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Sometimes poverty makes it better for you to hang yourself instead of staying alive.

calendar October 20, 2021

One call saves life!

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Mom Tamara and her seven-year-old son Gabriel are alone in the entire world. Their dad has been gone for six years now: he killed himself because of boundless poverty and grief… They have no relatives either, there is nowhere to seek for help, there is no one to hope for. All that remains is to be strong, survive and pray to God. So they do, but they have no strength left at all.

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Charity Number: One call saves a life!

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Sometimes poverty makes it better for you to hang yourself instead of staying alive.

Repost right away, my good man! Help your friends to get closer to the work of mercy!

“I don’t remember my dad, but I miss him a lot! Is it true that every son should have a dad?!
Why so?”

Mom Tamara and her seven-year-old son Gabriel are alone in the entire world. Their dad has been gone for six years now: he killed himself because of boundless poverty and grief… They have no relatives either, there is nowhere to seek for help, there is no one to hope for. All that remains is to be strong, survive and pray to God. So they do, but they have no strength left at all.

“My mom has the most affectionate hands in the world,” – it’s the first thing Gabriel says naively, as if showing off, probably so that I do not burst into tears seeing the grief that reigns in this family. – “When she hugs and strokes me, I sometimes cry quietly. She has such rough hands, not like the others. Show me your hands, they are soft… Teach me what to do so that my mother had such soft hands too.”

Gabriel is worried. He knows his mom’s skin is cracking and her hands are rough from her hard work.

“I hate waking up in the morning when it’s still dark. Mom says it’s already morning! How can it be morning when it is still dark as night? ” – the boy protests. Mom Tamara wakes up at five in the morning, she wakes her son up, and they take the bus to get to work – a nut plantation or potato fields – by eight.

“Let me sleep just a little bit more, I beg you!” – these words hurt her feelings. But what to do, she is doing her best for him. She gets calluses on her hands so that her son has some food, so that he does not become a laughingstock, so that his father’s soul would be in peace in heaven. Because Tamara is both mom and dad, and all relatives for her little Gaby.

“It is up to you to decide whether this boy deserves a better future”

– Tamara, Gaby is worried that skin on your hands has become rough…

Tamara: My little one, he is so sensitive. I almost bursted into tears recently as well. It’s because of my work: I either dig potatoes or collect hazelnuts. And I also wash with hands in cold water. As long as I can stand on my feet, I work. I am both mom and dad for my son. 220 GEL social allowance is enough for nothing. I got money on 20th, paid for utilities, paid off the debt in a grocery shop and was left with only 40 GEL. What can it be enough for? Gaby keeps trying to persuade me to buy hand cream, but it has the same price as a bottle of oil. I just can’t afford that chic.

– How much do you get paid for such a hard work?

Tamara: Excluding money for travel and food, I get exactly 25 GEL. Fields and plantations are located far away, in three hours drive by bus. My work starts early in the morning, at 8 AM. To get there on time I have to leave home at 5 AM. There is no one to leave Gabi with. I have to take him with me.

“I don’t like school! I am embarrassed, because I have no clothes like everyone else has!  I love playing by myself “

– That’s why he complained that you wake him up early?

Tamara: I have to. It’s so painful when he asks me with the tears in his eyes to let him sleep for another five minutes. “You are so cruel,” – he says. And I can’t hold back my tears…

– Isn’t it difficult for you to work with him, does Gaby interfere?

Tamara: What else can I do? What would you do?

Gabriel (7-year-old): Nothing of that kind! I help my mom! It’s better there than at school! My mother even buys me chips for that. You know how delicious they are! But one should earn them.

– How do you earn them?

Gabriel: Well, in different ways! Sometimes I collect the nuts that my mother shed, or I behave decently – I don’t shout or run like mad! I get very tired there, but still, it’s better than school!

– Why so? Don’t you like to study?

