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I will always carry him in my arms, but please, don’t let my son die without medications!

calendar May 18, 2022

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Lado was two years old when he first said “mom!” Nino has been waiting for twenty-three years to hear that word again. But Lado’s condition is getting worse every day…

“Lado, call me: “Mommy”. My son, my boy! I’m praying for this day and night! – Nino says to her 25-year-old son, who sits on her knees, and she caresses him like a baby. – I pray to God that his condition improves at least a little bit, so that he can move, pronounce some words, but … We roll back. How can we deal with this insidious disease called cerebral palsy with the meager capabilities and means we have?

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Charity Number: One call saves a life!

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I will always carry him in my arms, but please, don’t let my son die without medications!


Lado was two years old when he first said “mom!” Nino has been waiting for twenty-three years to hear that word again. But Lado’s condition is getting worse every day…

“Lado, call me: “Mommy”. My son, my boy! I’m praying for this day and night! – Nino says to her 25-year-old son, who sits on her knees, and she caresses him like a baby. – I pray to God that his condition improves at least a little bit, so that he can move, pronounce some words, but … We roll back. How can we deal with this insidious disease called cerebral palsy with the meager capabilities and means we have?

 “I want to hear your voice, son!”

 “He is so thin… Just skin and bones…”

God, it’s hard to see these shots! Looking at them you want to immediately fall on your knees and pray for this poor family or do at least a little for them.

Nino Avaliani is the mother of three children. She lives with her relatives in Zugdidi. Her eldest son, Vladimir, has been suffering from cerebral palsy for 25 years. All his limbs are paralyzed, and he cannot move. The first epileptic attack happened to him at the age of two, and from that day the tragedy of this family began: countless visits to doctors, hospitals, surgeries. Their hopes are exhausted, their dreams are broken…

– Nino, tell us about Vladimir. How hard his situation is?

Nino: I don’t want to repeat the name of what killed me. (She means her son’s illness. – Ed.) My boy has a severe form of it. He can’t walk and talk, he can’t even sit. When he was little, I put him in a stroller. Now… Now all his organs are affected, he has problems with his esophagus… I even take him out for walk holding him in my arms. He is always in my arms like a baby. What else can I do? This is my child, and until my last breath I will endure everything and fight for him. Each of us bears his cross. I don’t like to complain, but my financial problems have driven me to the extreme. I can do nothing for my child anymore: I can’t cope with buying diapers, I can’t feed him normally, buy medications, even take him to the doctor. I would work even the hardest job, but how? Who should I leave him with? Who will carry my son?

 “The eating process is quite complicated, because he can never say what he wants …”

 “I carry him in my arms like a baby…”

– Is he sick since birth?

Nino: Yes, it’s birth trauma. In fact, the doctors ruined me, and now they can do nothing to help me! When he started having epileptic attacks, we moved to Tbilisi and rented an apartment. Here, in Zugdidi, exercises and massage were completely unavailable at that time. If you only knew what torments I went through during the four years we spent in Tbilisi… When I had no money for a taxi, I carried him in my arms over long distances. And I had a heavy bag with the things he needed. So many people looked with pity on us. One day a stranger put $100 into a child’s sleeve. He didn’t tell me his name. He simply asked me to mention him in my prayers as a stranger, and the Lord Himself will understand who I am talking about. I will never forget that day.  I will never forget the wonderful family of Bachuki Pavliashvili. We rented his apartment. Seeing our situation, Bachuki did not charge us for housing.

He can’t even sit because his bones are deformed very much…

– Did he have any kind of surgery?

Nino: Oh sure. When Vladimir was 11 years old, we borrowed some money and took him to Moscow. In Tula, he was operated on three times. Doctors gave us hope for improvement of his condition, relieving stress. There were some improvements for a certain time, but … To control this disease, you need constant supervision by doctors and great financial capabilities. But we are a socially disadvantaged family, we don’t even have our own house.

– To whom belongs the house where you live now?

Nino: This house belongs to my brother-in-law and his wife. They sheltered us. There are many of them – seven people! God bless this family! We all live together – 11 people. There are not enough rooms, there is not enough food. And they have a baby. I know we bother them, but we have nowhere to go…

 “We bother this family, but we have nowhere else to go…”

– Have you ever had your own home?

Nino: Our house burned down two years ago. We had almost nothing, and the fire took everything we had. Thank God, I was visiting my relatives along with my children that day, otherwise I don’t even know what would have happened to us … Then Ika and Tamuna (meaning her brother-in-law and sister-in-law. – Ed.) sheltered us. If not for them, we would have found ourselves in the street without any support.

