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Mother of the Twins Is Certain That a Georgian Doctor Damaged Her Children’s Brains! We fully believe her words. After all, dear friends, this is not the first time you have given children a second chance at life after they were harmed by doctors—yet no one has ever been held accountable! But that’s not all—the Ministry of Health refuses to fund their treatment! Now, the fate of these poor children rests solely in your hands, kind-hearted people!

calendar February 13, 2025

One call saves life!

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You can save someone’s life and get closer to God! Send SMS with any content to the number 97100 to donate ₾3 GEL


The twins’ mother had a difficult pregnancy, as she was diagnosed with hydronephrosis (a kidney condition). At seven months pregnant, the young woman underwent a complex surgery, during which a stent was placed in her kidney. A needy woman from Akhaltsikhe came to one of the clinics in Tbilisi with money she had barely managed to save. Doctors warned that, due to the stent, the delivery had to be by C-section, as natural birth could be life-threatening for the babies.

But the poor mother could not afford to stay at the clinic under medical supervision until delivery. And do you know why? Because of wretched poverty. She had no choice but to return to Akhaltsikhe. And that’s when hell began—for both the mother and the poor twins.

A doctor in one of Akhaltsikhe’s clinics decided that a woman with a kidney stent could give birth naturally to two children. You can probably guess the rest… Yes, due to the difficult delivery, the babies suffered from asphyxia. Their brains were damaged. That irresponsible doctor slept peacefully at home that night. The next day, he dared to say to the grieving mother: “Why are you crying? Your children were born sick. Why do you even need such children?” Yes, those were the very words of the doctor responsible for their lives and health.

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Bank of Georgia

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GE64BG0000000470458000 GE64BG0000000470458000


TBC Bank

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GE42LB0115113036665000 GE42LB0115113036665000


Charity Number: One call saves a life!

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Mother of the Twins Is Certain That a Georgian Doctor Damaged Her Children’s Brains! We fully believe her words. After all, dear friends, this is not the first time you have given children a second chance at life after they were harmed by doctors—yet no one has ever been held accountable! But that’s not all—the Ministry of Health refuses to fund their treatment! Now, the fate of these poor children rests solely in your hands, kind-hearted people!


Twin Brothers—David and Demetre. Dear God, let the Georgian angels wake up healthy!

Just look at this photo, and you will immediately understand that these poor twins are fighting for their lives with all their strength. Their condition was extremely critical at birth. The tiny angels were diagnosed with cerebral palsy, brain hemorrhage, anemia, asphyxia, and, most tragically, brain damage.

By some miracle, these angels escaped death. Blessed be the power of the Lord!

Dear friends, we will now tell you the dramatic story of the Diasamidze family, which continues to this day. But this is not just the tragedy of one family. It concerns all of us in Georgia. And do you know why? Because the doctors we trust with our children’s health and lives may one day treat the Hippocratic Oath as nothing more than empty words.

The twins’ mother had a difficult pregnancy, as she was diagnosed with hydronephrosis (a kidney condition). At seven months pregnant, the young woman underwent a complex surgery, during which a stent was placed in her kidney. A needy woman from Akhaltsikhe came to one of the clinics in Tbilisi with money she had barely managed to save. Doctors warned that, due to the stent, the delivery had to be by C-section, as natural birth could be life-threatening for the babies.

But the poor mother could not afford to stay at the clinic under medical supervision until delivery. And do you know why? Because of wretched poverty. She had no choice but to return to Akhaltsikhe. And that’s when hell began—for both the mother and the poor twins.

A doctor in one of Akhaltsikhe’s clinics decided that a woman with a kidney stent could give birth naturally to two children. You can probably guess the rest… Yes, due to the difficult delivery, the babies suffered from asphyxia. Their brains were damaged. That irresponsible doctor slept peacefully at home that night. The next day, he dared to say to the grieving mother: “Why are you crying? Your children were born sick. Why do you even need such children?” Yes, those were the very words of the doctor responsible for their lives and health.

For three years, the mother struggled to care for her children, her heart breaking every day at the sight of their suffering.

Later, it was discovered that the twins also had hearing problems. One year ago, a clinic in Turkey provided them with hearing aids.

For a while, the children experienced relief. But it didn’t last long… The hearing aid was damaged. One had to be removed, and now the second must be taken out as well. Georgian doctors refused to do this, saying: “We didn’t insert the hearing aids, so we can’t take responsibility for them.”

What is this poor mother to do? How can she take her children back to Turkey when she has not a single penny? She is raising three other children alongside the twins. She doesn’t even own a home that she could sell. She cannot work to save money because she herself is seriously ill. She has already undergone seven major surgeries.

The poor mother and her five angels live in a tiny, rented one-room apartment (the rent is 350 GEL, of which the municipality covers 270 GEL).

Look at this little angel with beautiful eyes

They cry day and night from the pain caused by brain and nervous system damage. As we told you, dear friends, the brothers urgently need to be taken to Turkey. The Ministry of Health has refused to fund their treatment. And yet, it would cost only $5,100.

What is this poor mother to do? How can she save enough money to take her children to Turkey? At night, when her children sleep, she allows herself to quietly cry—so they never see the tears in their beloved mother’s eyes. Friends, it is quite logical that you are wondering what is the reason for the Ministry of Health’s refusal to fund children. Our correspondent also asked this question to a mom. The answer is as follows: “Those medical manipulations that children undergo in Turkey are also carried out in Georgia.”

Mr. Minister, look carefully into the eyes of the child. Yes, according to the program, your department gave the unfortunate mother of the children the right answer, but you missed one important thing – the Georgian doctors themselves refused, saying: “Since the treatment started in Turkey, we can’t take responsibility.” What can you say about this, Mr. Minister and representatives of the Ministry of Health? However, we know that this question will remain rhetorical. Before we start strictly enforcing the program on poor children, maybe we should first check the qualifications of doctors?

Kind-hearted people, loyal friends of the Fund, you have seen for yourselves: the fate of these two blue-eyed angels is now in your hands. Remember: even a small donation from you can make a huge difference in getting these children to Turkey for treatment. Kind-hearted people, you have saved the lives of countless children. Thousands of sick children are healthy today because of your kindness. We believe that you will not abandon these angelic twins in their time of greatest need.


If you are willing to visit the family and help them in person, here is their address: Akhaltsikhe, 36 Aspindza Str.

Our Fund’s accounts are:

– In Bank of Georgia GE64BG0000000470458000
– In TBC Bank GE15TB7194336080100003
– In Liberty Bank GE42LB0115113036665000

(Purpose: David and Demetre Diasamidze).

You can also transfer money from our website: Bank of Georgia (e-commerce), TБC Bank (GeoPay), Liberty Bank (PayGe), PayPal.

It is also possible to transfer money from ExpressPay and TBCpay terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (you can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link ).

We have already helped thousands of disadvantaged people! Let’s support this family too! And who knows, maybe someday we ourselves will need the help of strangers! Life is always unpredictable! No one knows what it holds in store.

You can save someone’s life and draw closer to God! Text 97100.

Even if you dial once this special number, it might save someone’s life: 0901200270! God bless you!

Corr: Nini 

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01.03.2025 00:00:00
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01.03.2025 00:00:00



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