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Mommy, wake up! It hurts and I am scared again!

calendar March 4, 2022

One call saves life!

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1 call - ₾2 GEL

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“Wait a minute, my girl, mother is coming!” It’s good that Lia, lying half asleep, heard Nino’s groan and her weak call “mommy”. She sleeps while her daughter is unwell. “Mom! Mommy!” – you can hear fear, complaint, and pain in this night moan. Lia sits down on her daughter’s bed, strokes her face, takes her hand, and kisses her: “Mom is here, everything is fine, it will soon pass!”

Our Fund’s accounts in:

Bank of Georgia

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Bank Code:




GE64BG0000000470458000 GE64BG0000000470458000


TBC Bank

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GE15TB7194336080100003 GE15TB7194336080100003


Liberty Bank

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GE42LB0115113036665000 GE42LB0115113036665000


Charity Number: One call saves a life!

Phone number:


Mommy, wake up! It hurts and I am scared again!



Worries and fears disappear in mother’s arms

“Wait a minute, my girl, mother is coming!” It’s good that Lia, lying
half asleep, heard Nino’s groan and her weak call “mommy”. She sleeps while her
daughter is unwell.

“Mom! Mommy!” – you can hear fear, complaint, and pain in this night
moan. Lia sits down on her daughter’s bed, strokes her face, takes her hand,
and kisses her: “Mom is here, everything is fine, it will soon pass!”

Nino hardly calms down. Oh, God! It’s good that today she had no
attack. Thank God! Let Nino get some sleep. And her mommy will sit by her until
dawn. No problem…

Lia has been coping with the reality for twenty years now – the
reality where her dear daughter Nino has a complex form of cerebral palsy. Days
go by but nothing changes. The girl lies motionless. Mariam, Lia’s eldest
daughter, is a student – an excellent student. The difference in age between
sisters is only three years. In their mother’s dreams, they spend all their
time together, playing and sharing boundless energy with each other. In
reality, one of them is chained to a wheelchair and is deprived of all the joys
of life.

They discovered Nino’s disease immediately after her birth. From that
moment on, a great sadness settled in her mother’s heart. Look into the eyes of
this mother and you will see how great and boundless her sadness is. But she
herself is filled with light! Sadness, pain, and mess in mind did not kill hope
in her. Lia believes in God and good-hearted people.

Nino is a very warm child. She loves affection

– Lia, let’s first talk about Nino. How is she feeling herself now?

Fortunately, Nino’s mental abilities have improved, as has her talking ability
– she has learned to communicate using several words. When she is happy, she
says “well” When she wants to kiss me, she says “mpua” Nino did not understand
before what food I gave her, now she shows us what she likes and what she does
not. She does not like porridge and soups, she always prefers to eat sweets and
points to them. One year ago, she could not do even this, but now you can see a
progress in her cognitive skills. But her physical state is still very hard.
It’s really hard! Her weakness and epileptic state (i.e. active seizures) still
persist. Each calm day, when she was very cheerful and did not complain about
anything, can end up very bad. An attack can happen at any second. Nino
experiences unbearable pain at that moment. She seems to be suffocating, she
cannot breathe, becomes restless, sweats. She plaintively calls me, as if she
wants to say: “Mommy, wake up! I am scared and it hurts!”

She also has psychological problems along with attacks.  She is constantly worried and afraid. Of
course, she’s scared of these attacks! It takes a lot of psychotropic drugs, a
lot of time for Nino to come back to her former state of health. And then
everything starts all over again. It’s impossible to control.

Now Nino already makes it clear what she likes to eat and what not

– Can you explain in more detail what her
weakness is manifested in?

Nino can’t move or roll over. She constantly lies on her back, supine. Can you
imagine? It became very hard for her to stay in a wheelchair, because it puts
pressure on her limbs, and she does not like it. Because of the pain, I give
her a very light massage almost every evening. Constantly lying in the same
position creates discomfort for her. Turning, rolling over or holding something
in her hands is an insurmountable difficulty to her.

– What are the difficulties
associated with taking the daily care of Nino?

Lia: First
of all, I would say that you really need to be physically strong. I am not that
young now, so I can’t lift her alone. Nino is already very heavy – she has
grown up and is large physically. I can no longer move her, so my elder
daughter, Mariam, helps me. Almost two people almost all day long only deal
with moving her.

