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There is nothing more tasty than bread…

calendar December 30, 2020

One call saves life!

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“There is nothing more tasty than bread…” says Tinatin, a wonderful brown-eyed girl (5-year-old), clutching and kissing a loaf of bread given to her by her kind neighbors …
She is right, a loaf of bread is a festive dish in this dilapidated house, which is about to collapse and bury its unfortunate inhabitants alive … Because, all their modest income is spent on medications…
“I can’t help buying medications. This means that the grandmother will die! – says mom Maya. – I cannot watch a person suffocating in front of my eyes!” Evil fate confronted this kind Georgian woman with a terrible choice: buy medications for a seriously ill old woman and leave her little daughter hungry, or buy food for the child and leave the old woman to fate…
In the hope of the mercy of Lord and good people, the poor woman addressed our Fund. Because Georgians will never leave their neighbors in trouble.

Our Fund’s accounts in:

Bank of Georgia

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GE64BG0000000470458000 GE64BG0000000470458000


TBC Bank

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GE15TB7194336080100003 GE15TB7194336080100003


Liberty Bank

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GE42LB0115113036665000 GE42LB0115113036665000


Charity Number: One call saves a life!

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Perky Tinatin tells me: “Now you can talk to my mother, and I need to feed my daughter. Well, not really, just make-believe. Granny doesn’t see at all, and mom often cries … But don’t be afraid … “

“I’m not afraid, sweetheart,” I answer, although I really want to cry … But I am strong, and I hold back my tears. However, when I enter the room, tears begin to flow by their own! It’s good that a mask covers my face. Old lady Gogona is sitting in the wheelchair breathing hard. Mom Maya puts the last piece of firewood into the stove, she has kept it for us so that we don’t freeze … She apologizes that she cannot invite me to sit down, since there is no chair … She apologizes that she cannot offer me even tea, because they just haven’t got it!

The house is falling apart and creaking underfoot, the wind is blowing from the windows, the roof is cracking … This house can collapse any moment. But who cares?

Maya: We applied to the local authorities for several times, asking to fix our roof. They came, looked at it, shrugged their shoulders saying that it was impossible to live like this, but they did not provide any help. And how can we fix the roof with 350 GEL per month? When all the money goes for pills?

– Maya, tell me everything in order. How did you find yourself in this house?

Maya: This is a house of my husband’s parents. They always lived in poverty, but the last 5 years have been terrible for us. Three years ago, my father-in-law fell seriously ill and died. We borrowed money first for his treatment, and then for his funeral, but we still cannot give it back …

My poor mother-in-law lost her eyesight because of her worries. She has a sick heart, shortness of breath and she suffers fluid buildup in her lungs that makes her suffocate … She cannot live without medications. All our income is spent on pills. We need 300 GEL per month for medications.

– And what about food?

Maya: We have been eating grapes for two days. They are high-calorie and sweet … You see, I can’t help buying medications, because the grandmother can die! Do you understand what choice I have been confronted with? I can’t see a person suffocate!

– But the child needs to eat!

Maya: I see your point … You don’t think I can’t understand it, do you? The neighbors can give her some bread. She hugs the loaf, kisses it, sniffs it and rejoices … She says that nothing tastier than bread has been invented yet. At such moments my heart breaks and I want to die.

– Do you have no one to help besides your neighbors? Parents? Relatives?

Maya: Our only relatives are our moms. My husband’s mom, who I am taking care of, and my mom. She is also sick, she has spinal hernia and cannot walk. She lives in Kakheti. I can’t leave my blind mother-in-law alone, so my elder son Alexander lives with my mom now. He is still quite a child, but that’s how fate decreed! He takes care of his grandmother. He cooks food for her, takes her to the toilet, tides up the house… (cries) My children are so miserable, they haven’t seen anything good in their life. Neither fests, nor gifts.

Tinatin (5-year-old): Mommy, please don’t cry. You told me that Santa does not always come to children, didn’t you? You said that there are just few children in our village, so he is too lazy to come here. Don’t cry, I will grow up and bring Santa to our home myself!

 – What present would you like to have for the New Year?

Tinatin: Can I choose anything I want? Then I want to be like other children! They have nice clothes and shoes, but mine are ugly! Mommy keeps repairing them. And I do not like it. I also know that other children have… others have… have everything. Pencils and drawing paper, and they have a lot of bread! They can eat it every day! And they probably have real friends too. I really want to have a good friend!

