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Another child will never grow up

calendar July 14, 2022

One call saves life!

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His hands are clenched into fists, his body is twisted in a spasm, muffled mooing or screaming sometimes breaks from mute lips – either from unbearable pain, or from thirst – Nika cannot say that he is thirsty otherwise. Another life of an innocent child was ruined by a terrible disease – cerebral palsy; another child on this earth is never destined to become an adult … A boy named Nika, at the age of 14, does not talk, does not walk, does not sit, can’t brush a fly off. Nika’s entire family – 45-year-old mother Mzia, 11-year-old sister Lika, and 6-year-old brother Tamazi – is in an unequal battle with Nika’s serious illness.

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Bank of Georgia

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GE64BG0000000470458000 GE64BG0000000470458000


TBC Bank

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GE15TB7194336080100003 GE15TB7194336080100003


Liberty Bank

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GE42LB0115113036665000 GE42LB0115113036665000


Charity Number: One call saves a life!

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Another child will never grow up

His hands are clenched into fists, his body is twisted in a spasm, muffled mooing or screaming sometimes breaks from mute lips – either from unbearable pain, or from thirst – Nika cannot say that he is thirsty otherwise. Another life of an innocent child was ruined by a terrible disease – cerebral palsy; another child on this earth is never destined to become an adult … A boy named Nika, at the age of 14, does not talk, does not walk, does not sit, can’t brush a fly off. Nika’s entire family – 45-year-old mother Mzia, 11-year-old sister Lika, and 6-year-old brother Tamazi – is in an unequal battle with Nika’s  serious illness.       “My little children, Tamazi and Lika, have long grown beyond their years, because the main child in our family is Nika, a child who will never say the word “mother,” – says Mzia with a tired voice, without hiding her tears – “but I have not been afraid for a long time, I am ready to carry him in my arms all my life, feed him with a spoon, change diapers, if only he lives!”        “Get up, brother, get up, please, let’s play with a plush bunny,” – little Tamazi calls Nika with a thin voice, “mommy, will my brother talk? Will he play with me??” These questions break the heart, because Nika will never get up and talk, he will never be able to play with his brother, but he is still a beloved son, a beloved brother, and just like everyone else, he really wants to live …

“No mother deserves to see her children suffer. And if this cannot be avoided, my God grant them endurance “

– How is Nika’s current situation?
Mzia: You can see for yourself. He lies, mooing, it is not always possible to understand what is happening to him. He mainly cries when he’s thirsty or when something hurts him.

“Sometimes he has convulsions, and then it takes a very long time to relax his muscles” 

Tamaz (6-year-old): When he gets dirty or when he wants to play with me.
– Do you often play with him?
Tamaz: When he doesn’t quarrel with me, we play. I give him my bunny. He sometimes takes it away and does not give it back to me. And then I can’t sleep without this bunny. And he rips its ears! Bring him, please, another bunny, and let mine be left alone! 

“I give him my favorite bunny…”

“… and he wants to tear off its ear”

– Do you have other toys?
Tamaz: No! And this is my favorite! My friends, Demetre and Gogoladze, have a lot of toys, and they are very kind, they let me play too. I also want to lend them something of mine, but I have nothing!
– What do you dream about besides toys?
Tamaz: About lot of things. I will go to school soon – I dream about school things. About the ball, about the shoes, about the bicycle. And I also want Nika not to get sick.

“I wish my brother was healthy. I don’t need anything else”

Lika (11-year-old): Our biggest dream is for Nika to be healthy or at least suffer less. Do you know how bad he is? Sometimes I imagine myself in his place and start crying. If I couldn’t get up, sit down, go to play, I wouldn’t even be able to drink by myself… And I wouldn’t even be able to brush a fly off myself. This is so scary.
Mzia: The only thing I am sure about is that my poor boy won’t be left alone when I’m gone.

“I can do anything for my brother!”

Lika: Mom, don’t say such silly things! Who will look after us?
– What can you do for Nika?
Lika: I can do everything! I feed him, calm him when he cries, change diapers. He is like my little brother. But Tamaz has already learned to do everything himself, and Nika has not. And he’s crying louder.
– What else besides Nika’s health are you dreaming about? Girls of your age have such beautiful dreams!
Lika: I don’t even know. If I had a lot of money, I would buy shoes for myself and my mother, clothes for Nika, and toys for Tamazi.

“Don’t be afraid, son, you have the best brother and sister” 

Mzia: You see, they will never ask for anything for themselves. When they dream of something, they dream about something for everyone, and Nika is always in the first place! Thank God for giving me such children because you can’t teach this.
– Mzia, what can we do for you?
Mzia: I have nobody: my parents died, and the father of my children does not live with us and does not pay attention to his children. He needs help himself. We live only on allowance and Nika’s pension. But we need so many things! My heart aches when I spend all the money on Nika’s needs. Count yourself. He needs diapers – 5-6 pieces a day. He needs expensive medications. Thank God Nika is not picky, and he even likes dinners from the social canteen. I addressed you for this help.

