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They have yummies in their dreams, but in reality there is only rice porridge

calendar March 22, 2022

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There are five hungry children and sick retired parents. Lali will go crazy soon! It is only her task to think for seven people. What to think about first? Her mom needs a sixth surgery on her hernia repair, and she has no idea where to get the money for that. She needs to give back the 200 GEL that she owed at the store – otherwise, they will not give her food anymore. Twins Nino and Tsiako (5 years old) cry and ask to take them to the kindergarten. But they have no clothes and shoes, so they have to stay at home.

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Charity Number: One call saves a life!

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They have yummies in their dreams, but in reality there is only rice porridge 


These kids know about a good childhood only by hearsay from others.

There are five hungry children and sick retired parents. Lali will go crazy soon! It is only her task to think for seven people. What to think about first? Her mom needs a sixth surgery on her hernia repair, and she has no idea where to get the money for that. She needs to give back the 200 GEL that she owed at the store – otherwise, they will not give her food anymore. Twins Nino and Tsiako (5 years old) cry and ask to take them to the kindergarten. But they have no clothes and shoes, so they have to stay at home.

“Why does everyone go to kindergarten, but we don’t? – Nino asks. “They play and rejoice there, but we don’t.” In tears, Nino suggests totake her grandmother’s pension and buy beautiful clothes. But grandparents’ pensions are spent on medications.

“Why have I lived to this day when I see this nightmare – my grandchildren living in poverty? – grandma Nana asks. – When I see what they eat, what they put on, I want to die, I swear… We wouldn’t disturb you, but our situation is extremely hard. I’m good for nothing after being operated on five times, my husband is a sick man too. Please, help my Lali. Five children are deprived of everything, they live a bitter life.”

“My children are deprived of many things. It is the worst thing to me”

– Lali, how do you reassure your children?  It is almost impossible to explain to the younger ones that the pension is so meager that you can do nothing with this money.

Lali: Oh, my heart burns when they cry. I blame myself for not being able to do anything. I tell them that everything will be fine with us too. But what will calm me down? Our biggest problem right now is that the kids don’t have clothes and shoes. The twins, Nini and Tsira, don’t have a change of clothes. They don’t have a change of underwear, an extra sweater, or trousers – they don’t have anything. How can I take them to the kindergarten? When the girls go out for a walk and see other children, they get angry at me: “Why don’t you buy? Buy it! We also want to be beautiful”. 

Once I was in such despair, I wrote notices that I needed help with children’s clothes and food. I went to Isani and put them up on poles. You know, they responded! One nice girl called me and met me to hand over the clothes. Strangers helped us several times. God bless them! You did not refuse me either, I will never forget your kindness – you helped us with food and clothes.

My dear ones, I want to ask you again. What should I do? The situation is hard. Now there is no time for embarrassment, although I am embarrassed. My mother needs to be operated on, my children need food. Please help me to take my children to the kindergarten. They see nothing but this old house and problems. In the kindergarten, they would at least have fun with new toys, eat normally, and communicate with the children. They feel embarrassed because of their bad clothes. Food and clothing are what we need the most right now. And could you also help us with fixing a washing machine?

Lali: “The Lord is with us! Every time we despaired and were confused, help suddenly came from the outside.

– Why are you dealing with those difficulties alone? Does no one at all help you?

Lali: Now such a time has come that relatives are afraid to ask each other how things are going, so as not to hear in response that help is needed. Since they don’t call, they don’t ask how we are, it means that they themselves have a hard time. My ex-husband calls once per month to talk to children. He does not help us financially. If he had been a support for us, we would not have divorced.

– That’s why you divorced?

Lali: Exactly. You know, when I was young, I dreamed that when I become a mother, my children will have everything. That my husband and I will do everything for this. At first everything went really well. Both of us wanted to have children. But I didn’t understand one thing… If you want to have children, you need to do your best, to work hard. As soon as I started talking about the needs of the children, we had quarrels. “Get money yourself! Feed them whatever you want.” He didn’t even look for a job. And you couldn’t ask him about it.

