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Tsisana and her daughter, who suffers from cerebral palsy and cannot speak but understands everything, look at us with a silent plea: “Save my mom and me from a life of loneliness and unbearable suffering!”
The cursed death knocks on the door of the Dzneladze family – the family is doomed to live in hell! Friends, if you had heard the desperate cry of this woman like I did, the Fund’s correspondent, when I first opened the door to her home, it would send chills down your spine. Tsitsana, 55 years old, has been suffering for four long years. “Look at me, please look at me!” Tsisana pleads with me, the Fund’s correspondent, as if I could work a miracle with a wave of my hand. “I’m a 55-year-old woman, and this illness has turned me into a dying old hag!”
Poor thing, she suffers every minute, every second! Day and night, she endures unbearable pain that makes her constantly dream of only one thing – death.
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Charity Number: One call saves a life!
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Tsisana and her daughter, who suffers from cerebral palsy and cannot speak but understands everything, look at us with a silent plea: “Save my mom and me from a life of loneliness and unbearable suffering!”
Friends, if you had heard the desperate cry of this woman like I did, the Fund’s correspondent, when I first opened the door to her home, it would send chills down your spine. Tsitsana, 55 years old, has been suffering for four long years.
“Look at me, please look at me!” Tsisana pleads with me, the Fund’s correspondent, as if I could work a miracle with a wave of my hand. “I’m a 55-year-old woman, and this illness has turned me into a dying old hag!”
Poor thing, she suffers every minute, every second! Day and night, she endures unbearable pain that makes her constantly dream of only one thing – death.
“Imagine,” continues Tsitsana, “recently I received hope! Please don’t take it away from me… I don’t want to die in agony, in pain, humiliated by being a burden to my beloved children after this news!”
Tsisana: Doctors said that I can be cured! Can you imagine that, dear? I can be cured! But not in Georgia! It’s impossible here! They convinced me that consultation and rehabilitation at the Turkish clinic will give me a chance to get healthy again! It only costs 3000 dollars! They said “only,” but I’ve never even seen that much money altogether!
In my life, I’ve never wished ill upon anyone, only good. You can see it all in my eyes! The Lord sees, I speak the truth! But the main reason I want to stand up is for my flash and blood, my severely ill daughter, who can neither talk nor do anything. She needs a mother’s care, and I can’t get off this cursed bed. God, oh God, either close my eyes or lift me from this bed! I can’t bear to see my daughter suffer anymore! It’s hell twofold!
Darina, 33 (the daughter of the sick woman), is disabled, first group. Due to cerebral palsy, she cannot talk or do anything.
Friends, grief comes in different forms, but it is always grief! We have a chance to help these unfortunate people! There is no one else to help! If Tsisana could kneel, she would do it! But in this family, there is no one to even ask for help!
The Dzneladze family’s housing
Father and daughters – all family members are unemployed.
Dear people, there is nothing in this world stronger than the love of a mother and child. And when both mother and child are gravely ill, it is at this time that the Mother of God herself weeps. Friends of the Fund, only you can free this young woman from hellish torment. She is a mother! Yes, she is a mother, the one whom her sick child needs. Without your help, both the mother and the daughter will perish. Will you allow the insidious disease to overcome the love of a mother and child?
If you are willing to visit the family and help them in person, here is their address: Batumi, Bartskhana, 35 Katamadze Street.
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We have already helped thousands of disadvantaged people! Let’s support this family too! And who knows, maybe someday we ourselves will need the help of strangers! Life is always unpredictable!
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