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“This hole was about to eat me! Don’t come close!”

calendar October 18, 2021

One call saves life!

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“Let’s go, I’ll show you a hole! You know, I almost died there? It grabbed my leg, and I screamed: “A-ah-ah!” But my mother managed to grab me, otherwise it would have eaten me!” – baby Niniko drags me by the hand. She wants to show me some sinister hole. “Just look, be careful, it can grab you too,” – the baby warns me.

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Bank of Georgia

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GE64BG0000000470458000 GE64BG0000000470458000


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GE42LB0115113036665000 GE42LB0115113036665000


Charity Number: One call saves a life!

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“This hole was about to eat me! Don’t come close!”


“Let’s go, I’ll show you a hole! You know, I almost died there? It grabbed my leg, and I screamed: “A-ah-ah!” But my mother managed to grab me, otherwise it would have eaten me!” – baby Niniko drags me by the hand. She wants to show me some sinister hole. “Just look, be careful, it can grab you too,” – the baby warns me.

And so I stand under the balcony and see something that I have considered the fantasy of a little storyteller just a couple of minutes ago.

The hole is so huge that it can definitely “grab” even me!

A boy is looking at me from there  – this is Niniko’s brother. Eleven-year-old Nodar is less talkative, but he warns me to watch my step. It’s not a house, but a minefield, it’s just dangerous to be here. But no one is even interested in how these children live. And, as always, they hope only on you, friends! Strangers with the kindest hearts!

– Natalia, Niniko already managed to scare me on the way. I thought she was making it up that she fell into some hole. It turned out to be true?

Natalya: Oh, she miraculously survived. I barely pulled her out. Real nightmare! If she had not held onto the pieces of wood with her tiny hands… Now we’ll find some planks to nail it down. I haven’t had time to do that. When you think about what to feed your children, you don’t even notice all this horror.

Everything in this house creates hazards: a staircase can fall apart, a wall can part, a ceiling can collapse. One must be on the lookout so that the house does not bury its residents alive.

– What do you live on?

  Natalya: On a social allowance, that’s it. Sometimes my husband and I go to field work if someone calls us. Now I can’t any longer – I am pregnant. For some, pregnancy is a joy, but I worry every single day. What if I don’t have milk, what will I feed my baby?

– I understand you, this is such a responsibility …

Natalya: Maybe someone will say that we do not care about the future of our children, but this is not so. I can’t kill my child, can I? God gave him to me – God will help feed him. I believe that. And many people believe that. If only the rich people gave birth, there would be two hundred people left in Georgia. If you’re not rich enough, pregnancy is a punishment.

“Pregnancy is the biggest punishment in Georgia”

   – What the allowance is enough for?

Natalya: For flour! And also for sugar and beans. And I also buy detergent powder. Since we are poor, this does not mean that our children should wear dirty clothes.

– Did you address the local authorities for help?

Natalya: It would be better not to address them, I feel like a beggar, like those who catch you in the street and ask for a penny. We asked them to repair our house, but they refused.

– Could we see your house, please?

Natalya: I am embarrassed because we live like beggars. Everything we have is old and broken. We sleep anyhow.

Nino (4-year-old): Let me show you, but walk carefully. If you fall there we will not be able to get you out. Look, you’re so big!

“I fell into this hole. Look how terrible it is.”

“And this is how dad patched the holes in the floor.”

These old pans support the roof …

And children sleep by this terrible wall. They know nothing about good dreams…

– Niniko, what kind of house would you like to have?

Nino: Small but beautiful, like our neighbors have. The walls and ceiling there are white, and you can run around on their balcony, but here you can’t.

   – What else would you like?

  Nino: To have everything. I will open the closet, and there will be a waffle.
 Then I’ll open it again – and there will be a waffle again. To have toys.

  – Haven’t you got any toys?

  Nino: I have! Do you want me to show them to you? Wait a minute, I’ll bring them.

  – Please, there is no need to bring them, just show me, I’ll come.

  Nino: I have an entire box! Here are my toys!

This battered cardboard box with toys is an entire world for four-year-old Niniko! They are all broken, old, but a poor child does not have anything else

   – Why is your brother so silent?

  Nino: He is always like that, and I am joyful! But we always play together.

