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Tears silently flow from the eyes of a proud and hardworking old Georgian man broken by a stroke…

calendar June 8, 2021

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He was the rock of the large and friendly Arkhoshashvili family, which in an instant turned from the happiest into the most unhappy family in Georgia. “Grandpa, grandpa, does it hurt? Why aren’t you playing with me? ” – the wonderful four-year-old widget Goderdzi tries to talk to his dear grandfather and gently strokes his hand. He hangs around his grandfather’s bed and still can’t wait for an answer. But he knows from his beloved grandmother Ketino that his grandfather Nodari who is very sick, someday he will tell him a wonderful tale. Oh, he can’t wait…

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Charity Number: One call saves a life!

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He was the rock of the large and friendly Arkhoshashvili family, which in an instant turned from the happiest into the most unhappy family in Georgia. “Grandpa, grandpa, does it hurt? Why aren’t you playing with me? ” – the wonderful four-year-old widget Goderdzi tries to talk to his dear grandfather and gently strokes his hand. He hangs around his grandfather’s bed and still can’t wait for an answer. But he knows from his beloved grandmother Ketino that his grandfather Nodari who is very sick, someday he will tell him a wonderful tale. Oh, he can’t wait…

He even tries to feed him and keeps caressing his grandpa with his tiny white and chubby hands…

And his grandpa only cries silently in response, because for five years now he has been broken by a damned stroke.

Tears silently flow down the old man’s cheeks…

“My husband had a stroke five years ago, since then I have been caring for him like he was a little child,” sobs grandmother Ketino. – “We have lived in perfect harmony for all our life, he supported me in everything. He used to work for his whole life, he took care of all of us, and now, you see, he has become completely helpless. He didn’t have time to rejoice, to play with his grandchildren – they don’t remember him when he was healthy, but they love him very much!”

They say, misfortunes never come singly. The misfortunes started ten years ago, when his 32-year-old son Goderdzi was diagnosed with insulin-dependent diabetes – a strong young man became disabled, was left without work and was no longer able either to help his parents or keep his own family. Five years later Nodar, the head of the family, had a stroke; since then his wife Ketino have been taking care of him. The family found itself in a stalemate and is desperately struggling for survival. They are sorely lacking funds even for the most basic stuff – food, medications, diapers. Who will take care of them? Who will lend them a helping hand? Perhaps we know the answer.

– Ketino, share you troubles with us…

Ketino: I don’t even know where to start… All the misfortunes befell us at once. My husband and I have worked tirelessly all our lives. We never lived richly, but we did not starve either. I would never have thought that such a fate awaited us… You probably cannot even imagine how terrible our situation is! Nodar is bedridden, our son has diabetes, and our grandchildren are very little. No one works, and the prices rise for everything! We do not have money even for the most basic things: food, medications, hygiene products…

– Tell me everything in order, please.

Ketino: As I said, we used to live a quiet, calm, measured life – but we never lived in poverty. Our son served under a contract, he fought in hot spots. He suddenly felt unwell, went to the doctor, and it turned out that his blood sugar was high. The doctor did everything possible to prevent him from insulin dependence – because he is a young military man… But unfortunately, it did not work out. He became disabled at 32 and has been suffering for ten years now. Goderdzi needs four injections a day. He cannot work. He should follow a diet. But we only eat pasta. Then this misfortune happened to my husband. Now Nodari is completely helpless, I feed him, give him medications, wash him, take care of him like he is a little child… Poor one, sometimes he looks at me like he tries to say something to me, but he cannot. I feel so sorry for him, my heart breaks…

– Ketino, you speak with such warmth about your spouse! Could you please share your youth memories with us, the story of how did you meet?

Ketino: I am 64 years old, dear, when I was young it was still common for parents to choose wives and husbands for their children. I didn’t even see my husband before our wedding! But, as you can see, we lived in perfect harmony for so many years, we always supported each other. My husband is an educated and very talented person. He used to be… You know, he even took part in the “Talent” show competition. Imagine, he was able to say any phrase backwards in a matter of seconds! It reversed words even four seconds faster than a computer! And now, he cannot even utter a word. He only moans in pain. He really needs medications, if he misses a pill, he starts trembling so strongly. He almost jumps on the bed.

– I think, it’s very hard for you…

Ketino: You can’t even imagine how hard. My back hurts very much, because you have to turn him from side to side, to wash him, and much more… My daughter-in-law helps me a lot. I certainly wouldn’t have coped alone. She’s a good girl, I don’t even know how she manages to both look after the kids and help me… They’re just babies: Goderdzi is four years old, and Amir is two – you cannot leave them unattended! You also need to feed them, to dress them. I cannot express with words how hard it is for us. There is no end to our expenses: medications, diapers… All this is very expensive, there is no money left even for food. I don’t know what to do.