Maya: Believe it or not, the child has never received gifts. Even for her birthday! Even for New Year. What gifts can we talk about when even bread – is our ultimate dream!

– Tinatin also says that she has no friends. Who does she communicate with? How does she spend her time?

Maya: My husband and I try to entertain her. We tell her fairy tales, play a house with her. She brings her daughter Tsutsu to us for treatment. Sometimes I am a doctor, sometimes it is my husband. Sometimes we draw with her on the walls, but she is still rather unsociable.

Tinatin: Come on, I’ll show you my friends! Look, I drew them! Look, I play and talk with them. This is Tamara, I tell her: “Hello!” – and she holds out her hand to me! Look, what a smiley she is! She’s the most cheerful of them!

– Maya, I have no idea what can make your life easier. But maybe you have a dream?

Maya: I want my mother-in-law feel good, and my mother feel good, and I want my husband to find a job. Now he cannot go to another city, because I am not able to cope alone. Before the pandemic, he worked as a laborer, this was a salvation for us, but now we haven’t even that. I also dream that my eldest son would continue his studies, that Tinatin would have real friends, so that she would have a happy childhood. These are my dreams … And now I would like to say a few words about our needs. Can I?

– Of course, you can – that’s why we are here. Whole Georgia will know about your family! You will become dear to everyone. And we, Georgians, never leave our people in trouble!

Maya: Thank you for such kind words! It lifts my spirit! First of all, we need food, medications, winter clothes for the children. We also ask for a washing machine and, if possible, a computer. That’s all … I dare not ask you for beds and furniture … We don’t even have a chair to offer you to sit down, excuse us.


Friends, what are we waiting for? Here is a real story for you, not a fiction! You have read it, and now it is up to you, what you do. Go and get yourself a beverage or help these unfortunate people! We always have a choice! Or maybe you have a friend Santa who will make the wishes of the little beauty come true?

You can visit them in person and provide them help. Their address is: Tskatubo municipality, village Derchi. Phone: 592 09 38 23.

We should not remain indifferent to the troubles of this family, we will show our mercy and care, all together we will help them however we can, showing them all our love and mercy! Unfortunately, no one is immune to loneliness and sickness.

Please repost our publication, so that as many people as possible learn about the troubles of the Asatiani family!

Friends, there is one more request – if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:

Our Fund’s accounts are:




(purpose: Asatiani family)

You can also transfer money from our website.

It is also possible to transfer money from ОРРА, TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (You can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link

One call saves life – 0901 200 270.

I am not scared anymore! Kind she-bear guard me and sleeps with me!

“I used to be dull, so dull” – 6-year-old Tiniko says slyly and flirts.” – And now look at me: do you see how smiley I am?” And she smiles wide with her red bow lips… It even seemed to me that the room became brighter.

“Mommy says that the Sun shines brighter when I smile. And granny says that my eyes smile too. These adults are so funny! How do they come up with such things!?”

Think over Tiniko’s words, friends! As wise people say – truth comes out of the mouths of babes! As soon as we entered the house, we noticed these changes too. We really noticed them! Only six months have passed, and this is what happened – just look at these photos to compare.

What do you think? Does the Sun shine brighter? Has your soul gotten warmer? Yes, this is the same girl – 6-year-old Tiniko! The girl had no toys, she painted them on the wall and talked to them. And now she has a huge bear that plays with her, helps her to learn lessons, and the bear is by her even when the baby falls asleep! He guards the soul of the Angel! All children in the world, every one of them are Angels of God!

However, there is one problem: Tiniko says that she cannot hug her favorite bear. It is so big! And for some reason she calls him “she-bear”

Well, let this big plush toy be she-bear. Although they called it “bear” in a store. But do the sellers understand anything about childhood fantasy?! Moreover, of the little one who saw toys only from her friends…

Stop! People! Can you realize what have you done? Did you help one more family? No! You came closer to our Lord! You have done what He asked you to do!

“Now I can receive guests like a real Georgian! – Maya smiles. – it used to be a shame! There was no place to sit people. The Lord sees everything and rewards people for good deeds. I ask Him to grant health and well-being to everyone who helped us, who decided to be by us.”