Gabriel: I like to study, but I don’t like to study! I do not know how to explain it. School – bleh…

(Gabriel tries to use facial expressions and sounds to express how much he doesn’t like school. And he succeeds :))

– What do you like doing?

Gabriel: Staying at home and playing cars! Wroom, wroom, like a race.

“The red car has overtaken everyone! And our champion – Gabi – drove the car”

– And when you grow up, will you also stay at home and play?

Gabriel: Yes! Well, one day I’ll be working in the police, one day as a doctor, and then three days – playing at home! This is probably enough, right?

– Enough for what?

Gabriel: Well, to earn so much money that there was no need for my mom to work and to become rich?

– You must work every day to become rich!

Gabriel: Oh, no!!! Okay, I need to make a lot of money!

– And what would you buy if you had a lot of money?

Gabriel: I would buy a beautiful house for my mother, a lot of food, hand cream and a lot of medications! When she feels bad, she doesn’t buy herself anything!

“I’ll draw a dream and give it to my mom! Everything for her. And she likes everything I do”

Tamara: Oh, he is so funny! I always tell Gaby that mom works to make him feel good. I save money for clothes, for a school bag, I don’t want him to walk around like a ragamuffin. His father’s soul will not be able to rest if he walks around hungry like a beggar. Here’s what happened: while harvesting hazelnuts, I got an eye injury. A large thorn stuck right into my eyeball. It was so painful! I needed so many drugs! Only one bottle of eye drops cost 50 GEL! It’s a nightmare! I had to spend all the money I had saved for the school. That’s it.

– Apparently, you don’t have enough money for anything but food…

Tamara: Yes, there are just the bare walls at home. The roof is leaking, there is no bathroom. We bathe in basins right in the room. I heat water with a tiny gas bottle. I suppose, this is the scariest building in Georgia. But I thank God that at least I don’t have to pay rent. We took this room without permission, like other refugees who live here. If my husband was alive, we would live differently…

– What happened to him?

Tamara: Oh, I don’t want to talk about this in front of my child, let’s go out… He was visiting his relatives, they drank. Then he left there, and the next day he was found dead – he hanged himself… Please, I don’t want to go into details, six years have passed, but it still hurts me! Gaby was nine months old then…

– Okay, let’s switch the topic. Now let’s call Gaby and start the most interesting part of our conversation!

Gabriel: I think, I already know what the conversation will be about!

– What it will be about?

Gabriel: What do I want!

– And you’re right! So, tell me what you are dreaming about!

Gabriel: Can I say anything?

– Sure!

Gabriel: First of all, I want Doritos chips! They are very tasty, but very expensive! Mom says that one pack of these yummies costs like two loaves of bread. But they are so delicious! I also want a bow and arrows!

“I don’t remember my father, but my mother tells me about him all the time. And it seems to me that he even looks at me”

– Wow, what a strange dream, you are probably fond of Robin Hood?

Gabriel: I don’t know who that is. I need it for something else. To shoot bad people in the butts!

– Oh, so scary! Do you know a lot of bad people?

Gabriel: I know a couple of them! One threw a large stone at me, and the other scared me with firecrackers. So, I’ll shoot them both in the butts. They will shout “ouch” and won’t be able to sit. It serves them right.

– I think, this is not a very good act.

Gabriel: I know, I’m just kidding. Don’t you understand the jokes? And now let’s leave jokes apart. I want a car with a remote control or a drone that flies! That’s it, I’m finished. Mom will have more wishes.

– Tamara, it’s your turn now! What do you need the most?

Tamara: A washing machine and TV. I am embarrassed to ask for more. Just embarrassed.

– When our benefactors read your story, and decide to help you, it will make their choice easier!

Tamara: Let me tell you a secret: I have only two chairs, and they are about to fall apart. We don’t have a bathroom – I don’t even know if it is possible to make it. They say it is possible, but I don’t know how. The refrigerator is old, but to be honest, I don’t have any food to store in there. Oh, you know, I don’t even have imagination. Could you please help me to solve the problem with the Internet? Or with wood?

