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I’ll voluntarily stare death in the eye for the seventh time – for the sake of my son!

calendar March 11, 2021

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– I will be operated on for the seventh time – and I almost certainly will not survive the operation! I experienced clinical death four times…I am ready to die for the sake of my baby, but how will he live without me, dear people?
Nobody will kiss him so tenderly; nobody will hold him to heart like his mother …
– Lord, save my life! – she asks God.
– Let the operation be successful! – the brave lady named Lela says to me!
This is she who deserves medal! She is a real heroine!

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– We either make ourselves miserable, or we make ourselves strong, – Lela continues. – At the age of six I realized that I would have to fight for my health my whole life. And then a miracle happened! I gave birth to my child, and now I know that I will withstand all the misfortunes for his sake.

Lela was only three years old when it turned out that she was disabled. For five long years she almost never got out of bed. When she was a child, she, poor thing, had been operated on four times and she even experienced clinical death!  Later, she has been operated on two times more, but despite all this suffering and risk, her dream did not come true. Now the poor woman can hardly walk, and she suffers terrible pains day and night. But she does not care of that so much – her main goal is to raise her son! She paid the heaviest cost for him. “Six surgeries, artificial joints, disability… The doctors strictly forbade me to give birth.
 Loss of a leg and thrombosis was the least I risked, – recalls Lela with tears in her eyes. – But contrary to the laws of medicine, the Lord gave me a perfectly healthy baby!”

– My only goal now is to survive and to get back on my feet at any cost, so that I could take care of my son, and not vice versa… He is still a baby, and he needs me so much to be by his side…

– Lela, tell me everything in chronological order.

Lela: I was born on August 31, 40 years ago. I used to be sweet and calm, I sat all day, did not bother anyone, watched pictures in books. My mom was happy that I was so calm. And I just couldn’t walk – it hurt me to stand, and I crawled. When I didn’t start walking even at the age of three, they took me to the doctor. And then the whole truth was revealed.

“Your child is disabled,” the doctor said to my mother, and she fainted. My joints did not work at all. They operated me on my right leg, and that leg became longer than the left one … I became a cripple – I lied in bed for six months. Then at the age of six I had been operated on for a second time. And I spent another six months in bed – it was very hard to rehabilitate. I did it by myself too…

– And what about your mom? And dad?

Lela: Mom felt very bad, she started having psychological problems due these experiences. She needed to take care of herself. Also, my younger brother was born, and all the attention was paid to him … But I don’t take any offense… I went through a lot alone.

– How did you manage to cope alone?

Lela: I spent four years in a bed – the bed used to be my home. I read, wrote, embroidered there. I even studied there. Teachers came from school and gave me lessons. I used to be a talented girl. I am very grateful to Natalia Tsalkalamanidze, director of the school in the village of Tvaladi. She taught me how to live. She taught me that there are no disabilities, that our mind can work miracles. That not everyone can play football, some can write beautifully or be the best student! You know, when your mother cannot support you, you cling to everything, to every word that can cheer you up…

– You are lucky that such a person appeared in your life.

Lela: Yes, such people often appear in my life. God hears my prayers! God sees my efforts …

– Are you religious?

Lela: Why do you think I am still alive? Why didn’t I kill myself yet? This is all God’s help. There were moments in my life when I dreamed of dying … I went through hell!

– Could you tell us about the most difficult moments in your life?

Lela: Oh, it will take a lot of time… While I was little and not so strong spiritually, it was very hard for me to cope with scorn and mockery. Imagine a 10-year-old girl who wants to be a princess and is told that she is crippled and disabled. Can you imagine that? And when there is no one to stick up for her.

– What gave you strength?

Lela: Fear! Fear made me strong. The fear of becoming a laughingstock, the fear of being weak not physically, but mentally… I said to myself: “Lela, you will be the leader! Nobody will offend you!”

When at the age of eight I underwent another operation, my situation was critical. Mom could not look after me, dad worked, and they sent me to a boarding house … for 23 months! It was the worst thing that happened to me ever!

– Can you tell us about it in more details?

Lela: Imagine an 8-year-old girl who has both legs in a cast, who cannot even move by herself… And there is no one by her side. If you ask the orderly one more time to help you, saying that you are uncomfortable, or your back is numb – it was a nightmare! And God forbid if you cry … then the punishment was just terrible! They stripped girls naked and took them into the boys’ ward – so they broke us! So, they insulted us, so they crushed us… can you imagine?! You can’t even imagine how cruel a human can be! Not to the enemy, not even to another person, but to a sick, weak child … That’s when I decided that I would be strong and that no one would ever offend me!

