I barely manage to gather 350 lari for rent. What I miss the most is a hot soup. I can’t even remember the last time I had soup. With these blind eyes, I can only brew tea. Recently, there was a gas leak in the kitchen. I miraculously escaped death. But that night, fear was born in me. You think it was the fear of death? It was even worse – the fear of loneliness.
He is completely blind, a disabled person of the first group, yet, even when talking about his difficult situation, he cares about you. It is said that when a person is born, his star is also born in the sky. 37 years ago, on a cloudy sky in Saingilo (historical area in the North of Azerbaijan), a star suddenly lit up, but the eyes of the little boy, whose birth his star announced to the earth, could not “light up.” Since then, no one has seen this star in the sky… Who knows, maybe the star fell from the sky and descended to the earth in search of that little boy. Perhaps, this star wants to give up its “stellar light” to lit the sad eyes of the blind young man…
Levan is always in search of the Lord! He prays, talks to the Creator! We are sure that the Lord will open the hearts of all who read this touching article and they will extend a helping hand!
Since I grew up in Saingilo, I don’t have Georgian citizenship. Consequently, I can’t access healthcare services or social programs. In such cold, I can’t even turn on a heater, because I have no means to pay for utilities at the end of the month. I barely manage to gather 350 lari for rent. What I miss the most is a hot soup. I can’t even remember the last time I had soup. With these blind eyes, I can only brew tea. Recently, there was a gas leak in the kitchen. I miraculously escaped death. But that night, fear was born in me. You think it was the fear of death? – No. It was even worse – the fear of loneliness. Despite this, I won’t return to Saingilo, where my parents live. Do you know why I won’t go back? Because my heart beats with love for Georgia and the Georgian people. My homeland is here!!!”
Dear people, perhaps you can help the star born in the sky of Saingilo 37 years ago find this boy. So, what if this light is not so ‘starry.’ Kindness is like rays of the sun descending from the dome as the grace of God. – And what happens then? Then… then our star is born again in the sky…
If you are willing to visit this first group disabled blind man who endlessly loves Georgia and help him in person, here is his address: Tbilisi, Africa settlement, 4 Idumala Str.
Please don’t forget to repost our story. Let your friends know about the grief of this family! It’s extremely important!
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We have already helped thousands of disadvantaged people! Let’s support this family too! And who knows, maybe someday we ourselves will need the help of strangers! Life is always unpredictable!
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