The Old New Year is approaching—a time when everyone, especially children, is filled with hope for miracles! Four-year-old Saba is waiting with all his little heart for his miracle too! Because if we don’t help make it happen, he may lose the chance to see the light of God’s world. An urgent surgery abroad can restore his sight!
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Saba is just four years old. He suffers from a severe retinal disease—retinopathy—that could lead to complete blindness in just a few days. Right now, he can only see objects very close to him. Everything else is like a blur, shrouded in fog. His vision is deteriorating rapidly, and nothing seems to stop it. The day Saba was born should have been the happiest day of his mother’s life. Instead, she heard the devastating words in the delivery room: “Your son isn’t breathing.” Saba’s life began with resuscitation, doctors, and a tough battle for survival. He miraculously pulled through, but it was later revealed that he had a congenital eye defect—retinal detachment – that caused him to lose his vision.
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Charity Number: One call saves a life!
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0901200270The Old New Year is approaching—a time when everyone, especially children, is filled with hope for miracles! Four-year-old Saba is waiting with all his little heart for his miracle too! Because if we don’t help make it happen, he may lose the chance to see the light of God’s world. An urgent surgery abroad can restore his sight!
Saba is just four years old. He suffers from a severe retinal disease—retinopathy—that could lead to complete blindness in just a few days. Right now, he can only see objects very close to him. Everything else is like a blur, shrouded in fog. His vision is deteriorating rapidly, and nothing seems to stop it.
OH MY GOD, HOW SWEET IS THIS CHILD! “Auntie, come closer, I can’t see you!” – were his first words to our journalist and she began to cry! It’s a good that the child didn’t see “auntie’s” tears. After all, children are born to make us delight with their laughter!
Elene, Saba’s sister (5-year-old): “Auntie, my brother has problems with his eyes. He can only see me if I stand very close to him; otherwise, he doesn’t see me at all. He can’t build towers with blocks or read the alphabet with me. I feel so sorry for him. I love my brother and want him to see the world as clearly as I do. He needs surgery, but my mom doesn’t have the money for it. That’s why she cries every day…”
Saba’s sister, 5-year-old Elene is so distressed about her brother’s condition that it’s affecting her own health. She gets so nervous that she develops high fevers and seizures. During these moments, their mother feels utterly helpless, unable to do more than call an ambulance and rush Elene to the hospital. Friends, we have the power to ease the suffering of this brother and sister!
“Stand closer, Auntie, I can’t see you!”
The day Saba was born should have been the happiest day of his mother’s life. Instead, she heard the devastating words in the delivery room: “Your son isn’t breathing.” Saba’s life began with resuscitation, doctors, and a tough battle for survival. He miraculously pulled through, but it was later revealed that he had a congenital eye defect—retinal detachment – that caused him to lose his vision.
Here’s how a healthy eye looks compared to Saba’s damaged retina. This poor boy!
Unfortunately, such vision problems in children are not treated in Georgia. Doctors recommended seeking specialists in Armenia. Saba has already proven himself to be a little fighter. At just four months old, he underwent his first eye surgery, enduring countless painful and complex examinations. The funds for that surgery were raised with the help of kind-hearted people, and by God’s grace, they succeeded! Thanks to the surgery, part of Saba’s vision was restored. But the fight isn’t over. Another surgery is needed to preserve his eyesight.
Sadly, saving Saba’s vision comes with a price – around $10,000 – a staggering amount that his family simply cannot raise alone in such a short time, especially since his mother is raising two children on her own. Their father left the family and provides no support, not even showing interest in how they are doing. Overwhelmed by hardships, this young mother turns to us for help: “Please, help save Saba’s eyesight! We’ve already come so far; please help us give my son this life-saving surgery. We desperately need your support.”
The family lives modestly. Their social allowance barely covers basic food needs. How can a struggling mother gather such a huge sum for her son’s treatment? She can’t—unless kind-hearted people like you step in to help!
Saba’s glasses are broken, and his mother cannot afford new ones, so he goes around like that.
This cruel disease offers no extensions, no breaks for holidays or weekends. It shows no mercy. If Saba doesn’t receive surgery now, he could face a lifetime of blindness.
Together, we can give Saba hope for a happy, healthy childhood. Let’s join forces to give this boy the most precious gift of all—his sight.
If you are willing to visit the family and help them in person, here is their address: Sagarejo Municipality, village Manavi.
Every time you can help someone, just do it, and rejoice that God answers someone’s prayers through you!
Friends, there is one more request: if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:
Our Fund’s accounts are:
– In Bank of Georgia GE64BG0000000470458000(Purpose: The Kistauri family).
You can also transfer money from our website: Bank of Georgia (e-commerce), TБC Bank (GeoPay), Liberty Bank (PayGe), PayPal:
It is also possible to transfer money from ExpressPay, TBCpay, and PayBox (OPPA) terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (you can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link ).
You can save someone’s life and draw closer to God! Text 97100. Even if you dial once this special number, it might save someone’s life: 0901200270! God bless you!
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631 Donors
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