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My “daughter” Anna had her stomach sewn up two hundred times! I was a doctor myself! But something still falls out of her!

calendar July 25, 2022

One call saves life!

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Anna was sewn up several times. They patched up both her stomach and armpit, but she still fell apart, all the insides fell out of her. “It can no longer be sewn, otherwise it will tear completely, the last cotton wool will fall out of it,” – 6-year-old Milena gently hugs her only doll. Not only the doll, but everything in the house is old, patched, repaired. Besides Milena and her doll Anna, seven-year-old Nita, eight-year-old Max and their mother Marika live in this house.

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Bank of Georgia

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GE64BG0000000470458000 GE64BG0000000470458000


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Charity Number: One call saves a life!

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My “daughter” Anna had her stomach sewn up two hundred times! I was a doctor myself! But something still falls out of her!

“It’s good that someone threw you away! What would I do without you?”

Anna was sewn up several times. They patched up both her stomach and armpit, but she still fell apart, all the insides fell out of her. “It can no longer be sewn, otherwise it will tear completely, the last cotton wool will fall out of it,” – 6-year-old Milena gently hugs her only doll. Not only the doll, but everything in the house is old, patched, repaired. Besides Milena and her doll Anna, seven-year-old Nita, eight-year-old Max and their mother Marika live in this house.
Milena (6-year-old): Do you want me to let you play with Anna? But be careful! Don’t hug her. I have no problems, I’m a good girl, although my neighbor Luka calls me a fool!
– Maybe he likes you? Boys often do this.
Milena: Really? No, he’s an idiot! When I grow up, I will become a “policeman” and put him in jail! It’s a place for people like him.
– Maybe he’ll become better by then?
Milena: I’ll put him in jail anyway! And you too, Max, if you continue to offend me!
– It means that everyone offends you?
Milena:  Yes! Everyone except my Anna!

“Anna is my best friend, she never offends me”

Nita (7-year-old):  Well, of course, you won’t complain about the doll to mommy, you won’t tell on her!
Milena:  That’s how it always happens! We play, then they offend me, then I tell my mother, then my mother scolds them, and then they offend me again!

He is the strongest and most handsome guy at school!

– Okay. What else do you do besides offending each other?
Max (8-year-old):  I have been going to taekwondo for 4 years now. I have a diploma and one medal! I took first place!
– Wow! And how many guys do you need to beat to win first place? 
Max: Two! I beat one, and the second did not come. So, I became a winner.

“Look what I can do! You try too”

– Perhaps, he got scared? He saw how strong you were!
Max: Maybe! I am the strongest in my class. I can stand up for all the girls.
– Maybe for one of them in particular?
Max: What do you mean? Yes, there is one. We will go to play, and you can chat with my mom.

The children are beautiful. But where do they live? How do they live without childhood?

– Marika, tell us about your problems. How do you cope with them alone?
Marika: I am a single mother. I have been divorced from my husband for four years. He is a good man, but we could not continue to live together. He went to a monastery. He had problems that he could not cope with. There he found peace of mind. He meets his children, but he cannot help them financially. 
– What is your income?
Marika: I get an allowance – 540 GEL. Sometimes I work part-time sometimes in the field, sometimes at the harvest seasonally. After graduation from school, I worked all the time. I am not embarrassed of any work. It’s just not always possible to find it. It’s embarrassing to ask for help when your children are hungry, but I can’t handle it alone. They are already big – they need lots of things besides food. We used to use the social canteen, but then they excluded us from the list because we could not take lunch. I was sick and could not leave my home, and they just deleted us from the list.

“If only a cake was cooked in this pan”

– What do your children usually eat?
Marika: I try to invent some dishes. Today I cooked pasta, mixed it with matsoni, and got some kind of soup.
Max:  Do you know what is the most delicious dish that mom makes? Fried potatoes! I love them!
  – What other yummies does your mom cook?
Max:  She cooks pasta. And I don’t really like such food, I would eat sweets every day!
Nita:  But we need to eat well. I also go to sports, like my brother. But I haven’t received a medal yet. They say I’m too young to compete! 
Milena:  I had a birthday on May 18, and my mother brought me a cake! It was so yummy! I treated everyone! And I ate a cake once! You know how delicious it was! It “smiled” – the cake was “with a smile”! 

“I’m beautiful, better bring a dress for my doll”

– Were there candles on the cake?
Milena: Yes! And I even made a wish! I want a dress for Anna to cover her insides.
– Have you thought of new toys?
Milena:  No, I love Anna! And she also made a wish that I had a school bag with Elsa. Do you know this princess? 

