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Levan will live!

calendar April 7, 2019


Our Fund’s accounts in:

Bank of Georgia

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Bank Code:




GE64BG0000000470458000 GE64BG0000000470458000


TBC Bank

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Bank Code:




GE15TB7194336080100003 GE15TB7194336080100003


Liberty Bank

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Bank Code:




GE42LB0115113036665000 GE42LB0115113036665000


Charity Number: One call saves a life!

Phone number:


     This tragedy
occurred in November 2004. The minibus was returning from the wedding and got
into a terrible accident. All 14 passengers were killed. Only one of them
survived, 18-year-old Levan Sogomonov. Since then the long and hard fight for
every breath, every heartbeat, every second of life began! One operation
followed another, surgeons sewed up numerous wounds, sutured, transfused
blood… When finally breathing was restored and Levan opened his eyes, it was
already obvious that a real miracle had happened! The guy was practically
brought back from the dead. Apparently he was not destined to die, for such was
God’s will!!! 

     That unfortunate
day was 15 years ago. And in the photo, you can see how Levan looks like today.
He is confined to a wheelchair, almost unable to talk; he completely lost his
memory; his legs are paralyzed; he breathes with a tracheotomy tube, often
suffers from seizures, swallowing is difficult, and the oral cavity has come to
a terrible state. 

     We spoke to Olga Sogomonova,
mother of Levan, and asked them to share their experiences with us: 

     – For any mother
it would be unbearably hard to see her child in such a state. What did you feel
when you heard about the tragedy? 

    Olga:  It was such
a shock that I fainted and fell to the ground. When I recovered myself I
thought: now is not the time to die, I must help my boy. My husband died in
1995 and, in fact, the boy has no one left but me. I began to pray to God with
tears in my eyes, asking Him for help and mercy. God heard my plea! You see, 15
years have passed and he’s still alive!!!

    – Treatment of such a
serious patient is very expensive, especially numerous operations and long
hospital stay. – How do you cope with the problems all alone? 

   Olga: first, I sold my
two-bedroom apartment, and secondly, the government helped me a lot. Then
Mikhail Saakashvili was in power. 26 thousand lari was given by the government
to Levan, and his wife Sandra helped my boy separately. I’ll be damned if I
forget that good! I always remember and thank the Lord that with the help of
merciful people my son was saved.

     – And how do the
current authorities help? 

      Olga: The ceiling
once collapsed in this shack where we live. I wrote a statement to the mayor’s
office, and they sent a team of workers, so the ceiling was repaired. The
Ministry of Health gives me money for medicines three times a year. The amount
is small, but it covers some part of our costs.

     – What do you do
for living? 

     Olga: We have a
disability pension and a tiny social allowance. We live very poor. Everything
is spent on medicines and food. Of course, I cook by myself, as we don’t have
enough money to buy special food. However, I am most concerned about the
condition of Levan’s mouth. Gums are inflamed and bleeding, all teeth are
rotten and jaws are aching. I asked and was told that there was no such program
and, therefore, they could not finance it. 

     – Why don’t you
address your local deputy for help? He can and should apply to the Ministry of
health or other Department for assistance in this matter. The deputies are
elected in order to resolve such urgent social issues of the population. This
is their duty, so don’t shy off. And if they bounce you we will write about it
because we have more than half a million readers! 

      Olga:  I
know about that. Certainly I do. Your Fund has been taking care of my son for
several years. I am so grateful to you (note: crying), that I often
think:  what would I do without you?! And it’s not just about medical
treatment or supply of diapers. You know, every time your doctor and nurse come
around, it’s a real holiday for my son. He’s so happy, so happy. It is worth

    – How old is Levan now
and how does he feel about his condition? 

    Olga: Now he is 33 years
old, but he has a behavior of a small child. This is due to a severe brain
injury. He does not remember exactly what happened on that ill-fated day.
Neither can he remember what he studied in his second year at the University or
that he used to play football in the student team… Sometimes he tries to
stand up from the wheelchair and when he succeeds his eyes are glowing with
happiness… I thank God that my son is alive! You know, I have one cherished
dream and I hope that the Lord will hear me.

    – What is your dream, if
it is not a secret?

     Olga: I wish that
Levan could walk on his own.… 

Dear friends, social networks are his
chance to pass the vitally important medical treatment! We ask each of you for
informational support! It is not difficult at all and will not take you long.
It will not make no cost to your wallet! We just ask you to share information
so that as many people as possible learn about Levan. Among them there will
always be wizards!!!

    You can as well visit
this man and help him in person. He will be sincerely grateful to you! Levan’s
address: city of Tbilisi, 57 Nine Brothers St.

    Well, those who are
willing to help, but cannot find time to visit or at least call and encourage,
can donate to the account of our Fund: 

GE15TB7194336080100003 or
GE64BG0000000470458000 (purpose: Levan Sogomonov). You can also transfer money
from our website. 

You can as well transfer money from
the terminals of Nova Technology, TBCpay and ExpressPay. Find our Fund in
“Charity” section. (You can learn about the additional rights and
obligations of the Fund by following the link

Helping people you make this world
kinder and better. It is extremely important to know that there are good
people. It becomes less scary to live and a hope for a miracle emerges! Many
thanks to you, dear friends, for your support and kindness!

Sep 18, 2019
Sep 18, 2019
Sep 18, 2019
products for canteen
Dec 09, 2019
Jan 01, 2020

Total expenses:



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They need your help urgently