– Did you address the local authorities for help?

Ketino: The state is funding insulin for my poor son.
 A couple of times they brought us some food. That’s all, in fact … Occasionally they allocate us some amount for medications. I am grateful to them, but with the problems we have it is a drop in the ocean! Just look around! This house is so old that it is about to collapse on our heads!

– This…house, does it belong to you?

Ketino: Yes, my husband’s parents built it. When we could, we maintained it, renovated it little by little, but now everything has fallen into disrepair. The roof leaks, it blows from all the cracks, you have to plug the holes in the walls with rags, but this does not help! Now they repair a village road, and because of the bulldozers driving back and forth, our fence got askew, our house keeps shaking, and even the foundation got damaged in one corner… Woe to me, woe! Who will fix it? There is no one to help us. Why did such misfortunes befall on me? Why is my husband living out his life in torment?

– Ketino, do you believe in God? Do you go to church?

Ketino: Of course, we go there all together! And I also pray at home constantly. I ask God not to doom my children and grandchildren to death. Well, if not for the stroke, I’m sure Nodari could still do a lot for all of us. He worked for all his life, he graduated from a technical school, he used to work in furniture stores, then in a shopping center. When the Soviet Union collapsed, he was involved in agriculture. I haven’t been idle even for a single day! And now, when my son is sick, and my husband is in this position, I only hope for God and to good people!

– Tell me about your grandchildren, please…

Ketino: Oh, they are my only joy, my ray of light! My wonderful, affectionate boys. You know, they never saw their grandfather healthy. My daughter-in-law was pregnant when Nodar suffered a stroke. The elder Goderdzi is around him all the time and asks what hurts his grandfather and why. He tries to feed him with a spoon… Caresses him, tries to play with him…

– Is it true, Goderdzi? Do you love your grandpa?

(The boy, who used to hang around and listen to our conversation inquisitively, hid behind his grandmother …)

Ketino: They are very, very shy… The younger one does not even talk yet. My heart hurts, dear. You have no idea how much my heart hurts… I don’t sleep at night thinking about how to get out of this situation. My son’s disease, the misfortune that happened to my husband – all this derailed us. For ten years now we have been trying to survive, and every year, every day it gets harder… (Poor old woman sobs.)

– Well, your position is unenviable… Tell me, please, how can we help you?

Ketino: God knows I never asked anyone for anything. It was with these hands that I earned my daily bread, working from dawn to dawn together with my husband… Who to blame that everything turned out like this?

It hurts me to say that, but my grandchildren, my babies are half-starved, they wear rags… How is it possible? They need food and clothes Nodar needs a lot of things. Our whole modest income is almost fully spent on his medications and diapers. All the furniture is very old and is almost falling apart, we have no beds, no wardrobe… A washing machine is just a dream for us – it would have eased our life so much, because we have two little kids and bedridden person in our family. You can imagine how much laundry there is. It is a real torment to wash with hands in a freezing water in winter. My daughter-in-law’s and my hands just hurt.

– Ketino, the whole Georgia will read this article. I am sure many people remember the wonderful performance of your spouse – many will respond to your cry for help…

Ketino: I am grateful for your attention and empathy, God bless you!


  Friends, a good, kind Georgian family found themselves in a difficult situation. Grandpa Nodar is bedridden, his wife does not leave him day or night. Taking care of a bedridden patient requires a lot of money. Their son Goderdzi, in his young age, became an insulin-dependent diabetic and disabled person. The family has two wonderful boys – two-year-old Amir and four-year-old Goderdzi.Kids are deprived of absolutely everything: normal food, clothes, shoes, toys.

  Today the family of Nodar Arkhoshashvili really needs our support. They need all kinds of help: food, hygiene products, medications, beds, a washing machine, and more.

You can visit and provide all possible help to the Arkhoshashvili family.Their adress is: Kareli municipality, Kvemo Khvedureti village.

  Please repost our publication. Let your friends know about the grief of this family! It’s extremely important!

  God gives us chances to take care of people who are unable to take care of themselves. Do not pass by someone else’s trouble! Those poor people are sent to us by heaven so that we could prove not by words, but in deeds that we trust in God!

Friends, there is one more request – if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:

Our Fund’s accounts are:




(purpose: Nodar Arkhoshashvili).

You can also transfer money from our website.

It is also possible to transfer money from Nova Technology, TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals.Find our Fund under “Charity” section (You can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link ).

