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Give the gift of life to Tornike…!

calendar March 23, 2020

We have nothing of our own. We sold everything we could sell to cure Tornike. We have been treating him for sixteen years.

Our Fund’s accounts in:

Bank of Georgia

Bank logo

Bank Code:




GE64BG0000000470458000 GE64BG0000000470458000


TBC Bank

Bank logo

Bank Code:




GE15TB7194336080100003 GE15TB7194336080100003


Liberty Bank

Bank logo

Bank Code:




GE42LB0115113036665000 GE42LB0115113036665000


Charity Number: One call saves a life!

Phone number:


Rarely, friends, but God Almighty does give us a chance to do
what only He does. This is right our case. After all, every lari donated to
this child will give him an extra second, minute, hour, month, or even a year, two
or more of life.

Extend the days of this good boy’s life, great God!

The story of Tornike’s mother – Leila.

Leila: My husband and my sick son live in a relative’s
apartment. We don’t have anything of our own. We sold everything we could sell
to cure Tornike. We’ve been treating him for sixteen years.

The biggest problem we have is Tornike’s disease. He is
literally fading in our hands! Look at him… he’s withdrawn and doesn’t talk.
He’s in such pain that he can’t open his teeth!

I am 59 years old, and my husband is 62. Tornike is 17. He is
our joy! And his disease is muscular dystrophy.

Reporter: When did the problems start? Has Tornike been ill
since birth?
Leila: No, no. My son was born absolutely healthy, he even went to school.
Before the 4th grade, Tornike had no special problems. It all started
suddenly…The child found it difficult to move. Over time, his health
deteriorated. We were diagnosed with muscular dystrophy, which progresses and
affects different organ systems. It was a sentence for the rest of my only
son’s life! My husband immediately had infarct. And I’m the only healthy person
in our family now. But I suffer more than anyone else in the world. It hurts my
heart when my boy screams, when I see my husband’s suffering!
– What did the doctors say? What did you do to prevent the disease from
Leila: We needed constant medical and procedural treatment so that the
condition would not become complicated, but we did not have enough funds…
Complete recovery with this diagnosis is almost impossible. We knew that. We
sold everything we had and treated the boy.
– What kind of person is Tornike? Tell us about him.
Leila: Tornike is a very cheerful and active boy. Sitting in a wheelchair, he
participated in theatrical productions at Marjanishvili theater; he painted and
participated in exhibitions. He also sings well. Wherever he saw a microphone,
he picked it up and started singing. Now we sing together at home. We try to
get out of this situation and live as actively and positively as possible. Hope
has great power.

– Does Tornike believe that he will recover?
Leila: He believes; he says that God will not leave him. I often show videos of
children who have gone through difficult times, but have recovered, were able
to move independently and are now active. I keep telling him that if you
believe, you will get better. The main thing is to try. He’s been complaining
of leg pains lately. He rarely contacts us. I keep telling him not to do it. On
the contrary, he should actively engage in contact.
– Does Tornike have any friends?
Leila: Yes, certainly. His classmates are very supportive of him. They pay a
lot of attention to him. They are very fond of Tornike, and Tornike is also
crazy about them. I couldn’t imagine how much warmth they could express. 

