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These beautiful children are starving and begging!

calendar April 16, 2020

Children sleep on broken beds, picked up in a landfill, dine on a dilapidated table with peeling paint! There are only three chairs in the family.

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Charity Number: One call saves a life!

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5 Georgians, 5 wonderful people. Mom Anna, Dad Georgiy and their beautiful
children: 14-year-old Sandro, 3-year-old Nino and little Nene who is only 6
months old, know firsthand what it is to go to bed hungry, walk in rags and
live in a damp, windswept room!

The family lives in Tbilisi outskirts, in a house with large cracks. Some
walls are “protected from the cold” with cardboard and old shabby
blankets. “Sometimes it seems to me that the load-bearing wall is held by
this Cabinet,” – mother Anna told us. This dilapidated apartment has
absolutely no amenities. The roof is leaking, the walls are peeling, the floor
is cracked, it’s damp all around, and some of the цindows have no glass.
Probably the last 30 years this house was not repaired.

The kids sleep on three broken beds from a landfill, and dine at a
dilapidated table with peeling paint! There are only three chairs.

Have a look at the photos! They cannot be described with words… You will
see for yourself the horrible conditions of these people, our compatriots!

Anna Stajadze, mother of five children, told us about her hard life:

– Anna, it is impossible to believe that people can live in these ruins.
Aren’t you afraid?

Anna: I am, but what should I do? But even this “wreck” has a
plus. We don’t pay rent for it!

– What is your biggest problem of your family at the moment?

Anna: I just don’t want to think all the time about how to feed the
children, how to buy them new clothes at least once a year, how not to be
afraid of this damned wall that can collapse at any time… I wish that the
children will be warm. Sorry, it’s cold in here, we don’t have gas, they cut
off gas supply to us because of a large debt. We have a lot of debts… (Her
eyes filled with tears.) Is this a life? We don’t need much.

– Let me ask and ask about the history of your family.

Anna: This month marks 20 years since I met my husband Georgiy. I was at
the Church at night service, still a schoolgirl, and there we met by chance. For
5 years, Georgiy courted me very nicely and won me over; we made plans and
dreamed. Then we got married. Despite all the difficulties, we have been
together for 15 years. We have 3 children.

– Is there anybody helping you? Parents or relatives?

Anna: My mother recently had her fourth operation, and she can’t help me.
My mother-in-law is also very ill – she has 7 diseases, she needs help herself.
My husband Georgiy is ready for any job, he is a very honest, hardworking and
responsible person, but you know what problems we have in our country with
work. Unfortunately, my husband cannot find a job. He finds work from time to
time, but it is all temporary. And my mother-in-law needs 169 lari a month just
for medicines, we have to help her, it is vital. Nene is on bottle feeding. My
father-in-law died in January, and he had been bedridden for a year. I am
grateful to my sister-in-law Ketevan, who sometimes takes her mother home. But
she’s a widow with three children.  Who can provide financial assistance?
You know, everyone has their own problems.

– Did you ever think that such a misfortune could happen to you? – And how
did you imagine your life?

Anna: We just wanted to have our own home and provide a decent life for our
children. We wanted to take children to different clubs, developing their
talents. The goal and hope was an ordinary, healthy and happy family. After
all, everything can happen in life. I don’t like to cry. If there are no
household appliances, well, people can live without these things. But when you
see hungry children, when children have nothing to wear, they do not have the
opportunity to develop their abilities and just dream… You can’t help them.
That’s what hurts my soul.

– And have you asked for the help someone? The local authorities, for

Anna: I went to many places. But alas…! Despite numerous efforts, our
allowance was cancelled based on the fact that they only help people of age or
families with 4 or more children. They have been promising social assistance
for a year, they visited us several times for evaluation. Once they did not
understand something, and then the points were more than 70,000 and the
allowance was not provided for such families. They denied a food voucher for
6-month-old Nene.

– What do you believe in? What do you see as salvation? Do you believe in

Anna: My family, my children, and my faith in God give me the strength to
live and fight. Only thanks to this, I did not give in to despair and continue
to struggle with all the problems that come along the way of the family.

– Do you believe that strangers can be good to you?

Anna: Of course I do. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have come to you.

