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“If I turn my back for a minute my son can die”

calendar July 8, 2022

Johnny shakes his head quickly back and forth, smiling or crying. Johnny moves all the time. I wonder how his heart does not get tired! Just one second – and he is already at the edge of the bed, and you must catch him so that he does not fall on the floor. His body suddenly bends, and he falls on the bed. His legs twitch, his arms wave in the air. The smile on his face gets replaced by suffering. Such orders his brain gives him 24 hours – not to stop even for a minute. To strain his body like a stone. So that it’s scary to touch it.

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“If I turn my back for a minute my son can die”

When it hurts Johnny, he bites his lip hard

Johnny shakes his head quickly back and forth, smiling or crying. Johnny moves all the time. I wonder how his heart does not get tired! Just one second – and he is already at the edge of the bed, and you must catch him so that he does not fall on the floor. His body suddenly bends, and he falls on the bed. His legs twitch, his arms wave in the air. The smile on his face gets replaced by suffering. Such orders his brain gives him 24 hours – not to stop even for a minute. To strain his body like a stone. So that it’s scary to touch it.
“Johnny, please don’t do that!” – his mother Maya begs him. “Do that!” – his brain says. “Do it faster!” Mama Maya hasn’t stopped either, for 13 years now. I wonder how her heart does not get tired! Catch him every minute, turn, lay! She does all her work by Johnny’s bed so that nothing happens in the minute of her absence.
“I live only for Johnny,” – says Maya – “I would do anything: I will not sleep, meet other people, I will always hold my son in my arms. But I’m not ready for him to get bad again (cries). The worst thing is when he does not recognize me, does not respond. This is the end for me!”
Sometimes people are so overwhelmed with grief that they cannot think about their other serious problems. Maya cannot think now where to move next month, when their rent expires, how to buy diapers, medications, syringes, food. Johnny’s condition is very bad now.

His body becomes wooden. Johnny suffers torment every minute.

– Maya, what’s happening to Johnny now? Is it possible to help him in any manner, to let him have a rest?
Maya: He will be like that forever. I hug him and kiss him to make his life a little bit easier. John! (Addresses her son). My smiley boy, mommy’s life! (Strokes her child) Johnny has multiple diagnoses. The most obvious is cerebral palsy. You can write that. Johnny has only one kidney. His brain is damaged. He suffers a lot. I promised to him to be only his mother, I don’t need any other kids. I promised to be the best mother for my Johnny. I worry very much when he misses anything. I don’t want my boy to suffer because there are no diapers. He needs 14 pieces a day. Urine flows by itself. The 6th size is already small for us, we will have to change to the 7th. It’s more expensive (Sighs.) He needs tubes do drain the liquid from his lungs. The tube is inserted into a hole in his neck. Right here, see? This is a stoma. All the time I’m afraid that he can pull out the stoma. When he pulls it a lot, I put a sock on his hand. If he pulls off the stoma and I will not notice that – he will suffocate. You, too, pay attention to that while I’m talking to you.

“Johnny needs me all the time.”

– Can Johnny breathe by himself?
Maya: He can’t He has airway narrowing. He can only hear, see, and smile. He needs help with the rest. 

Maya feeds Johnny with a big syringe

Johnny is bothered by a tube (probe) inside of him. It carries food from his nose to his stomach.

“My son is heavy now – he weights 29 kilos. But I still manage to cope”.

If at least it was possible to sit him in a wheelchair, we would go out for a walk. But he would never be able to sit. The hardest thing is to bathe him without help. I’m afraid he will slip out of my hands and hurt himself. But even though we live here alone, in a rented apartment, he has never fallen. No matter what I do at home, I always manage to catch him. 

Who is now responsible for the torment of my boy? His life could have been different.

– Maya, some diseases cannot be prevented.
You don’t know… This case is different. One thing will be killing me for the rest of my life. When I was seven-month pregnant, doctors discovered that my baby had problems with his kidneys. I had to take pills and stay in bed. But my husband’s grandmother – she was running things at home – was against medications and me having rest. “Did you come here to have rest? Look at her!” – she used to say. “I am not going to let doctors run my life!” So, we did not buy medications. And I had to carry loads and do all kinds of work.
– Poor Maya, poor baby. 
– Johnny was born eight months premature. He had abnormally high bilirubin. 580! It poisoned his brain and body. 
 My husband’s family was very embarrassed of having the sick child. “It can’t be like that in our family.” It hurt me when they kicked me out of their house. I did not know how to live. But then Johnny made me strong. Probably, it would be better to stop talking about that. My ex-husband is no more alive. He jumped from the bridge in Anaklia. He probably could not stop thinking about many things, he could not forgive himself for many things…
– So much grief! Did not they change their mind? 
– They don’t want to know about us. They don’t even want anyone to help us. The very fact that Johnny exists disturbs them (sighs). My smiley boy, and my meaning of life! How can he disturb anyone? I love him from his first minute, with his tubes and diapers. He is my most beloved and closest one!

