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When I am hungry, I press my hand to my tummy so that it does not hurt much.

calendar May 28, 2022

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“Beautiful dolls are for rich kids, and they have a bike too! If they want – they will lend it to you and if they don’t want – they won’t! – 5-year-old Natalie says. Mom says we are poor. Often, we don’t even have food. And I dream of a bicycle!”
“I close my eyes and imagine that instead of soup from a social canteen, I’m eating delicious food – food I want to eat!” says ten-year-old Mariam.

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GE64BG0000000470458000 GE64BG0000000470458000


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Charity Number: One call saves a life!

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When I am hungry, I press my hand to my tummy so that it does not hurt much.


“Beautiful dolls are for rich kids, and they have a bike too! If they want – they will lend it to you and if they don’t want – they won’t! – 5-year-old Natalie says. Mom says we are poor. Often, we don’t even have food. And I dream of a bicycle!”

“I close my eyes and imagine that instead of soup from a social canteen, I’m eating delicious food –  food I want to eat!” says ten-year-old Mariam.

 “Do not cry, mommy, I will endure hunger with you. Give food to Gvantsa and Natalie!”

There are five people in the Jikurashvili family. They rent a one-room old apartment in Rustavi. The family’s only income is social allowance. Most of it goes to pay rent and utilities, and the remaining amount is not enough even to buy bread for a month. Three beautiful girls – three-year-old Gvantsa, five-year-old Natalie and ten-year-old Mariam – can only dream of beautiful things, colorful dresses, new toys, and sweets. They can only dream of that!

 Our dreams never come true.

Natia (40-year-old): We are in an extremely dire situation. We are homeless. We live in a rented apartment with almost no amenities. But where can we go? Is not it poverty? Approach of winter always brings us suffering. We don’t turn on the heater because we are afraid that we won’t be able to pay for it. Children often get sick. Winter is over but they still have a cold. My husband suffers from eczema. He needs constant treatment, a special diet, and medications. But how can we buy them? Sometimes the blood just flows from his hands because of complications… He does not sleep at night. But what can he do?! When you child holds his stomach and says to you: “I am hungry, give me food!” How can a person think of anything else?!

– Levan, how long have you been unemployed?

Levan (40-year-old): I worked in a restaurant for many year- I am a cook by profession. But since I started having this terrible disease, I can’t find a permanent job. When the employer sees a rash on my hands, he refuses to hire me. Everyone thinks I’m a leper. I’ve been suffering like this for 7 or 8 years now. I can’t be treated because of this complication. When water gets on it – it’s a nightmare… It’s terrible, I hate myself! My nerves are shot. It’s unbearable when you can’t help your family in any way! Sometimes I want to tear off my hands and throw them away. Pain, inaction, poverty, hunger – that’s my life. My heart breaks when Mariam cries and says that she has nothing! Babies also ask for something all the time.

– Natia, you live in a rented apartment. Have you never had a home?

Is this called a kitchen? It looks more like a storage room!

Plaster is falling from the ceiling. If you are not careful, it can fall on your head!

Natia: We had it. Levan and I experienced a great tragedy. Our seven-month-old son died in an accident.

– I am so sorry for you. How did it happen?

Natia: We had two old beds next to each other. My Saba somehow got between the beds and got stuck there. He got serious brain damage. We “lived” in the hospital for five months. We sold everything we had, including the apartment. We only wanted to save our son… But I lost my Sabuka – he developed hydrocephalus, and it was impossible to save him. It was the most terrible time in my life … Terrible moments … (Crying.) Mothers should not lose their children.

Levan: We both went into severe depression. We blamed ourselves and each other. It’s hard to live with this feeling… Probably, my Saba is an Angel in another world, and he will always pray for his sisters.

– Do you believe in God? Do you often go to church?

Natia: Of course. We trust in the Lord. Father Saba was my confessor. I have always listened carefully to his sermons. He was truly a wonderful person and confessor! And I named my son after him.

-Let’s remember something good. How and where did you meet?

Levan: At the restaurant. She worked there, baked khachapuri, and I cooked khinkali. Oh, now we see khachapuri and khinkali only in a dream … (We did not manage to remember the good things. – Ed.)

Natia: We survive on canteen food. The main thing is that the children are full, we don’t care about ourselves. We never have the opportunity to buy them other food. Desserts and sweets are out of the question. My children are deprived of many things, but … (Wipes away tears.) 