– What pleases him most?
Leila: He is very happy when someone brings sweets. He is looking forward to
see us if we are not at home. He waits for us to bring yogurt or other sweets.
I wanted to buy him some yogurt yesterday, but I couldn’t. I had no money.
 – Why doesn’t he talk to people now?
Leila: He’s been very self-contained in recent years. It became difficult to
communicate. But his friends do not forget, love and often repeat to him that
he taught them to be kind, sensitive and friendly. You know, I understand him.
He spends all day at home; when he broke his leg and had a very difficult
operation, his character changed. Since then, he has not been able to go to
school. The condition was so severe that he was immediately taken to Turkey for
surgery. Since that time he has been at home and we all strive to do everything
we can for him to get him out of this situation. Rehabilitation is not complete
– How did Tornike break his leg?
Leila: He was taken to Bakuriani resort under the state program for recreation.
During a walk, the wheel of the stroller broke and Tornike fell out of it. The
leg was broken between the hip and the knee. The deplorable condition of his
curved spine aggravated the situation. The operation was vital.
– You said that you have the status of a socially unprotected family. – Does
the state help you?
Leila: Yes, for many years. In previous years, we had small points and received
benefits. But now the social workers probably thought that we “got
rich” and lowered our allowance. We receive scanty social allowance in the
amount of 180 lari. The state partially finances expensive medicines and tests
and medical procedures. Previously, we were given 50 lari to feed Tornike, but
when he turned 16, this surcharge was cancelled.
– You do not work, your husband, as I understand, cannot always earn a living,
so how do you cope with financial problems? Who helped you solve such big
Leila: I don’t work because of my son. When the son’s diagnosis was confirmed,
the husband had a heart attack due to a nervous breakdown. We managed to save
him… Therefore, he can’t handle hard work. He helps me take care of the
child. I would like to note that your Fund has supported us for many years. I
can’t even find words of gratitude that really express my feelings about your
work. Bow low to you.
– Does anyone of your neighbors or friends help you?
Leila: When your strength is running out and you want to cry from despair,
that’s when someone will come to help. Neighbors help us often. They know that
Tornike likes sweets and if someone bakes something, one piece always goes to
Tornike. Sometimes complete strangers come and support… They are all from
– What kind of help do you need at the moment?
Leila: Tornike’s spine is in a terrible state, if you are not afraid I will
show you… He needs a special bed and an orthopedic and anti-bedsore mattress
which we do not have. And look at what he’s lying on! This is an old
dilapidated couch. We also need a wheelchair to bring him to the yard at least.
There are special wheelchairs that properly hold the body and head, a normal
wheelchair can no longer be used, it is dangerous!
– Are you a believer?
Leila: Yes, I am a Christian believer. I grew up in a very decent family in
love and warmth. My love to God comes from my parents. I believe in Him!
Tornike has more faith in God than I do. We used to go to Church for communion
all the time, but now we can’t afford it for 2 years because we can’t
physically get to the Church after he broke his leg. How nice it would be the
priest came to us and gave communion to my poor son!

– Do you believe that the Fund will help you?
Leila: Yes, certainly. One hundred percent sure. We remember when we first
asked you for help, your response was so important, and we feel that you are
always there for us. Many thanks to your for everything! I am sure that along
with you, others will help us in any way they can. Your word is worth a lot!
– What do you dream about, what do you need to make your family feel happy?
LeiIa: I was the happiest woman on Earth when God gave me my son. It was an
incredible feeling when he said mama for the first time. I want him to keep
– How can I help you at this stage, what do you need most?
Leila: Tornike and I have a joint dream that we can walk the streets, but we
need a special wheelchair. Also, I need a bed where my son and I can fit
together, because he can’t sleep without holding my hand and not feeling his
mother next to him. You need a special mattress against bedsores and
medications. We need a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals… he has
become very weak. I’m very sorry to ask, but we can’t solve the problems
without your help.
Friends, as you can see, the Kikabidze family lives in extreme need. The family
is in need of food, medicines, household appliances,  beds and a wheelchair.
   Let’s support them, show mercy, give a seriously ill teenager a
chance not to suffer from pain and have at least elementary joys. He just needs
a comfortable bed, tasty food and a possibility to go outdoors. You can
personally visit this family and provide assistance. They will be happy! Call
Leila, find out about her needs, cheer her up, support her, tell her that she
is not alone and that nobody will leave them alone in their trouble! It is very
This is their address: Тел: 555 22 37 46
 Dear friends, Chernovetskyi Fund
initiates a charitable action: to help the Tornike Kikabidze. As you know, the
Fund does not stop at one-time assistance. Without children, the country and
people have no future. Take care of the younger generation! Help them survive!
“Write them down” as your relatives. And we are sure that the Lord
himself will bless you.
And be sure to repost our publication. Let all your friends know about the
grief of this family! It is very important.
God gives us the opportunity to take care of people who are not able to do it
themselves. Not all people are the same. And not everyone is as kind as we are.
Please, do not pass aside the sorrow of others! Unhappy people are given to us
from above so that we can prove our faith to the Almighty not in words but in
Friends, there is one more request, if you know about the misfortune of a
neighbor or friend, do a Charitable deed, write to us by e-mail:
Our Fund account GE15TB7194336080100003, GE42LB0115113036665000 or
GE64BG0000000470458000 (purpose: Tornike Kikabidze). You can also transfer
money from our website.
You can as well transfer money from the terminals of OPPA, TBCpay and
ExpressPay. Find our Fund in “Charity” section. (You can learn about
the additional rights and obligations of the Fund by following the link

For the healing of the soul and body!..