I don’t ask for anything anymore, and there are no quarrels. At least now I know that there will be no help. Maybe at least he will give the children his flat. (Pauses sadly.)

– Is this your parental house, Lali?

Lali: Yes, it has not been renovated for many years. We use only two rooms on the first floor, the other two upstairs are not suitable for living. When we have lunch in the kitchen, plaster falls from the ceiling. Today or tomorrow, the ceiling will collapse on our heads. It is impossible to close the windows, the house is very cold.

We live in the cramped quarters, but it didn’t work out any other way. We first rented a room in the village of Arkhiloskalo, in Kakheti. But we could not heat it and moved to my parents’ place. Oh, my mom and dad are sick, and I brought them even more problems.

This house was built by Lali’s parents in another life. It is old, it got dilapidated without renovation and no longer protects them from the cold.

Lali is doing laundry, bent over, standing on the wet floor

Mari: “When the wind blows, this plastic bag sings”

“You fix one thing, another breaks. Everything went out of order, everything needs to be repaired.”

– You said your mom needs to be operated on again.

Lali: My poor mom is all slashed. She had breast surgery, thyroid gland surgery, abdominal surgery, echinococcus cyst removal. Now she needs her hernia repair.

Nana, Lali’s mother: I used to work my entire life. My husband and I lived well, we built this house. Lali had a good childhood. And now my grandchildren look like beggars. Seeing that drives me insane. I no longer can help them.  I never spared myself, I took any job. When they called me to milk the cows, I always went. No matter what weather it was – in a snowstorm, in the rain, at four o’clock in the morning.

Children need a lot of things. Notebooks, schoolbags, chocolate, clothes. And you can’t give them that and you go mad. A half of my husband’s and my pension is spent on medications Ushangi quickly gets tired of walking, his back is sore, he was operated on prostate, sorry for the detail.

Mom and dad are getting old, both of them need medications. They need Lali’s guardianship and care

– Is there enough money for food?

Lali: Today I made a rice porridge and children have bread. We have been on such diet for a long time: potato soups, noodles with the water, porridges without butter, tea. Previously, bread was much cheaper – the children ate their fill of bread. A bread maker would help us a lot. I would bake bread at home – it would be cheaper. 

There is a rice porridge for lunch today. Without milk and butter, of course. In bad weather, the lunch is often “seasoned” with plaster from the ceiling.

– Do you, as a large family, get help from the state?

Lali: As a socially disadvantaged family we get 880 GEL. Whatever happens, we should not overstep this limit. I wrote a statement to the administration of Isani-Samgori district, where we now belong geographically (village of Didi Lilo). They put us in a waiting list for help. We’ve been waiting since last summer. Eh, the state is only looking for a reason not to provide you with aid. We are registered in Kakheti, they say that this is the problem. (Sighs, gets sad.) Why is everything so complicated? They must somehow help large families, they must give them hope. I can’t make my kids happy.

“And there is nothing to store in the refrigerator, we buy only cereals and vegetables”

Mariam (11-year-old): You had a good childhood, mommy?

Lali: Yes, dear. Come here sweetheart. (Hugs her daughter.)

Mariam: And what did you do, how did you have fun?

Lali: We went to birthday parties, had countryside picnics, traveled.

Mariam: Did you eat yummies?

Lali: I prefer not to talk about that.

Mariam: Please! I want to know what childhood can be like.

Lali: No need to talk about that. (She gets upset and cries.)

Mariam: I didn’t want mom to get upset.

– Let’s talk to you meanwhile. Which one of you is the most obedient child? 

Mariam: No one! (Says happily.) And Omariko is the most spoiled one. He makes his grandparents angry, and when they call him, he does not come – he runs away. But if I say: “Let’s play football”, then he will come.

Mari: “Let’s play a little bit, and then I’ll do my homework in Georgian”

– Can you play football?

