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Three-year-old Giorgi, despite being very hungry himself, shared his only piece of bread with the foundation’s correspondent: “Auntie, you must be hungry too. Please, eat.” The Dotiashvili family lost their home during the August 2008 war. To this day, they live in a bakery with their two small children. Oh my God, this is unimaginable!

calendar December 5, 2024

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This is three-year-old Giorgi. The child is hungry, and the only food in the house is one piece of bread. The starving boy started to eat the bread eagerly but then stopped. His big blue eyes looked up at the foundation’s correspondent, and timidly, he offered her the only piece he had, saying: “Auntie, you must be hungry too.  Please, eat.” This kind boy’s clothes are so worn out that even a dump might have better options. The boy is sick, running a high fever, and has the flu. But his single mother cannot afford to buy medicine due to extreme poverty. The child can no longer bear the hardship, illness, and suffering, and so he cries bitterly. Look into his eyes, even for a moment! Do you think this is a scene from a dramatic movie? It’s not. No actor could ever portray the pain in the eyes of this little angel. And yet, he’s only three years old.

Our Fund’s accounts in:

Bank of Georgia

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GE64BG0000000470458000 GE64BG0000000470458000


TBC Bank

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GE15TB7194336080100003 GE15TB7194336080100003


Liberty Bank

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GE42LB0115113036665000 GE42LB0115113036665000


Charity Number: One call saves a life!

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Three-year-old Giorgi, despite being very hungry himself, shared his only piece of bread with the foundation’s correspondent: “Auntie, you must be hungry too. Please, eat.” The Dotiashvili family lost their home during the August 2008 war. To this day, they live in a bakery with their two small children. Oh my God, this is unimaginable!


This is three-year-old Giorgi. The child is hungry, and the only food in the house is one piece of bread. The starving boy started to eat the bread eagerly but then stopped. His big blue eyes looked up at the foundation’s correspondent, and timidly, he offered her the only piece he had, saying: “Auntie, you must be hungry too.  Please, eat.” This kind boy’s clothes are so worn out that even a dump might have better options. The boy is sick, running a high fever, and has the flu. But his single mother cannot afford to buy medicine due to extreme poverty.

The child can no longer bear the hardship, illness, and suffering, and so he cries bitterly.

Look into his eyes, even for a moment! Do you think this is a scene from a dramatic movie? It’s not. No actor could ever portray the pain in the eyes of this little angel. And yet, he’s only three years old.

This is Giorgi’s sister, 7-year-old Nini.

The little girl works with her frozen hands.

The children wash their hands in icy water because there is no warm water at home. They’ve also run out of firewood to heat the stove.

The stove has gone out, and there’s no wood left. Only these two sticks remain. What are these poor children supposed to do? They’re freezing in the cold. Little Gio coughs so much that he likely has pneumonia. But the poor mother doesn’t even have money to take her child from the village to the city to see a doctor.

Saint George! Protect this poor boy, your namesake.

The ruins you see in the photos used to be the home of the Dotiashvili family – a home once filled with happiness. During the August War of 2008, this house, built by their ancestors, fell victim to the evil of Russian occupiers and Ossetian separatists.  Who knows, perhaps their ancestors would be turning in their graves now, unable to believe what happened.

War in Georgia (2008)

War in Georgia (2008)

War in Georgia (2008)

War in Georgia (2008)

The only structure that survived the bombings was the bakery. Left homeless, the Dotiashvili family moved into this bakery and turned it into their “home.” But look—can this even be called a home? There’s no roof, no windows. The walls are rotten from dampness, and the floor is broken. God, some people have cowsheds better than this “home” where these little children live.

The children don’t even have beds, just a single armchair. At night, Nini unfolds it, turning it into a “bed.” But the seat is so hard that the poor girl’s back aches after sleeping on it. So, she places rags on it to make it a little softer. Oh God, this is unbelievable! How could this angelic girl deserve such a miserable life?

Nini doesn’t say much, but her eyes speak volumes…

This old tractor hasn’t moved for years because its owner, Nini’s grandfather, Karlo, has been bedridden for a long time. The poor man has gone blind and is now so weak that he can’t even sit up. Once a strong and hardworking man who toiled day and night to provide for his family, he now lies helplessly in bed, pleading for help with his eyes. But because of cursed poverty, the family cannot afford a doctor or medicine for him.

The only “medicine” for the elderly man is the kisses and hugs of his beloved grandchildren.

A blind woman gives herself insulin shots several times a day.

Children’s grandmother, Nelli, is 64 years old but looks like she’s 85 due to illness. The poor woman is completely blind in one eye due to glaucoma and can barely see with the other—just blurry outlines. Despite this, she injects insulin into her abdomen every day with her own hands. Unfortunately, she suffers from a severe form of diabetes. Because of poverty, she can’t eat properly, visit a doctor, or have surgery on her eyes.

When she saw the foundation’s correspondent, she couldn’t hold back her tears and said: “My dear, I’m on the verge of suicide. I can’t endure this hellish torment any longer. I know that taking one’s own life is a sin, and they say those who do so go to hell. But where can I find a greater hell than this?”

Look at the tears streaming down this poor woman’s face.

The boy doesn’t understand why he is always hungry, why he’s always cold. A three-year-old child can’t express himself well in words yet, but look at how he gestures to convey his pain and anger.

The frozen child tries to warm his little fingers under his sweater.

Instead of hot tea with raspberry jam, Giorgi drinks plain warm water when he has a cold. What has this little angel done to deserve such suffering?

The children have only two logs left. Even though they are sick from the cold, they’re saving the firewood for when it snows. The frozen children huddle together to keep warm because they don’t have warm blankets or clothes.

Kind people, by now, you must realize that the Dotiashvili children live in extreme poverty. No child deserves this. When children cry bitterly because of hardships, I’m sure you, our loyal friends, feel a sense of responsibility.
So let’s unite once again. Remember, even one lari can make a big difference for this poor family. The children are counting on you. Let’s not let them down.  There is nothing more tragic than losing hope.


If you are willing to visit the family and help them in person, here is their address: Gori Municipality, village Kirbali.

Our Fund’s accounts are:

– In Bank of Georgia GE64BG0000000470458000

– In TBC Bank GE15TB7194336080100003

– In Liberty Bank GE42LB0115113036665000

(Purpose: The Dotiashvili family)

You can also transfer money from our website: Bank of Georgia (e-commerce), TБC Bank (GeoPay), Liberty Bank (PayGe), PayPal

It is also possible to transfer money from ExpressPay, TBCpay, and PayBox (OPPA) terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (you can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link

Let’s believe that by helping others and sharing their pain, we care for our own souls and draw closer to the Lord!

You can save someone’s life and draw closer to God! Text 97100.

Even if you dial once this special number, it might save someone’s life: 0901200270! God bless you!

Corr: Nini

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