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The ‘Corpse’ Who Sometimes Opens His Eyes – The Tragedy of an 18-Year-Old Boy. A Story More Terrifying Than a Horror Movie

calendar July 5, 2024

This is Roma Tordia. He is 18 years old and has been in a coma for a year. Roma Tordia was once a successful professional dancer, a multiple gold medalist, a son that all of Samegrelo and Georgia were proud of. This exceptionally talented boy was predicted to have a great future. But on July 3, 2023, a tragic accident turned the sky of Samegrelo black. The thunderous news broke: “Roma was in an accident and seems to have died.” The doomed cries of his mother and grandmothers reached the heavens. Even the rocks wept for the boy who grew up as an orphan.

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Bank of Georgia

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GE64BG0000000470458000 GE64BG0000000470458000


TBC Bank

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GE15TB7194336080100003 GE15TB7194336080100003


Liberty Bank

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GE42LB0115113036665000 GE42LB0115113036665000


Charity Number: One call saves a life!

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The ‘Corpse’ Who Sometimes Opens His Eyes – The Tragedy of an 18-Year-Old Boy. A Story More Terrifying Than a Horror Movie


An 18-year-old boy has been in a coma for a year. Half of his skull is missing.

This is Roma Tordia. He is 18 years old and has been in a coma for a year. Roma Tordia was once a successful professional dancer, a multiple gold medalist, a son that all of Samegrelo and Georgia were proud of. This exceptionally talented boy was predicted to have a great future. But on July 3, 2023, a tragic accident turned the sky of Samegrelo black. The thunderous news broke: “Roma was in an accident and seems to have died.” The doomed cries of his mother and grandmothers reached the heavens. Even the rocks wept for the boy who grew up as an orphan.

Roma was 8 years old when his father died. His mother and grandmothers denied themselves everything so Roma wouldn’t feel like an orphan. And indeed, Roma grew up to be a worthy young man. His father probably watched from heaven and was proud of how well-mannered, talented, and genuinely Georgian his son was, with a heart full of love for his homeland. But now, a year has passed since Roma’s heart beats only out of “inertia.” Half of his skull is gone, and his almost lifeless body lies in bed. His entire body is now as thin as a finger. The oxygen machine is his “reviver.” He receives food and water only through a tube.

Roma has been connected to the oxygen machine for a year. He receives water and medicine through a tube.

Roma rarely opens his eyes. He cannot see anything.

After the first surgery in one of the Kutaisi clinics, the doctors no longer paid attention to Roma, and he developed such bedsores that he began to rot alive. Yes, they didn’t even remember the Hippocratic oath…  God, when You breathe life into people and bring them into this world, do You forget to give them a heart along with a soul? Or maybe You give it to them, but then they willingly tear out their hearts and place a stone there instead.

As a result of the doctors’ negligence, the boy developed “bedsores” and is rotting alive.

And so, the 18-year-old boy lies in the middle of the hall, as if waiting for condolences from people. But no, no one dares to express condolences to a Georgian mother as long as her son’s heart still beats, however weakly.

Marika, mother: “My son, my sufferer, please, hear the plea of your unfortunate mother. Don’t destroy me, don’t leave me alone. I cannot live without you, my son,” she barely utters these words. As if fate’s cruelty wasn’t enough when this unfortunate woman was widowed at a young age.   And now she must give her beloved son to the clutches of death.

“My son, please, don’t leave me. I cannot live without you.”

“Lord, I, a grief-stricken mother, pray to You, save my son.”

Roma’s mother looks at photos of her son every day. Roma was such a handsome, strong, energetic, and healthy boy.

Roma was a professional dancer. He had a bright future ahead. These are Roma’s awards.

This is Roma’s grandmother. A mother who buried her son.

The only solace for the old woman was her deceased son’s child. In no other country in the world do grandmothers love their grandchildren as much as they do in Georgia. Here, the hearts of grandmothers beat solely with love for their grandchildren.   When a grandchild dies, their hearts stop beating.

For a year now, Roma’s grandmothers have not closed their eyes for a second. A year has passed, and for them, day and night no longer exist. Time stopped for the Tordia family a year ago. And now, instead of the ticking of the clock, they listen to Roma’s heartbeat.  Yes, his heart still beats… But for how long? How long can a young boy’s heart endure this? One day it will tire and stop beating forever. Oh no! Such a thought is unbearable!

Roma’s limbs are as thin as a finger.

The body of the 18-year-old boy has turned into a skeleton.

Friends of the Fund, we understand that some of you may have heart problems, so we will refrain from showing the full picture of Roma’s condition. But rest assured, none of you, no horror movie director in the world, has seen a scene as terrifying as in the Tordia family.   To save the life of this boy, born under an unlucky star, a lot of money is needed. A widowed woman has no such means. The state aid has also been exhausted. You must understand that now each of us must become Roma’s “mother” and “father.” No one knows what awaits our children tomorrow. But if today we give even a small amount to save someone else’s child, this kindness will reach our children when they are in great trouble. For in this world, nothing disappears without a trace. Kind people, heed the plea of a tormented mother. With the help of the Lord, let us work a miracle and “revive” the “dead” child of an unfortunate mother.

If you are willing to visit this family and help them in person, here is their address: Zugdidi Municipality, village Akhalkakhati.

Every time you can help someone, just do it, and rejoice that God answers someone’s prayers through you!


Friends, there is one more request: if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at: 

Our Fund’s accounts are:

– In Bank of Georgia GE64BG0000000470458000

– In TBC Bank GE15TB7194336080100003

– In Liberty Bank GE42LB0115113036665000

(Purpose: The Tordia family).

You can also transfer money from our website: Bank of Georgia (e-commerce), TБC Bank (GeoPay), Liberty Bank (PayGe), PayPal:

It is also possible to transfer money from ExpressPay, TBCpay, and PayBox (OPPA) terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (you can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link

You can save someone’s life and get closer to God! Send SMS to number 97100

We have already helped thousands of disadvantaged people! Let’s support this family too! And who knows, maybe someday we ourselves will need the help of strangers! Life is always unpredictable!

Even if you dial once this special number, it might save someone’s life. It might save someone’s life:  0901200270!  God bless you!

Corr.: Nini

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