“I don’t offend my brother, I do it just sometimes. Not every day”

– Nodar, I’d like to know about your dreams too. Could you please tell me?

Nodar (11-year-old): No. I’ve got no dreams.

Natalya: Unlike Niniko, he’s very quiet. He has problems with memory. We have no idea what is the reason of that. He learns a verse by heart at school, but then he does not remember anything. He doesn’t even remember that they learned something. I was told to show him to the doctor in Tbilisi. But how? You need to go there, stay there. And the doctors in the city are so expensive.

Mom cannot understand whether her son is sick or if he simply does not want to study

– Does it mean that he needs treatment?

Natalya: I don’t know, maybe yes, maybe no. Maybe he just needs to eat normally. As I say, children eat nothing except bread and beans. Unless the neighbors will sometimes call them and treat them with something.

   – What do you have for dinner today?

Natalya: Bread… Few days are left till a payday. So we will eat bread for several days.

– What should happen to make your life change for better?

Natalya: I don’t know. My husband should probably find some decent job, unlike one he has now – working one day a week and earning 10 GEL. If only someone could help us fix this parental house, if only someone gave us a little push to get out of this swamp …

“I will draw a beautiful house and a lot of waffles in it! Nodo will help me!”

“And I will also draw a doll – I can do that myself!”

– Natalya, let’s summarize our conversation. What do you need the most to make your life easier?

Natalya: It is vital for us to have building materials to at least fix these holes. We really need foodstuffs, at least the ones that will help us survive the winter. I also worry about the baby who will be born soon. I will not think ahead. Maybe God saves me and I’ll have breast milk. We also need hygiene products, beds, a washing machine and TV.

  Nino: Yes! Most of all we need a TV! Make a change there, write “a TV” and mark it as number one.

  – I’ll do that! Let’s write down a separate wish list for you!

  Nino: Write it down! Wafers, a TV, a beautiful dress, a beautiful doll, a beautiful bed, a beautiful pillow, a beautiful home – everything beautiful. And also a bicycle for Nodo, or tablet. That’s it!

   – All your dreams will come true soon, my princess!

  Nino: Mommy also calls me that.

This little beauty deserves a better life. She must feel she’s a princess like all the girls.


  Friend, the Korshia family has no one to address for help. Complete strangers are their last hope. Mom worries about her children, because malnutrition can cause them serious health problems. She is also worried about a child who has not yet been born. She knows that she is condemning him to suffering that he does not deserve. But what to do? What? Prevent him from being born? Or we still can support them and show them that being born in Georgia is not so scary?

  The Korshia family needs any help: food, hygiene products, building materials, beds, a washing machine, and a TV! Together we can help this unfortunate family, as we managed to help thousands of families in Georgia, who had been hanging between life and death.

You can visit them yourself and provide them with all possible help at: Khobi Municipality,  First May village.

  Every time you can help someone, just do it and rejoice that God answers someone’s prayers through you! Let’s show our mercy and make the children believe that miracles happen! They believe in us. Do not let our little compatriots down. Show them what generous people live in Georgia

  We are sure that all together we will manage to change their life.

Please don’t forget to repost our story. Let your friends know about the grief of this family! It’s extremely important!

  Friends, there is one more request – if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:

Our Fund’s accounts are:




(purpose: The Korshia family).

You can also transfer money from our website.

It is also possible to transfer money from TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (You can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link ).

  We have already helped thousands of disadvantaged people! Let’s support this family too! And who knows, maybe someday we ourselves will need help. Life is always unpredictable!

  We have good news for you – now you can read the stories of our beneficiaries on Instagram: and Telegram:

Even if you dial once this special number, it might save someone’s life. 0901 200 270! God bless you!

 We stopped hoping… We started believing!


The Korshia family we met a few months ago.

Terrible house, hunger, despair… They no longer hoped that someday their life would change. But you gave them joy! “There are no words in the world that can convey how grateful I am. Our family has seen so much good from you! Foodstuffs, hygiene products, refrigerator, tablet – Your help saved our lives!” –  the mother of the family Natalia says with happy smile on her face. Thanks to you, friends, Nodiko’s cherished dream, which he was even afraid to talk about, came true!

“He always felt lonely. His friends rode bikes after school, and he stood alone in the distance and just watched. And this emptiness in the eyes… He never complained or asked for anything. But I saw everything. And you gave my son a real childhood!”