 Tornike’s dream has come true, he has finally received the sacrament! 

 Have a look at the photos. Do you recognize the wonderful young Georgian we told you about recently? For 14 years, he has been bedridden, fighting with a terrible disease, muscular dystrophy… But! Look how Tornike smiles! This is the smile of a happy person whose dream came true! And this is our common achievement! On the day of the Bright Easter Holiday, we all gave him this miracle!

 Since Tornike fell from a wheelchair and broke his leg, he is unable to leave the house, and visiting the temple and communion have become his cherished dream. After all, it is absolutely necessary for him… Only Faith in the Lord keeps him alive.

 When the Foundation’s employee David brought a priest to them, and he gave Tornike communion, the boy literally cried with happiness… – For the healing of the soul and body! For the glory of God! – His mother, Leila, repeated through her tears. 

 We have given great happiness to this family. And now, thanks to your kind hearts, a smile shines again on the face of seriously ill Tornike! 

 Then, the poor boy, with a terrible curvature of the spine, had to lie on a collapsed sofa propped up with bricks, on which it is unthinkable to sleep even for a completely healthy person! And now, Tornike has a beautiful, comfortable bed, with an orthopedic mattress. Both he and his mother are glad to have such a bed.

 – Leila, tell me, how has your life changed after we published an article about you?

 Leila: Everything has changed, and most importantly, my mood! You supported us not only financially, but also morally! Tornike dreamed of communion… You have fulfilled this dream! Communion at Easter! On such a Great Holiday! It literally brought my son back to life! What can compare to this joy?! It’s hard for me to put these feelings into words… After all, we do not have a special stroller, so we do not leave the house and could only dream about it… 

 What could change? Everything has changed! Fear was gone and replaced by hope… When the only child in the family is ill, everything loses meaning and goes into the background. You have made our life more comfortable and, consequently, made it easier for me to take care of my son! You brought us the gas stove and blender that we needed so much… I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart! – Leila gasps with delight.

 Thanks to all of you, my boy is provided with medicines for three months, we were given so many products and hygiene items that I still haven’t run out of them!

 Do you remember what my sick boy was lying on? It’s hardly even a sofa… Now he is lying on a comfortable bed, with an orthopedic mattress, and is so grateful to all of you!

–Leila, what do you remember the most? Do you remember the names of the people who helped you?

Leila: As I told you, an employee of the Fund, David, brought a priest who gave communion to my son at Easter. This was the best gift and surprise for our family! When I posted a photo of Tornike’s communion on my Facebook page, I simply lost count of calls from people who congratulated my boy and wished him “healing of body and soul”.

But the surprises did not end there, after a while, the Lord sent us another good person, and grace descended on my son again! He was given communion twice without leaving the house! Is this not a miracle? I don’t know what to say… Thank you very much for these moments of happiness!

Every single day, my son and I ask the Lord to return a hundredfold the happiness that you all gave us! I can’t find the words to express my gratitude…

And the guys from the central branch of the Spar store came, brought a huge amount of products, and provided Tornike, who had been dreaming of yogurt the day before, with delicious food for a long time!

A man called and and transferred 20 lari to me. I will tell you honestly, in our situation, it is equal to 20 million! All the more so because all the inhabitants of our country have had such a hard time because of the pandemic…

 – Did the local authorities react to our post in any way? Did they ask about your condition or help you in any way?

Leila: A young man came to us, brought 100 lari in an envelope, said that it was from a Deputy who read my post. Unfortunately, I didn’t remember his first or last name… Many thanks to him and a low bow!

 – Tell me about your emotions, Leila.