Johnny smiles when his convulsions stop for a while.

Johnny really likes balloons, so Maya distracts him from convulsions

At first, I bargained with God – why did this happen to me? Then I realized that I had a gift from God. Very often the devil tempts me. Especially when I pray for a long time. Johnny gets heavier, his condition worsens. Or something bad happens to us. The devil wants to turn me away from God. But it is impossible! The Lord saved us many times in the most hopeless situations. He found so many good people for us! Once your Fund helped me a lot. I’m using His old tip.

Maya caresses her son all the time to make him feel a little bit better

– We will do everything what’s needed. Don’t be afraid, Maya.
– At first, I did not want to bother you. I addressed various newspapers and magazines. But no one helped us as much as you and one hospice. I lose time waiting and Johnny gets worse. He needs tubes for suction machine (to clear his lungs of liquid), syringes for feeding, probes, sanitary napkins, diapers, food. He needs 8 packs of diapers per month, it’s 350 GEL. You need a lot of money to prevent Johnny from being taken to the intensive care unit – that can happen if I do not do something well enough. I have only 500 lari per month. Its Jonny’s pension and social allowance all together. 

Maya switches medical suction machine several times a day.

I am so afraid. Fear kills me. The manager found this apartment in Didi Dighomi for 400 lari last year. Your readers helped me pay for it, and thanks to kind people we lived in normal conditions. Now it’s time for us to move from here and I am going crazy. Where to go with such a sick child in my arms? There are no such prices for rent anymore, everything got much expensive. 

 “Fear kills me.”

I can’t go to mom’s place at the countryside – Johnny will not survive there. In the past month, he started having convulsions more frequently. I worry so much. 
– Do your relatives come to visit you from time to time?
My mother is so weak, she has problems with her eyes. My brother looks after her, he does not work. My sister has a family, and she can’t leave them for long.  I can only leave the house for one hour or so when visiting nurse replaces me. Johnny and I are still here. But we do not know what to do next.

 Johnny found himself in hospital. He really needs your help right now!

Friends! The situation worsened just in a few days! Johnny is at intensive care unit right now. He has a viral bladder infection. Doctors barely reduced his convulsions with strong drugs.
 Maya tries not to cry, to be able to help her son. But she worries a lot and needs your help. She asks God for only one thing – that Johnny will come home from the hospital and be able to smile at her again. She will do the rest without complains, day and night. Without sleeping and taking breaks. Because she is the best mom in the world for Johnny! Let’s help Maya to save Johnny! 
Address of the Marshania family is: Tbilisi,Didi Dighomi, 4th Microdistrict, 156 Mirian Mepe Str. Their apartment is on the zero level of the building and there is car repair shop by their entrance.
If you have a heavy heart because of everyday problems or unresolved issues, as a distraction just see our posts on Facebook, or better call any of our beneficiaries, and all your problems will seem unimportant to you, compared with the problems of those to whom you opened your kind heart and helped in the most difficult moment of their lives.
Our problems are noting if compared… Here are true misfortunes, in front of your eyes! Just thank the Lord for what you have. You are the happiest person in the world! Remember this and help those in need.
Every time you can help someone, just do it and rejoice that God answers someone’s prayers through you! We are sure that together we can warm her heart and give her confidence in the future.
Please don’t forget to repost our story. Let your friends know about the grief of this family! It’s extremely important!
Friends, there is one more request: if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:
Our Fund’s accounts are:
(Purpose: the Marshania family)
You can also transfer money from our website.
It is also possible to transfer money from TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (You can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link
We have already helped thousands of disadvantaged people! Let’s support this family too! And who knows, maybe someday we ourselves will need help of strangers! Life is always unpredictable!
We have good news for you – now you can read the stories of our beneficiaries on Instagram: and Telegram:
Even if you dial once this special number, it might save someone’s life: 0901 200 270! God bless you!

Aug 03, 2022
cemetery material
Aug 12, 2022
cemetery material
Sep 30, 2022
fund overhead

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26.07.2022 07:06:01
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