One call saves life!
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To leave her daughter hungry or not to give her a medicine and watch her falling into a fit of convulsions – a horrible choice, isn’t it?!
Bank of Georgia
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TBC Bank
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Liberty Bank
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Charity Number: One call saves a life!
Phone number:
0901200270How can we call a person who knows that his
action or inaction can destroy another person’s life, but anyway does
so? Yes, these are bureaucrats! These are the people who consider all the
rest as mere votes at the next elections; everything human is foreign to their
Could we put it otherwise? When a child has a
congenital disease and when taking medicines is vitally important, what shall
the government do? – Yes, provide them with the necessary pills… And what
happens in our country? A family can be deprived of social allowance because of
some unclear trifles!
And this allowance sufficed only for one
medicine during a month!
So what shall the family do now? Shall it watch
the child suffering of painful epileptic fits? And just try to calm her down?
When Tamila and Avtandil learned that they were
going to have a long-waited baby they were so happy! A girl was born and until
she was one the parents did not expect her to have health problems. But
unfortunately little Anna had a number of diseases. The kid had a serious form
of ICP and epilepsy.
The miserable family has no means for existence
and there is no way to find them! The mother cannot return to work as there is
no possibility to leave the girl even for a while! Recently the father lost his
job and he still cannot find another one!
At the doctors’ opinion, the condition of
little Anna can dramatically improve provided that she receives a
rehabilitation course and due treatment. But now it is out of question as
Tamila cannot afford even vitally important medicine which costs 2.5 lari per
day! She has to choose: to leave her daughter hungry or not to give her a
medicine and watch her falling into a fit of convulsions – a horrible choice,
isn’t it?!
Tamila begs her pardon that she has to address
unknown people for help, but there is no other way she could find support! She
begs not for herself, but for her only daughter!
In order to alleviate her condition, Anna
extremely needs expensive medicines, rehabilitation treatment and special
Our Fund cannot leave this family and the
little sick child one-on-one with their misfortune! Therefore we initiated a
charitable fund raising action to help Anna! Every really kind and sympathetic person
can donate money for them to the Fund account GE15TB7194336080100003 or
GE64BG0000000470458000 (purpose: Anna Khaburdzania) or pay directly from
There is nothing nobler than unselfish help to
a child who would never ask for help by himself and who would never be able to
help you in return!
Total expenses:
109 Donors
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