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Aunt, do you happen to have any candy?

calendar May 5, 2020

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What a horror that already at the age of 2, a child understands that he or she he lives in a deep poverty, knows what real hunger is and can only dream not of toys, like all children, but of food and sweets…

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With this question, looking hopefully into my eyes, met us 2-year-old Barbare…
And while I was trying to think of an answer in confusion, the little girl
added funny, misrepresenting the words: “Or something else to
eat?” Friends, what would you tell this little, sweet, hungry angel?

a horror that already at the age of 2, a child understands that he or she he
lives in a deep poverty
, knows what real hunger
is and can only dream not of toys, like all children, but of food and sweets…

– Don’t worry, we will bring everything to you, baby… – I answered confusedly
as our acquaintance with this large and wonderful Georgian family began: father
– Zurab, mother – Tinatin, and their five beautiful daughters: Mariam – 16
years old, Tamuna – 12, Anna – 8, Lika – 6 and Barbare – 2 years old.

Dear friends, here are five girls, five Georgian beauties with no future if we
stay away. They suffer from hunger, cold, and, above all, the humiliation they
experience at school and among their friends. Not to mention the fact that
there are no conditions for learning and normal development! This cannot be the
case in Georgia. In the country of the kindest and most faithful people in the

– They love each other so much… – Mother Tinatin begins her sad story. 
The girls are all grown up, and we are all huddled in this tiny room, with
no beds or even room for beds, so cramped that we often have to send the
eldest, Mariam, to my parents. And she misses me and her father and sisters so
much… Yes, what am I talking about, thank God that at least we are not under
the open sky…   

  Reporter: Nino,
calm down and tell me everything in order.

Tinatin: A few years ago,
my parents, with whom we lived, lost their apartment due to debt. It was a
difficult time, and we were not able to buy even a small living space. Thus we
remained in the street.

For several years, we
rented an apartment on the outskirts of the city, and it was too hard to raise
children, feed them, clothe them, train them, and pay for housing.

For 5 years, I wrote
letters to all authorities with a request to provide our large family with
housing. I had no other choice…

And so, we were given
one room for 7 people in the shelter. This building is similar to an old
hospital with a common corridor. Thank you also for not leaving us with young
children in the open air.

My husband couldn’t find
a permanent job, and I have no one to leave my children with. That’s how we live
with one social allowance.

 – What is the main problem of your
family at the moment?

Tinatin: We live with 5
children in one room, in a social shelter, where we have no conditions for
existence, not to mention the conveniences and appliances. There is no way to
feed children normally. We don’t even have a place to sleep, you know? There
are a lot of us, the girls are already big, and they sleep with us, on double
beds. They have no place to study, only a lame table that serves both for food
and for the girls’ classes. My heart sinks when I think that my children will
not be able to receive proper education in such conditions… And when you have
an empty stomach, would you study well?.. My eldest daughter, Mariam, often
spends the night with her grandmother, and she is my main support and
assistant, the younger ones love her endlessly, and miss her very much when she
is not at home.

Reporter: – How did your family “start”?

 This is a story of a great love! – The mother of the daughters
stopped crying and turned to memories. – My husband and I met while visiting my
best friend, Lia. He is 5 years older than me, and then he seemed so grown-up,
so serious… We liked each other immediately. I felt like a little girl next to
him, and he seemed to me a reliable protection from all the miseries of life…
We soon realized that we were just made for each other and decided to run away,
it seemed so romantic at the time. Under the pretext that I would pick up
little brother from the kindergarten I walked out of the house. And after a
couple of hours, I found myself in the village, with relatives of my spouse.
And when my parents were called from kindergarten, and asked to pick up my
little brother, of course everything was revealed. Today it is funny and
shameful to recall this, but love often pushes young people to such

But… Don’t think anything bad…! I don’t complain about fate. We have
healthy, beautiful daughters and we believe in God. This is the most important
for us now. Everything can’t always be bad! So you came to see us…

– Is there anybody helping you? Parents or

Tinatin: Our parents live on one pension, on the contrary, we should help
them, but as you can see, we are in distress and cannot provide for ourselves
or our children. There is no one else to help us, and the time is very

– Did you ever think that such a misfortune could happen to you? How did
you imagine your future?

 The plans were simply Grand. They did not take seriously the
hardships of an unsettled life. We wanted to create a strong and prosperous
family, have many children and raise them in love and prosperity. Our dreams
have partially come true, we have five of the best daughters in the world. Both
of them are so beautiful… But at the same time, everyday problems have
increased at times, and I want a happy and comfortable life for my girls so
much. They deserved it!

