One call saves life!
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18-year old Mikhail Skhvitaridze weighs only 35 kilograms!
Bank of Georgia
Bank Code:
TBC Bank
Bank Code:
Liberty Bank
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Charity Number: One call saves a life!
Phone number:
090120027018-year old Mikhail Skhvitaridze weighs only 35 kilograms! He can hardly
move; he lives thanks to painkillers; one of his kidneys does not function; it
is hard for him to swallow, and frequent fits of suffocation make his life
Everything started 12 years ago. He seemed to be gay and healthy, but then
they found a tumor on his spinal cord. But the doctors in the Samtredia City
where the boy’s family lived were not alarmed with the situation and advised
his mother to treat the tumor with a special ointment. But the tumor grew and
in some time turned into a hunchback. Mikhail’s father died when he was only
one year old, so only his mother took care of him. She had to sell their house
to bring Mikhail to the hospital in Turkey.
“Doctors in Turkey managed to help my son regain his feet, as by that
time he already could not walk. He was actually dying and i thank God that my
son survived, that he started moving and… smiling. I was crying of happiness as
I got the slightest hope for his recovery…”, – says Tsiuri Skhvitaridze,
Mikhail’s mother.
Over his short life Mikhail has endured 9 serious surgeries! Probably these
operations extended his life, but still his condition is grave and requires
further treatment in Turkey which costs 25 000 $. And a mother without a job is
unable to find such money. The family lives with the boy’s pension and a tiny
social allowance which hardly suffices for painkillers and bread…
Looking at this biy is a heartbreaking experience. He understands his
condition, his helplessness and suffers because of this understanding. Thanks
God there are good people who taught him to draw. Mikhail draws and tries to
bring away his sorrow and to unburden his mind…
“God, please, bless my son, soothe his sufferings, and give him a hope for
recovery… My every morning starts with a pray for my son and his health. I do
not lose hope that they will help my son as he needs everything: food, hygiene
products and most importantly – medicines”, – says Tsiuri Skhvitaridze,
Mikhail’s mother.
Dear friends, Misho is such a kind and responsive boy! (This is how his
mother calls him). He can tell you a story, show you his pictures or just…
smile! Let us save this smile; let us lend him a helping hand and paint his pale
hospital days with bright colors of kindness!
You can transfer money to help Mikhail Skhvitaridze to our Fund
account GE15TB7194336080100003 or GE64BG0000000470458000 (Purpose: Mikhail
Skhvitaridze) or pay directly from our web-site
You can as well transfer money through terminals NovaTechnology, TBCpay and
ExpressPay. Find our Fund in “Charity” section. (You can learn about
the ways of payment by following the link
The Good is merciful to those who show mercy towards the others, and to
those who do good things in His name!
Total expenses:
265 Donors
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