Leila: I really can’t find the words to express my gratitude… You have fulfilled the dream of my sick son, and therefore my dream… 

 I have already told you that after a broken leg, severe surgery and anesthesia, Tornike is not himself… We can’t use a normal stroller anymore, and I still haven’t been able to figure out who to contact to get a new, specialized one… Despite his illness, Tornike has always been a very sociable boy, and now he became reserved and silent. He categorically refuses to make contact. I constantly explain to him that this is not possible, besides, after your article, we were just covered with a wave of love and care from complete strangers! 

 Now Tornike began to smile a little, often in a good mood, but still refuses to communicate, even on the phone… The help of the Foundation and the support of your friends means a lot to our family. I felt again that I am not alone in this struggle with the disease.

– What does this help and support mean to you personally?

Leila: I again believed that I was not alone, I believed in my own strength… It is thanks to the warmth and love that comes from all the employees and friends of your Fund! I really did not expect that so many people would feel our trouble, want to sympathize, and help my boy. It is so important when people share warm feelings and are ready to support each other!

 – Maybe you have any other problems that our readers can help you solve… 

Leila: I’m very embarrassed to ask for more, but after Tornike broke his leg, we can no longer use the old stroller and are locked up. The usual wheelchair provided by the Ministry of Health is no longer suitable for us. Before the unfortunate fall and fracture, my boy was very sociable! He needs a special wheelchair that completely fixes the spine. This will give me the opportunity to take my son out of the house, breathe fresh air, and even participate in various activities. Can someone help us solve this problem? I don’t even know who to address.

 In addition, Tornike is allergic to dust… We put up an old carpet to make it warmer, I always clean everything with a wet rag, but it doesn’t help… I would like to have a vacuum cleaner… Also, a microwave oven to heat up food quickly…

 I am so grateful to you and all our compatriots for all that you have done for us… Thank you for all the moments of happiness that you gave us! I know for sure that the Lord hears my prayers, and everyone will be rewarded for every grain of joy that you have brought to us!


And if you feel heavy at heart because of everyday problems, or unresolved issues, take a moment to look at our posts on FB. Better yet, dial the phone number of any of our beneficiaries. Call him and forget all your problems. Because they are “nothing” compared to those to whom you opened your good heart and came to help in the most difficult moment of his life. 

Our problems are nothing compared to theirs! Here it is, a real grief! It is before your eyes! And thank the Lord for what you have. You are the happiest person in the world! Remember this and help those in need.

Unfortunately, the problems of this and other families do not end, so from time to time view the stories of unhappy people on our site, talk to them. Every time you dial the phone of another unfortunate person, you will definitely feel God’s blessing on the back side! It is for sure! Keep on helping these families! This is the best service to the Lord!

 Your kindness is a chance to be happy in everything!

Dear friends, thank you so much once again! 

Here is the account of our Fund: 



GE64BG0000000470458000. (Purpose: Tornike Kikabidze) 

You can also transfer money from our website.

You can as well transfer money from the terminals of OPPA, TBCpay and ExpressPay. Find our Fund in “Charity” section. (You can learn about the additional rights and obligations of the Fund by following the link

One call will save a life – 0901 200 270

Let’s think that by helping others, we take care of our own souls and draw closer to the Lord through the very sufferings that we experience for others!

Apr 02, 2020
Apr 23, 2020
May 01, 2020
household appliances
May 21, 2020
Jun 01, 2020
fund overhead
Jun 17, 2020
Jun 19, 2020
Jul 31, 2020
Sep 10, 2020
products Tkheidze family
Sep 24, 2020
Oct 21, 2020
products Tkheidze family
Nov 30, 2020
fund overhead
Dec 08, 2020
products Tkheidze family
Apr 20, 2021
products for Tkhelidze
May 21, 2021
Jul 08, 2021
Aug 24, 2021
Aug 24, 2021
Sep 20, 2021

Total expenses:



კახა დუმბაძე
19.09.2021 20:00:00
ზვიად შაშიაშვილი
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მანანა ბეჟიტაშვილი
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შავშაშვილი მიხეილ
17.09.2021 20:00:00
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15.09.2021 21:37:47
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ანდრო ათოშვილი
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14.09.2021 20:00:00
14.09.2021 18:16:34
თურმანიძე გიორგი
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ცომაია თორნიკე
13.09.2021 20:00:00
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691 Donors

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691 Donors


They need your help urgently