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For 12 years now, mom Ketevan has been living in fear: “If I fall asleep and don’t hear my daughter moan, she will die!!!”

calendar August 8, 2023

For 12 years now, Ketevan has lived in fear that she might not hear the cry for help from her daughter if she falls into a deep sleep. For 12 years, there has been no moment of peace, no moment of rest. Anna-Maria has a severe form of cerebral palsy.

Our Fund’s accounts in:

Bank of Georgia

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GE64BG0000000470458000 GE64BG0000000470458000


TBC Bank

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GE15TB7194336080100003 GE15TB7194336080100003


Liberty Bank

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Bank Code:




GE42LB0115113036665000 GE42LB0115113036665000


Charity Number: One call saves a life!

Phone number:


For 12 years now, mom Ketevan has been living in fear: “If I fall asleep and don’t hear my daughter moan, she will die!!!”


For 12 years now, Ketevan has lived in fear that she might not hear the cry for help from her daughter if she falls into a deep sleep. 

For 12 years, there has been no moment of peace, no moment of rest. Anna-Maria has a severe form of cerebral palsy. Sometimes she experiences agonizing pains that are impossible to soothe. The girl’s illness was not diagnosed immediately. for the first year of her life, they thought she was a healthy child, just really calm. But at the age of one, she got pneumonia, and when she was taken to the hospital, the doctors there delivered a verdict: ‘The child has cerebral palsy, she will never walk. It’s too late for treatment. She is weak, and with each passing year, it will get worse and worse. You’re not lucky with her, mommy.’

Since then, sadness, pain, and despair have taken up residence in Ketevan’s heart.”

“Like this, for 12 years, the mother has been carrying her in her arms”

– Ketevan, let’s start by talking about Anna-Maria. How is she feeling now?

Ketevan: She is very weak. She often falls ill. We spent the whole winter in intensive care units. In February, they even wanted to put her on a machine and prepared me for the worst, but I didn’t allow it! I said, ‘My daughter is strong, she will recover. Just don’t connect her to that machine.’ And she survived! For eleven days, I didn’t know how she was or what was happening with her. Doctors didn’t even show her to me. Every day, I cried near the hospital reception, and all they told me was that she was unconscious and that things wouldn’t get better. But I knew they would. And my daughter woke up, she even started eating on her own. Sometimes we, mothers, know more than doctors. We feel our children! We’re attached to them. We share one life, one heart between the two of us. The most important thing is that my little one is alive. In the morning, I’ll put her on the couch, prop her up with pillows, and she’ll sit like that until evening, waiting for me, my little doll.”

“Only I can truly understand her; I can communicate with her through our gaze and fathom her responses”

– Do you spend much time with her during the day?

Ketevan: I am a single mother. My husband passed away two years ago. In order to avoid starving to death, I have to juggle two jobs. Sadly, there isn’t much concern for sick children in Georgia. My sister is a great help to me. She takes care of Anna-Maria while I toil away at my job. Despite having her own three children, she lends a hand. Besides her, I don’t have anyone else.”

“To prevent her daughter from starving, ketevan has to work double shifts”

It must be difficult to leave your daughter in such a condition?

Ketevan: You can’t imagine what goes on in my heart while I’m at work. My heart and soul are always with my daughter. When the phone rings, I always fear the worst. As I pick up the receiver, I replay all the dreadful scenarios in my mind: Anna-Maria is feeling unwell, she is choking, crying and struggling to breathe. It’s been like this for twelve years!”

“When I can’t see my daughter, negative thoughts creep into my mind: ‘How is she without me? Is everything okay for her?'”

– Tell me about a typical day for you.

Ketevan: I wake up in the morning at 7 o’clock to have enough time to feed, bathe, and change my daughter’s diapers. It takes a tremendous amount of physical strength to do that. Anna-Maria is already very heavy. Look at how tall she is! I often think that she could have been a model if not for this cursed illness. It’s very difficult for me to move her around. Then I go to work. My shift starts at 8:30. I recently got a job at an ice cream factory. After finishing my shift on the assembly line, I head to my second job – either cleaning or working a second shift at the same place. I am the sole support for my sick daughter. If I can’t work for even a single day, it means we’ll be left without a roof over our heads, without medicine, and without food.”