– It makes my skin crawl… It’s just terrible that you had to go through. And what happened after you left this “prison”?

Lela: I was back home. I started going to school It was hard too. I got up at seven o’clock in the morning and kneaded dough for bread. Then I went to school, and when I was back, the dough was already ready, I could bake bread. When I told my parents that I was planning to go to college after graduating from school, they looked at me like I was crazy. They said: “You can’t – nobody needs you there – a little cripple from the village, with no money … you will rush back home very soon.”

These words became the strongest motivation for me!  “Let’s see,” I said and left for Tbilisi. I did not manage to enter the University from the first try – all the places were sold. But I managed to achieve my goal from the second try – I entered the Faculty of Law!

– How did you live alone in an unknown city?

Lela: I attended lectures in the mornings and worked in the evenings – in a store or cleaning apartments, earning from 100 to 150 GEL. I used to rent a small room for 50 GEL, setting 10 GEL aside for transport and 20 GEL – for books and spending the rest money on food. That’s it! Don’t look at me so surprised!

– How did you manage to live like that?

Lela: I know that not even every healthy person can live like this. But I had a goal! I had a dream. I could hardly walk, but I had no pain. Well, my one leg was shorter than another, but who cares? We – disabled people – are very strong! We always find the strength to fight and we know what to fight for!

– And you became a lawyer?

Lela: Yes! I became a lawyer! I even worked – I completed an internship. Then we started a family – fate brought me to Giorgi. He is the most wonderful person I know. We texted each other, then we decided to meet and then we got married. Then I got pregnant. The doctors did not allow me to give birth to a child. I had have been operated on six times, I have artificial joints, I am disabled, nevertheless, God gave me a perfectly healthy child. You should have seen how caring he is! Like a kitten – he sits near me all the time. Helps me in everything. He even takes out the laundry from the washing machine. He brings me water. He doesn’t like my crutches. When he thinks that I don’t see him, he hides them from me … or covers them with a rag or puts them under the bed. He’s just a miracle for me! Good fellow! I decided to be operated on for the seventh time only for his sake. This operation will be called “For Giorgi.”

– Are you scared?

Lela: I’m really scared right now. What will happen if I can’t have the operation if I will not manage to collect the necessary amount of money and will not be able to take care of my son? He needs me so much! And I know what it is when mom can’t take care of a child! It’s very, very hard for me now, that’s why I decided to address you!

– And what is the reason that your condition has worsened?

Lela: 10 years ago, they changed my joints – they replaced them with artificial ones. They served well for 10 years, but about half a year ago one got broken, and I started having terrible pains. I can neither stand nor sit … Even when I lie down, tears often start to flow because of the pain. Joint replacement surgery is very expensive, and I have no funds. Our income is 140 GEL. My husband is a ceramic artist, but he lost his job during the pandemic. It is difficult for us to keep our son, and there is not even talk about the operation. I decided to contact you – I trust you! I have seen many times what miracles you work!

– Lela, you can address our readers. I think your story will be a real example for many people.

Lela:  Don’t give in to the fear! Don’t pay attention to the complexes! You are unique! And you always have the inner strength to fight. Do not get discouraged, and God will always come to help you!


Dear friends! To say that Lela is in need – is to say nothing! There is such pain behind her cheerful voice and optimism, that it cannot be put into words.

And if you visit Lela, cheer her up with your kind words, she will be just happy! Her address is: Tbilisi, Lilo settlement, 16 Sturua Str.

Please repost our publication. Let your friends know about the grief of this family! It’s extremely important!

God gives us chances to care about people who are unable to take care of themselves. Not all people are the same. Not all of them are as kind as we are. Do not pass by someone else’s trouble! Those poor people are sent to us by heaven so that we could prove not by words, but in deeds that we trust in God!

Friends, there is one more request : if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:

Our Fund’s accounts are:




(purpose: Lela Gigolashvili).

You can also transfer money from our website.

It is also possible to transfer money from ОРРА, TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (You can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link

We have already helped many disadvantaged people! Let’s support Lela Gigolashvili too! And who knows, maybe someday we ourselves will need help of strangers!