We have already helped many disadvantaged people!Let’s support the family of Nodar Arkhoshashvili too, as no one is immune to bad luck! And who knows, maybe someday we ourselves will need help of strangers!

One call saves life – 0901 200 270.

God bless Georgia that we were not left alone!

“We are not alone anymore, my love! The entire Georgia is with us!” Hold on my dear and don’t you dare give up!”
I asked the Most Holy Mother many times not to allow my children starve to death! It is a real miracle of God that you appeared in our life! – the young woman Julia, daughter-in-law of the Arkhoshashvili family, smiles through her tears. “We believed that one day the tests would end, and happiness would come. Not all at once, but we have hope. We completely forgot how to rejoice, and you reminded us of that.”
Even grandfather Nodari – broken by a stroke – tries to smile. He feels everything and experiences joyful excitement in the same way as other members of his family. When they brought the gifts to them, he got very excited. His family have not seen him like that for five years since he found himself in such situation. Grandfather Nodari tried to get up, say something, he’s shaking with emotions. It was the most significant and happy day for his loving family. His little grandchildren, his wife Ketino, his son and daughter-in-law Julia – all of them rejoiced.
For sure you remember what problem made the Arkhoshashvili family address us. Grandfather Nodari, the breadwinner of this family, a former participant of a talent show, an active and very positive person, suffered a stroke. His daughter-in-law Julia became responsible for taking care of all family members – for her insulin-dependent husband, a sick father-in-law, an elderly mother-in-law and young children.
Disease, poverty, and hunger defeated this family.
The scariest thing is to overcome hardships alone. But we prevented that from happening! Each of you tried to take care of this family appropriately, as if he were the breadwinner instead of grandfather Nodari. Dear readers, we felt that this was a special honor and responsibility for you to the family of grandfather Nodari.
“God bless you! God bless Georgia that we were not left alone! – says Julia, crossing herself. – My family will never forget this!”
– Julia, how the life of your family changed after the post was published?
Julia: You know how we used to live – alone with disease, poverty, fear. After my father-in-law’s stroke, the family lost support – everything was based on him: he brought money into the house, and went to the marketplace for foodstuffs, and walked with the children for hours, and in the evening, he could cook a modest, but such delicious dinner for the entire family… From the moment our breadwinner became bedridden, the earth has gone from under our feet. We had nothing to buy foodstuffs with. Gradually, friends, acquaintances, people who were once close to our family disappeared from our lives… We were all alone, no one needed us, we found ourselves on the edge of life. This is how we lived before you appeared.
God bless you! You have given us our hope back! You turned out to be the only ones who helped us in trouble. What else to say! If not for you, we would have starved to death! I am sorry I cannot find words because of excitement. So many kind people, so many kind hearts were imbued with our misfortune! 
Now we have a washing machine, so neither I – a pregnant woman, nor my mother-in-law have to wash all the things with hands in cold water. My father-in-law and my son sleep on new comfortable beds. I have no idea when we could have gotten the beds ourselves! Until now, my son had to sleep on the floor… Food, medications, hygiene products – we really needed all this urgently.

Grandfather Nodari is still bedridden. But is it impossible to compare the present conditions with the past! Now he is clean and comfortable
– Julia, I am sure our readers will be happy to hear these warm words! We are waiting with all our hearts for changes for the better. Maybe you’d like to single out someone of your new friends?
Julia: Honestly, it’s even embarrassing to single out someone. Each of those hundreds of people who responded to our request for help deserves words of gratitude, because they took something away from themselves and their family! I am immensely grateful to you, my dear people! You saved us from starving to death – each of you!
– Julia, maybe the local authorities also responded to our post and your request for help?
– If only they did! We get insulin for my husband. Several times a year, they bring us food and finance a purchase of some medications. For a large family living on an allowance of 270 lari, this is enough for nothing. We have two little children, I am pregnant, my husband, mother-in-law and father-in-law are sick. How to stretch 270 GEL per month without forgetting about utility costs? How to live on one lari per day? That is why we live from hand to mouth, like, probably, half of Georgia.

“Nice thing for people worn out by a hard life like me!”
– It’s our bitter reality. Fortunately, even after so many disappointments you did not  clam up, you did not lose faith in people. What do you remember the most? What did you feel when readers supported you?
Julia: We remember most vividly the reaction of my father-in-law when you brought us gifts. He was shaking with emotions, wanted to get up, could not calm down!!! For the first time in many years, these were tears of joy… We will never forget this day! Your help brought us faith that we are not doomed to eternal suffering and have the right for happiness. During these five years of poverty, we have lost many friends and acquaintances, they simply left us… It hurts, of course, but I dare not to judge anyone. It is such a difficult time now – everyone survives as best they can… At some point, I felt bitter disappointment. You helped us not to lose faith in people! You showed us that good people who help each other selflessly still exist! Many thanks to all of you!