“The only home appliance we have is an old gas stove”

– Maybe you need something else in addition to diapers and medications for Nika?
Mzia: I need a washing machine. I must wash Nika’s linen every day and I barely have the force to do that. When Lika sees my hands bloody from cold water, she keeps asking me to let her do the laundry. How can I let her do that? She does so many things that little girl shouldn’t do. I also really need a water heater to bathe Nika, and a small refrigerator. Our old one went out of order. And one more thing: if someone has old comfortable clothes to put on Nika. He has nothing.

“Nika needs your help. He’s son of the God!”

– Mzia, we will certainly write about your needs. I think Lika and Tamaz really need toys, a tablet, and new clothes.
Mzia: I don’t even dare to ask for that. And so it turns out that I only think about my sick son, and Lika and Tamaz seem to not exist. This makes my heart hurt. I am sure your readers know better what can make my children feel happy. I completely trust them.

“Smile, my handsome boy, they will certainly help us”

Here is another son of God, here is another sick boy who will not be able to say “thank you” to us and will not even understand that we helped him. Helping such children, we open our hearts to God! We do good deeds not for getting gratitude, but to save our souls. 
Nika, Lika and Tamaz wait for our help, they won’t survive without us. Their mom won’t be able to cope alone, and she does not have other relatives but us.
We only hope on you! We must save the children! Look how good they are! Diapers, medications, groceries, a washing machine, and fridge will make their life easier. The children need clothes and shoes, toys, and a tablet. We can help them, can’t we? We can really do that, can’t we?
If anyone is willing to visit and help them in person, here is their address: Khashuri, 54 Borjomi Str.
Every time you can help someone, just do it and rejoice that God answers someone’s prayers through you!
We are sure that all together we will manage to save them from imminent death.
Please don’t forget to repost our story. Let your friends know about the grief of this family! It’s extremely important!
Friends, there is one more request: if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:
Our Fund’s accounts are:
(purpose: The Gubelidze family)
You can also transfer money from our website.
It is also possible to transfer money from TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (You can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link
We have already helped thousands of disadvantaged people! Let’s support this family too! And who knows, maybe someday we ourselves will need help of strangers! Life is always unpredictable!
We have good news for you – now you can read the stories of our beneficiaries on Instagram: and Telegram:
Even if you dial once this special number, it might save someone’s life: 0901200270! God bless you!

Your kindness made them happy!
You must read this report, friends! Because the joy of this family is your merit! Save these joyful photos. If your heart is heavy, smile along with those you have helped, and the whole world will smile back at you

Nikusha, can’t thank you. He can’t talk, but this smile is for you!

   I wonder what Nika would say if he had not had the severe form of cerebral palsy and could talk! Would he have the same joy on his face if he saw the happy eyes of his sister and brother? However, we do this kindness for those who will never thank us, the Lord will do it instead of Nika! Glory to his name!

“It’s a mountain of cookies, and I’m a plane, and I will fly over it. Wait, I’ll eat a bit first…”

     Friends, we have already given joy to so many families! Is it an easy job to stand guard, where the voice of those in need is better heard, and do everything to help the fallen to get on their feet? 
    We published an article about the Gubelidze family last year. We told you about 14-year-old Nikusha, who has been suffering from the most severe form of cerebral palsy since birth: he can’t walk, he can’t sit, he can’t stand up, he can’t talk… His mother Mzia has two more little children. The family’s only income is social allowance and Nikusha’s pension. Imagine the rest yourself… 
Mzia, what is the reason for your great joy?
Mzia: Support of people! The kindness of Georgians. At first glance everyone is fighting with each other on the social network because of their political views, but when someone gets in trouble, everyone unites. Everyone is ready to save the needy, save them from hunger. Who cares about politics at this time?! We are all children of God. Sometimes the people in need themselves help the other needy. I read all the articles on your site. I remember a woman who wrote that they brought her a lot of food at the same time and she distributed it to other needy people… Can you imagine that? My Georgia is such a warm country, but some people don’t believe it. We received such wonderful gifts from you… We really needed everything. First of all, a bed for my Nikusha. We slept together before. We had no other option. The new bed is very comfortable.  My poor boy can’t walk, can’t stand up… He is bedridden. This beautiful bed became his new “home”. It is equal to home! Thanks for this. I wish my baby could thank you himself. But he can’t even talk, he just smiles… But I see happiness and gratitude in that smile. A mother’s heart feels everything. 

This bed is a new “home” for Nikusha

Lika: Nikusha likes the bed very much. You also brought us many diapers – we needed them too. He can’t go to the toilet. He needs a lot of diapers every day, maybe 5 or 6 pieces. The more he grows, the more diapers he needs. Mommy doesn’t have enough money to buy them always. We must take very good care of my brother to have him for a long time…
– Lika, I am surprised that you have been involved that much in family affairs. You care about your brother too. What did you enjoy the most from the gifts?
Lika: I was very happy with the refrigerator. Our old one got broken, but look at this one, it’s taller than me. I wonder if I will ever overtake it in height?

