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The last battle is the hardest! Who will win: life or death?!

calendar April 11, 2024

One call saves life!

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Strands of her light hair were soaked with tears as the girl, tired from battling illness, lay on the hospital bed. Her name is Iamze. Her eyes, usually bright and full of life, are now filled only with fear. “I have one last surgery ahead of me! The last one in my life!” sadly says 15-year-old Iamze. She so wants to live, to be friends, and to communicate with her peers! “Right now, I can’t go outside. I can’t go to school because if I even catch a simple virus, I’ll die! That’s why I’m sticking hearts on the wall of my house. What if God sees them?” Iamze: “The doctors promise that everything will be fine!” We so want to believe them, friends! But we think, it’s better to pray one more time! Because without God, no important task can be accomplished! And here it’s not just any task, but the matter of life and death of a good and kind girl!!!

Our Fund’s accounts in:

Bank of Georgia

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GE64BG0000000470458000 GE64BG0000000470458000


TBC Bank

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GE15TB7194336080100003 GE15TB7194336080100003


Liberty Bank

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GE42LB0115113036665000 GE42LB0115113036665000


Charity Number: One call saves a life!

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The last battle is the hardest! Who will win: life or death?!

Strands of her light hair were soaked with tears as the girl, tired from battling illness, lay on the hospital bed. Her name is Iamze. Her eyes, usually bright and full of life, are now filled only with fear.


“I have one last surgery ahead of me! The last one in my life!” sadly says 15-year-old Iamze. She so wants to live, to be friends, and to communicate with her peers!

“Right now, I can’t go outside. I can’t go to school because if I even catch a simple virus, I’ll die! That’s why I’m sticking hearts on the wall of my house. What if God sees them?”

Iamze: “The doctors promise that everything will be fine!” We so want to believe them, friends! But we think, it’s better to pray one more time! Because without God, no important task can be accomplished! And here it’s not just any task, but the matter of life and death of a good and kind girl!!!

Since birth, Iamze has undergone numerous surgeries, medical procedures, and treatments. And every time, a new hospital and doctors in white coats, and every time, the new struggle – doctors’ struggle for her life.”

“They cut her open and stitched her up, cut and stitched… But each time they promised that everything would be fine. And every time the child believed that! She keeps believing before the final battle too – before the most difficult surgery to remove her kidney!!! 

So, in our Fund we decided  that our friends should know about this life-and-death struggle and rise up to defend the life of this beautiful and so unfairly unfortunate girl!

This is what a healthy kidney looks like.

And this is what it looks like in Iamze’s condition. Isn’t it a nightmare? Can you imagine the pain she endures?

“I have one last surgery ahead of me. Help my mom endure our sorrow and turn it into happiness for the rest of our days! Because from the day I was born, we’ve had such a difficult life!” 

The diagnosis of “hydronephrosis” and the other medical terms used by the doctors sounded like a curse. All of this was difficult for Iamze to understand, as she was just beginning to explore the world around her.

Iamze is a child who wants to be normal. She dreams of school, of friends, of carefree games on the street. But her life is intertwined with medical battles and constant pain. Despite her tender age of 15, she carried a weight on her fragile shoulders that most couldn’t comprehend. Her journey, fraught with life-threatening illnesses, began in infancy, burdening her with a multitude of health challenges from the very start. Since then, Iamze went through numerous surgeries, medical procedures, and treatments, each time fighting for her life.

Iamze (15-year-old): I’m getting ready for my last surgery, God willing. I hope I won’t have to go to hospitals for a while. I want to go to school, be with my friends! I want to play football, ride my bike, not deal with all of this… 

“Everyone says I’m sick, but I don’t feel that way… Do I look sick to you? What do you think?”

Rusudan (Mom): My poor girl has suffered so much! She’s been suffering since birth. She was born with a pathology of the genitourinary system. Everything there was sick. They diagnosed her with a “kidney defect.” I heard such a diagnosis for the first time. God, there are so many diseases out there! Until she was six, doctors didn’t touch her, but then a cascade of surgeries began. In one year, Iamze underwent four serious operations. And each time, she faced them like going to the gallows. 

