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Little Saba’s big eyes could close forever!

calendar April 7, 2023

“It’s been 12 years that I’ve been fighting for my son’s life; it’s been 12 years that a ‘stone of sadness’ has been weighing on my heart, getting heavier every day…” – So says the mother of little Saba, who has had cerebral palsy, epilepsy and mental retardation since birth.

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Little Saba’s big eyes could close forever!


 “It’s been 12 years that I’ve been fighting for my son’s life; it’s been 12 years that a ‘stone of sadness’ has been weighing on my heart, getting heavier every day…” – So says the mother of little Saba, who has had cerebral palsy, epilepsy and mental retardation since birth.

 The most devoted friends of our Fund probably remember Saba Mamulashvili’s story. A couple of years ago, the hearts of dozens of our compatriots opened for this “special” boy!

 But we never leave our wards halfway, so we went to see Saba to find out how he’s doing and if there’s any improvement. 

“The damned epilepsy is taking my son’s life step by step,” says Natia, the boy’s mother

Natia: In the last three months Saba’s condition has drastically worsened. His epileptic seizures have become more frequent. They come at night, and every time it gets dark, I’m afraid the nightmare is coming. My child shakes, his hands are numb, his eyes roll up, he is short of breath… I hold his hands, stroke his head, try to calm him down and pray to God that my son can withstand another devil’s invasion. This struggle goes on for 2-3 hours. So far, we have managed to endure it, but the question “what happens next?” just throws me into a stupor. I am powerless… Though I am ready to fight to the end to do my best to postpone my son’s sad end…

For Saba, his mother’s shoulder is the safest pillar and the safest shelter…

 – Is the boy making any progress with his health? 

 Natia: Saba still can’t walk, he can’t talk, he can’t eat by himself. He can’t hold his head upright, not even for a minute. I sit him straight on the couch, and he can only sit in that position for a few seconds, and then his head falls over and he falls on his side. 

But now we have a new problem – one of Saba’s legs has stopped growing. This could lead to a terrible deformity of his already paralyzed body. They said that he needs surgery, and the state will pay for it. But you still have to get to that point! You need tests, you need an examination. Unfortunately, my family has no means for this. 

One of my child’s legs has stopped growing. This can cause a terrible deformity of the entire body

– Is all your family’s income spent on your sick child? 

 Natia: Yes, of course! Otherwise, our life would have no meaning! Saba is everything to us!  That’s why all our energy, all our strength is focused only on my boy, just to make at least a little progress. But the problem is that we have too limited possibilities. Our income is 250 GEL of social allowance and 350 GEL of Saba’s pension. My husband has a part-time job, he is a worker, he carries weights… He earns about 400-500 GEL per month, but lately his health has deteriorated, his stomach has manifested itself. Sometimes it hurts so much that he can’t even walk… This is how we live, surrounded by illness, poverty, and lack of perspective. 

“My whole life belongs only to my son. I’m ready to fight to the last drop of my blood!” – says Natia!

– And what does a mother’s heart say? 

 Natia: For 12 years I have been fighting for my son’s life, for 12 years I have had a “stone of sorrow…” on my heart. I don’t hide it – sometimes I fall into despair, but then I quickly “sober up” and tell myself: “Natia, don’t you dare mope, you have a sick child, and you have to take care of him; this is your lifelong cross, and you have to carry it with honor…”

– Do you have happy moments in your life, at least fleeting ones? 

 Natia: Yes, sometimes. When Saba is well, when he is calm, when nothing bothers him, I am happy; I hug my son, put his head on my chest and ask God to prolong these moments as long as possible… I often wonder why that happened to my boy, but no one can tell me what the reason is. When he was born, he had his first seizure the very next day. The doctors said it was meningitis, and they removed the fluid from his spine. Then we took him to doctors, he was operated on his tendons, and the child survived. But it was too early to wave the victory flag. One year later Saba was officially diagnosed with cerebral palsy, epilepsy, and mental retardation… We could not accept the diagnosis for a long time. We thought there was a way to improve the situation. We hoped that with a little more effort, everything would go back to normal. But it wasn’t meant to come true. 

“We’ve been through so much in 12 years!So much hard work and tears… I’m watching my son 24 hours a day, I can’t step away – anything can happen…”

 – Does anyone help you? Does the state support you in any manner? 

 Natia: The state pays for Saba’s rehabilitation course – a special bus comes twice a week and takes the boy to the “Kamilielebi” rehabilitation center, which is important for his socialization. We receive about 1000 GEL from the local authorities each year and we also receive medications – once every four months. That’s all the help. My relatives support us morally, but they can’t help us financially, because they hardly make ends meet… 

– How can friends of our Fund help you? What does Saba need right now in the first place? 

 Natia: First of all, it is an examination for tendon surgery; the surgery itself, they say, will be paid for by the state, although the issue is still undetermined. Maybe there are some drugs to reduce the frequency of seizures? I do not know. In general, at this stage we need diapers like air. A sick child needs 4-5 diapers a day. In total it costs about 500 GEL… And our total income is barely over one thousand GEL. Isn’t that a pittance? 

“My heart hurts and cries of powerlessness to help my sick boy…” – Natia sighs

 – I see you have all the necessary appliances at home…

 Natia: Thanks to friends of your Fund, we have all the appliances we need. Our living conditions are normal now, we are not starving. But my heart hurts and cries of helplessness to help my sick boy. Help me, kind people, to prolong his life! Look at Saba, see what huge eyes he has – they may soon close forever if we stay idle being satisfied with what we have. 


Friends, little Saba Mamulashvili is now at a crossroads: one road leads to the cold earth, and the other to heaven.  But there’s also a third road – it’s life! So, let’s help this family not to fall into despair and not to give up, but to continue the fight for the sake of their son!

 The boy is in dire need of examination and treatment, diapers, and medications.

 If anyone is willing to visit and help them in person, here is their address: Tbilisi, 11 Crimea Street.

 Remember: The good you do to others is never lost. It goes through many ways and roads, gathering more and more goodness, and then it all comes back to you exactly when you really need it!

 Please don’t forget to repost our story. Let your friends know about the grief of this family! It’s extremely important!

 Friends, there is one more request: if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:

Our Fund’s accounts are:




(Purpose: Saba Mamulashvili)

You can also transfer money from our website: «TБC Bank»

(GeoPay), «Bank of Georgia» (e-commerce), «Liberty Bank» (PayGe), PayPal.

It is also possible to transfer money from TBCpay, ExpressPay

and PayBox (OPPA). Find our Fund under “Charity” section (you can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link

We have already helped thousands of disadvantaged people! Let’s support this family too! And who knows, maybe someday we ourselves will need help of strangers! Life is always unpredictable!

We have good news: now you can read the stories of our beneficiaries on Instagram:  and Telegram: 

Even if you dial once this special number, it might save someone’s life:  0901200270! God bless you!

May 25, 2023
May 25, 2023
Jun 08, 2023
Jun 30, 2023
fund overhead
Jul 04, 2023

Total expenses:



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