Mariam: I’m replacing Gio, my brother. He played in the street, fell, and got his face smashed up. I play instead of him. And I also take care of Gio, do you know that? I apply ointment to his face. I’m going to become a doctor. I don’t want anyone to feel bad. I cured Gio, I also cured my sister. But my grandparents’ illnesses are hard to cure. First they say: “Well done, thank you, the pills helped.” And then they feel bad again. (She’s puzzled.)

Marikuna often misses lessons because the lessons are online.

– Where would you really want to go?

Mariam: You can take me to the study group, right? Then take me to the English study group. I don’t understand and I’m upset. There’s a lot of things I don’t understand. When classes were online, I missed them.

Lali: All three of them missed lessons – Mari, Gio, and Omari. We had no access to Internet.

Mariam: I also dream of doing gymnastics. But I don’t go anywhere. We only play with Nata, my girl-friend, in our yard. We imagine that we are performing at the “Nichieri” (“Got Talent”) competition, dancing or singing.

Marie’s picture

– Twins, where do you like to go?

Nino: Just to the yard. I don’t have shoes for kindergarten, and she doesn’t have either. (Points to her sister.) I have no dolls, no blocks, no kitchenware. Can you bring me that? And a dress. I can go to kindergarten then. And I can go to the elephant.

– What elephant?

Nino: To a real one! I have never seen it. But I saw it in my dream. I also see delicious food in my dreams.

– Do you want to visit Zoo?

Nino: Yes, yes!!!

Nino: “This is how children play in the kindergarten. Without us…”

Tsiako: I’m a good girl too. I even look like Princess Elsa. I need new clothes. And I miss toys. (Puts her hands to heart.)

Lali: My kids miss everything. It is the worst thing to me.

– What would make you happy, Lali?

Lali: Do you want to know? I want to break out of poverty. I want my children to see a normal life. My biggest fear is that they will become homeless.

“Our Tsiako is better and sweeter than princess Elsa! But her life is not perfect at all.”

Tsiako addresses her brother: Come here, Omariko. Here he is, ask him before he runs away. (Tells me.)

– Omariko, if you were big, how would you help people?

Omari: I would explain Math to everyone who cannot get it. I understand it well. I’m already in first grade. Is that help as well?

– Sure! What would make you most happy?

Omari: Fairy tale books, a car with a remote control and a backpack. And also give us delicious food. I’ve been dreaming of something delicious for a very long time.


It is very sad when a child can eat delicious food only in his imagination and see an elephant in a zoo only in a dream. Mari, Giorgi, Omari, Nino and Tsiako can see only in their dreams all the most ordinary things that any child should have: food, clothes, the opportunity to learn and have fun. This family is in dire need of help with food, children’s clothes, home appliances (washing machine, TV, bread maker). These children know only by hearsay that childhood can be happy. We just can’t leave things as they are. Let’s fix this terrible injustice!

You can visit the Aptsiauri family in person at: Tbilisi, Didi Lilo.

Every time you can help someone, just do it and rejoice that God answers someone’s prayers through you!

Let’s show our mercy and make them believe that miracles happen, that they can live in a warm and cozy home and have a lot of food! They believe in us. Don’t let them down. Show them what generous people live in Georgia

We are sure that all together we will manage to give them unforgettable moments.

Please don’t forget to repost our story. Let your friends know about the grief of this family! It’s extremely important!

Friends, there is one more request: if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:

Our Fund’s accounts are:




(purpose: The Aptsiauri family).

You can also transfer money from our website.

It is also possible to transfer money from TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (You can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link

We have already helped thousands of disadvantaged people! Let’s support this family too! And who knows, maybe someday we ourselves will need help of strangers! Life is always unpredictable!

We have good news for you – now you can read the stories of our beneficiaries on Instagram: and Telegram:

Even if you dial once this special number, it might save someone’s life: 0901 200 270! God bless you!

May 05, 2022
household appliances
May 05, 2022
May 31, 2022
fund overhead

Total expenses:



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116 Donors

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116 Donors


They need your help urgently