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And when he found out that her son was born sick, he drove her like a dog into the street with two young children!
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Charity Number: One call saves a life!
Phone number:
0901200270And when he learned that the son was born sick he threw her out in the street
like a dog with two little children!
Irina was left completely alone, without any help, with a seriously ill son and
a baby daughter!
Why does earth tolerate such scum?!
“Why do you think it happened?”
Irina: I can’t tell for sure, but it’s probably due to the
years of stress. The fact is that my husband treated me very cruelly; he
humiliated, beat, constantly repeated that I was worthless, since I could not
give birth to a son.
– But the son was born disabled…
Irina: Yes, it had a big impact on our relationship, he hated the poor kid,
kept telling me to take him to the hospital and leave there. And when I
refused, he threw me and the children out into the street and said that
“so there’s no trace of me anywhere in sight.”
– Where did you go?
Irina: At first I was at a state shelter, and then the city hall rented at its
own expense a basement on the outskirts of Tbilisi. I could, of course, leave
the sick child and ease my existence, but, understand me, I am a mother, I
could not take such a cruel step. One shall not run away from responsibility as
my husband did, so I had to take care for my sick son, cherish and love him.
That’s how God sent him to us, so it’s my cross!
–Why did you marry your ex-husband?
Irina: He kidnapped me when I was 15. My parents were already in Russia by that
time, and I alone could not resist. I found myself in a terrible family where
everyone mocked me, I was like a housekeeper (crying). We had a daughter, but
that didn’t satisfy them. I suffered with my body and soul; I lived in hell,
crying every night. What could I do?
Luka Navroziani was born with many terrible diseases – microcephaly, epilepsy,
limb deformities and lack of chewing reflex. He can’t talk, he is constantly
screaming in pain, and he can’t swallow. The only thing he reacts to is the
touch of his mother.
“There were no signs of trouble: all the tests during
pregnancy said: a healthy boy will be born, especially since it was my second
child, – recalls Irina. But unfortunately, the newborn was transferred to the
ward, and I was told that he was born disabled.”
–What’s Luka’s condition today?
Irina: It is getting worse. Swallowing food becomes increasingly difficult and
terrible epileptic seizures merely torment him. During attacks he writhes,
moans, emits bloodcurdling screams, and if he was not held firmly the
consequences could be fatal. Recently, in a fit of epileptic anger, he turned
the pan with hot porridge upside down, that was our food; that day we remained
hungry, as very often we have no spare slice of bread.
– Does Luka have tranquil moments?
Irina: You know, he freezes when I sing him a lullaby in a low voice. Then he
calms down, and firmly pressed to my breast, serenely falls asleep.
– What is your income?
Irina: The disability pension in the amount of 200 lari and a
tiny social allowance. Most of the money is spent on medicines. Drugs from
epilepsy are particularly expensive. Without them Luka will not survive, so
sometimes we are left without bread, just to buy these drugs, if only my son
would live…
– Irina, what feels a mother who is caring for our very ill son?
Irina: For 16 years now, I have endured unbearable pain, it cannot be dulled,
it can not be appeased! I know that my boy is doomed to a bad outcome, but as
long as I live, I will pray to God to prolong his life, I will fight for his
life to the end. And I believe your readers will help me in this, as they are
ready to work miracles with their attention and mercy. All I want is for God to
have mercy on my son!
– Does anyone help you?
Irina: My daughter Marina does! She is my only assistant.
“Are the neighbors so callous that they can’t serve a plate of
Irina: In the previous apartment we had disgusting neighbors; they were totally
heartless. But the mayor‘s office slightly improved our living conditions and
rented a new apartment. The neighbors here are kind and helpful. They barely
make ends meet but still try to help us. Some would donate 1 lari, some would
buy bread, and some would bring hot soup. That’s how we live in constant fear
of the future, so as not to die of hunger.
Friends, Irina is a real heroine! Her responsibility was so great that many
would have given up long ago. After all, this is her son and this “heavy
cross” is her lot. And we as citizens of our country shall give all
possible help to this family and not leave them in trouble as it is our Christian
Fear is what Luca’s mother feels most of the time. She tries to
help, to jump over her possibilities, but alas, it does not always help. How
could they find money? Where shall they go? There is only one hope, to ask
people for help and to believe in their kindness!
We really hope for your help! Only together can we defeat injustice and prove
to this world that good always wins!
Call Irina, listen about her needs and cheer her
up. You can personally visit this family and provide assistance, and God will
help you in return. And be sure to repost our publication. Let all your friends
know about the grief of this family! It is very important!
Luka needs medicines, hygiene products, food and a bed linen.
Our Fund account GE15TB7194336080100003,
GE42LB0115113036665000 or GE64BG0000000470458000 (purpose: Luka Navroziani).
You can as well transfer money through our website terminals NovaTechnology, TBCpay and
our Fund in “Charity” section. (You can learn about the additional
rights and obligations of the Fund by following the link
Only when we share warmth and love, and feel genuine
concern for others, in other words, show compassion, do we find the conditions
for true happiness!
Total expenses:
187 Donors
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