“I can not only do somersaults and hit, I help my mother too”

– And about you, Nita, what do you want?
Nita: Will you not laugh? I want to be an athlete too! I want a nice uniform!
– Who do you want to become?
Nita: “Taekwondo master?” Or what is the correct name? Write that I want to become a “gymnast”! Or is that also wrong? (Giggles)
– Oh, what great plans! Well done!
Nita:  Well, my birthday is coming soon, and I will wish for a phone and a beautiful uniform! It will be great if I have a cake and candles.
– What are you dreaming about?
Nita: I dream very, very much only about the phone!
– Marika, you have wonderful children. They are a real treasure! Now I understand how you manage not to lose heart!
Marika: They are my treasure, indeed! It’s true, that I’m almost starving and my children are deprived of childhood joys. They are always sad when they don’t even have a thousandth of what others have. But they don’t show it to me. Although mother’s heart understands everything and sheds tears of blood. But we are together, and we have each other. God will give us the rest!

Mom can only dream of one thing, so that her children have food!

– Marika, what are you dreaming about?
Marika: I dream that someday my children will have their own home, at least a small one, warm and cozy. That they would have new clothes and will not wear the hand-me-downs of the older ones. I dream that one day we will be able to buy toys without worrying that there will be nothing to eat tomorrow. I dream that they forget about hunger.
– What do you need the most in your home?
Marika: Groceries, groceries, and groceries again. My children are constantly malnourished. I dream of a refrigerator and a washing machine. Children dream of toys and television.  Parents of my kids’ classmates, our neighbors and just kind people give us clothes.
Max:  I really dream about the phone! I want a phone so badly.
Nita:  And I want a TV and a phone too.
Milena:  You already know my “wish list”!
These wonderful people are in distress, they really need our support.
 Marika brings up three angels completely alone, with no support, with no help. Children are deprived of absolutely everything. They have no childhood and no opportunity to develop. But they have love for each other, kind hearts and eyes full of hope!
The family is in dire need of any help: food, a refrigerator, a washing machine, and a TV. A tablet or phone will make children extremely happy. Children dream of a cake too. No matter that birthday is only once a year! We can just make them happy with no reason!
If anyone is willing to get to know these wonderful kids and help them in person, here is their address: Chkhorotsku, Chavchavadze street, First building, apt. one.
Every time you can help someone, just do it, and rejoice that God answers someone’s prayers through you! 
We are sure that all together we will manage to save them from imminent death. 
Please don’t forget to repost our story. Let your friends know about the grief of this family! It’s extremely important!
Friends, there is one more request: if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:
Our Fund’s accounts are:
(purpose: Marika Dzeria)
You can also transfer money from our website.
It is also possible to transfer money from TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (You can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link
We have already helped thousands of disadvantaged people! Let’s support this family too! And who knows, maybe someday we ourselves will need help of strangers! Life is always unpredictable!
We have good news for you – now you can read the stories of our beneficiaries on Instagram: and Telegram:
Even if you dial once this special number, it might save someone’s life: 0901200270! God bless you!

Thank you!You gave me unforgettable holidays in Kobuleti, many gifts for the New Year, and a candy rain.


Milena had nothing, nothing at all… No toys, no sweets. Sometimes, there was not even food, and she went to bed hungry. Oh, she cried so many times … And then, like in a fairy tale, she found herself in a magical world, where they gave her a lot of gifts. There was the sea, and many beautiful shells on the coast.

 You saved three hungry children from the Dzeria family! It hurts so much that in such a small, beautiful country like Georgia, so many children live in hunger and cold. This story had a huge response. 


Faithful friends of our Fund managed to work a miracle and completely change their lives!

Now our life will become just as shiny

“Look, it reminds me a song! Candies are falling from the sky instead of snow!”

 – Marika, as I see, the children are very happy with the gifts.

 Marika (30-year-old): I don’t know how to thank you – the last few months have been really full of surprises for us. I did not expect that so many kind people live in our small country. We received such precious gifts for the New Year… The refrigerator made us very happy, the washing machine was something I could not even dream of. My income is 690 lari. I am raising children alone. They need many things. This amount is not enough for us even for food, what kind of household appliances and luxury items are we talking about? Yes, this is a luxury for us …

“Until now we had nothing, now we have a refrigerator and a washing machine!”

“She’s such a good “girl” – she does as much laundry in an hour as I can do in a whole day.”

Thank you that this time we were not sad in the New Year Eve. It’s your merit. Children have food, sweets. The new year has come to us with new hopes and faith.

Nita (7-year-old): It was so hard for mommy to wash with hands. Sometimes Milena and I also helped her. Now the machine washes everything. It won’t get tired.

“What a girl am I? Take a nice photo of me!

You are such good girls.

Milena (6-year-old): We often help our mother with housework. This makes her very happy. She always says we grow up to be good persons.

Max (9-year-old): When I grow up, I will find a very good job. I need a job that pays me enough to buy a house for my brothers and sisters. The same beautiful house as we saw in Kobuleti.

Marika, tell us about your vacation in Kobuleti. 

