One call saves life!
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Bed sores fester and bleed; they “eat” a human organism alive. For this reason, for such people, pressure reducing mattresses are an issue of death and lif
Bank of Georgia
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TBC Bank
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Liberty Bank
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Charity Number: One call saves a life!
Phone number:
0901200270It is so great that among you,
our dear readers, there are many of those who go beyond the limits of their
immediate circle and pay attention to those who really do lack it.
Even people say that society
maturity is determined by how it treats old people, children and socially
unprotected people.
Imagine an ill bedridden
person who cannot even turn to the other side in bed without help from other
people! And there are so many old people who are totally lonely, with none to
take care of them. As they lie in bed for a long time immobile, they start
having bed sores. This is a straight way to wounds, poisoning of the body and
Bed sores fester and bleed;
they “eat” a human organism alive. For this reason, for such people,
pressure reducing mattresses are an issue of death and life; they are the only
possibility to protect a bedridden person from having bed sores.
All of us, no matter where
he/she works and what are his/her financial possibilities, can do something
useful for old people. They need our attention and simple human sympathy. And
let us be generous for this with our time and forces.
you have a possibility to provide material assistance, you can deposit money to
the Fund account GE15TB7194336080100003 or GE64BG0000000470458000 (Purpose:
Pressure reducing mattresses) or pay directly from the Fund web-site
You can also donate money
through quick payment terminal NovaTechnology, TBCpay and ExpressPay. Enter
Charity section and select our Fund.
For detailed information
please call the telephone: 032 219 33 21, +995 577 92 40 45
Total expenses:
11 Donors
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