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Mommy, what is meat?

calendar October 24, 2019

One call saves life!

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A 6-year-old boy and a two-year-old baby girl pray for a piece of bread every day on their knees on the icy concrete floor in this barn.

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Bank of Georgia

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GE64BG0000000470458000 GE64BG0000000470458000


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GE42LB0115113036665000 GE42LB0115113036665000


Charity Number: One call saves a life!

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The husband left young beauty Mariam with two
young children to die in a barn that is about to fall apart. Like a cattle! why
the ground doesn’t open up and swallow him is a mystery. Because of his
devilish aggression, the third baby was born premature and died. He has a
stone, not a heart! Lord, why are they punished so bad?!

A 6-year-old boy and a two-year-old baby girl
pray for a piece of bread every day on their knees on the icy concrete floor in
this barn. They never ate meat, they are deprived of the sweet and simple
childhood pleasures, not having even the simplest toys. How can it be so, oh

The walls of this old shack are breaking down.
One recently fell and almost killed the eldest son. But God sent his beloved
grandmother in time, and she managed to prevent the disaster. “Since then,
I lit a candle to the God who saved my child every day,” cries Mariam.

“What’s wrong with your face?” – we
asked the unfortunate woman who found our Fund on Facebook and invited us to
her place. – Oh dear, I feel bad very often. I have heartache, I lose
consciousness, I suffer from neurosis, and suffered from swine flu. This
condition can develop into a “bad” disease, I am very afraid for the
kids, if something irreparable happens to me…

But Mariam wears an Orthodox cross since
childhood, from her birth, and believes that the Lord will not leave her. She
believes that the time will come when fate will step aside and say: “You
have had enough trials. Live peacefully…”. But, so far their life has
been very bad…

– How did your husband leave you, what
happened? What about the kids?

Mariam: He left us three years ago when I was
pregnant. And that was good! He would have killed the baby with his drunken
brawls. He beat me in the stomach! But the baby was born healthy. Thank God!

Vodka took conscience and human dignity away
from the father of my children! He is not a human! He is not interested in
children at all, he does not care that his little ones starve, get sick, live
in this stable.
“When you married, I don’t suppose you thought your life would be like

Mariam: I got married in the city of Ozurgeti.
I lived in my husband’s house. I dreamed of a large and happy family, but this
was not to come true. When I gave birth to the first-born, there were no
prerequisites that he would leave the family. But after a year, perhaps he was
possessed by a demon. He started drinking, swearing, yelling at me; he stopped

– How did his parents react? Did they help you?

Mariam: He had no mother and no father. He
said, ” be patient.” So I endured. Being pregnant with the second
child, I dragged a bucket with water, chopped wood, cooked food, washed, was in
constant fear that the dissatisfied husband can beat me. It was in this
situation that I gave birth to my second child. He was premature and died some
time later. I experienced a huge inner pain that still haunts me.

– And the third child, daughter Lidia, where
did you give birth to her?

Mariam: When I got pregnant for the third time,
I decided to go to my parents in the village of Khovle, in Kaspsky Region. I
was afraid that the child could be born unhealthy, and at home, you know, my
parents would not let him offend me. Lidia was born here, a perfectly healthy

– And your husband?

Mariam: I left because I feared for my
children, for my life, I could no longer endure the insults and humiliation.
But this does not mean that a father should not take care of his children,
because they are practically starving…

– Tell me about your parents. Why are they in
such a distress?

Mariam: Mom and Dad are the closest people to
me. I have no brothers and sisters, not even close relatives. There was an
uncle, father’s brother, and he died 5 years ago. We are completely lonely. My
mother is now 56 years old, she moves with difficulty, her legs are swollen and
she is unable to work. Dad had been a communications technician for years,
earning his bread, so to speak. But a few years ago there was trouble – his
stomach ulcer burst; he began bleeding heavily and was taken to the hospital,
where he underwent surgery and miraculously survived. Since then he cannot

– The house, or rather this barn you live in,
is about to fall apart. How did you survive in such a situation?
Mariam: This shack was built 40 years ago. As you can see, there are two rooms,
where the walls are without plaster, and the floor is concrete. One wall
collapsed last year. The child was standing nearby, but his grandmother managed
to grab his arm and pull him out.

– I see you’ve already rebuilt the wall…

Mariam: It was not us, it was our neighbor,
Gennadiy Bakhtadze. He is such a kind person. He helps us a lot. In general,
our neighbors are good people, poor, but kind. They take care of us as much as
they can. So recently they bought firewood for us; however, it was enough for a
couple of months. We have no gas, so we have to cook on a wood-burning stove. I
drag water from the neighbors, and the toilet is in the yard.

– What is the amount of your social allowance
and how do you spend it?

Mariam: We get 340 lari. Half of this amount is
spent on medicines for my father, and the rest is spent on food. We have to
live on watery soups, potatoes and pasta. My children have never eaten meat and
are deprived of sweets. For example, this summer the older boy asked to buy him
ice cream. Well, how could I refuse a child? That day I bought ice cream for
children, and money for my portion of bread was not enough, so I remained
hungry, because bread is our main food.

– Do the local authorities help you?

Mariam: No, they do not. I addressed them
several times, but in vain. They say we receive allowance, and that’s
supposedly enough. That’s how I get kicked every time.
– Mariam, do you regret you got married?

Mariam: Yes, I regret that I married this man.
That’s how it happens – once you made a mistake and now you have to suffer. It
is no longer about me, but about my children growing up without a father,
without support, without a father’s care.

– And if your husband returns, will you accept

Mariam: Our future life together is out of the
question, but if he decides to see his children and help them somehow, I will
not resist. Although, he is such a callous and irresponsible person, that I do
not believe in his “transformation”.

