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Birthday is a sad day

calendar October 22, 2020

7-Year-old little Nini doesn’t think so. Because she will have a real birthday cake! Made of bread and jam!

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7-Year-old little Nini doesn’t think so. Because she will have a real birthday cake! Made of bread and jam! 

“What cake did you have? – the girl asks looking into my eyes inquiringly. – Will you greet me ma’am? Please come, I will wait for you!”

My confused silence was interrupted by her mother Nino (30-year-old): “I saved the jar of jam that was given to me so that the children would have sweets for the holiday. Nini has no idea that one should get gifts, balloons and a cake with candles,” – the unfortunate woman whispers and makes me a sign to keep silence.

What celebration can we talk about when seven people are living in a tiny house, sleep on the floor and have no idea what a cake tastes like.There is no room for a celebration in this house, where 7 people live in two tiny rooms! The mother – Nino Basishvili (30-year-old), her four wonderful children – Barbare (3-year-old), Mariam (5-year-old), Nini (7-year-old), Giorgi (10-year-old), her mother Maia (49-year-old) and sister Natia (15-year-old). The miserable mother dreams that each of her little beauties would someday have at least one doll … And a real birthday cake…

“God is merciful! There is kindness in the world. My children will have a feast-day too…” – says Nino furtively wiping away her tears. She addressed out Fund with this hope. She addressed us for help, friends!

“I will have a birthday cake made of bread and jam! And buckwheat and pasta too! They gave my mommy a jar of apple jam, and she has saved it for my birthday!” – says 7-year-old Nini. Her birthday is coming soon. She does not know that people usually get gifts and have big happy celebrations on this day, but she heard that there should be some yummies… So, a cake made of bread and apple jam will be just right!

– When is your birthday, honey?

“I don’t know, but soon. I’ll fall asleep, wake up, then fall asleep and wake up again seven more times, and it will come… There will be a cake, but there will be no toys! ” – Nini says. 

Mom Nino and her four angels – three-year-old Barbara, five-year-old Mariam, seven-year-old Nini and the only man in the family – ten-year-old Georgy – live in a small house with two tiny rooms.

‘My grandmother Maia and aunt Natia live with us too. Well, what an aunt!… She still goes to school, – baby Nini giggles. – We also have this bald baby doll named Taso and Jeka-dog with holes, a cat named Cat and one plastic scooter for the four of us.” 

There are two tiny rooms in this small house, which doesn’t belong to them. Nothing in this house belongs to them except for the pain seasoned with permanent anxiety for the lives of the dear children and a daily lack of basic necessities. 

– Nino, how did it happen that you found yourself in a rented house alone, without a husband, with little kids?

Nino: It happened so that both our families, my husband’s and mine, were left homeless. Ours was sold for debts after the death of my grandmother, father and brother. They left one after another. The house of my husband was taken by his step-mother. For thirteen years we have been moving from one place to another. My husband was ill, he had thrombosis. When it became a matter of life and death, he decided to have surgery. After the surgery he went abroad hoping to earn some money there and make our life easier. But his disease emerged again there. Now he cannot come and cannot help us in any way. We miss him very much. 

– How do you manage to cope with the children?

Nino: My mother and my sister help me. But we all get a social allowance, as we are in need, as we are many. Kids often get ill.

– What’s wrong with the children?

Nino: The eldest Giorgi, he is 10 years old now, thank God, is healthy, he was born on time, as expected, but the three youngest girls – Nini, Mariam and Barbara – were born prematurely, weighing up to 1.5 kilograms. Mariam has heart problems, in no case can she get nervous or tired, otherwise spasms and coughs begin, the child sometimes starts to suffocate until she loses consciousness. Nini was born 6-month prematurely, with serious lung problems. The lungs often closed spontaneously. The lifeless child was taken to hospital three times and was revived just by miracle. Apparently, big dozes of medications impacted her development. Although Nini goes to a regular school, she still can’t read, she has weak health and poor memory. But we took Nini to Mtskheta, to the Samtavro monastery, to the grave of Saint Gabriel, and after that she stopped getting sick. The God helps us this way!

– Nini told us that her birthday is coming soon, and she will have a cake made of bread … 

Nino: Yes, it’s true… I cannot feed my children normally. Our diet consists of pasta and buckwheat. When I’ve oil, I make fried potatoes, it’s a real fest for kids!

Giorgi (10-year-old): The most delicious smell is the smell of fried potatoes! I love it!

– And what about meat and fruit? Dairy products?

