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“I am afraid of death, Aunty,” were the heartbreaking words 11-year-old Mariam said to the Fund’s correspondent. The dramatic story of this smart and kind girl will touch your heart. This little child gives herself an insulin shots every single day. God, it’s heartbreaking!

calendar October 10, 2024

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This is the horrible scene we witnessed when we visited the Javellidze family. 11-year-old Mariam had so severe attack, she couldn’t even breathe. Thank God, kind neighbors rushed in and helped her mother revive the poor child. Mariam’s mom is a group 2 disabled person. Do you think these terrifying attacks are the only problem this girl faces? Unfortunately, no. Brace yourself, now I have to tell you the worst part. This little girl has a disease that usually doesn’t occur in children her age. At just 11 years old, Mariam has a severe form of diabetes. This horrible disease started one year ago. But what I’m about to tell you will chill you to the bone. This 11-year-old child injects herself with insulin every day. God, it’s unbelievable!

Our Fund’s accounts in:

Bank of Georgia

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GE64BG0000000470458000 GE64BG0000000470458000


TBC Bank

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GE15TB7194336080100003 GE15TB7194336080100003


Liberty Bank

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Bank Code:




GE42LB0115113036665000 GE42LB0115113036665000


Charity Number: One call saves a life!

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“I am afraid of death, Aunty,” were the heartbreaking words 11-year-old Mariam said to the Fund’s correspondent. The dramatic story of this smart and kind girl will touch your heart. This little child gives herself an insulin shots every single day. God, it’s heartbreaking!


This is the horrible scene we witnessed when we visited the Javellidze family. 11-year-old Mariam had so severe attack, she couldn’t even breathe. Thank God, kind neighbors rushed in and helped her mother revive the poor child. Mariam’s mom is a group 2 disabled person. 

Do you think these terrifying attacks are the only problem this girl faces? Unfortunately, no. Brace yourself, now I have to tell you the worst part. This little girl has a disease that usually doesn’t occur in children her age. At just 11 years old, Mariam has a severe form of diabetes. This horrible disease started one year ago. But what I’m about to tell you will chill you to the bone. This 11-year-old child injects herself with insulin every day. God, it’s unbelievable! 

This 11-year-old child injects herself with insulin every day.

Unfortunately, this photo wasn’t taken from the Internet or a scene from a dramatic movie. It’s reality. Just imagine the stress this little girl experiences daily, as she injects herself with such a large needle. Who knows how fast her little heart is pounding from fear in that moment? 

“Auntie, I’m afraid of dying,” the girl said with a shaking voice to the Fund’s correspondent. Mariam is at an age where she should be thinking about toys and pretty dresses. But every day, she’s only thinking about how to give herself an insulin shot with as little pain as possible. God, how unfair is that!

Mariam is an only child. Who knows, maybe if she had a brother or sister, she wouldn’t be as scared of illness. A brother or sister can be a person’s greatest comfort in tough times. 

Before each injection, Mariam checks her blood sugar levels. They are far above the safe limits.

Mariam (11 years old):  “A kind doctor taught me how to give myself shots after realizing that no nurse could come to my home, and my mom couldn’t give me the injections herself. My mom is also sick and needs my help. When I give myself the shot, my heart beats so hard from fear, it goes ‘thud, thud, thud.’ Every day, I pray to God to heal me. I also light a holy candle and pray.”

Mariam prays daily in front of icons, asking God for healing.

This is Mariam’s mother, 53-year-old Manana. She is group 2 disabled. She has had serious hearing and speech problems since birth. When Mariam is sick and wants to call her mom for help, she has to scream as loud as she can so her mother can hear her. All of this only worsens the state of an already sick and stressed child. Because of this stress, Mariam’s condition worsens, and she suffers from nervous breakdowns. Her mother can’t afford to buy a hearing aid. Both mother and daughter are suffering.

Mariam lives in a dilapidated house.

The mother and daughter live in terrible conditions. But diabetes is the kind of disease where the child needs maximum support, both in terms of nutrition and living conditions. However, Mariam has to live in a miserable environment, as you’ll see from these pictures.

The window panes are broken. The wooden frame is being eaten away by insects.

The old wooden door doesn’t close, and in winter, cold air flows in.

The child washes dishes in freezing water.

Dangerous gas bottles.

Look at this—can you even call it a wardrobe? You won’t find such horror even in a dump.

The house is full of these awful bugs.

The girl fell. Blood ran from her knees. She didn’t even have a bandage at home and had to wash her wound with rainwater.

The child washes her hands with rainwater.

Despite her illness, this poor girl collects firewood for the winter.

While the correspondent was visiting the family, a terrible storm began. Mariam had no warm clothes, and the correspondent noticed her shivering from the cold. Look at the photos, and you’ll understand how much this poor child has to endure.

Look into her eyes. They are filled with so much sadness and hopelessness.

Despite her illness and living in terrible conditions, Mariam radiates kindness. A stray dog gave birth to puppies, and this suffering child is now taking care of the puppies. The girl said sadly to the Funds correspondent: “What can I do to help these puppies survive the winter cold when my house has broken windows and the cold air comes in? I’ll put them in my bed to keep them warm. They are living creatures, too, and they’re fighting to survive, just like me. So I’ll help them.” That’s what this wise girl said. As she spoke about her good deed, her eyes filled with a divine grace. This girl, named after the Virgin Mary, truly lives up to her name.

This sick child is taking care of stray puppies.

Kind people, Mariam is helping helpless puppies, but who will lend a helping hand to Mariam?! It only takes one second to look into her eyes and you’ll understand—Mariam is begging for help. “Help me,” said with her eyes, weighs far more heavily than words could ever express. “Help me,” said with her eyes, strikes the heart like an arrow. 

Kind people, surely your hearts are bleeding, and tears are filling your eyes. Remember, this poor girl desperately needs your help. She urgently needs to see a doctor and get tests done, otherwise… No, I can’t bring myself to write those words. 

Friends of the Fund, Mariam’s mother, a group 2 disabled, cannot afford to take her little angel to the doctor. Can you imagine how much the mother’s heart is breaking during this time? Only God knows the fire burning in the heart of this unfortunate mother as she watches her child suffer, powerless to help. Kind people, this poor mother and child are now depending solely on you. Even if you can donate just a small amount, it will change this poor girl’s life completely. And the Virgin Mary will never forget that you extended a helping hand to her namesake.

If you are willing to visit the family and help them in person, here is their address: Ozurgeti Municipality, village Askana.

Our Fund’s accounts are:

– In Bank of Georgia GE64BG0000000470458000

– In TBC Bank GE15TB7194336080100003

– In Liberty Bank GE42LB0115113036665000

(Purpose: The Javelidze family).

You can also transfer money from our website: Bank of Georgia (e-commerce), TБC Bank (GeoPay), Liberty Bank (PayGe), PayPal

It is also possible to transfer money from ExpressPay, TBCpay, and  PayBox (OPPA) terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (you can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link

You can save someone’s life and draw closer to God! Text 97100.

Even if you dial once this special number, it might save someone’s life: 0901200270! God bless you!

Corr: Nini


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