– Tell us about the children. Do your children go to school or

Anna: Children are my pride and happiness. Sandro helps me a lot, studies
well, I am proud of my son’s progress and efforts, especially in learning
foreign languages, and I always feel his support and love. Nino is very
beautiful and fun, dancing all the time. She’s like a little sun. Jam cookies are
her favorite treats, poor thing, and she doesn’t know what ice cream tastes
like. In the evening, he grabs my hand and says, “That’s it! Now you’re
just my mom! Let Nene go, take me up!” I can’t say that she is jealous of
my baby, but my attention is clearly not enough for her. So I lie down next to
her and tell her stories. She especially likes it when I tell her about little
red riding hood. “And what color is the dress? What kind of shoes? What is
her hairstyle?.. And how many teeth has the wolf? Why is he so angry, and where
is his mother?” And then she falls asleep happy, she does not know how to
speak well yet, but lets everyone know that in the evening, before going to
bed, mom belongs only to her!

Sandro likes physics and chemistry. He is a very open child, but when he
sees the situation in the family, he restrains himself and does not ask for too
much. He used to tell me everything, and I even knew that he liked a girl in
the kindergarten. And now I don’t know what he’s doing. I only learn from the
teachers that Sandro is a very good boy.” They adore him. They call and
say that he got top marks in physics. I ask my son, “Why didn’t you tell
me?” and he says, “It’s nothing, I could have done better”. But,
one thing that pleases me, he is a very fair, kind and loyal person. And this,
in my opinion, is important for every mother!

– What do you feed your children with?

Anna: Our diet is the simplest: pasta, cereals, buckwheat, porridge and
morning tea.

– Sandro, can I talk to you? How do you study? What subjects do you like?

Sandro (15 years old): I study well. I like physics, chemistry and
mathematics very much. I’m also trying to write stories. I have a lot of
friends. My best friend is Sergo, he never lies. We grew up together. We went
to kindergarten and school together. We know everything about each other. We
even like the same girls. Or rather, at kindergarten, we liked one girl and we
thought it was so cool…

– Do you still think so?

Sandro (15 years old): (Laughs) no, it probably won’t be so fun right now.

– Do your teachers praise you?

Sandro (15 years old): They don’t praise me in front of me, but I’m glad
they call my mother and tell her what a good son she has.

– What is your hobby?

Sandro (15 years old): I love Rugby, but it’s just a dream.

– Why so?

Sandro (15 years old): You know, it’s not so easy to go in for sports. I
need a special uniform; shoes can break once a month; I also need a ball… And
I need to pay for lessons to the coach. And when my mother does not have money
to buy baby food for Nene, the uniform and the ball is out of question.

– What do you want to become when you are grown up?

Sandro (15 years old): I would like to become a biologist doctor. And I
will do everything for this purpose. And if you ask me why, well, this is interesting!
I was always interested in science, I liked physics and chemistry. And the
current situation in the world has made it even more clear to me that now the
most necessary people are scientists! Now everybody shows respect to our
Georgian doctors! Who else can put an end to this terrible virus?

– If you had a chance, what would you do for your mother?

Sandro (15 years old): I would make sure that she lived in prosperity and
did not need anything, was young and beautiful, always smiled and was not afraid
of tomorrow.

– What do you hope for?

Sandro (15 years old): I hope for God and for myself.

 Nino (3 years old): Talk to me, too! I like my doll Nana. She was my
favorite until my mother brought a live doll into the house! Our Nene is a
crybaby, but she can smile back and say “agu”.

– Does your mother have time to tell you fairy tales?

Nino (3 years old): Mom and Dad tell me stories before going to bed. My
favorite fairy tale is about a fox and a small bird, and another one is about
the little Red Riding Hood.

– What do you want to become when you are grown up?

Nino (3 years old): I dream of becoming a ballerina! You know why?! Dresses
are beautiful, and they jump all the time and nobody scolds them for it! Nobody
says, “uh, calm down, don’t jump…”

– You have wonderful children, Anna.

Anna: Thank you, that’s nice to hear this!

– What’s your family’s income? What can you afford?

Anna: now we were promised a child allowance of 150 lari. I hope we get
that at least. The mayor’s office has provided us one-time assistance, 300
lari. When I was given these 300 lari, that morning I was in a complete panic:
I opened the last box of food for Nene. God helped and help came in time. Nino
is now being given food at kindergarten, by the order of Kakha Kaladze. Well, we
somehow survive, eating bread, tea and macaroni.

– What is your most cherished dream? What are in your opinion the things you
need at home in the first place?

Anna:  My dream is to be able to work so that my children don’t
starve, and to give them an education. And not to be afraid that the house will
collapse. We need any products that will save children from hunger,
high-quality baby food for Nene, a blender to prepare baby food, as well as
diapers and other hygiene products and clothes for children.

– Why did you decide to contact us?

