One call saves life!
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To the date, cancer is not the statement, and children might be cured successfully, the most important thing is to help on time. Only together, we can help
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Charity Number: One call saves a life!
Phone number:
0901200270We all know how it hurts to watch the child’s torture,
who wants to live badly! Some parents have to cry a lot, to suffer a lot and to
endure many sleepless nights.
They have to struggle alone, with severe bureaucratic laws,
encountering many problems while collecting necessary funds.
However, at times, they fail to do that alone; they
cannot cover expensive treatment of sick child.
To the date, cancer is not the statement, and children
might be cured successfully, the most important thing is to help on time. Only together,
we can help and give a chance for recover, to return them into the happy
Little Tamara is only 10 months old, and during her short life she has
underwent so many tortures it is even hard to imagine… She was only 2 months
old when parents noticed strange lighting in her eye. From that moment, they
started to visit many doctors hoping they are mistaken. Diagnosis of the
specialists sounded like a statement –retinal blastoma, cancer of the eye
retina. Disease progressed quickly. In 3 months, Tamara underwent two heavy
surgeries and four courses of chemotherapy. Notwithstanding the efforts of the
doctors, they failed to save the eye of the girl. There is a hope that timely
treatment and expensive medications will save at least the other eye for Tamara.
In order Tamara to recover and live full life, she needs immediately
expensive medications! Nevertheless, the family Nakashidze has spent all its
resources. They have sold all they had in order to save their child’s life, and
now they cannot buy even most necessary medicines for their daughter!
Little Tamara is joyful and very social girl. Once seen, you will never
forget her! She smiles and brings joy and light to all around her.
We are sure with the common efforts we will safe that only eye to the
little girl in order she could see the world and enjoy her life just like she
does right now, that she would be able to embrace her beloved sister, to smile
with her beautiful smile to her mom, dad and the entire world!
We can do that together! We will help that little girl to retain the eye
and will save her life! Children – are the most important we have. They must
Together we have already done many good things and now surely we can
save that girl too!
Chernovetsky Charity Foundation launches the action to raise funds to
help Tamara! You can transfer money to the account of the Foundation: GE15TB7194336080100003 or GE64BG0000000470458000 (purpose: Tamara Nakashidze) or pay directly at the site:
Any even most insignificant contribution for treatment of the little
girl will be priceless. Each amount might be vital for Tamara!
Total expenses:
161 Donors
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