One call saves life – 0901 200 270.

One year ago, the son begged to save his mother, and now the mother is begging the Lord and all of us to save her son!



This cute kid says he will eat all the goodies

Mommy is nearby and gives delicious porridge to Giorgi. There is his most favorite cartoon about the giraffe Jose on TV. “Mom, sing along with Jose!”Giorgi asks. And mother Lela turns into a little cheerful girl, showing first a cat, then a sheep, then a bunny. Giorgi is having fun and is dangling his legs. He always wanted it to be like this, he really likes it. 

But it wasn’t like that before. There was no porridge, no TV, no paints for drawing. And his mother was sad all the time. But now George has it all. So his mom shouldn’t be sad anymore?

We wrote about the amazing mother Lela Gigolashvili and her boy George one year ago. Their story is impossible to forget!

Lela was operated on six times, she experienced clinical death for four times, but she still dared to have the baby she wanted. You saw that they had a bad time, you worried about them and did a lot for them. Thank you for being the best!

But is it so that Lela shouldn’t be sad anymore? Or Giorgi is not aware of everything?

– Lela, how your life has changed since we published a post about you?

Lela: First of all, I greet all the readers and friends of the Fund. And thank you from the bottom of my heart. You showed me the light at the end of the tunnel, you made me feel that I am not alone. Kindness is powerful! I walk with crutches. Kind people are the biggest support in anyone’s life! You literally breathed life into me. Now I need your help more than ever! I am very worried. Give me some time to gather my courage and I’ll tell you everything.

– Okay, Lela. What does the help and support of the friends of the Fund mean to you personally?

Lela: Hope, relief and some restful sleep. When I know that I have food and medications for at least next few months, then I feel calm. Besides that, I always read your posts – I see that you return hope to so many people who have lost it. I see how you put them back on their feet, give them the opportunity to breathe. Even reading their stories makes me happy, when I know that you helped so many people in need. And I am among them. What your Fund and its friends are doing reminds me of spring. Your kindness is like pure spring water. Thank you that you exist! Thank you that you keep doing your wonderful work.

Lela: “Lion” starts with this letter, and my name too”

– Did you make new friends after the start of the project? Would you single out someone?

Lela: Our son’s kindergarten teacher, Nino Mindikauri, became very close to us. She works with my Giorgi for free, teaches him, spends time with him. He became very attached to Nino the teacher, even came up with the name “Aka Papa” (porridge. – Ed.). Because she gives him porridge, takes care of him. This is what my boy likes the most. (Lela smiles.)

I also want to mention the parents of the children from Giorgi’s kindergarten. After the publication of the post, they constantly wrote to me, asking how we were doing. There are a lot of people who showed attention. I can’t list all the names. Complete strangers wrote to me and asked how we were doing. Such attention makes you feel happy. A person in need always lacks warmth, so you remember every word.

I should also mention my childhood friend Natia Sheshaberidze. Of course, I knew her before, but I want publicly thank her for her support. Natia did not leave me in trouble and was by my side until the end. I also thank Theona Basharuli for her attention and warmth.

“These are our friends, Giorgi. Invite them to come in”

– Which one of the gifts did Giorgi like the most?

Lela: All your gifts made us very happy. But the new TV captured all of Giorgi’s attention. He loves the cartoon about Jose very much. Sometimes TV helps me calm my son down. He loves this new thing so much that he keeps bringing me the remote: “Switch it on switch it on!” (Smiles).

When we hear songs, we also sing. These are the minutes of relaxation. When I cook food, Georgy watches TV. By the way, I quickly figured out how to handle the new gas stove. It became very convenient to work in the kitchen. Thank you! My gratitude has no bounds!


Lela: “We cook together, Giorgi helps me when it’s necessary”

– Lela, one can feel great excitement behind your smile. You hesitate to say something. Please tell me, we want to know everything.

Lela: I don’t know where to start with, it hurts me a lot to even talk about it, but now I need your help more than ever… When you came last time, we talked about my health, and I was worried, hoping that my child would have healthy and strong mother. How could I imagine that the worst is yet to come… (Cries.)

A month ago, I took my son to the doctor, because suspicion had begun to grow in my mind. Giorgi is almost five years old, and he is no longer developing as he should. Before that, the doctors reassured me, they said that his strange behavior was normal for his age. And so we left the doctor with a terrible diagnosis – autism!