Anna: I’ve heard a lot about the Fund and read about you. I have even seen
your car before when you distributed food. Believe me, I have addressed a lot
of people: political parties, foundations, non-governmental organizations, but
only you have answered me and expressed your readiness to help. Thank you for
this, dear friends!

– Almost all Georgia will learn about your family when we write about it.
Would you like to meet some friends of the Fund?

Anna: Yes, we would love to meet good people.


Friends, as you can see, the large family is in extreme need. The family is
in need of food, diapers, household appliances and beds! Let’s support them,
show mercy, give the children a chance to develop normally and have a happy
childhood. You can personally visit this family and provide assistance. The
children and their parents will be merely happy! Call Anna, find out about her
needs, cheer her up, support her, tell her that she is not alone and that
nobody will leave them alone in their trouble! It is very important.

Here is their address: Tbilisi, 12, Thirteen Assur Fathers St. Tel.: 568 96
13 05

Dear friends, Chernovetskyi Fund initiates a charitable action: to help
Anna Stazhadze and her children. As you know, the Fund does not stop at
one-time assistance. Without children, the country and people have no future.
Take care of the younger generation! Help them survive! “Write them
down” as your relatives. And we are sure that the Lord himself will bless

And be sure to repost our publication. Let all your friends know about the
grief of this family! It is very important.

God gives us the opportunity to take care of people who are not able to do
it themselves. Not all people are the same. And not everyone is as kind as we
are. Please, do not pass aside the sorrow of others! Unhappy people are given
to us from above so that we can prove our faith to the Almighty not in words
but in deeds!

Friends, there is one more request, if you know about the misfortune of a
neighbor or friend, do a Charitable deed, write to us by e-mail:

Our Fund account GE15TB7194336080100003, GE42LB0115113036665000 or
GE64BG0000000470458000 (purpose: Anna Stazhadze). You can also transfer money
from our website.

You can as well transfer money from the terminals of OPPA, TBCpay and
ExpressPay. Find our Fund in “Charity” section. (You can learn about
the additional rights and obligations of the Fund by following the link

“You gave me the happiest birthday!”

These words were told to me by the 15-year-old Sandro, who will soon (on June 8) celebrate his birthday. And this time with a treasured gift – a personal computer! For some, this is a completely mundane thing, but it really made Sandro happy. A sad look sparkled with joy, and a smile appeared on his saddened face! This is your merit, our readers! You gave Sandro probably the first joy of owning something important and dear to him in his life!
Still just a day ago, the boy ran to the neighbor’s boy to listen to online lessons or just play on the computer, because his unhappy, single mother could not afford such a luxury as a laptop! What kind of gadgets could be discussed when there was not enough money even for a baby formula for a six-month-old baby Nene!
The family could barely make ends meet, the children were starving and this became their usual state. Having lost all hope of any outside help, the mother of three beautiful children, Anna, turned to our Foundation in desperation. Although, as Anna admits, she did not expect that they would be helped anyway … The woman no longer believed that this was possible.
But after the publication of the post on the website of the Chernovetsky Foundation, everything changed! Thanks to the good people – to you, our readers! – the kids began to eat normally, Sandro received the coveted computer, and Nino did not leave the new dolls.
– Tell us how your life has changed after we published your story?
  Anna: Life has changed tremendously. You cannot imagine how grateful I am to you. Your Fund has done a lot for us, and I will never forget it! My children finally stopped starving, and Sandro gave us the computer that he had dreamed about! Sandrick is now in seventh heaven from happiness, he has to be pulled away from the computer. Constantly doing something there. He is very pleased and tells everyone in the yard what gift you gave him.
     My children are finally happy, but what more does a mother need? It is to see their happy faces. I used to want to cry when I looked at them – always hunger and fear in my eyes … This is a terrible, believe me, terrible feeling for my mother! … To see that your children are not full and do not know what to do about it … But you helped to cope with it!
    – Which of the friends did you make? And who helped you besides the Fund, maybe you remember their names?
Anna: Oh, so many. In particular from your Fund. I honestly don’t remember their names, but they are also journalists. Nino – a wonderful girl, came, helped, brought goodies to the children. David, a very good guy, did everything he could to help us. In general, very, very many new friends I made, caring people who came and helped.
I especially remember two young girls, one called Theon, and the second did not introduce herself, brought a lot of products, toys to children, even left money.
    There was also a woman who simply called my number and said that she had brought something for me, asked me to leave. When I went out, there was a lot of food near the threshold, just a lot of food! Butter, cereals, bread, sweets for children, hygiene products, she brought a lot of things.
       But all this, even the fact that others came to help us, is your merit. After all, you told people about us and our tragedy.
      – Anna, and after publication, did one of the authorities become interested in your family? Did they help with something?
       Anna: Authorities? Honey, is that power? Sometimes I get the feeling that because of my poverty, I and my family are not considered people. Instead of helping, they only took away … They took the allowance for large families, because I have 76,000 points, and should be no more than 70,000. Now our four-person family income is 150 lari.
      If it weren’t for you, we would have died of hunger here a long time ago. Once again I will say that I can’t convey my gratitude in words! You have saved us and are saving us to this day. Because the state does not need us …
     Yesterday, employees of the gas company came and cut off gas for us, because we have 600 GEL of debt. I begged them, said that I would pay them out slowly, but there was nothing human in them. I don’t know how the kids will be in winter, Nene and Nino are very small. And now even there is no place to warm water. I am offended that before, when I could work, my country needed me, and now it’s an empty place!
        – Tell me what you need. Our readers are not indifferent people, you know, they will try to help.
Anna: I need a lot, but thank you for helping me! It’s embarrassing to ask for something else, you have done so much for us, and I will always thank you and I will not tire of praying for you! And my mother, too, she talks every day about how good you are.
       – What does this support from people mean to you personally?
       Anna: To be honest, at first I did not believe that there were still people who would accept someone else’s grief as their own. The fact is that I applied to various organizations earlier, asked for help, but no one helped. They called, filled out questionnaires, but no help was received. Simple
they pretended to help, they lied. And I was waiting. When I wrote to you, I did not expect anything to work out. However, you have proven the opposite. You are the only ones who helped us … Thanks to you, I began to believe in the kindness of people.