– And have you asked someone for help? The local authorities, for example?

 Tinatin: The
state helped us with housing. This was an unsolvable problem for us. My
conscience does not allow me to ask for more. It’s hard for everyone now. We
receive social assistance as we have many children. I used to attend the free
canteen, but since we were given housing in another area, now it is not
possible to go from one end of the city to the other to get free bread and
lunch. And at the new address, we have not yet been added to the social canteen
lists, and we can’t get anything.

– What do you believe in? What do you see as salvation?

Tinatin: Every single day, I turn to the Almighty and pray for the well-being
of my children, that they live better than we do… And also, I ask his
forgiveness for the fact that I cannot provide them with a decent existence…

  – Do you believe that strangers can be good to you?

  Tinatin: I
hope for people’s kindness and compassion. One of the commandments says: Love
your neighbor as yourself. I hope that the Lord will send us good people. And the
fact that нou are here is his will, I believe it.

– Tell us about the children. Do your children go to school or

 The youngest is 2 years old. The older ones go to school. If
possible, we try to create conditions for them to study. Eldest Mariam (16
years old) studies very well, and we have high hopes for her. Tamuna (12 years
old) and Lika (6 years old) love to dance, Anna (8 years old) is a good
swimmer, she learned to swim at the river in the village where she stayed with my
parents. Of course, it would be great to take them to some extracurricular
activities, but you know, with our income, this is not possible. It is not
always possible to provide girls with even the most necessary things.

– What do you usually feed them?

 All our financial resources are spent on their food
and education. It is impossible to provide the children with proper nutrition,
meat, fish, fruits, vegetables and their favorite treats. They’re teenagers…
They need so much, but instead, you often have to feed them with lunch from the
free canteen.

I have to limit us in
food. Children should be dressed, shod, and provided with school supplies. We
make do with inexpensive products, pasta and cereals.

many problems, I try to inspire my children with faith in the future. Once I
told the older girls, and now they tell the younger ones, stories where good
always wins over evil. My strength is not the same, and my health is failing.
This duty was assumed by Mariam and Tamuna. Normally all fairy tales are about
princesses; they are girls and dream only about this…

  – Let me talk to the kids now. Shall
we talk, girls? What games do you like to play or do you go in for sports?

  Mariam (16 years old) I used to attend
football classes, and I really liked it. But then I couldn’t continue because
of my finances.

 – How do you study? What are your

  Mariam (16 years old) I study well. I
love books and I read modern literature, science fiction, and others. I borrow
them from my friends as we can’t afford to buy books. My friends help me a lot.
I would really like to go in for swimming, but it’s too expensive for us…

 – Do you believe that we will help and even
pay for the courses? Which courses are you going to attend and why: swimming or

   Mariam (16 years old): (laughs)
I think previously I’d rather opt for swimming, I was little then, but now I
think football is more for boys. I believe with all my heart, you have already helped
so much.

  – How do you help mom and dad?

  Mariam (16 years old) My sisters and I
always help my mother around the house, in everything. Mother is very tired! We
are many, and she is one! I feel sorry for her. Besides, she doesn’t have a
washing machine, and her family is big. Women like my mother should have
monuments erected during their lifetime. She has never reproached us. And how
kind and caring she is!

  – What is your dream?

  Mariam (16 years old) I dream of
becoming a journalist. I want to see the whole World and see how people live in
other countries. I would like to help those who have a bad life! I want be a
reporter in flashpoint areas. I also dream of a beautiful house where I will
finally have my own room, but I will definitely take my parents with me! 

  – What do you dream about before going
to sleep?

  Mariam (16 years old) Before going to
bed, I imagine myself at the Institute. I sit in the classroom and listen to
the lecturer! And then I walk down the corridor! I feel so happy then!

  – Who are your best friends and why

Mariam (16 years old): I have many friends. I love and
appreciate them all. They can be trusted in everything.

  – Are the boys good or

  Mariam (16 years old) I have a good
relationship with boys, but I’m more friends with girls.

  – Don’t they insult you?

  Mariam (16 years old) They don’t dare
to. I can answer them.

 – Have you ever
thought about your future family? How many children will you have?

  Mariam (16 years old) I live in terrible
poverty and I don’t want my children to suffer like me and my sisters. If God
gives me money, there will be a lot of children. If not, I’ll have 1 child or

  – Are you amorous? Do the boys like
you? What kind of husband do you want?