– You met some of our readers in person, right?

Maya: How nice it turns out to be in the spotlight, to get so much warmth! Almost immediately people started calling and coming to visit us. You just published the post on your Facebook page, and someone immediately called me. I thought: “Is it already?” At first, I was at a loss, but then I pulled myself together and told them my address. Irma Zakaraya from Tskaltubo came to visit us on Christmas. She is a very sweet woman. We made friends with her. We often call each other and talk.

Tiniko: Do you know what Irma had in her bag?

– I’d like to know. So?

Tiniko: There were Elsa’s trainers and princess dress. I will put it on and come back!

– I am waiting for you!

Maya: My daughter often asked me for that and finally she got that. You have no idea what she went through that day. She barely fell asleep because of joyful excitement.

On Tiniko’s birthday, February 27, employees of one NGO came to visit us and brought a gift and sweets to congratulate her. They were the ones who brought her a teddy bear. By the way, this NGO helped us a lot.

(The she-bear at its post. Now Tiniko will never be afraid to sleep alone!)

Tiniko: Did you see my computer! None of my friends has a computer like that! Now they will know how much does the whole Georgia love me! They gave themselves airs because I was poor. (The baby keeps chatting.)

Maya: They saw your post, got interested in our family and while visiting us for the first time they gave us a 100 GEL worth food voucher. Then they addressed the town hall to remind them once again about the state of the house of the Asatiani family. That water flowed in all rooms. I would say that the joint efforts brought the result. The first was your post, then people took up our case. As the result the town hall allocated 1000 GEL to us.

– It’s good!

Maya: We purchased 27 tin sheets. But this will be enough only for half of the roof. We did not start the repairs yet. We need 1500 GEL more to cap the whole roof.

– Why did they stop on a half-way? Did you show them the calculations?

Maya: Mrs. Darejan Mikutadze from the NGO communicates with the town hall. Probably they will allocate the rest of the amount too.

(Tiniko comes to the middle of the room)

Tiniko: Here is my princess dress.

– It suits you so well! Do you know why? Because you are a princess, and it is exactly for you!

(Tiniko happily smiles)

Tiniko: The trainers are blue and there are cartoon characters on them. (She bends down, points with her finger.) I have new books too. Fairy tales.

– Do you just listen, or do you read yourself?

Tiniko: I can tell you those which my mother read to me. I know how the word “wolf” is spelled.

– I see, you know a lot.

(Tiniko smiles.)

Maya: I teach my daughter, prepare her for school. She will become a schoolgirl this September. But alas, the only one in the class. There are almost no children in our village. Just seven kids in the whole school. People left – there are many abandoned houses in the village. There are only 60 of us living in the village.

We have school wifi, and Tiniko can use her new computer. She learned to count to ten in English, it is very convenient to study mathematics. Shortly, it turned to be very useful present. Besides that, there are my daughter’s favorite cartoons stored in the computer: “Peppa Pig”, “Emily”, “Mickey Mouse”. I’d like to express my gratitude to the employees of the Fund for their advertency and attentive attitude.

– Maya, although we are pleased, but please, don’t thank us. It was the friends of our Fund who did that. There are 30 thousand of them all over Georgia! They are mostly not very rich people. They are messengers of God!

Tiniko: One day uncle Zura came and brought me colored jellies.

Maya: Tiniko recalls our guests now. I had no chance to finish the story. I don’t remember surnames, but Zura came from Tbilisi. We still have supplies left from what he has brought us: buckwheat, sugar. He brought us a lot of stuff; I was even surprised how he managed to bring it all by a minibus. A bag of wheat flour, five liters of vegetable oil, lobio, pasta, clarified butter, two chickens, cookies, sweets. The child did not know which candy to start with. If any of the neighbors came to visit us at that time, she boasted: “Look, how many sweets I have!”

I would also like to mention Aleko Asatiani. He came to visit us on Christmas after Church service and handed us gifts.

Many thanks to all of you – both to those who came to visit me personally and those who helped at a distance! You gave me strength and brought me back motivation to be active, to struggle for better life. We were lost for a while because of problems. But we must rise, we must do that…

– Have you got a plan?

Maya: I really want to earn enough money to buy cow, so that I could keep my family. I used to make cheese and sell it. Everyone knew I had a delicious cheese. But then my cow and calf died. I want my daughter to have everything what I was not lucky enough to see. I really want to create normal conditions for my child.

