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Dear death, please take us together!

calendar December 27, 2022

Otar: If she dies – I will follow her; if I die – she will not be able to live even a single day without me. That’s it. We barely live out our days, we keep each other afloat. I’d love to die, but I can’t leave her alone – so, I endure pain and all the suffering. I promised her 40 years ago that I would be with her in sorrow and joy, I would cherish her. And I keep my word.

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Charity Number: One call saves a life!

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 Dear death, please take us together!

Otar: If she dies – I will follow her; if I die – she will not be able to live even a single day without me. That’s it. We barely live out our days, we keep each other afloat. I’d love to die, but I can’t leave her alone – so, I endure pain and all the suffering. I promised her 40 years ago that I would be with her in sorrow and joy, I would cherish her. And I keep my word.

– Otar, when I look at you I realize that you are a hero!
Otar: Come on, I’m a sick old man. Any man in my place would do the same.
– You don’t have a leg, but you do all the housework: you wash, clean, cook dinner…
Otar: What else to do? My wife has cancer. After they removed a tumor in her head several years ago, she started to forget everything. I can’t leave her alone for a second. She can’t lift weights. She comes out of the room to drink water, and when she comes back, she asks me why she went out. My heart bleeds when I look at her. One can think that I need care because I lost my leg, but her condition is worse than mine. So, we look after each other. I can’t live without her, and she can’t live without me. 

“She forgets everything. She opens the cabinet door and looks inside… I ask her: “What are you looking for there?” – but she does not remember”

– Tell us about yourself. How did you lose your leg?
Otar: I had a heart attack in 2017, at the end of January. They took me to the hospital and operated me on. I wanted to return home as soon as possible, I was worried about my wife, about how she was alone without me. They discharged me on January 31st. It snowed heavily that day, all the roads were blocked. And I needed to get home. Not a single car could reach my village, and I went on foot through the forest. I was barely walking from the cold. My heart ached, everything ached, my legs froze. Pain darkened my eyes. I collapsed several times, then came to my senses and continued walking. I got to my home crawling when it was already night. I didn’t have the strength to call for help. The last thing I remember was finding a stone and throwing it at the door… And then I woke up in bed. My wife heard it and pulled me into the house while I was unconscious, I was all frozen. She warmed me up a little and put me to the bed.

“She follows me all the time, she is afraid that something might happen to me. And I follow her. If she leaves the house, she may get lost.”

– What a horrible story! So, you froze your leg?
Otar: Yes, after that my legs started to hurt a lot. I didn’t care, I thought it would pass itself. And there was no money to see a doctor. Once my friend – a doctor – came to visit us, and I told me about my health problems. He took me to the hospital, and they didn’t let me out of there. They said if my fingers were not amputated urgently, I would die. I agreed. I’m not afraid of death … All my relatives and friends are dead. But, you know, I can’t leave my wife alone. Only for her sake I agreed to be operated on. They cut off my fingers…
But it didn’t help…
Otar: It did not help. An infection developed, and, they had to cut off my leg. Now I walk with crutches. I am happy that they managed save another leg. 

“Sometimes I think that my condition is better than that of my wife”

What about a prosthesis or a wheelchair? Is it really easier for you to walk like that?
Otar: I could not get used to the prosthesis – I could not cope with the pain. And you can’t ride a wheelchair here. When it rains, the yard becomes muddy. It’s impossible to get through here. It’s good that you came to visit us in dry weather.
Do you have anyone who can look after you? How do you manage to buy groceries, cook dinner?
Otar: I have a daughter – our dear Margarita. But she has her own problems. She has sick children, and they should live in a city near the hospital.
 Children can have an asthma attack, and if an ambulance does not arrive in time, they may simply die. This is how we live: she is in Tbilisi, and we are here, in the village. As for groceries, I go to the store, buy groceries, and wait for someone to bring them home to me. That’s ow we survive.
– Is pension enough for you?
Otar: It is enough for bread and is not enough for anything else. My wife was operated on, they removed the tumor. She needs to be constantly monitored, get an MRI. But I can’t take her to the doctor – we have no money for this. I even bought firewood on credit. I paid what I had, and I owe 500 GEL more. I will gather the money and pay off the debt. What else can I do? 

Probably it will take the entire year to pay off debt for firewood.

– How did you live before?
Otar: I have always worked, I supported my family and helped others. Everything was like in a fairy tale: a wife who I loved, daughter, work, friends, relatives … But then fate turned its back on us. First, my daughter got ill – they barely cured her. Then, one by one, my parents, my four brothers and my sister died. My grandchildren got sick, then my wife was diagnosed with cancer. She was operated on, and we were in the hospital for six months. During that time someone robbed my house. Can you imagine? They took out everything they could. My God, how people can be so shameless.
– I have no words. I don’t know how to console you. How do you find the strength not to lose heart?
Otar: She is my strength, she is my spirit. I can’t leave her. I can’t leave her alone. I don’t have the right to die. I remain strong only for her and for her sake. Recently I had a stroke – I collapsed. She saw me and collapsed by me. Can you imagine that? I don’t even know how long we lay there. Can you imagine? If I can’t do something, it will mean that I betrayed her. And I love her more than life. 

“She is my strength, only she keeps me in this world”

– You are my hero! You are like a living hero of some novel!
Otar: Come on, I’m not doing anything supernatural.
– How can we help you?
Otar: I don’t even know, and I am embarrassed to ask. But the hardest thing for me is doing laundry. I will be grateful if you give me a washing machine. We also do not have a TV, refrigerator, gas stove, normal beds. They took everything away when they robbed our house. And if you manage to take my wife to the doctor, I will be happy. 
A hero of our time… We can’t call Otar otherwise. This is a story about true love, devotion, and self-sacrifice. This is not a post about help, but rather a story about what a man’s got to be. Since the founding of our Fund, we have visited thousands of families, listened to many heartrending stories. But the history of Otar was the most heartrending. We thank God that He sent him to us, that we met this wonderful person. We will learn from him to live according to our conscience, learn to love truly, learn not to give up and fight to the end. It’s still a question of who helped whom… We will help financially, but Otar helped us all become closer to God and become humans. Thank you, Otar, that you exist! We will help! We are with you!
If anyone is willing to visit and help them in person, here is their address: Sachkhere Municipality, village Korbouli.
Every time you can help someone, just do it, and rejoice that God answers someone’s prayers through you!
We are sure that all together we will manage to save them from imminent death.
Please don’t forget to repost our story. Let your friends know about the grief of this family! It’s extremely important!
Friends, there is one more request: if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:
Our Fund’s accounts are:
(Purpose: Otar Macharashvili)
You can also transfer money from our website.
It is also possible to transfer money from TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (you can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link
We have already helped thousands of disadvantaged people! Let’s support this family too! And who knows, maybe someday we ourselves will need help of strangers! Life is always unpredictable!
We have good news for you – now you can read the stories of our beneficiaries on Instagram: and Telegram:
Even if you dial once this special number, it might save someone’s life: 0901 200 270! God bless you! 

Feb 21, 2023
Feb 28, 2023
fund overhead
Mar 23, 2023
Mar 23, 2023
Apr 10, 2023
Apr 26, 2023
Jun 05, 2023

Total expenses:



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