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Just read: “The rain draws beautiful pictures on the ceiling, and when it leaks, we move our beds, so we don’t get wet. So much fun!” Don’t let this angel know the harsh truth of this world!

calendar August 18, 2022

“Do you know what I dream about the most? So that we have plenty of food to get big and strong. Then I will workout hard, I will become “five-hundred-weight” and I will be able to overcome everyone who is now offending me and my sister. I can’t do it now. Look how weak I am. All the children can call me names and even hit me on the head, but I can’t even answer them. And they also offend Ani, they say that she is ugly. And I can’t even stand up for her. And I couldn’t do it for my mother … – six-year-old Giorgi tells us about his difficult childhood fate through tears and adds sighing: “I want to grow up faster.”

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Charity Number: One call saves a life!

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Just read: “The rain draws beautiful pictures on the ceiling, and when it leaks, we move our beds, so we don’t get wet. So much fun!” Don’t let this angel know the harsh truth of this world!

“Do you know what I dream about the most? So that we have plenty of food to get big and strong. Then I will workout hard, I will become “five-hundred-weight” and I will be able to overcome everyone who is now offending me and my sister. I can’t do it now. Look how weak I am. All the children can call me names and even hit me on the head, but I can’t even answer them. And they also offend Ani, they say that she is ugly. And I can’t even stand up for her. And I couldn’t do it for my mother … – six-year-old Giorgi tells us about his difficult childhood fate through tears and adds sighing: “I want to grow up faster.”

– Do you think adults have less problems?
Giorgi (6-year-old): No, but I will be a strong adult! And I will protect everyone – mom from dad, my sister from hooligans and myself – from everyone. You know, I want to be a fireman.

“Do you think if I am strong and big, other children will manage to offend me again?”

– Have you ever seen firemen?
Giorgi: I have never seen them, but I’d like to. My teacher told me about them. I even know everything – how to put out fires, how to save people. Our teacher in the kindergarten told us a lot of interesting things. But do you think the other kids listened to her? No! I asked them to be quiet, and they attacked me with fists.
– Oh, I think school will be better. There you will find true friends.
Giorgi: I just dream about it. I will be a good friend. I won’t offend anyone.
– Do you offend your sister or mother?
Giorgi: No!!! You can’t offend your mom! My dad offended her, and she cried all the time. And then we left.

“Dad hurt mom, but you can’t hurt girls …”

Mariam: I would not wish for anyone to go through what my children had gone through. I can freely say that I am a victim of domestic violence. Despite the threats of my husband, I found the strength in myself and left him. When they said on TV that a woman was killed by her husband, he told me that if he did not like the way I behave, he would do the same to me. For four years I lived in fear, I was afraid to fall asleep at night. But when he started to threaten me with a knife, I called the police. He was imprisoned for two years. But he is now out of prison, and I pray to God that he comes to his senses.
– You are so young, but you have already experienced so much… How do you cope? Who is next to you, who helps you?
Mariam: I am 24 now. I got married when I was 19. He’s 10 years older. I have no one by me. When I was 6 my dear mommy (she was only 28) died in front of me. She was pregnant with her third baby. I don’t know how much you can believe the words, but I remember that I heard then from my neighbors that she wanted to have an abortion, but the medicine killed her. She died together with a baby in her tummy.

“A mother should think only about her children and live only for them, in spite of everything”

– My God, I can imagine what was going on in your heart …
Mariam: It’s just scary for a girl to lose her mother. So, I try not to give up and not leave my children orphans. That’s why, I found strength in myself and dared to leave my husband without having any backup and support. It was very hard, and it is not easy now. But it’s better to be poor, hungry, frightened, sick, but alive, than to remain silent and become dead sooner or later.
– How do you manage to cope? How do you manage to feed your children?
Mariam: I hardly manage to. Almost in no way. Our only income is our 480 GEL allowance. I give half to cover the debts that I have accumulated in these two years. And the rest is for medications and examinations. Ani has very low hemoglobin, and the doctor says that she needs to be well fed but she does not say how. She prescribed her vitamins and medications 200 GEL worth. But I have never seen such money together. What would you do in my place? Tell me, what? Each such visit to the doctor ended with taking out a loan without even thinking how to pay it off. When the health of a child hangs in the balance, I think no mother can think logically. 