  Mariam (16 years old) I’m not interested
in boys. And I will choose a husband like my Dad: caring and loving.

  – What do you want to wish the
children of Georgia?

  Mariam (16 years old) We wish all
Georgian children to have the opportunity to learn, beautiful toys and lots of
delicious food.

  – Tamuna, what is your favorite toy?

  Tamuna (12 years old): I don’t like
playing with dolls, but my little sisters do, so I let them play.

  – So what is your favorite toy? What’s her
name? Do you put her to bed?!

  Anna (8 years old): This is my
favorite doll, Marie, it was given to me a long time ago, look how old the
dress is. But I still love her, she is named after my sister. Mariam and Tamuna
no longer play with dolls, they are big, but Lika and I need them very much.
And you know, aunt, there is a shop on our street where hundreds of beautiful
dolls live. A whole city of dolls! But mom can’t buy them for us.

  Lika (6 years old): My most favorite
toy is this bear, look how soft it is. Touch it, scratch it behind the ear. He
loves it… Little Barbara likes it very much, and she wants to take it away from
me. And I don’t want to give it away! It is very dear to me.

Aunty, please, buy at least a little bear for Barbare. I feel sorry for
her. And I feel sorry for my bear… And I feel ashamed…

 Barbare (2 years old): Yes,
Yes, a bear. Like Lika’s… I really want to… And more candies…

 Lika (6 years old): She
is still not able to speak well. – Explains the sister.

 –  Well, I think we understand each other. What
stories or songs do you like to listen to before going to bed? Who tells you
them? Who is your favorite character?

  Tamuna (12 years old): My mother has a
lot to do and is very tired, so we read fairy tales to each other. We sing and
dance a lot. I like princesses. They are adorable. And the Princes come for
them. And do you have a prince? (giggling)

  Anna (8 years old): Marie tells us
stories… My mother is tired, very tired. I like the fairy tale about Snow
White, it is my favorite, there are such funny dwarfs…

  Lika (6 years old): I don’t like Snow
White. The Queen is evil there. I love the story about sleeping beauty, where
the Princess is more beautiful, I saw her in the cartoon. And you, aunt, have
you seen how beautiful the Princess is? Isn’t she more beautiful than Snow

But Barbare does not listen to fairy tales. She likes it when we all sing
songs together.

  – What do you sing to her? Sing,

  Lika (6 years old): No. Otherwise you will
fall asleep and what will our mother have to do with you? We already have no
space and we only have little food. – The child used cunning. 

  – What do you want to become?

  Tamuna (12 years old): – I want to be
like Mariam in everything, she is the smartest and the most beautiful. I also
want to be a journalist, or a TV presenter. They are all so beautiful and I
want to be a dancer.

  Anna (8 years old): I’ll be a teacher.
We have such a great teacher at school and I miss her so much.

  Lika (6 years old): I don’t know if
I’ll be a princess or a policewoman.

  – What do you need
to be happy?

  Tamuna (12 years
I… don’t know… But I want my mom to have a washing machine. She won’t
be so tired then. We also don’t have a refrigerator to keep food from spoiling.
And my sisters and I are very fond of sweets.

  Anna (8 years old): I want a bicycle.
And we would like to attend dancing and swimming courses.

  Lika (6 years old): I want a bicycle too.

  Anna (8 years old): We don’t need so
many bicycles! One for two is enough. It is better to have a washing machine
for mom!

  – What do you want to wish the
children of Georgia?

  Tamuna (12 years old): I want everyone to
be healthy

  Anna (8 years old): I want children to
have everything like in a fairy tale!

  Lika (6 years old): Everyone should
have toys…

  – Can you draw? Can

  Tamuna (12 years
Yes, and I love it… My mother says my drawings are nice.

  Anna (8 years old): I also lile to
draw princesses.

  Lika (6 years old): I am good at
drawing houses for princesses. Only I don’t like to draw with pencils. I draw
better with markers.

  – Are you a pretty girl?
Who has told you that?

  Tamuna (12 years
(laughing) I… don’t know… Dad says I am.

  Anna (8 years old): Yes, I am
beautiful. My sisters often tell it to me.

  Lika (6 years old): I’m pretty, too.
My mother always tells me “my beautiful girl”.

  – And which of the children does
your mother love the most?

  Tamuna (12 years
She loves all of us in the same way. Our mother is the kindest.

  Anna (8 years old): She loves everyone
equally, but she loves Barbare the most because she is the smallest.

