“You will miss my voice, mom” – these were the last words uttered by Mirian, the unfortunate mother’s son, on September 30, 2023. And after these words, he either dies or comes back to life…
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The hands of the Lord won’t let Mirian depart our world completely: he wavers between life and death, as his sorrowful mother sheds tears. What anguish! Yet, none of the doctors in Georgia, unfortunately, can answer the main question, a dilemma increasingly faced in the foundation’s practice: to live or leave this world for the child? Why did the kidneys fail in this once-beautiful, perfectly healthy boy? Right now, the little one is on dialysis. It’s such an expensive, complex, and painful procedure, which temporarily sustains Mirian’s life! But who can say how many days or months this “temporary” will last? Certainly not in Georgia! Mirian’s mother knows only one thing: if dialysis isn’t done every day, his kidneys will fail, and Mirian will die.
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Charity Number: One call saves a life!
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0901200270“You will miss my voice, mom” – these were the last words uttered by Mirian, the unfortunate mother’s son, on September 30, 2023. And after these words, he either dies or comes back to life…
“You’ll miss my voice, Mom…” And before slipping into a coma, the child wept bitterly…
The hands of the Lord won’t let Mirian depart our world completely: he wavers between life and death, as his sorrowful mother sheds tears. What anguish!
Yet, none of the doctors in Georgia, unfortunately, can answer the main question, a dilemma increasingly faced in the foundation’s practice: to live or leave this world for the child? Why did the kidneys fail in this once-beautiful, perfectly healthy boy?
Right now, the little one is on dialysis. It’s such an expensive, complex, and painful procedure, which temporarily sustains Mirian’s life! But who can say how many days or months this “temporary” will last? Certainly not in Georgia!
“My tears won’t dry. They burn my skin…”
For over half a year now, Mirian’s mother has been unsure of how much time her son has left. Maybe he won’t survive the day, or perhaps he’ll get back on his feet and play football even better than before… No one knows, no one says anything, but the mother knows one thing: she will fight until the end. Though her strength is waning and there’s no money left, she believes: a mother’s prayer can bring back her beloved child even from the other side…
-Rusudan, how are you? How is Mirian doing?
Rusudan:I am dead, Mirian is still alive. He’s alive, and that’s the most important thing. My little son, my dear… But he doesn’t speak, can’t walk… He only speaks to me with his eyes. Or maybe I just think he wants to tell me something… He looks at me, and tears flow from both him and me.”
“Not long ago, Mirian was the heart and soul of the group. Everyone adored him and wanted to be around him.”
Up until September 30, 2023, he was the healthiest, most energetic boy in the area. Ask anyone, and they all knew him. He was loved by everyone. At school, both classmates and teachers adored him. His current state has been a shock to everyone!
-Then what happened?
Rusudan: Three days before that, he complained of a stomach ache. I scolded him, told him it was all because of his beloved chips and burgers… He laughed and said he would never eat them again. The next day, he started vomiting. And the stomach pains got worse. I called an ambulance. They gave recommendations, said it looked like food poisoning, and prescribed him a strict diet. Mirian even joked that if he ate like that, he would lose weight and they wouldn’t call him “giputsa” (chubby in Georgian) anymore. And he liked that word. Especially when older girls called him that.
Then the mother burst into tears. Through her tears, she spoke at length about what else she could have done to prevent the tragedy. But this is a whole story of tragedy, and I simply cannot burden you, friends, with this grief. I hugged Rusudan for a long time, trying to console her.
But I couldn’t find any words of comfort. What can you say to a mother who watches her beloved son suffer every minute? Tell her to be strong and not give up? She already knows. Pretend to understand what she’s going through? I don’t. And not a single mother would be able to understand such pain. And may God spare them from understanding it!
The conditions in which Rusudan currently lives, it is impossible to transport her son, except perhaps to his end, so the grieving woman resides with him in hospice care. Assistance is needed everywhere! At our foundation, we’ve initiated thorough research into kidney transplantation. We won’t relent until we’ve explored all avenues and costs. However, it’s still in the preliminary stages. We’ve learned from the media that it’s feasible. Right now, that’s our primary focus! If any of our followers are familiar with this process, we urgently request you to reach out and assist the mother in any possible way! Lord, help!!!
– Perhaps if the ambulance had taken him to the hospital, such consequences could have been avoided?
Rusudan: Who knows? Who’s to blame? Mirian? The doctors? I blame myself enough. I’m not living. Could I have ever thought that Mirian, who just the day before was playing football with the boys, wouldn’t be able to stand on his own two feet? After the diet, he seemed to be improving; the vomiting had stopped. But he was weak, stayed indoors. I asked him to go outside and get some fresh air. Our house is very damp, covered in mold… He grumbled, didn’t want to. And I told him, “Don’t talk so much, get up and go out.” And you know what he said to me? “You’ll miss my voice,” and he went out. And in the evening, he collapsed from his chair to the floor. And that was it, I haven’t heard his voice since then. It’s been so long, but his last words still echo in my mind like a curse…
– It’s so hard to hear all of this… Your tears don’t dry up… Would you like to stop the conversation? I understand how difficult it is for you to recall all of this.