This is an empty kitchen. Even a fly won’t fly here. There are no sweets for the child!

“A table, two chairs and two beds are all our wealth!”

Tamara made this pouffe, you see in the corner, with her own hands – with an old torn blanket and egg trays

– Do you have a wood-burning stove?

Tamara: Yes, I could say so. But I cannot buy firewood, I have no money for that. Every morning I go out to the sea and collect branches that were brought to the beach by the waves. Last winter, when it was very cold, I even had to burn my clothes so that the child would not freeze. We hugged each other, wrapped ourselves in a blanket and burned my old things until we got warm a bit. That’s it. I believe in miracles, believe in you, and believe that I can raise a healthy and good person. I just really need help right now. I am afraid of winter and cold weather. I’m afraid I won’t be able to cope alone …


Friends, while politicians are making empty promises before elections, we again urge you to do their work – to take care of your compatriots. We beg you not to turn away from someone else’s grief. No one can guarantee us that one day we will not need someone else’s help.

Friends, don’t ignore this post, please help these unfortunate people. They need food, clothing, school supplies, a washing machine, a TV, a tablet, and chairs. You can meet these people personally. Their address is: Poti, 30 a  Dzhavakhishvili Str.

Every time you can help someone, just do it and rejoice that God answers someone’s prayers through you!

Let’s show our mercy and make the children believe that miracles happen! They believe in us. Do not let our little compatriots down. Show them what generous people live in Georgia

We are sure that all together we will manage to change their life.

Please don’t forget to repost our story. Let your friends know about the grief of this family! It’s extremely important!

Friends, there is one more request – if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:

Our Fund’s accounts are:




(purpose: The Burnadze family).

You can also transfer money from our website.

It is also possible to transfer money from TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (You can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link

We have already helped many disadvantaged people! Let’s support this family too! And who knows, maybe someday we ourselves will need help of strangers!

We have good news for you – now you can read the stories of our beneficiaries on Instagram: and Telegram:

Even if you dial once this special number, it might save someone’s life. 0901 200 270! God bless you!

When I grow up, I will help people in need like you do…


“Vroom! Vroom! Gaby makes sounds instead of his new toy cars. – I will turn now, I will not crash, I will turn. See how cool I am?! I’m a real racing driver! I’ve got other cars, I’ll show you.”

  Then he runs away and soon brings his new cars, which he got recently. “I also have clothes, real sportswear – Aunt Tina sent me from Germany. Mom and I folded them beautifully and put them in the “wardrobe” that you gave us. (He means a chest of drawers. – Note by editor) Aunt Tina also sent me drawing supplies, now I will draw. First on small sheets. When I grow up, I will draw on large sheets and hang them on the wall!”

  The joy of this child knows no boundaries. His eyes are full of fireflies, and all this is your merit, true friends of our Fund.

“When I grow up, I will buy many toys to children in need!”

There are so many presents! Everything is brand-new. I never had such new clothes”

Little Gabriel and his mother live in Poti, in an abandoned, dilapidated building of a former military base. They occupy two small rooms on the fifth floor. Both the ceiling and the roof of this building are good for nothing. You have to constantly sweep the plaster which falls down because of rain. Gabriel’s dad died seven years ago, and his mom raises her young child alone. The apartment, which is on the verge of falling down, does not belong to them. They have to live every day in fear of being kicked out from here.

Our Fund published the story about the Burnadze family on October 20.

– Gabriel, I see how glad you are that you received a lot of gifts. What did you like the most?

Gabriel: I liked TV – I watch cartoons. I liked the toys. Vroom, I am a racing driver! (Keeps playing.)

“Wow, so cool! I will overtake everyone with this car! I am a real racing driver!!”

“Mommy! Switch to the cartoons! Look what a cool remote control!”

– Wait, you say that you are an artist, then you say that you are a racing driver. Earlier you said that you should become a policeman and a doctor. Who do you want to be?