“I’ll feed, bathe, change her diapers, and cushion her with pillows in the morning. Then I rush to work so I won’t be late”

– working two jobs must be physically exhausting for you. Where do you find the strength to care for your daughter?

Ketevan: I don’t have an answer to that. The fact that I’m alive and able to speak right now is a miracle. Perhaps Anna-Maria gives me the strength to live because she’s my only motivation. If I show weakness, what will happen to her? Sometimes I imagine not being able to get up, not being able to go to work. And then what? Who will pay the rent? Who will buy groceries? And diapers, and medicine? I can’t afford to get sick or die. Sometimes I think that even if I die, I’ll still find the strength to get up and go to work.”

“I don’t have the right to be weak. I don’t have the right to get sick or die. I can’t even show tears in front of my daughter. She looks into my eyes and notices everything”

– When your husband was alive, life was probably easier for you, right?

Ketevan: My childhood didn’t come easy, even with my husband. My whole life has been a struggle. My husband’s family was very poor. I went hungry, even when I was pregnant. Sometimes, to hide my tears, I would go far away and cry from hunger, hurt, pain… I never told my parents anything, afraid they would judge me for the choices I made. I fainted from hunger countless times. My husband couldn’t do physical work. I would leave the children with him and go to the fields. I would plow or harvest, sometimes just for bread or a few coins. But I knew that I would bring home at least three pieces of bread for the children. A woman is capable of anything for her children.”

“I constantly think that if not for this cursed illness, Anna-Maria would probably be a model. She’s so beautiful!”

– Besides Anna-Maria, do you have any other children? Where are they?

Ketevan: Yes, I have two older sons: Ilya, 22 years old, and Luka, 18 years old. They are currently living in the village with my husband’s mother. I don’t have the means to have us all live together right now. My heart aches for them constantly. When Anna-Maria was born, they practically lost their mother. All my attention and resources are focused solely on her!

– There are no words to comfort you…

Ketevan: Words don’t help. At home, when I try to rest and gather strength for the next day, I ask God to do the impossible and give me energy. Because my little one’s future depends only on whether I have the strength and can endure.

“Help me be a good mother to my daughter”

– Ketevan, how can we help you? How can we alleviate your suffering?

Ketevan: I reached out to you because I have no other options left. I’m at my wit’s end. I can’t handle it anymore. I really need money for rehabilitation. We need to buy a wheelchair for my daughter, so I can take her outside sometimes. Diapers are a significant expense. We need food. A specialized bed would make our lives easier, and a television would give my daughter new experiences and emotions.

The story of Ketevan and her severely ill daughter Anna-Maria is a reminder for us. Often, in our everyday busyness and worries, we forget about true values and purposes of our lives. We become closed off and neglect the opportunity to help others.

God created us with compassionate hearts and gave us the ability to show kindness, love, andunderstanding . In challenging moments of our lives, when we see the needs of others, our true essence is revealed through helping, supporting, and caring for our neighbors.

Friends, take a moment to think about Ketevan and Anna-Maria. Consider the small or big acts of kindness we can perform not only to assist this family but also to save our own souls.

If you want to visit the family and provide help in person, here is their address: Tbilisi Lilo Village, Flat 13, apartment 77.

Every time you can help someone, just do it, and rejoice that God answers someone’s prayers through you!

We are sure that all together we will manage to save them from imminent death.

Please don’t forget to repost our story. Let your friends know about the grief of this family! It’s extremely important!

Friends, there is one more request: if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:

Our Fund’s accounts are:

  – In Bank of Georgia #GE42LB0115113036665000

  – In TBC Bank #GE15TB7194336080100003;

  – In Liberty Bank #GE42LB0115113036665000;

  (Purpose: Anna-Maria Kozmanashvili)

It is also possible to transfer money from TBCpay, ExpressPay and  PayBox (OPPA) terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (you can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link

We have already helped thousands of disadvantaged people! Let’s support this family too! And who knows, maybe someday we ourselves will need the help of strangers! Life is always unpredictable!