Lots of laundry will fit here
– I’d like to talk to your son Goderdzi. Come here, dear. Which present did you like?
Goderdzi (5-year-old): Most of all I liked chocolates. Food is the best present, my favorite one! I love eating delicious food when we have food.
– So, food will be your wish to Santa?
Goderdzi: I always asked him to bring food. Khinkali, burgers, sausages, candy. But Santa doesn’t come to us. I don’t know why. Mommy says it’s because we live too far. If he would have asked: “What do you want, Goderdzi?”, I would have answered, that this year I want a big car and a chocolate cake.

“Nodari wants to tell you something. If he could talk, you would hear so many thanks! Yes, dear, our guests understand everything that you feel.”
– Oh, my dear boy! I think that this year Santa, will come to visit you and will bring you a car and a delicious cake!
Goderdzi: Chocolate one! I am already five! Should not he come at least once?
– Sure, dear! Don’t even worry. Julia, what other problems could we help you to solve?
Julia: First of all, I want to thank everyone again for their participation, for being with us at the most difficult time, when we had not even a single piece of bread in our house. May the Lord protect you and your families! As for help… I am very embarrassed to ask, but our problems prevent us from living a normal life… As you can see, we are in great need, we live in bad conditions, we go hungry all day long. My father-in-law needs diapers, pain killers, ointments for bedsores… My mother-in-law and my insulin-dependent husband also need special nutrition and treatment. But we don’t have that kind of money, and I am not sure we will ever have it! Not to mention my children who wear the hand-me-downs and ask Santa to bring them food. It’s hard to listen that. It is embarrassing to admit, but we haven’t installed the washing machine yet – we have no money for installation. It is so awkward to say that.
God, I really want everything to work out. We deserve a bit of happiness too! May love and prosperity reign in the family of everyone who reads these words! And let no one go hungry!

 «Oh, we are running out of diapers», – Ketino sighs
Dear friends! The Arkhoshashvili family needs our help again! We have already united once and managed to make their difficult living conditions a little bit easier. But foodstuffs and medications have already run out; the family started starving again, they need medications again! Looking at the helpless grandfather Nodari, my heart breaks, because no one but us can help him. He only has a disabled son, an elderly wife, a pregnant daughter-in-law and young grandchildren by him. What should they do, how should they live? Should they let their beloved father and husband starve to death? How to choose between bedsore ointment and bread? How to look into the eyes of a little son who puts on torn shoes in winter and trembles with the cold? These unfortunate people have no answer. We can once again demonstrate the power of good deeds and together make the life of the Arkhoshashvili family a little better.
They need us, they need our love and care! Please, let’s not turn our backs on them! It is in our power to save them from hunger. Perhaps, if you think about it, this is exactly our mission in this world – to give a helping hand to the hungry and sick!
If you have a heavy heart because of everyday problems or unresolved issues, as a distraction just see our posts on Facebook, or better dial the number of any of our beneficiaries. Call them and you will forget about your problems. Because they are nothing in comparison with the problems of those to whom you opened your good heart and came to help in the most difficult moment of their life.
Our problems are noting if compared… Here are true misfortunes, in front of your eyes! Just thank the Lord for what you have. You are the happiest person in the world! Remember this and help those in need.
Unfortunately, problems of this and other families do not end here and now… Therefore, from time to time, look through the stories of unhappy people on our website, talk to them. Every time you dial the Phone of an unhappy person, God is blessing you! For sure! Go on helping these families! This is the best service to the Lord!
Your kindness is a chance for yourself to be happy in everything!
Friends, thanks again to all!
Our Fund’s accounts are:
(purpose: The Arkhoshashvili family).
It is also possible to transfer money from TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (You can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link 
         We have good news for you – now you can read the stories of our beneficiaries on 
Even if you dial once this special number, it might save someone’s life: 0901 200 270! God bless you!
Let’s believe that helping others, we take care of our own souls and draw closer to Lord through the suffering that we share.

Aug 04, 2021
washing machine
Aug 24, 2021
Aug 31, 2021
fund overhead
Aug 31, 2021
Sep 16, 2021
Dec 31, 2021
Dec 31, 2021
Feb 24, 2022
Feb 24, 2022
Mar 31, 2022
fund overhead

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28.01.2022 09:55:00
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09.01.2022 20:00:00
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09.01.2022 20:00:00
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08.01.2022 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
07.01.2022 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
06.01.2022 20:00:00



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245 Donors


They need your help urgently