Rusudan: It’s very difficult, but I relive it every day. I live only with memories. And I’ll tell you. When I couldn’t bring Mirian to consciousness, I called for an ambulance. Because Tsereteli Street was dug up, the ambulance arrived late. And as they were taking him to the hospital through those pits, Mirian’s heart stopped twice.
The first thing the doctor said when she saw my son was words of condolence. “Prepare yourself…” Prepare for what? What is she telling me? What does that mean? Then I understood that she was preparing me for the worst. She didn’t even think that Mirian would survive the night and pull through. “One percent, just one percent…” everyone around kept saying. But isn’t that also a chance at life? And I clung to that one percent. We spent four months in intensive care. He was in a coma. His kidneys failed, his brain shut down, his heart was irregular, seizures began… I was losing my son. This is what he has become now, my “giputsa.” God, how he used to talk, you couldn’t stop him… And now he looks at me with his beautiful eyes, and tears flow… What do you want to tell me, my dear son? Say just one word, any word, just one…
“Say just one word, even in a whisper… I’ll hear, I’ll understand, just say it.”
– Rusudan, I can’t continue to distress you… I understand that your suffering knows no bounds. Please, tell me, what can we do for you?
Rusudan: The state covers all procedures and dialysis for my son. But we’re in hospice because I can’t take him home. The conditions there are terrible. Dampness, mold on the walls. But we can’t afford to rent a better apartment. The prices are very high. So we have to live in the hospice, while my younger son Avtandil and husband live there. I’ve asked the authorities countless times to allocate a room for us or help with rent, but they say we need to be registered somewhere. But who will register us? I have nothing of my own, my parents died long ago. My husband doesn’t either… Who do we ask to register us? Approach someone on the street? And now, for Mirian, normal conditions are a vital luxury. We can’t keep him in our damp home. He’ll die.
– Besides an apartment, what else do you need?
Rusudan: We need a wheelchair, a comfortable bed. Special nutrition to help him gain weight. What we get from the social canteen doesn’t suit him now. We need to create conditions for me to be able to take care of him at home. And now, please, leave me alone with my son. I’ve burdened you enough, and I’m hurting myself… I can’t talk anymore, I’m sorry…
Looking into those beautiful blue eyes, I want to understand what Mirian is thinking. What would he say to his mom if he could? And would he be able to? Will he bring joy to his mother once again?
“Mom will always be by your side. Don’t stop fighting, my little warrior, because in every breath of yours, I feel strength and hope.”
– Avtandil, perhaps you have something to say to us too?
Avtandil (10 years old): I miss my brother so much. He’s older and always protected me. He taught me how to live. I feel so sad without him, and I want to cry all the time.
“Bring back my brother to me. I miss him so much. I love him so much… I feel so sorry for him…”
Dear friends! Today we face an important mission – to help a boy whose life is in danger. His mother, exhausted and frightened, appeals to you – to those whose hearts are open to charity and whose faith is strong.
We know that many of you believe in God’s mercy and the power of human kindness. Right now, our little brother, son, and friend need our support, our prayers, and our generosity. Let him feel your warmth and care, give him hope for a miracle.
Remember that every act of mercy brings us closer to God. Let our actions testify to our faith and love for our neighbor. Let us unite our efforts and help this family overcome difficulties, believing in miracles and blessings from above.
Please, open your hearts and join us in this good cause. Your participation can be the key to saving this boy’s life. Let’s act together to give hope and strength to those who need it so much.
Thank you for your generosity and compassion.
If you want to visit the family and provide assistance in person, here is their address: Tbilisi, Khosharauli Street, House 27.
Every time you can help someone, just do it, and rejoice that God answers someone’s prayers through you!
We are sure that all together we will manage to save Mirian from imminent death.
Friends, there is one more request: if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at: office-fsp@fsp.ge
Our Fund’s accounts are:
– In Bank of Georgia GE64BG0000000470458000
– In TBC Bank GE15TB7194336080100003
– In Liberty Bank GE42LB0115113036665000
(Purpose: Mirian Gelkhauri).
You can also transfer money from our website: Bank of Georgia (e-commerce), TБC Bank (GeoPay), Liberty Bank (PayGe), PayPal
It is also possible to transfer money from ExpressPay, TBCpay, and PayBox (OPPA) terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (you can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link https://goo.gl/GY2Gus).We have already helped thousands of disadvantaged people! Let’s support this family too! And who knows, maybe someday we ourselves will need the help of strangers! Life is always unpredictable!
Even if you dial once this special number, it might save someone’s life. It might save someone’s life: 0901200270! God bless you!
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1076 Donors
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