“It’s so big, I will ever overtake it in height…”

Tazo: There should be a lot of food in the refrigerator, then it is good. I was most happy with candies and sweets. I love meat and cookies, and if you bring them often, the fridge will get full. 
Mzia: We were very happy with the gas stove. 

“It turns out that sometimes even poor children can have delicious food… Even with meat!”

Lika: You can fry eggs much faster on this stove.
Tazo: And it is tastier, but I still prefer meatballs. Mommy told me not to ask her for meet because it is expensive.  But what should I do if I want it?
Mzia, who do you remember the most?
Mzia: One day a young guy called me. He told me that his unit wanted to help Niko somehow. He asked me our address. Then he came. He brought a lot of food for my children. It turns out that when the Osiauri soldiers saw the article on the social network, they shared it with everyone. They raised money within the unit and then one of them came to visit us. Thank you, guys! You were brought up by real Georgian mothers, and I am sure that your children will also become people that our country will be proud of.
– Mzia, does the local government help you with anything?
Mzia: It does not help us…  I don’t believe that the local administrations help anyone with anything at all. Well, really, apart from the fact that I was hired as a janitor… But my salary is so small, that I am embarrassed even to name it. And I think it’s part of the social program, otherwise they wouldn’t even remember about me.

“If I eat 2 pieces a day, for how many years will it be enough?”

Mzia, you still need so many things, foodstuffs. Our relationship will not end with one help. I believe that many people will read this article and decide to support you.
Mzia: I can never buy food. We eat food from the social canteen. And as you know food from there is not good and desirable for children. They ask me for meat, cakes… Where can I get it? When you brought cookies, Tazo even asked me for how many years it will be enough if he only eats two pieces a day. My poor child. So, thanks to good people, I lead my wretched life. Look at my Nikusha! Can I deprive him of medications, diapers, a clean bed, sheets and grooming? I will die if something happens to him! You know, a mother never singles out any of her children, but she always pays more attention to the sick and focuses on them. It’s like that everywhere – it’s not only my point. My heart breaks when I look at him.

“My dear brother, we still have diapers and mommy will not worry”

Lika: If my mother had a washing machine, her life would be much easier. Well, look at her wrinkled hands: early in the morning, she holds a broom in her hand, in the evening she washes everything. She does it by hand… I also help her, but it is hard to wash in cold water… That’s why I prefer to clean. I take care of Nikusha and am more able to do other things.
So, mommy will be happy with washing machine and groceries! What you will be happy with, guys?
Tazo: I will be happy with the bicycle – if my mother will send me somewhere to get something, I will rush like a bullet. It is also help. Is not it?

“If I rush by my bike, Jeka will follow me as a personal security”

“Likuna and Tazuka are waiting for their little dreams to come true…”

     We believe that kindness never ends, and many more people will support the Gubelidze family so that little Tazo does not dream of eating meat, has a bicycle, Lika goes to dances, and her mother is proud of her success. This story is not over! It should have an even better sequel! We hope for you!
        If you have a heavy heart because of everyday problems or unresolved issues, as a distraction just see our posts on Facebook, or better call any of our beneficiaries, and all your problems will seem unimportant to you, compared with the problems of those to whom you helped in the most difficult moment of their lives.
          Our problems are noting if compared… Here are true misfortunes, in front of your eyes! Just thank the Lord for what you have. You are the happiest person in the world! Remember this and help those in need!
       Unfortunately, problems of this and other families do not end here and now… Therefore, from time to time, look through the stories of unhappy people on our website, talk to them. Every time you dial the Phone of an unhappy person, God is blessing you! For sure! Keep on helping these families! This is the best service to the Lord!     
        Friends, we have one more request for you – if you find out that your friend or neighbor needs help, please show your caring attitude and drop us an email at:   
          Your kindness is a chance for yourself to be happy in everything.
         Friends! Thanks again to everyone!
      Our Fund’s accounts are:
(Purpose: The Gubelidze family)
You can also transfer money from our website: «TБC Bank» (GeoPay), «Bank of Georgia» (e-commerce), «Liberty Bank» (PayGe), PayPal.
          It is also possible to transfer money from TBCpay, ExpressPay and PayBox (OPPA)terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section   (you can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the
       We have good news: now you can read the stories of our beneficiaries on
       Even if you dial once this special number, it might save someone’s life: 0901200270
Let’s believe that helping others, we take care of our own souls and draw closer to Lord through the suffering that we share with them!

Sep 30, 2022
fund overhead
Oct 24, 2022
Oct 27, 2022
Nov 10, 2022
Nov 29, 2022
Mar 06, 2023

Total expenses:



Kind Heart
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Kind Heart
15.10.2022 17:52:51
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07.09.2022 20:00:00
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230 Donors

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230 Donors


They need your help urgently