      – These words give us motivation to help people. Anna, what did the children like most of the gifts?
      Anna: Sandro’s biggest holiday! You can’t imagine how happy he was when you brought him a computer. Yes, just before his birthday! I haven’t seen my son so happy for a long time! What happened to us greatly influenced him – he quickly matured. But now, I see this purely childish joy in my eyes and every time I pray to God to give more health to people like you and friends of the Fund!
    Oh, and Nino? She just goes crazy in her new dolls, constantly playing with them. Even when we sit down to eat, she takes the dolls with her, sleeps with them, not letting her out of her hands all night.
      – Nino, mom said that you were presented with new dolls? You are happy?
      Nino (3 years): Yeah! Very happy and really love my new girlfriends! They are so beautiful and soft! I even feed them, and also wash their dresses in water. Nene likes them too.
      – “Sandro, how do you like your laptop?” What are you doing on it?
      Sandro (15 years old): He’s just cool, thanks a lot! Now I can attend online lessons, otherwise I had to go to the neighbors. Moreover, now is the end of the year and all control and tests have begun. I really needed a computer. In addition to lessons, I play games and turn on cartoons for my sisters, otherwise I’m not far behind until I turn them on.
      – Sandro, tell me, now do you feel happy?
      Sandro (15 years old): Of course! I always dreamed of a personal computer, my own, personal. But I knew that parents could not afford it. What a computer, when Nene didn’t even have enough money for the mixture. It’s my birthday on June 8th and to be honest, you gave me the best birthday ever! Because they fulfilled my dream. Thank!
And if it’s hard for you because of everyday problems or unresolved issues, get distracted for a second and look at our posts in the FB.
Better yet, dial the phone number of any of our beneficiary. Call him and forget all your problems. Because they are “nothing” in comparison with those to whom you opened your good heart and came to the aid in the most difficult moment of his life. Here it is – real grief! It is in front of your eyes! And thank the Lord for what you have. You are the happiest person in the world! Remember this and help those in need.
Each time, dialing the phone of the next unfortunate, on the back you will definitely feel God’s blessing! Sure! Help these families continue! This is the best service to the Lord!
 Your kindness is a chance to be happy in everything yourself!
Friends, thank you all again!
Our Fund Account is GE15TB7194336080100003, GE42LB0115113036665000 or GE64BG0000000470458000. (Appointment: Stazhadze family) You can also transfer money from our website.
You can transfer money from OPPA, TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. In the charity section, find our Fund.
(Additional rights and obligations of the Fund can be found at
1 call will save a life 0901 200 270
Let us think that in helping others we take care of our soul and draw near to the Lord

Jun 05, 2020
Jun 05, 2020
a computer
Jul 08, 2020
fund overhead

Total expenses:



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They need your help urgently