Nino: Probably you are joking? I buy meat once in two years. We take food at the social canteen, and only on Fridays they sometimes give us some boiled chicken, but most often there are sausages, in which there is no meat at all! So, I’ve saved this jam jar for the birthday, to have something sweet.

– What do you live on?

Nino: A 670-GEL-allowance for seven people. It’s enough only to buy food, not the quality one.

– Kids of their age need not only food. What about clothing? And footwear? School supplies?

Nino: Kind people help us with clothing. Girls’ clothes go from one to another! Only Giorgi can’t use it – he is the only man in our house. He does not have even shoes. That’s it! We have nothing.

– What are the children dreaming about?

Nino: About their own home. They all think that we have our home somewhere, and I just don’t take them there. They keep asking me to take them home, they even describe the house, as if it was real. Why are they so sure?

– The God will make their dream come true! What do your children need most right now?

Nino: No need to think, they need toys. They haven’t got anything, you see. Each of the three girls has only one old doll, they ask me to buy one. How can I buy it? Therefore, they often get sad, especially when they see other children with many toys.

– Let me talk to the children now. Giorgi, what are you interested in, what do you do in your leisure time?

Giorgi: I used to go to the Georgian dance school, I dreamed of becoming a dance teacher, and now I dream of becoming the world champion in freestyle wrestling, like Geno Petriashvili! I have been in wrestling for several years, and my coach says that he is raising a world champion. When I turn 14, he promises to give me a salary! So, I will help mommy!

– And before you turn 14 and become a champion, what would you like to get right now, today?

Giorgi: A bicycle! I have an old one, but it needs to be fixed.

– You do sports. Probably, you are the strongest boy in your class?

Giorgi: I don’t know, maybe. But actually, I don’t like to fight, only as a last resort.

Mariam (5-year-old): I am the most beautiful! My mommy and granny always say so!

Nini (7-year-old): A boy from the fourth grade says that I am beautiful! 

Mariam: Lile also tells me that I am beautiful. She is my best friend. She is not greedy, she gives me toys, and we often play with her.

Nino: My friend’s name is Barbare. I help her with the homework, but we often quarrel. Then we make up. She is very kind and never lies. We always forgive each other.

Mariam: Oh, you want me to tell you something? Today I dreamed that we had a dog! I want a dog so much! I dream about it! About a real one! I want a dog!

Nino: Are you crazy? What for do we need a dog? To put on our heads? There’s no room even for me. I sleep on the floor, like a dog …

– Oh, Nini, how strict you are! What do you want to be when you grow up? Any plans? Mariam, what do you think?

Mariam: I will be a police officer. I love cleanliness and order. Then there will be order in the streets!

Barbare: I will work at the kindergarten and will play with toys there. And I will have dresses! Girls in dresses look like snowflakes. And princesses! Mommy says we are princesses!

– Barbare, who do you love more, mommy or daddy?

Barbare: Daddy! – shouts Barbare without hesitation, and on second thoughts she looks guiltily at her mother.

“No, just listen to her! – laughs Nino. – She loves her dad more, – and adds: – She was very small when Vakhtang left, it was a year and three months ago. She misses her father more than the other children do.”

– Natia, let’s talk a little bit with you. I know that you don’t study now. Why?

Natia (15-year-old): Now they teach children through the Internet, but we have no computer. So how can I learn? But to be honest, I like going to dances more. I have been dancing for four years, and I have achieved some success. My dance teacher says that in two years, when I am 17 years old, he will definitely send me to one of the best dance groups in Tbilisi. I can’t wait to get there! I dream of seeing once the “Sukhishvili” ballet.

– So, you want to dedicate your life to dances?

Natia: No, actually my dream is to go to a law school and become a judge. I have to study general subjects at school for this.

– A judge? Why judge?

Natia: I see a lot of injustice around. And if I become a judge, I will try to make the world a better place.

– Thank you for your answer, dear. Tell me, Natia, do you have a boyfriend?

Natia: Not yet.

Do you dream about love?

Natia: Yes, – Natia answers calmly and quietly. – About a real one.

– What is the real love, how do you see it?

Natia: It is pure. I can say nothing beforehand, but I know for sure there should never be a question of money in my relationship!

– And what your loved one should be?

Natia: I should love him. He must be a decent person. I would also like him to be a professional in his field and hardworking, so that I could be proud of him. It is very important for me!

– You are growing up a good person, Natia! This is so important for our country! How many children would you like to have? 