Gabriel: I haven’t decided yet. I want to be a kind person and help other poor people. I will buy a lot of toys, chips, and sweets for children. I will help their mothers like you do.

– So, you want to become a benefactor!

Gabriel: Ah, is that what it’s called?

– Yes! When you often help those in need, you are a benefactor!

Gabriel: Then yes! I want to!

– Before you grow up and become a great benefactor, you will let other children play with your toys, right?

Gabriel: Yes, I will let all of them play! Guys, come on, let’s play together! (He loudly calls his peers.)

(I address Gabriel’s mother.)

– Tamar, how has your life changed after our Fund published an article about you?

Tamar:  I’m on cloud nine! I haven’t been this happy for a long time. We received wonderful gifts!

Home appliances are very expensive. For a person like me, it is impossible even to dream of such things. Well, how could I buy a washing machine? We needed it so much! Until now, I had to wash with hands in cold water. The skin on my hands was chapped all the time. Gaby was worried about my rough hands. Now I don’t have to wash with my hands in cold water! It’s so good! Dear! I screamed with joy when I saw it. It is so beautiful! And the TV is so good. Now Gabriel can watch cartoons. You cannot even imagine how much happiness you brought to us and what a wonderful day you gave us!

My hands, will probably no longer be in such a state… I worked part-time digging up potatoes, in addition to washing in cold water, and my hands chapped. My skin is so rough… And how could I not work, how could I think about my skin, when we lived from hand to mouth on just social allowance? You earn very little doing the part-time job, and you don’t have it every day.

I do not shy away from anything, but despite that I would never have saved enough money to buy such expensive things. I have a baby, my health fails. Loads are contraindicated for me, but this does not stop me. I will stand as much as I can. I have two hands, and thanks God for that.

But it is very hard. I started working recently, and, and they will probably disqualify us from getting social allowance… (Cries.) They don’t know that my salary is several pennies more than the allowance. But when in such hard times, these pennies also count. I have to throw all my health into the balance so that my son does not have to be only on bread and water.

– What bothers you?

Tamar: I have hernia. I was operated on once, but I should take care of myself. But how can I? Who will keep my son then? I can’t do without hard work and loads. I won’t beg all the time with an outstretched hand – people have a lot of their own problems… I need to be operated on for the second time, but there’s no point in doing that – the same thing will happen anyway. So, I forgot about this problem. I will stand as much as I can, that’s it. I don’t want to talk about that anymore…

– Have you got new friends? Who do you remember the most?

Tamar: Thanks to our emigrants! They are cut off from their homeland, they have many problems of their own, but they help others in need. We all know how hard they have to work there, but they still share their daily bread earned by such hard work with their compatriots. They are very special people. We must cherish and appreciate them.

One of them is the sweetest woman, Mrs. Tina, who took my problems to heart and took pity on my son. First, she sent us hygiene products – soap, body and hand creams, and then she sent us a twenty-kilogram parcel full of expensive sneakers and clothes. When happy Gabriel saw the sneakers and clothes, he immediately put them on and asked me like a grown man: “Does it fit me?” (Smiles). There were also toys for the boy, which made my baby very happy. You see, he shows them to everyone who comes to visit us. Many thanks to Mrs. Tina. I will never forget her kindness. She is a wonderful person, and the Lord will always help her.

One wonderful evening, four young people came to visit us. It turned out they were looking for our house for a long time, and they finally found it. They brought Gabriel a car with a remote control – he does not part with it even at night, it lies at his head. I never had enough money to buy toys for him. These four young people also brought us three bags of firewood, food, and a cake. They talked with Gaby, played with him, caressed the baby, and said goodbye. That evening we fell asleep in the warmth…

And I don’t even know their names, they didn’t tell us… My good ones, I always bless you! May there be only happiness on your way wherever you are. It’s great that we have such wonderful young people It’s a completely different generation, they are so responsive…

– Tamar, did the local authorities react to our post in any way? Maybe they called you? Or maybe you were included in some kind of assistance program?