 Milena: I want to tell you this! My mom got a call from a kind person… A very, very kind person – he saw your story on the Internet. He said he really wanted to help her. He said he wanted to please the children. Then he invited us to his beautiful home. This house was huge, at the seaside… 


There was a swimming pool, and many rooms. Others lived there too. There was fun there. The elevator went up and down, which was a lot of fun


 Marika: The owner of one of the hotels in Kobuleti – Iveri Beach Hotel

 – Mr. Dmitry, contacted us. He arranged one-week vacation for us in his beautiful hotel. God, what an amazing person he was. Not only him, but the entire staff. They were very kind and attentive to us. 


They gave many gifts to my children: school supplies, bags, toys, candy…

They offered us to stay longer, but the school was starting, and we could not miss it. These people gave my children unforgettable days. We had everything there: love, warmth, comfort, delicious food, and the sea, which my children saw for the first time.

 – Have you really never been to the sea?

Max: Never! We’ve never seen even a pool before… Only in movies and pictures…

Milena: Do you know how fun it was to ride the elevator? We have never seen buildings with elevators. Mommy never had the money to take us anywhere. It was so beautiful there, like in a fairy tale.

Nita: We collected a lot of shells on the beach. There were colorful beautiful pebbles. We have a whole bag now. I bring these shells to my ear and hear the sound of the sea. I can feel its smell. I remember everything. It was so good. Will we ever go there again?

Marika: They’ve been talking about it since we arrived. Many thanks to Mr. Dmitry for making my children happy. Thank you to all the people who have done their best for us, thank you to your Fund, your gifts crowned it all. I could not hide my excitement and joy when they took two huge boxes out of the truck. I was in tears. We have never got such precious gifts. You are our Santas, kind people! I will pray that this new year will bring you a lot of goodness and joy!

“Happy New Year! With my little heart, I wish you a lot of happiness!”

Max: You know, I got another medal at the competition. I am a future taekwondo fighter! I want to dedicate this medal to you! I was so happy that I beat everyone. (Laughs). (laughs) I will train more and win more medals. I dedicate them to you – to everyone who made us so happy and gave us many gifts. I love you!

“I dedicate all the medals to you!”

  • We love you kids too! Everyone loves you. I believe that many more kind people will appear. They will do everything to never see tears in your eyes again.

Marika: Whenever you show up, we are happy. Even a phone call makes us happy and gives us hope.

  • – Marika, did anyone from the local administration contact you?

  • They gave me a 200 lari crisis aid voucher. I started working within a social program. I clean the yard here. I don’t have to go far. My salary is about 300 lari. It’s at least something. You know, I would be able to pay the rent with this. But when will I have a home? Probably never! If only the government would give me just one small room… Some tiny house. Oh, my children would be so happy…

“I will hug my Bruin tightly and tell him my dreams”

Milena: My new little bear Bruin would have a home, and Anuki the duck too. Then we would invite you too and tell you many beautiful stories about a poor girl to whom they gave a house.

“I can’t put Anuki to bed hungry, she’s too little … She doesn’t even have a home…”


 Friends, these people dream of a house and not only of it. They have many more problems. Children need a lot of things, they have nothing. How can a single mother keep three young children on social allowance alone? It is so hard to live when you are in need, and you see children crying from hunger and cold. God, how many parents choose to die and not see this. No, we won’t let this happen! We must help everyone. Stand shoulder to shoulder with them. This is our mission. This is our path. And this path will certainly lead us to the Lord!

 If you have a heavy heart because of everyday problems or unresolved issues, as a distraction just see our posts on Facebook, or better call any of our beneficiaries, and all your problems will seem unimportant to you, compared with the problems of those to whom you helped in the most difficult moment of their lives.

Our problems are noting if compared… Here are true misfortunes, in front of your eyes! Just thank the Lord for what you have. You are the happiest person in the world! Remember this and help those in need.

Unfortunately, problems of this and other families do not end here and now… Therefore, from time to time, look through the stories of unhappy people on our website, talk to them. Every time you dial the Phone of an unhappy person, God is blessing you! For sure! Go on helping these families! This is the best service to the Lord!

Friends, there is one more request: if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:

Your kindness is a chance for yourself to be happy in !

Friends, thanks again to each of you!

Our Fund’s accounts are:




(Purpose: The Dzeria family).

It is also possible to transfer money from TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (you can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link

We have good news for you – now you can read the stories of our beneficiaries on Instagram: and Telegram:

 Even if you dial once this special number, it might save someone’s life: 0901200270! Let’s believe that helping others, we take care of our own souls and draw closer to Lord through the suffering that we share with them!

Sep 30, 2022
fund overhead
Nov 16, 2022
household appliances
Dec 14, 2022
Mar 17, 2023
Mar 23, 2023

Total expenses:



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152 Donors

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152 Donors


They need your help urgently