Even if you dial once this special number 0901200270 it might save someone’s life! God bless you!

Dear friends, your gift wasn’t just a wheelchair; it brought happiness to two lives! May the Lord fill your hearts with joy in return!


Thanks to the new wheelchair, Anna-Maria can spend more time outdoors and travel beyond her yard

No matter how tired her mom, Ketevan, was, she performed a complex ritual every day.  She would lift her sick 13-year-old daughter, Anna-Maria onto her arms, call the elevator from the 8th floor to the 1st, and walk across the yard.  Mom’s back could only withstand 10 minutes, which was the walk duration for Anna-Maria who has cerebral palsy.

The walk lasted for 10 minutes, which was how long her mom’s back could endure

Now, Anna-Maria has a wheelchair, and her mom, Ketevan, can take her on walks for up to two hours. Her mom takes her to the park, to be with other children, swings, and basks in the sun, and Anna-Maria is very happy. You have taken care to relieve the suffering of a single mother with a child who has cerebral palsy, and who exhausts herself with hard work.  You provided a refrigerator, washing machine, television… You ensured that Anna-Maria breathes fresh air and sees not only her room but the world beyond. 

It’s wonderful to bask in the sun!

– Ketevan, how have your conditions changed during the project?

Ketevan: You remember, I have a heavy, almost manly job on the assembly line. Nine hours on my feet. I have to work hard to earn a penny.  I couldn’t hope with the housework anymore, I washed clothes in the evenings, and cried. My lower back ached, and I just wanted to lean my back against something – to sit down or lie down.  It’s a great relief for me that now I can just toss the clothes into the washing machine and then hang them out to dry. 

“My aching back is most grateful for the washing machine!”

My immense gratitude is for the wheelchair – both from me and my aching back. I couldn’t bear to see my daughter confined within four walls but carrying her in my arms was a struggle. We couldn’t get beyond our yard.  It started with going down from the 8th floor and then returning with my adult daughter in my arms, even if we took the elevator.  It was a terrible ordeal. Now, Anna-Maria can comfortably go for walks in her wheelchair. It’s convenient for both her and me. My daughter can’t express strong emotions, but she smiles and doesn’t show signs of anxiety or restlessness, which means she feels good. 

Anna-Maria senses when it’s time for a walk

Her cousin says:  “Taking pictures is easy; I’ll teach you. Look at your aunt”

I no longer need to carry my daughter.  The walk has become comfortable for both my daughter and me

“Well, dear, let’s go to the park?”

I asked for a spacious orthopedic bed for my daughter.  This gift from the Fund and its readers arrived a few days ago. Anna-Maria has learned to turn over on her own, and there is a risk of her falling from the bed.  I’m glad that you promptly helped address this issue.  Leaving her on her previous bed is not an option; she has already fallen twice and lost consciousness. She has a cyst in her head, and any fall could be critical.

Anna-Maria will be sleeping on an orthopedic bed

Thank you for bringing another joy to my little girl’s monotonous life in addition to outdoor walks. She willingly watches videos on the new plasma TV.

Anna-Maria glows with a gentle light when she hears Georgian or Turkish songs

– How do you know which music she likes and which she doesn’t?

Ketevan: Anna-Maria likes Georgian and Turkish songs. If she doesn’t like the melody, she easily shows it by starting to whimper.  This means ‘change it,’ and I switch it right away. Similarly, she lets me know what foods she likes and what she doesn’t. In terms of food, I’ve known all her preferences for a long time, and with the financial aid from the Fund, I buy only her favorite products, which I could rarely afford.

 300 lari per month for groceries is a significant help for me. I am very grateful to all of you. I can’t quit my job anyway, but this assistance soothes and encourages me. 

Now I have a place to store dairy products and other food – a refrigerator has appeared in the house 

I always buy yogurts, matsoni, sour cream, and milk for my daughter from the store. I also make chicken broths and soups for her. I often fry potatoes – she just loves that dish. Generally, children with severe cerebral palsy enjoy eating.