A baby has just been born in the Korshia family. This is a great happiness! And such a big problem… In what conditions will he grow up? This house is just a huge minefield! You can stumble and fall at any given moment… At night, even when you are asleep, you can hear the whistle of the wind that breaks through the cracks in the walls… Friends, this family still needs our help. Their needs are very simple. Even simple groceries are real luxury to them. Let’s show the entire world that kindness is boundless! Let’s all together give happy childhood to these kids.

“We are very happy that you gave us tablet. We will download many games and we’ll play on it.”

–  Natalia, how has your life changed after we published an article about you?

Natalia: It has changed for the better. Many people learned about us and took our trouble to heart. Many people responded. By the good will of these people, we got food, personal care products, money and a particularly necessary gift – a refrigerator. Besides that, I received many calls from people who encouraged and supported me.

I am very grateful, indeed. I really don’t know what would have happened to us without your help.

New home appliances at the disposal of the homemaker

– Would you single out someone out of your new friends?

Natalia: I am very grateful to everyone, but I especially remember few of them. One of them was a refugee from Abkhazia who now lives in Zugdidi. He often came to us and brought food and other necessary things, he always supported us morally and tried to cheer us up. Of course, there were other people who could not come, but transferred money to us. I am very grateful to everyone.

“Baby hygiene products will be handy our baby”

– What does this support and help mean to you and your family?

Natalia: Actually, this help has saved our lives. Were it not for the food and the money you gave us – we would certainly be on the brink of starvation. A lot has changed for our children as well. The tablet and bicycle you gave them made their childhood colorful and happy. Besides that, they often talk about the power of kindness and help. Touched by the help of others, they are always ready to support any person in need. You showed them the best example of how they should become good people.

Sweets for better mood

“Mommy says: “If you eat a lot of sweets, you will have rotten teeth.” But it tastes so good that I still eat it them.”

– I’d like to talk to the children too. What gift did you like the most? What will you play now?

Niniko (4-year-old): Most of all I like the tablet, there are so many games and entertainment. Nodiko and I often compete to see who gets the most points. He wins because he’s big, but sometimes I win too. And I really liked the sweets. Mom says: “Don’t eat too much or you will ruin your teeth,” but they are so delicious that I still eat them.

Nodiko (11-year-old): I liked the bike the most. It’s very good and fast. After school, my classmates race, now I can also race with them and overtake everyone.

“Now I can compete on a bike too”

– Did the local authorities somehow react to our post? Was there any feedback from them?

Natalia: Yes, they responded. The administration of Khobi came to us and promised to provide us with building materials after the birth of our third child so that we could put a roof on our house.

– As I see it, your life is changing for the better, although I am sure that the problems are not limited to this, and you still have many needs. You can address the friends of our Fund.

Natalia: I am very grateful to your Fund and to the friends of the Fund. You really managed to give us back hope, although, as you rightly said, the problems have not yet been finally resolved. Many new problems accompany the joy of having a baby – the family has no funds for baby formula.We hope on God and good people.

After all that you have done for us, I am very embarrassed to ask for anything else, but I have no other choice – we will be grateful for any help. God bless you, my dear, everything will be fine.


Friends, our compatriots found themselves in a very difficult situation.

Please take the misfortunes of this and many other families to heart and keep helping them. Our problems are noting if compared with their problems. Every little thing we can do for the sake of good is often a matter of life and death for these people.

Friends, there is one more request: if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:

Your kindness is a chance for yourself to be happy in everything!

Friends, thanks again to all!

Our Fund’s accounts are:




(purpose: The Korshia family).

You can also transfer money from our web-site:

It is also possible to transfer money from TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (You can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link

We have good news for you – now you can read the stories of our beneficiaries on Instagram:  and Telegram:

Even if you dial once this special number, it might save someone’s life: 0901 200 270! God bless you!

Nov 26, 2021
Dec 03, 2021
Dec 07, 2021
the tablet
Dec 30, 2021
fund overhead
Dec 31, 2021
Jan 13, 2022
Feb 17, 2022
Mar 31, 2022
fund overhead
Apr 20, 2022
Apr 29, 2022

Total expenses:



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277 Donors


They need your help urgently