You must see the beds where the children sleep… They don’t have a normal mattress. These are not beds, but boards, as hard as prison bunks.

“This room is for sleeping, and for entertainment, and for classes. We only have one.”

– Have you addressed the local authorities for help?

Natia: I have repeatedly appealed to all mayors, both new and old, and to the social service. Finally, we were put on the list of the homeless. But no one knows when our salvation will come.

Portion is for three children. What’s left for parents? To endure hunger…

 “The food from the canteen is not very tasty, but we never have any other food”

– Natia, could I please talk to the children?

Natia: Oh sure.

– Guys, what do you dream about? What wishes would you ask the good fairy to fulfill?

Natalie (5-year-old): I want a lot of jelly bons and candies, and a bike.

Gvantsa (3-year-old): I also want jelly bons and a bicycle.

Natia (smiling):They always want the same.

Gvantsa: And I want toys of Spiderman, Masha and the Bear. f there are none, then let the fairy bring me at least a lot of clothespins.

– Why do you need clothespins?

Natia: They don’t have toys, so Gvantsa and Natalie play with clothespins.

 “I want clothespins that my mother hangs clothes with. I will give them names and they will become dolls.”

Natalie: I want to learn “twirling” dances!

Natia: Natalie wants to do gymnastics – she has the makings, but we can’t send her to a gymnastics club. We can’t afford that!

When her tummy does not hurt from hunger, she can even do the splits.

– And what are you dreaming about, Mariam?

Mariam (10-year-old): I dream that I have a beautiful room, and also a lot of books and a computer. This will help me study very well, become a doctor and cure my dad! I also want to buy a lot of sweets for my sisters, delicious jelly bons, but I have no money! Mom and dad don’t have either. So maybe my dreams will never come true. But I still keep dreaming … I also want to learn how to play the panduri (Georgian folk instrument. – Ed.), I love to sing. I always lack notebooks for school, also pens and other things. They cannot buy them for me, and I also dream of them. I don’t want my teacher to scold me.

– Do you like going to school and studying?

Mariam: I love it very much.

– Do you have many friends at school?

Mariam: I’m friends with everyone, but my best friend is Nia. We often quarrel, but then we make up again. Because we are friends!

– What are you arguing about? Who is prettier, right?

Mariam: Noooo. (Laughs.) About nothing like that. We both are beautiful, and I think that all girls are beautiful, it’s just that some of them have prettier clothes. I don’t have pretty clothes.

 “All the girls are beautiful!”


She doesn’t have nice clothes and all the school supplies she needs to study well. Who cares about it when the family is literally starving? But babies dream of new things, clothes, dolls, and toys as well as delicious food and sweets. And probably about something more. That is why they are children! All children of Georgia deserve a happy childhood and their dreams to come true!

Friends, this family is in dire straits! They need our support, help with food and household items. Levan urgently needs treatment, medications; and the children need a healthy father and hope! Let’s not leave them in trouble! Let’s lend them a helping hand! Let’s unite and we will succeed!

If you want to visit this wonderful family and these most talented children personally – their address is: Rustavi, 13th microdistrict, 20th building, 4th entrance, 3rd floor, apartment 72.

If you have a heavy heart because of everyday problems or unresolved issues, as a distraction just see our posts on Facebook, or better call any of our beneficiaries, and all your problems will seem unimportant to you, compared with the problems of those to whom you opened your kind heart and helped in the most difficult moment of their lives.

Our problems are noting if compared… Here are true misfortunes, in front of your eyes! Just thank the Lord for what you have. You are the happiest person in the world! Remember this and help those in need.

Every time you can help someone, just do it and rejoice that God answers someone’s prayers through you! We are sure that together we can warm her heart and give her confidence in the future.

Please don’t forget to repost our story. Let your friends know about the grief of this family! It’s extremely important!

Friends, there is one more request: if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:

Our Fund’s accounts are:




(purpose: The Jikurashvili family)

You can also transfer money from our website.

It is also possible to transfer money from TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (You can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link ).

We have already helped thousands of disadvantaged people! Let’s support this family too! And who knows, maybe someday we ourselves will need help of strangers! Life is always unpredictable!

We have good news for you – now you can read the stories of our beneficiaries on Instagram: and Telegram:

Even if you dial once this special number, it might save someone’s life: 0901 200 270! God bless you!

Jul 08, 2022
Jul 28, 2022
Jul 29, 2022
fund overhead
Sep 16, 2022

Total expenses:



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They need your help urgently