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64-year-old Izo Jkhoidze lives with his son, who was born with Down syndrome. Now the guy is 22 years old, but not adapted to the conditions of the social
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Charity Number: One call saves a life!
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0901200270No one is safe from adversity, and those of us who have fallen into difficult life situations know how important human help and support are. 64-year-old Izo Tskhoidze lives with her son, who was born with Down syndrome. Now the guy is 22 years old, but he is not adapted at all to the conditions of the social environment, can’t talk, hears poorly, is a disabled person of group I. him and his mother live in Poti in their own home, which was the reason for the refusal of social assistance from the state. This is a very regrettable fact, because this family is in dire need of material support. From Tskhoidze confined to a wheelchair, her left leg is amputated after a stroke suffered several years ago. A woman suffers from cancer, high blood sugar, high blood pressure. Being in such a state, she alone takes care of her son, since her husband had died long ago and all the worries layed on her shoulders. “Often I think about what will happen to my son if I die? From this thought, I come to despair. My state of health is getting worse and worse, and we have no money for treatment. We live on a insuffisient pension, which is only enough for basic food. Winter is coming, but will we get through? Lord, helps us to survive, eases our pain, ”says Izo Tskhoidze. first of all, Mother and son need medicines, hygiene supplies, as well as food. They hope for help from good people who will not leave them in trouble. Friends, Let’s work together to help this family, tear them out of poverty, feed them, ease the pain and give hope for the future! If you have the desire and financial opportunity, you can transfer funds to assist the Tskhoidze family to the account of the Chernovetsky Foundation GE15TB7194336080100003 or GE64BG0000000470458000 (appointment: Tshoidze family) or pay from our site
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48 Donors
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