Poverty drains the soul. Now my girl sees what a normal house should be like – with refrigerator, washing machine, furniture. Do you like our sofa? It is nice, isn’t it? We bought it in Gorgia store in Kutaisi. I am sociable, I have always loved guests. But I was embarrassed to invite them to my place. We had no chairs at home. I am not embarrassed anymore. What interested my daughter – is a washing machine.

Tiniko: It has its own smell, I checked it.

– How did you check it?

Tiniko: The same day when they brought it. I just opened the window in the middle and sniffed. It smelled like a new.

– And now?

Tiniko: Now it smells like a detergent.

– What a curious girl you are!

Tiniko: When it finishes to wash it starts blinking with its eyes. It says: “Switch me off!”

– Little curious nose!

Tiniko: Ma’am, I want to know everything in advance. When I become a big girl, I will be able to do everything.

Maya (smiling): She argues with me why I don’t assign her more work around the house. She looks after her grandmother like a real nurse. She brings her water, gives her medications on a schedule, washes her feet.

– Good girl! How does grandmother Gogona feel? Maybe she needs medications?

Maya: Her condition is not stable, it changes all the time. She is okay right now, but the next moment she can get bad. You helped us a lot with medications. We never used to buy Cardiomagnyl for more than ten days. Thanks to the Fund, we din’t have to worry about this for two months. Our grandmother takes medications permanently: Cardiomagnyl, Corsiz, painkillers for a headache, diuretics. She needs them all the time. It is still very cold in our house. Even now, when summer is coming, we stoke the stove so that our grandmother does not catch a cold.

– So, the half-paid roof remains to be the problem?

Maya: Yes, we are on hold.


Friends, if you have not entered yet little Tinatin’s fan club, I can guarantee you will do it when you hear her charming voice and see her face in person. This baby is smart and developed beyond her years. I would like her to be happy and achieve a lot  – to glorify our Motherland – Georgia – with her talents and stories about the kindness of her compatriots.

And furthermore, so that grandmother Gogona does not freeze and has all the necessary medications.  For the village to live and prosper, and not die… What we can do ourselves right now is to help this particular family.

If you have a heavy heart because of everyday problems or unresolved issues, as a distraction just see our posts on Facebook, or better dial the number of any of our beneficiaries. Call them and you will forget about your problems. Because they are nothing in comparison with the problems of those to whom you opened your good heart and came to help in the most difficult moment of their life. We want to express our gratitude on behalf of all employees of our Fund.

Our problems are noting if compared… Here are true misfortunes, in front of your eyes! Just thank the Lord for what you have. You are the happiest person in the world! Remember this and help those in need.

One more thing: we ought not to forget to start raising funds to buy a cow – the most beautiful and well-groomed one! Let the Sun shine brighter!

Unfortunately, problems of this and other families do not end here and now… Therefore, from time to time, look through the stories of unhappy people on our website, talk to them. Every time you dial the Phone of an unhappy person, God is blessing you! For sure! Go on helping these families! This is the best service to the Lord!

Your kindness is a chance for yourself to be happy in everything!

Friends, thanks again to all!

Our Fund’s accounts are:




(purpose: The Asatiani family)

You can also transfer money from our website.

It is also possible to transfer money from TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (You can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link ). 

You can find our Fund on Instagram: and Telegram:

One call saves life – 0901 200 270.

Let’s believe that helping others, we take care of our own souls and draw closer to Lord through the suffering that we share with others!

Feb 07, 2021
Feb 07, 2021
Feb 25, 2021
household appliances
Feb 26, 2021
fund overhead
Mar 15, 2021
May 14, 2021
May 14, 2021
Jun 03, 2021
Oct 15, 2021

Total expenses:



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13.09.2021 20:00:00
Kind Heart
10.09.2021 13:04:25
გიორგი შალამბერიძე
02.09.2021 20:00:00
აბრამიშვილი ნიკა
30.08.2021 20:00:00
Kind Heart
30.08.2021 11:42:16
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29.08.2021 20:00:00
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გიორგი ამირაჯები
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აბრამიშვილი ნიკა
24.08.2021 20:00:00
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ზურაბ სამხარაძე
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