Thanks to your help, Anna-Maria now has proper meals. Today, her mom prepared ‘tolma’ for her.

I can tell she’s already hungry by her rapid breathing and restlessness. I used to see and understand this before, of course, but due to a lack of means, instead of feeding my daughter four times a day, I just scolded myself.

‘You’ve got some treats here; give them a try, Anna-Maria. I’ve already had two cookies,’

Thank you for your responsiveness! With any problem, I could address the readers and the Fund. Not once have I seen such an attitude and attention from the authorities – neither before the project nor afterward. From you, I only see love, respect, compassion, and warmth.

– Ketevan, can you be more specific about what other issues you have resolved.   That will please the readers.

Ketevan: I’ll tell you about a recent situation when my daughter and I fell ill with a new virus. Both of us were lying down with fever, Anna-Maria was choking with coughing. I was nervous for my daughter, so I called the Fund as I would call a close person. They immediately provided us with medications: antipyretics, cough suppressants, inhalation medicines. 

Anna-Maria is feeling fine now, she recovered without complications, and this is your merit.

Anna-Maria is not capable of strong emotions, but when she smiles – it means she feels good and calm.

– What message would you like to convey to our readers?

Ketevan: The most touching aspect is witnessing the love for your child.  I’ve seen a storm of love, attention, compassion, and tenderness, and I am deeply moved by it. You know, there’s a saying: “To understand and not to judge another person, you have to step into their shoes and walk in them. You can do that; you are the most wonderful. You’ve walked in my shoes, and you’ve held my sick child in your arms. You’ve shed tears for me and felt my pain. 

 I wish you the greatest blessings in this life – health, happiness, and God’s blessings every day!

– We are with you on this journey, Ketevan. We don’t intend to leave you. What else concerns you, and how can we help?

Ketevan: It’s getting cold in the house, and my daughter is feeling chilly. But I can’t turn on the “karma” – gas bills accumulate quickly. So, we’re shivering to avoid getting into debt. We already owe the rent for this apartment – 400 lari. Sometimes I manage to pay the rent, and sometimes we go into debt, and it’s killing us.  This kind of help is vital for us if someone wants to assist. My dream of having a small room of our own often brings tears because we have no hope for our own housing, not even the tiniest space from the state…

Thank you, friends, for your care for the sick girl Anna-Maria and her mother Ketevan. Our project lasted for several months, but this family’s problems will continue throughout their lives. Anna-Maria’s disease is incurable, and her condition remains unchanged. We can help the family with diapers, food, medications, and addressing housing issues.  If there are endless troubles, then surely, goodness can be endless too… May the Lord bless you!

If you have a heavy heart because of everyday problems or unresolved issues, as a distraction just see our posts on Facebook, or better call any of our beneficiaries, and all your problems will seem unimportant to you, compared with the problems of those to whom you helped in the most difficult moment of their lives.

Our problems are nothing if compared… Here are true misfortunes, in front of your eyes! Just thank the Lord for what you have. You are the happiest person in the world! Remember this and help those in need.

Unfortunately, problems of this and other families do not end here and now… Therefore, from time to time, look through the stories of unhappy people on our website, talk to them. Every time you dial the Phone of an unhappy person, God is blessing you! For sure! Go on helping these families! This is the best service to the Lord!

Friends, there is one more request: if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:

Your kindness is a chance for yourself to be happy!

Friends, thanks again to each of you!

Our Fund’s accounts are:

– In Bank of Georgia GE42LB0115113036665000

– In TBC Bank GE15TB7194336080100003;

– In Liberty Bank GE42LB0115113036665000;

 (Purpose: The Kozmanashvili family)

 You can also transfer money from our website: Bank of Georgia (e-commerce), TБC Bank (GeoPay), Liberty Bank (PayGe), PayPal.

 It is also possible to transfer money from ExpressPay, TBCpay  and PayBox (OPPA) terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (you can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link 

Even if you dial once this special number 0901200270 it might save someone’s life! God bless you!

 Let’s believe that by helping others, we take care of our own souls and draw closer to Lord through the suffering that we share with them! 

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Total expenses:



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They need your help urgently