– Nino, does your husband not live with you?

Nino: He does not live with us, there was no place in his heart for his son. He ran away from responsibility. Men are often weaker than women…

– Does he help you in any way?

Nino: No! And he never helped us! I have always had and still have to cope with all the problems alone.

– Tell us about your other children. Levan is not here right now – we are recording the interview without him. Where is he?

Nino: My middle son, Levan, is a student at the Zugdidi State University. He is finishing his studies this year, and he was drafted into the army today. Social Services paid for his studies. I would not be able to do that. He studies and works to earn at least some livelihood and money for transport. And he helps his brother too. Parents usually create appropriate conditions for their children to study. And what I do? I do nothing! Once, as an adult, he told me: “Mom, do you remember that you told me not to eat yogurt because it was for Lado? Now I understand why, but then I felt offended!” And I indeed, did that. I deprived him of so many things… (Crying.)

– How old is Nia? May I talk to her?

Nino: Nia is six. Yes, of course you can talk to her. And I’ll take care of Lado.

– Niako, do you go to school?

Nia: I am in the first grade. I love learning, especially the Georgian language.

– What will you be when you grow up? A teacher?

Nia: No, a doctor! I will become a very good doctor to help my brother.

Do you hug your brother?

Nia: I always caress my Laduka. Like this. (Strokes his head.)

– Mom says you help her take care of him.

Nia: Yes. I bring water, medications, then one thing, then another. I do everything she asks.

– What is your biggest dream?

Nia: I want my Laduka to start walking and talking to us! When this happens, we will all be happy to heaven.

– What else do you want? Share your dreams with me.

Nia: I also want a table and a chair for study. I do not have that. I also want my own room, my own closet, and a bed, like this one, for girls.

– Do you sleep with your mom?

Nia: We only have two beds. But I’m already a big girl! Am I big, mom? (Addresses her mom.)

– Nino, you can’t work. I can imagine how difficult it is for you to cope. What is your monthly income?

Nino: Social allowance – 300 GEL. In addition, we get Lado’s pension – 275 lari, which is not enough even for diapers and medications. And we get another 100 GEL within the care program. The total is 675 lari. I have no idea how I manage to survive with this money with a disabled person in my arms …

– Did you address the local authorities?

Nino: Many times! Once, they brought our room to order so that one could live here. And now I have written a letter about our terrible, unbearable poverty. I am waiting for their answer. I hope they pay attention to me. I don’t have a gas stove or a washing machine. Even though I don’t have a home. And there is nowhere to go either … There is nothing to feed my children. There is no money for a doctor to treat Lado. Maybe it is possible to improve his condition a little bit? Maybe he will say the word “mom”, which I want to hear so much?

 “I can’t live a minute without Lado!”


My heart sank. I looked at mother and son embracing each other and thought: one thing is when a mother carries her child in her womb for nine months, but completely different thing is when she carries her child in her arms for 25 years. Only mother-heroine can do that.

Let’s unite, dear readers! Let’s help Nino Avaliani. Let’s not leave this heroic mother to the mercy of fate. She needs our help now more than air!

You will make Nino very happy if you visit her personally and support her family. Their address is Zugdidi, 21 Lomonosov street.

If you have a heavy heart because of everyday problems or unresolved issues, as a distraction just see our posts on Facebook, or better call any of our beneficiaries, and all your problems will seem unimportant to you, compared with the problems of those to whom you opened your kind heart and helped in the most difficult moment of their lives.

Our problems are noting if compared… Here are true misfortunes, in front of your eyes! Just thank the Lord for what you have. You are the happiest person in the world! Remember this and help those in need.

Every time you can help someone, just do it, and rejoice that God answers someone’s prayers through you! We are sure that together we can warm their hearts and give them confidence in the future.

Please don’t forget to repost our story. Let your friends know about the grief of this family! It’s extremely important!

Friends, there is one more request: if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:

Our Fund’s accounts are:




(purpose: The Avaliani family)

You can also transfer money from our website.

It is also possible to transfer money from TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (You can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link

We have already helped thousands of disadvantaged people! Let’s support this family too! as no one is immune to bad luck! And who knows, maybe someday we ourselves will need help?

We have good news for you – now you can read the stories of our beneficiaries on Instagram and Telegram

Even if you dial once this special number, it might save someone’s life: 0901 200 270! God bless you!

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Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
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10.06.2022 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
10.06.2022 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
09.06.2022 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
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234 Donors

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234 Donors


They need your help urgently