Natia: Two – a boy and a girl.

Mariam: I want to have three!

Nini: I want to have one son.

Barbare: Three.

– Giorgi, why do you keep silent? How many children are you planning to have?

Giorgi (10-year-old): I don’t plan anything, – Giorgi mutters, and his mother answers instead of him: “Ten children!!! He says he will have ten children – and all boys. He’s so tired of girls! “

– Let’s hope, God, let it be! The children growing up in your family are wonderful – they are the hope and the future of our Motherland!


Dear friends, we have introduced you another story about a wonderful family. You have not heard about them and could not help them. But now you know! You also learned that little Nini’s birthday is on October 20th and that she will not have any cake or toys. Or maybe she will? Who knows? It depends on us!

The address of this family is: Tbilisi Gabriel Salosi Ave. 94 It is not difficult either to find, or to call them. Phone: 555 40 68 14.

If you won’t be able to visit them, you can congratulate by phone. 

The family has five wonderful children from 3 to 15 years old. Children need computer, home appliances, toys and even food. But the main problem is that, they have been moving from one place to another for many years! And these children, who we are proud of, are our future! The children who since their childhood dream of helping not only their families, but also being useful to their Motherland! We should not remain indifferent to the troubles of this family, we will show our mercy and care, we will help them together, with whatever we can!

Please, make the repost, so that as many people as possible learn about the troubles of the Basishvili family!

Friends, there is one more request – if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:

 Our Fund’s accounts are 




(purpose: Nino Basishvili). 

You can also transfer money from our website.

It is also possible to transfer money from ОРРА, TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. (You can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link ).

One call saves life – 0901 200 270.

Now I know what a real birthday is!

– baby Nini, who recently turned 8 years old, says right at the doorway. “Do you know how many things they brought us? So many sweets and gifts!” – she opens her arm wide to show us and shines with happiness.

“And I am a real princess now! I have a lot of new dresses!” – her younger sister Mariam (5 years old) happily joins our conversation.

This is true, friends! These wonderful babies had no idea what a holiday was and forgot the taste of sweets long ago! We told you the sad story of the Basishvili family in our post “Birthday is a sad day”

And of course, it found response in your kind hearts!

“My Nini couldn’t even dream of such birthday! You have turned our life into a holiday! – mother, Nino tirelessly keeps thanking us. “Sometimes it seems to be a wonderful dream!”

– Nino, what wonderful children you have! How did your life change after our publication?

Nino: It will not be an exaggeration to say that the life of our family was divided in two – before and after the publication of our story. Literally from the very first minutes, they started calling me, to support me and asking what we need. I didn’t believe it, it seemed to be a dream! You know, we had to endure a lot, and, unfortunately, I often saw indifference even from my relatives. And now the complete strangers came to visit us bringing us food, toys for children, household chemicals, clothes… Look at this plasma TV! The colors are so bright! I could not even dream of it! Now my children watch cartoons and when they go to bed, I switch it to the news. And the washing machine that the Fund brought me – it’s my best helper, moms will understand me! In just a few days, our refrigerator was filled with food, the taste of which the children had already forgotten – meat, yogurts… I have no words to express my gratitude to everyone, who helped and supported me and my children!

– Nino, what you remembered the most? Maybe you remember the names of those who helped you?

Nino: Probably the most emotional for me were the visits of those parents who brought us Christmas gifts, which they bought for their children. Just imagine, they deprived themselves and their families to make someone else’s family happy! And do you know what one woman, who came to visit us with her 8-month-old son, barely carrying a bag full of foodstuffs, answered me? “There are no someone else’s children!” I also remember a little girl Kira, who came to visit us together with her mother. Kira is a peer of my 5-year-old Mariam. This baby gave us her toys, the ones my children dreamed of! Kira is a real friend of my girls – they couldn’t get enough of playing together. And a young girl Ruso – she bought food, clothes, household chemicals for us and she still calls us to ask if we need anything. We also had a very memorable evening the day before Nini’s birthday: teenage girls with their savings bought a cake for my daughter, a lot of sweets and toys, can you imagine that? Nini could not even dream of such delicious food for her birthday! How can I single anyone out? I remember all the calls and visits, everyone who helped us and made us happier. Thank you very much! God bless you!

– Nino, did the local authorities somehow react to our post? Did you contact them again?

Nino: I keep writing letters and applications month after month asking them to provide us with housing, but I only get refusals so far. They say that I have to wait. I wait for six years now, but I do not lose hope.