Iamze: That’s not true! I wasn’t scared at all, and I’m not scared now. Mom thinks I’m scared, but I’m really not! Mom is more scared. 

– I think you’re both telling the truth – you and your mom. You’re just such a strong girl that you don’t have to show your emotions. Am I right?

Rusudan: You have no idea what kind of child she is. She suffers but doesn’t show it. It hurts her, but she endures it. She hides her condition from others because she doesn’t want to be an object of pity or someone’s object of attention. She wants to be accepted as she is, despite her physical shortcomings. But the fear that her surroundings will look at her with pity or misunderstanding makes her withdraw into herself.

Iamze: Oh, don’t make things up! Just because doctors have cut me a million times doesn’t mean I need pity! I just want all of this to end and for no one to ever mention my ailments again. 

– How do you cope with physical pain and limitations?

Iamze: Honestly, it’s not easy, but I try to stay strong. I’ve learned to find strength within myself and not let the pain defeat me. My family supports me in this: my mom, dad, older brothers. They all carry me on their shoulders. They do everything for me. How can I complain about anything else?

– What moments in your life have been the most difficult?

Iamze: Watching life pass by through the window is one of the toughest trials. Sometimes I feel very lonely. Sometimes I think my friends might forget about me. But I know it can’t go on like this forever. What do you think?

“When I get tired, my legs swell, my back and heart ache, that’s when I ask my mom to stroke me.”

– I think, if you have true friends, they’ll never forget you. Do you have many friends?

Iamze: Oh! I have many friends! I love making friends. I know how to be a friend. And if someone looks at me sideways because I’m not like them, I don’t care. Because there are those who will love me no matter what. Right now they’ll take out one kidney for me because it’s damaged, dead, and, as the doctors said, it’s killing the second healthy kidney. I was scared, thought people die from this. But it turns out there are many people who live with one kidney. 

– True, true! My friend has one kidney, and she’s feeling very well right now! 

Iamze: That’s great to hear! What’s your friend’s name?

– Her name is Tamuna.

Iamze: Well, please give my regards to your Tamuna! I dream of a normal life, and I believe that one day it will become possible.

“Here’s my friend.  My parrot. I am trying to teach him to talk, but it’s not working.”

– What dreams and goals do you have for the future?

Iamze: I don’t even know! Once the operation is over, and as soon as the doctor says I can do whatever I want, the first thing I’ll do is eat khinkali! Oh God, how I crave normal food! Right now it’s “can’t have this, can’t have that”…

Sometimes I get upset with life. I say, “Why can others do it and not me?” but then I realize that each of us is unique and has our own problems. I don’t consider myself worse than anyone else. I can’t run, not because the doctors say so, but because I get very tired, then my legs hurt, and I swell up like a ball. They say I can’t eat, not because they want it, but because I’ll feel sick… So I’ve come to accept it!

“I ask God to end all surgeries so I can finally run, jump, play football, ride bikes with friends.”

– What would you like to say to other children who might find themselves in a similar situation?

Iamze: I would tell them that they are not alone. It’s important to remember that there is always someone ready to support and help. Don’t hesitate to ask for help. And don’t be ashamed of not being like others. And one more thing! Don’t be afraid of pain! Pain exists, but then it goes away. And you can even get used to it!

“This fair-haired beauty is Iamze.  Look how beautiful she is!”

– Oh my God! Can you really get used to pain?

Iamze: But I managed, didn’t I? I’m 15 years old, and something always hurts me. I suffer, but what can I do? If I’m afraid of pain, then what? Will it decrease? No! I believe everything will be fine and that I have the strength to overcome all difficulties. I hope that in a few years I will be healthy and happy. If you come to visit me after the surgery, I’ll meet you on a bike. I don’t have one yet, but let’s see how it goes, and maybe someone will give me one. Because my mom doesn’t have money for it.