“There is nothing interesting in our refrigerator. Only empty bottles

– Have you got a lot of debts?
Mariam: Quite a lot. Interest has already accumulated in one bank, and I need to pay 2500 lari there. And another 800 lari in the second bank. I also have a 400 lari debt in the grocery store. I have no idea how to pay off everything and still feed my children! I also need to pay a lawyer so that my ex-husband does not take this house from me. After being released from prison, he claimed his rights to this house.
– Is it his house? 
Mariam: No, this house was given to us as a gift by the Ministry of Refugees. It belongs to me and my children. They gave it to us when I was still his wife. He insisted that I register him here. But look: is this a house? There is no roof here, the rain is pouring on us, it is blowing from the windows, the wallpaper peeled from the walls. Everything here is old and rotten.

There is not a single whole glass in the windows, and they are covered with cellophane 

A mother and her two children sleep all together on these rusty beds 

“I think one day the ceiling will just collapse on us.”

“When it rains, the water runs down this wall like a waterfall.”

Ani (4-year-old): Come on, I’ll show you what funny drawings the rain draws on the ceiling. Here is a bear, and a princess in a dress is over there. I like it, but my mother says it’s terrible.

Can you see the beauty in this horror?

– What else do you like?
Ani: I like it when we eat, when my mother hugs me and when no one shouts. I also like my mommy. She’s a pretty girl.
– What would you give your mommy for her birthday?
Ani: Beads and dress, bricks, and roof. She worries about it all the time. When it rains, we move all the beds to the middle of the room so as not to get wet. But I’ll whisper you a little secret – it’s fun!

“I would buy my mother beautiful beads and dresses”

– Mariam, how can we alleviate your plight?
Mariam: I really need a roof. I will never be able to fix it on my own. We need food, medications and, if possible, a washing machine. Ani whispers in my ear so that I don’t forget to tell you about the TV.  I think we are already asking too much. I know that no one can pay off my debts. I can’t leave the children and go to work – otherwise I would have worked at any job day and night. I am not lazy. If I had a mother and I could leave the children with her, believe me, I could earn us a normal life.
– Would you be able to take care of chickens or cattle if you had them?
Mariam: You have no idea how strong and resilient I can be when it comes to my children. I would be able to do anything. But unfortunately, my yard is not fenced, so chicken or cattle will just get lost. Or someone will steal them. 

“It’s better to live hand to mouth than to live with a rapist”

Friends, we have told you a story about the strongest woman who did not want to become a statistic in the list of victims of domestic violence but found strength in herself and began to live for the sake of her children. She has very hard time now. If we do not stand by her side and protect her, if we do not take care of her children, all her efforts will be in vain. This little mother, who has no one around, must believe in our support and our strength. We will not allow her children to be laughed at and mocked. We will do everything possible so that they live a decent life without fear and humiliation. Mariam, Giorgi, and Ani, we are together with you! We are nearby.
The most of all the family needs their roof to be repaired, they also need food, a washing machine and TV set. It would be great if we help them to get rid of their debts. Maybe Mariam can take a breath and calm down a bit. And we also have a somewhat complicated request for Giorgi. Maybe a real fireman will read this article and will make friends with the boy? You can’t even imagine what an incentive and faith in himself you will give him! “Because fireman are the coolest people on the planet!” – these are the words of Giorgi, and we agree with him.
If anyone is willing to visit and help them in person, here is their address: Khobi Municipality, village Khamiskuri.
Every time you can help someone, just do it, and rejoice that God answers someone’s prayers through you!
We are sure that all together we will manage to save them from imminent death.
Please don’t forget to repost our story. Let your friends know about the grief of this family! It’s extremely important!
Friends, there is one more request: if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:
Our Fund’s accounts are:
(Purpose: Mariam Tabagua)
You can also transfer money from our website.
It is also possible to transfer money from TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (you can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link
We have already helped thousands of disadvantaged people! Let’s support this family too! And who knows, maybe someday we ourselves will need help of strangers! Life is always unpredictable!
Now you can read the stories of our beneficiaries on Instagram: and Telegram: 
Even if you dial once this special number, it might save someone’s life: 0901200270! God bless you!

Oct 01, 2022
Oct 01, 2022
Oct 12, 2022
Oct 31, 2022
fund overhead
Nov 23, 2022
Nov 23, 2022
Jan 20, 2023
Feb 14, 2023

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