  Lika (6 years old):
She loves me.

  – Is your mother
beautiful? Is she kind?

  Tamuna (12 years old): Mom is the most
beautiful, but very tired and often does not wear beautiful dresses and does
not paint her nails. And when she does, she’s like a princess.

  Anna (8 years old): Yes, our mother is
very beautiful and the kindest in the world.

  Lika (6 years old): My mother is very
beautiful and very kind.

  – What was your most interesting

  Tamuna (12 years old): Once I had a dream
that I perform on stage with my friends. We dance and people applaud us!

  Anna (8 years old): I dreamed that I
lived in a palace and was dressed in a pink long dress.

Lika (6 years old): And I don’t know.

  – Who do you love the most and

Tamuna (12 years old): I love my eldest sister Mariam.

Anna (8 years old): Me too.

Lika (6 years old): and me too.

  –  Tinatin, you have wonderful girls. Tell me
please, what’s your family’s income? What can you afford?

 Tinatin: We
receive social assistance and assistance for large families. That’s all our
family budget. My husband has not been able to find a permanent job, and I am
at home with my children. There is no help to wait for either. This is barely
enough to provide children with basic food and not starve to death.

– What is your most cherished dream?

 My dream is to see my daughters truly happy. My heart
bleeds when they don’t finish their meal and don’t say anything, they don’t
want to upset me…  How can I refuse her
when she asks for something? How do I explain why not? I only dream of their
bright future, so that today they are fed and clothed, so that they can get a
decent education. And also… I dream of not sleeping six in the same bed…

– What are in your opinion the things you need at home in the first place?

 Tinatin: I
would love to have a washing machine and a refrigerator. This has turned into a
dream for me. At the moment, my children are very badly in need of a computer
and the Internet, they need it to keep up with the school curriculum. The issue
of their education will be resolved. And of course, we need food very much.

– Why did you decide to contact us?

You’ve helped a lot of people, we know… They say you’re wizards. People
bless you endlessly. I hope so much that with your help, my children will
become a little happier.

– Do you want to meet
friends of the Fund? Do you want to find new friends?

Tinatin: I only hope so… We
have absolutely no one to address to, I will be happy to all who will support
us at least with a kind word.


Friends, as you can see, the large family is in extreme need. The family is
in need of food, diapers, household appliances and beds!

Let’s support them, show mercy, give the children a chance to develop
normally and have a happy childhood. You can personally visit this family and
provide assistance. The children and their parents will be merely happy! Call
Tinatin, find out about her needs, cheer her up, support her, tell her that she
is not alone and that nobody will leave them alone in their trouble! It is very

  Here’s their address: Tbilisi,
Orkhevi, 12 Mukhadze street, apt. 24, tel.: 558 74 03 53

Dear friends, Chernovetskyi Fund initiates a charitable action: to help
Tinatin Dundua and her children. As you know, the Fund does not stop at
one-time assistance. Without children, the country and people have no future.
Take care of the younger generation! Help them survive! “Write them
down” as your relatives. And we are sure that the Lord himself will bless

And be sure to repost our publication. Let all your friends know about the
grief of this family! It is very important.

God gives us the opportunity to take care of people who are not able to do
it themselves. Not all people are the same. And not everyone is as kind as we
are. Please, do not pass aside the sorrow of others! Unhappy people are given
to us from above so that we can prove our faith to the Almighty not in words
but in deeds!

Friends, there is one more request, if you know about the misfortune of a
neighbor or friend, do a Charitable deed, write to us by e-mail:

Our Fund account GE15TB7194336080100003, GE42LB0115113036665000 or
GE64BG0000000470458000 (purpose: Tinatin Dundua). You can also transfer money
from our website.

You can as well transfer money from the terminals of OPPA, TBCpay and
ExpressPay. Find our Fund in “Charity” section. (You can learn about
the additional rights and obligations of the Fund by following the link

One call will save a life – 0901 200 270

Jul 10, 2020
household appliances
Jul 31, 2020
fund overhead

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Thank you, kind heart!
03.08.2020 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
03.08.2020 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
03.08.2020 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
29.07.2020 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
29.07.2020 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
29.07.2020 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
29.07.2020 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
29.07.2020 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
29.07.2020 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
29.07.2020 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
29.07.2020 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
29.07.2020 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
29.07.2020 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
29.07.2020 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
28.07.2020 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
28.07.2020 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
28.07.2020 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
28.07.2020 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
27.07.2020 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
26.07.2020 20:00:00



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They need your help urgently