“Endure a little longer, Iamze, and you’ll become just like all the other girls.”

– Rusudan, Iamze is such a smart girl! I got so engrossed talking to her that I completely forgot why I came. Tell me about your problems, why did you reach out to our Fund?

Rusudan: Yes, she is strong in spirit! But for her health, that’s not enough. We have a lot of debts, my husband works, my three sons work in construction as laborers just to ensure that there’s always enough money for Iamze’s medications. Even her classmates and the whole school provide material support. But the treatment is very expensive! We managed to gather money for the surgery in Tbilisi, but we won’t be able to afford rent there. So when Iamze is in the hospital, I’ll have to stay in the lobby if they allow it. And then take her home right away. But kidney removal is not a simple operation. What if there are complications? I don’t know what to do. We definitely can’t afford to pay for rent. And we’ll still need medications, bandages… That’s why I turned to you. We’ve finally reached the final stage of our battle, and we simply can’t afford to leave it unfinished. Iamze walks under God’s guidance, and I know God will send us kind people!

In a world where suffering and illness are an inherent part of human existence, aiding the sick becomes a a duty that we must fulfill. And in this teaching, we can find profound meaning and fulfillment for our lives. God’s call to aid the sick stems from His love and compassion for all humanity. In moments of our illnesses and suffering, when we feel helpless and desperate, God is a source of comfort and healing. And through our service and care for the sick, we can become instruments of God’s grace and compassion on earth.

Aiding the sick becomes our response to the call of God’s love and mercy. It is our path to true meaning and purpose in life, our opportunity to bring light and healing to a world where it is so needed. 

With each needle prick, during every procedure, Iamze felt the illness pulling her deeper into its cold embrace.  “Sharp dilation of the renal pelvis” – sound like words made from cold and fear. Life, which was supposed to be filled with play and laughter, turned into a battle for survival, a struggle against an invisible enemy.

But the hardest moment came when doctors informed Iamze’s parents that irreversible damage had been done to one of her kidneys and it needed to be removed. For a girl who was still learning to live, this was like a death sentence. She felt a piece of herself being taken away, her hope for a normal life slipping away.

Her parents cried with her, understanding that even if the removal of one kidney went smoothly, there would always be the fear for the second one. What if it fails too? What if they couldn’t protect her from this disease?

Hydronephrosis is not just an illness; it’s a trial that makes us ponder the value of every moment, the fragility of life. For the little girl suffering from this condition, every day is a battle. A battle for a happy tomorrow, for the joy of play, for the chance to live life despite everything.

Iamze is not just a name; she’s a symbol of resilience. Her story reminds us of the strength of a child’s spirit, of the necessity to fight for every breath, for every moment of happiness. And may hydronephrosis become just a shadow left behind, while Iamze becomes a symbol of victory over it.

If you are willing to visit the family and help them in person, here is their address: Zestafoni, 32 May 26th Street.

Every time you can help someone, just do it, and rejoice that God answers someone’s prayers through you!

We are sure that all together we will manage to save the girl from imminent death. 

Friends, there is one more request: if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:

Our Fund’s accounts are:

– In Bank of Georgia GE64BG0000000470458000

– In TBC Bank GE15TB7194336080100003

– In Liberty Bank GE42LB0115113036665000

(Purpose: Dekanozishvili Iamze).

You can also transfer money from our website: Bank of Georgia (e-commerce), TБC Bank (GeoPay), Liberty Bank (PayGe), PayPal

It is also possible to transfer money from ExpressPay, TBCpay, and PayBox (OPPA) terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (you can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link

We have already helped thousands of disadvantaged people! Let’s support this family too! And who knows, maybe someday we ourselves will need the help of strangers! Life is always unpredictable!

Even if you dial once this special number, it might save someone’s life. It might save someone’s life:  0901200270!  God bless you!

 Corr.: Nino   

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