She’s a coquette, she always wants to look beautiful

– Is there a need for any medical intervention at
the moment?

Doctors say that if I started treating her from her early age, perhaps there
would be success. But now she is already too big, and massage is unpleasant for
her, you need to give it very moderately. She’s such an emotional child, I
doubt she can handle anything. Once, my daughter told me she had a toothache,
and she kept her hands to her face all day – she was so worried about
everything. I can’t imagine any medical intervention in such case. I refused
when they offered me to take her to France. I can’t take it upon me. This will
be a real pain for her. She won’t be able to stand that.

Her smile makes me want to move on

– Lia, taking care of such a
patient requires a significant amount of money. How do you manage to cope
alone? What is your source of income?

I can’t cope with anything anymore. (Says sadly.)
I can’t cope with rent, with food for the child, with diapers and medications.

I occasionally work at aesthetic and medical centers as a massage
therapist. They had bad job offers lately, so I am unemployed at this stage.

The state used to help us, but now no one gives us anything. The only
thing we get is Nino’s pension of 275 lari. Imagine how to live on it when one
family member is bedridden and requires constant care? When I worked, Mariam
stayed with her, and now she does not have such an opportunity. We cannot exist
otherwise. In fact, we need 350 lari for the rent only, plus utilities and
thousands of other things… I really worked, not sparing myself. I did 7-8
massages a day – I could not stand on my feet when I came home. But now I don’t
have this income for about a month, since I left there.

Lia shows us fatigue and sadness only when we are left alone. The daughter should not know about the experiences of her mother

– Lia, I see that your living conditions are
pretty harsh.

All the appliances are out of order. Can you give more details to the friends
of our Fund on what you need the most?

Our refrigerator is in a particularly bad condition. You can see how it looks
like for yourself. We can’t do anything with it. Its door fell off. We have to
put a brick on top of the washing machine, because it is about to go out of
order. And the gas stove is such that you can’t bake anything there. We almost
have no home appliances, and whatever we have is good for nothing.

Fridge is in the worst condition

They have to put bricks on top of the washing machine

Poverty is everywhere Bathroom – with dirty rusty walls, a basin instead of a bath tub, an old kettle instead of a ladle

– What does Nino need the most?

Lia: My
daughter needs the drug Epix (500 milligrams), which is quite expensive. So, we
had to buy it from a reseller. But this is no longer possible – it is almost
impossible to find it. And it is so expensive in the pharmacy that it is almost
unimaginable for us to buy it there. But most of all we need diapers. Sometimes
I have to put her on a towel, and we have a very bad time. These two things –
medications and diapers – is what my daughter needs the most.

Most of all we need diapers. Sometimes I have to lay her on a towel

– I swear to you – while I was listening to you,
I became very emotional myself.
I admire your fortitude and energy! I am sure
that the story of your family will evoke the same feelings among the friends of
our Fund. We will unite to help you, and together we will certainly become able
change everything for the better.

Lia: Thank
you all in advance, I really hope for you!

We never lost faith in the Lord, everything is in His hands


Friends, Lia is really a special person. She is a true example of courage
and selflessness. Let’s support this wonderful Georgian woman and her family!
Our help is crucial for her and her children.

You can visit them at the address: Tbilisi, 6 Gogebashvili Second

Every time you can help someone,
just do it, and rejoice that God answers someone’s prayers through you!

We are sure that all together we will manage to change their life.

Please repost our story. Let your
friends know about the grief of this family! It’s extremely important!

Friends, there is one more
request: if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly
deed, drop us an email at:

Our Fund’s accounts are:




(purpose: The
Guruli family).

You can also transfer money from our website.

It is also possible to transfer money from TBCpay and ExpressPay
terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (You can read more
about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link

We have already helped many
disadvantaged people! Let’s support this family too! And who knows, maybe
someday we ourselves will need help of strangers!

We have good news for you – now
you can read the stories of our beneficiaries on Instagram: Https://
and Telegram:

Even if you dial once this
special number, it might save someone’s life: 0901 200 270! God bless you!

Apr 11, 2022
Apr 28, 2022
Apr 28, 2022
Apr 28, 2022
May 10, 2022
May 18, 2022
May 31, 2022
fund overhead
Jun 09, 2022
Jul 05, 2022

Total expenses:



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186 Donors

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186 Donors


They need your help urgently