– Nino, let’s not talk about sad things. Could you please tell me about your emotions and reactions to the gifts the Fund brought? Did you expect such a response and support?

Nino: I could only dream of such attitude from strangers to me! At first, there was a shock, my children and I were waiting for the guests with bated breath. Probably any housewife dreams of a washing machine and a TV, especially when there are four children in the family – so now my everyday routine became much easy and more fun for me! And the children were so happy with delicious food and toys! But what can one say about emotions – their happy and contented faces say more than words! They would have been happy even to get just one tangerine, but they got so many gifts!

– Nino, you are so emotional and joyful telling me about the Fund’s help! What does it mean to you?

Nino: You know, it’s not only about the material value, although we are in dire need trying to survive in unbearable conditions. The most valuable thing is that I have found new friends! I felt love and care, I have hope again. I have not been so relaxed for long! We feel that we are not alone, kind and caring people are next to us, and they will not let my children starve to death” – sobs Nino. Giorgi – the eldest son – comes up to her and timidly calms her down.

Giorgi: Mom, please stop crying…

– Giorgi, what presents did you get?

Giorgi: My biggest dream came true! I got a bicycle! Look how cool it is, it’s so fast, I love it so much! Now I can race with my friends in the street! Thank you very much!

– Gio, I am so happy that you liked it! Nini, sweetheart, what gifts did you like the most?

Nini: Yummies are the best! I love sweets so much! I know I should not eat a lot of them so that my sisters and brother will get them too. Do you want me to tell you a secret? I hid the chocolates and when my mother tells us that they are over, I will surprise her, and we will have enough sweets for a few more days! And now I have the most beautiful doll in the world, I love it very much!

– Oh, Nini, what a beautiful toy you have! Mariam, what about the present that you got?

Mariam: Do you know that I love to paint my nails and dress like a real princess? They brought me very beautiful dresses, I will put them on when I go to school in September, and I will be the most fashionable girl in the class! 

– Mariam, you are so smart! I am sure you will be an excellent student! Nino, let us continue our conversation. Maybe you have some more problems that our readers can help you to solve?

Nino: I am embarrassed to ask for anything else, especially taking into the account the crisis our country experiences now. It’s not only me who needs support. I want to thank everyone who managed to help us. Unfortunately, neither I nor my husband, who with God’s help returned to us and is seriously ill, have opportunity to cover the necessary expenses on our own. I’d like to share my joy with you! I am pregnant with my fifth child. When I heard his heartbeat, I did not hesitate in my decision to give birth to him! I thank God for another miracle in my life! Pregnancy monitoring is mandatory for me due to anemia and other diseases I have, but unfortunately, we do not have the money to visit doctors. They prescribed me injections and vitamins, but I can’t purchase them. If the friends of the Fund will wish to help me, I will be very grateful for your support, help, attention, because you showed me that my children and I are not alone in this world. You are our guardian angels! God bless you!


Dear friends, the family expresses its deep gratitude to everyone who did not remain indifferent to their problems and helped them! We can unite this time too, to support a pregnant woman who needs treatment and medications. The Basishvili family will be grateful for any help – food, clothes… The lives of these children are in our hands!

If you have a heavy heart because of everyday problems or unresolved issues, as a distraction just see our posts on Facebook, or better dial the number of any of our beneficiaries. Call them and you will forget about your problems. Because they are nothing in comparison with the problems of those to whom you opened your good heart and came to help in the most difficult moment of their life.

Our problems are noting if compared… Here are true misfortunes, in front of your eyes! Just thank the Lord for what you have. You are the happiest person in the world! Remember this and help those in need.

Unfortunately, problems of this and other families do not end here and now… Therefore, from time to time, look through the stories of unhappy people on our website, talk to them. Every time you dial the Phone of an unhappy person, God is blessing you! For sure! Go on helping these families! This is the best service to the Lord!

Your kindness is a chance for yourself to be happy in everything!

Friends, thanks again to all!

Our Fund’s accounts are:




(purpose: The Basishvili family).

You can also transfer money from our website.

It is also possible to transfer money from ОРРА, TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (You can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link

One call saves life – 0901 200 270.

Let’s believe that helping others, we take care of our own souls and draw closer to Lord through the suffering that we share with others!

Nov 17, 2020
Dec 01, 2020
washing machine
Dec 25, 2020
Jan 04, 2021
fund overhead
Jan 11, 2021
Apr 28, 2021
May 05, 2021

Total expenses:



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They need your help urgently