– What do you believe in?

Mariam: You know, I believe in miracles. Isn’t
it a miracle you’re here now? For a long time I did not dare to write to you, I
thought that in a letter I would not be able to describe the severity of my
situation. But the Lord sent me a miracle – you instantly responded to my pain
and visited me. Thank God! I am very grateful to your Fund for the attention
shown to my family.

– Mariam, do you believe that luck return to
you again, that your life will come out of the darkness and misfortune will
turn into happiness?

Mariam: Although I am still young, however, I
do not care about my personal life, as it is secondary. The main thing for me
now is my children, they need to be fed and watered, clothed and shod, and then
educated. Not believing that they will be happy means not believing in God.
Therefore, I believe that with God’s help, with the help of compassion and
mercy of good people, with the help of prayers to the Lord, happiness will
surely come!
Friends, here is another sad story that requires our urgent intervention. A
young mother can break down and despair at any time, and that is a great sin.
Let us not contribute to this by inaction, but let us help her and her children
as much as we can; let us lift them out of poverty and distress and give them a
ray of hope.

This family needs food, a washing machine, a
refrigerator, a TV, dishes, blankets, children’s clothes and toys! They have
nothing of it. Yes, yes…it’s true! They don’t even have a TV, and the one
they have was released in the late 1980s and has been out of order for a long
time. These children are living in absolute poverty.

You can personally visit this family and
provide assistance. This is their address: Kaspi region, Dadiani village, tel.:

If at the moment you do not have a financial opportunity,
do not worry, the main thing is that you want to help an unhappy family, and a
repost of this publication is also a very important form of help! Do not forget
about that!

Our Fund account GE15TB7194336080100003,
GE42LB0115113036665000 or GE64BG0000000470458000 (purpose: Mikutishvili
family). You can also transfer money from our website.

You can as well transfer money from the
terminals of Nova Technology, TBCpay and ExpressPay. Find our Fund in
“Charity” section. (You can learn about the additional rights and
obligations of the Fund by following the link

If you know about the misfortune of a neighbor
or friend, do a Charitable deed, write to us by e-mail: With our joint efforts we will help them.

Friends, your help is invaluable! Thank you for
every tetri you sent, thank you for your warm words! Let all good things come
back to you multiple times!!!

Mommy, what is meat?

Our article was called, which caused so many responses from good people! 175 people extended a helping hand to hungry children.
“Santa Claus came to us, and brought many, many gifts,” cried the children, seeing the Fund’s approaching car! Hooray! Didi Madloba, Grandpa! And joyfully pounced boxes filled with food …
You probably remember the Mikutishvili family, where, according to mother Mariam, her little children every day on their knees and the icy concrete floor prayed for a piece of bread. They never had a full dinner in their life, were deprived of sweets and simple children’s joys, there are not even elementary toys.
Your help has become a real miracle for the family! With the funds raised, the family bought food, furniture and household appliances! Mom was most happy to receive a washing machine as a gift, but the children were delighted with the amount of food and sweets that they had not tried before!
-Mariam, tell me, when we called you and asked “what exactly to take”, you made the main accent on food and especially on sweets. Why?
Mariam: the fact is that my children were sorely lacking sweets. You know how important glucose is for a young body! Cried, asked: mom buy condensed milk, mom buy cookies. And I did not have any opportunities. The social allowance goes to an elementary lunch of potatoes or pasta.
Corr.-Why didn’t they ask for the toys? So we forgot to write. And now we turn to good people – if your children have good toys, bring them to the children. You will get the joy of communicating with them for the whole year ahead!
Mariam: – Confused and forgot (blushed)
– George, tell us which gifts you liked?
Giorgi (7 years): I love sweets, but my mother does not buy them for us. He says that one chocolate bar costs as much as our lunch for one day … and I like sweets so much! And what did you bring the cookies, they are just a jumble!
– Mariam, when you turned to our foundation for help, did you believe that our readers would donate money for you?
Mariam: Of course I did. They told me so delightfully about your Fund that it was hard not to believe!
-You now have the opportunity to address our readers with thanks:
Mariam: thank you very much to all the people who extended a helping hand to my children. You gave them joy, you gave my family hope. You are real Christians and may the Lord God give you happiness, and prosperity and all the best to your families!
And a separate teacher from Tbilisi. I do not remember her name. Forgive me. Such a kind woman. She brought coloring books for children and they paint, and I remember her all.
Friends, these children should not suffer. And for a long time they will be small. Take care of them. And the Lord is about you!
Thanks a lot, everyone! Good deeds do not go unnoticed – they shine like beacons to those who are waiting for help! You give people not just material values, but give them faith in kindness and justice!
And if it’s hard for you because of everyday problems or unresolved issues, get distracted for a second and look at our posts in the FB. Our problems are nothing in comparison …! Here it is – real grief! It is in front of your eyes! And thank the Lord for what you have. You are the happiest person in the world! Remember this and help those in need.
Friends, thank you all again!
Our Fund Account is GE15TB7194336080100003, GE42LB0115113036665000 or GE64BG0000000470458000. (Appointment: Mikutishvili family) You can also transfer money from our website.
You can transfer money from the terminals Nova Technology, TBCpay and ExpressPay. In the charity section, find our Fund. (Additional rights and obligations of the Fund can be found at
Let us think that helping others, we take care of our soul and approach the Lord precisely through the suffering that we experience for others!

Dec 04, 2019
Dec 04, 2019
Jan 13, 2020
Jan 13, 2020
Jan 13, 2020
fund overhead
May 28, 2020
Jun 05, 2020

Total expenses:



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180 Donors

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180 Donors


They need your help urgently