Tamar: No one from locals. We get social allowance – 220 GEL, as well as Gabriel’s orphanage allowance – 100 GEL. That’s it. They called me once from the social agency: “Tamar, do you need anything?” And I responded: “Do I need anything? The celling is collapsing on our heads. It rains in the room the same way it rains outside. I have to wash linen every day. The plaster falls on us at night. We are scared, please help us if you can!” They did not call us anymore. I hope that in the future they will take our terrible living conditions to heart. By the way, I remembered about laundry, and I want to thank you again. You can’t even imagine how happy you made me!

“When I saw the washing machine, I swear to you, I grew wings with joy

“Mommy, will you cook cakes for me? I will help you!”

– Tamar, this is the merit of the good friends of the Fund. Would you like to address them?

Tamar: Thank you very much, my dear ones, for taking my trouble to heart. If not for you, what would have happened to one homeless, poor, single mother, who has no one around and all her hope is in God and in your kindness? I send you a thousand thanks for every lari, for every gift, for our joy. You helped me remember that feeling.

– Gabriel, you have new drawing supplies. What will you draw?

Gabriel: I will draw our house where my mother and I will live, and no one will kick us out! (Tamar started crying.)

“A dream house – no one will kick us out from there”

Tamar: This house is not ours – we are homeless. We moved here arbitrarily along with other families so as not to stay outside in the cold. We have lived here for seven years. And now this building got into the “red” zone and is subject to demolition. This building is located in Poti, but it belongs to Senaki.

It’s a building of an old military base. Everyone tries to get rid of our problems. Poti directs us to Senaki, Senaki keeps silent. I don’t know what will happen to us. Finally, we will end up in the street. I am so scared. I pray to God that he will not let me die until I can get at least a tiny room for my son. I know I don’t have long. But as long as I’m alive, I won’t stop working and fighting. Thank God, there is hope for you, because you help me the most!


We have nothing to add. I only want to ask you on behalf of Tamar – let’s do what we can for this kind and faithful woman because poverty took away her husband and put woman’s and a man’s burden on her. Let’s do what we can for little Gabriel, who still believes in kindness and love and wants to grow up to be a great benefactor. Let’s help him keep this great goal! Let’s help this child make his dreams come true! Today he draws a house, his beautiful house, which he does not have and which he dreams of. Who knows who he will become tomorrow, and how much good he will sow?!

If you have a heavy heart because of everyday problems or unresolved issues, as a distraction just see our posts on Facebook, or better dial the number of any of our beneficiaries. Call them and you will forget about your problems. Because they are nothing in comparison with the problems of those to whom you opened your good heart and came to help in the most difficult moment of their life.

Our problems are noting if compared… Here are true misfortunes, in front of your eyes! Just thank the Lord for what you have. You are the happiest person in the world! Remember this and help those in need.

Unfortunately, problems of this and other families do not end here and now… Therefore, from time to time, look through the stories of unhappy people on our website, talk to them. Every time you dial the Phone of an unhappy person, God is blessing you! For sure! Go on helping these families! This is the best service to the Lord!

Friends, there is one more request: if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:

Your kindness is a chance for yourself to be happy in everything!

Friends, thanks again to all!

Our Fund’s accounts are:




(Purpose: the Burnadze family).

You can also transfer money from our website:

It is also possible to transfer money from TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (You can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link

We have good news for you – now you can read the stories of our beneficiaries on InstagramHttps:// and Telegram:

Even if you dial once this special number, it might save someone’s life: 0901 200 270!

Let’s believe that helping others, we take care of our own souls and draw closer to Lord through the suffering that we share with them!

Nov 12, 2021
Nov 12, 2021
household appliances
Dec 21, 2021
Dec 30, 2021
Dec 30, 2021
Dec 30, 2021
fund overhead
Jan 03, 2022
Jan 31, 2022
May 13, 2022
May 13, 2022

Total expenses:



Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
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245 Donors


They need your help urgently