I still feel petrified, I can’t come to my senses. Now I do not only need to somehow survive and raise my child, but I also have to think about saving Giorgi. I don’t know where I can get so much energy?! But now I can’t afford to be weak, I have to be strong for him. I also have to learn and grow with George, if, of course, I have such an opportunity. With your help, we lived for several months. What should I do now?

Giorgi needs to visit a psychologist on a regular basis for treatment, he needs vitamins, he needs exercises. In addition to mental developmental issues, he does not develop physically, he has very weak joints. Now our monthly income is 350 GEL. I have no idea what to spend them on – on food or treatment? 350 GEL is such a little amount of money. For this amount it is impossible to do either one or the other.

I applied for funding. There is some program for children with autism.  I was told that they would cover a small part of this therapy, not the entire course. They will answer within nine months. It remains only to wait… We have a very tense situation at home now – sleepless nights, chaotic situations, thoughts about the future. I’m afraid that one day I just won’t be able to get up and help Giorgi. Besides that, I need to be operated on my legs so that I can walk in the future. How can I help my son while I’m in a wheelchair? I’m not talking about my other diseases – goiter, tachycardia – I don’t consider them diseases.

Giorgi drew sores. They are bad, that’s why they are black. And some scribbles

I have only two main problems right now. The first is to bring George to the age when he can eat, walk, take care for himself independently, which is realistic with long-term therapy. And the second is my operation so that I can be full-fledged and spend another 15 years next to my son. Can you imagine my situation? In what state are we and how do we withstand each new day? But I will fight for Giorgi. Please, helm me with this if you can! I am now deeply convinced that with the help of people like you, everything is possible. I have you.

– Lela, we are upset by this sad news. But you are right that you do not lose hope. Treatment will give him a real chance to get better. And the friends of our Fund never stand aside when it comes to saving life and health.

Lela: You are my last hope. In fact, we hang on a thread that is about to break, and we will fall. With all my heart I wanted to meet you positively and say only pleasant and joyful things. Because you have done so much for us. But unfortunately, this is my fate. The time has come when I physically struggle with poverty, standing on crutches, and nothing works out for me.

Water for porridge is ready

– Did the local authorities somehow react on our post? Was there any feedback from them?

Lela: Recently, I addressed the local authorities both personally and in writing, asking for an ad-hoc aid – 150 GEL. But they coldly refused me, saying that the quarterly budget had been exhausted, and therefore they could not even provide me with ad-hoc aid. I showed them all the papers saying I was disabled, but to no avail.

I’m waiting for funding for the surgery. The new price for the surgery is ten thousand lari. They said they would finance me with three thousand lari, let’s see. But where can I get the rest when I have nothing?


“Is that all? Finished?”

– Lela, you named your main problems you need help with. Perhaps someone will decide to help you in your everyday matters. Could you please name them too?

Lela: If it is possible, I really need kitchenware, enamel pots to store food for a long time. We rarely cook food and we try to make sure that it lasts for a long time. So, we need pots made of such material that will allow us that Maybe someone has such kitchenware at home, but they do not use it?

I have no other requests. I am grateful for every donated lari and will never forget about your kindness.


“I want to be with you, son. God help me! Give me strength!”


Dear friends! It is hard to add anything else, it is even difficult to comprehend that financial problems determine the matter of your health and life. Lela and Giorgi have to live in a bitter reality. The state does not care about them If we do not help them, they will become lonely passengers of an empty train that flies towards trouble, and there is no one to stop it.

If this worries your heart and you want to help them – don’t delay doing that. Your heart is not mistaken, it did not accidentally pinch with pain. Their future and health can be saved! You can change everything!

Friends, there is one more request: if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:

Our Fund’s accounts are: 




(purpose: Lela Gigolashvili)

You can also transfer money from our website.

It is also possible to transfer money from TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (You can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link ).

We have already helped thousands of disadvantaged people! Let’s support Lela Gigolashvili too, let’s ease the suffering of little Giorgi!  No one is immune to bad luck! And who knows, maybe someday we ourselves will need help?

We have good news for you – now you can read the stories of our beneficiaries on Instagram: Https:// Telegram:

Even if you dial once this special number, it might save someone’s life: 0901 200 270! God bless you!

Let’s believe that helping others, we take care of our own souls and draw closer to Lord through the suffering that we share with them!

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They need your help urgently