One call saves life!
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Heart is bleeding and soul shrugs when looking at this 6-year old child who understands, not entirely though, something “bad” going on in his life.
Bank of Georgia
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TBC Bank
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Liberty Bank
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Charity Number: One call saves a life!
Phone number:
0901200270It’s a pity that he cannot walk or run as other
children of his age can, he cries because he cannot stretch his leg, climb on a
chair or a sofa… And each time when he cannot succeed doing something his little
heart almost jumps from his chest…
David Vadachkoria was born with certain diseases of
internal parts of the body which caused his current condition. When he was two
months old, doctors urgently operated him in order to prevent horrible outcome,
and excised both kidneys!
So lives this little angel, a special child in the
family who needs special care! But what shall do his poor parents who cannot
afford expensive medicines, hygiene products and nourishing food for their son?
“Sometimes one’s heart keeps on beating even when
it is torn apart. This is right my case. One can say I was killed 6 years
ago… But what’s the use of crying and suffering; I shall struggle for the
life of my son and pray that God would give him healthy and happy life”, –
says the mother of the little Dato.
Vadachkoria family does not lose hope that one day
David will finally get rid of his illness and breathe freely!
He who reads these lines now surely feels the pain of
these people, as well as compassion and a deep willing to help this 6-year old
child and his family in taking care of him.
Dear friends, join our charitable action, open your
hearts and fill the life of this child with kindness and love.
God bless you and your good actions!
If you have a willing to help David, you can transfer
the amount to our Fund account GE15TB7194336080100003 or GE64BG0000000470458000
(purpose: David Vadachkoria). You can as well transfer money through our Fund
You can also donate money through quick payment
terminals NovaTechnology, TBCpay and ExpressPay. Find our Fund in
“Charity” section. (You can learn about the ways of payment by
following the link https://goo. gl/GY2Gus).
Do not waste your time, quick though life may fly,
Make good deeds for people’s happiness.
Total expenses:
60 Donors
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