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Mother of three is about to kill herself!

calendar October 6, 2021

One call saves life!

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Mom Inga gets 320GEL social allowance for her three daughters and herself. It is somehow enough for two weeks, and then they start starving… If this unbearable living routine lasted a little longer, it would make this unfortunate woman commit suicide without getting out of depression… But she was “lucky” – she was entitled to attend a social canteen, and now she and her daughters can get at least some gruel there. Although it can hardly be called normal food, it still saves them on hungry days.

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Bank of Georgia

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GE64BG0000000470458000 GE64BG0000000470458000


TBC Bank

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GE15TB7194336080100003 GE15TB7194336080100003


Liberty Bank

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GE42LB0115113036665000 GE42LB0115113036665000


Charity Number: One call saves a life!

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Mom Inga gets 320GEL social allowance for her three daughters and herself. It is somehow enough for two weeks, and then they start starving… If this unbearable living routine lasted a little longer, it would make this unfortunate woman commit suicide without getting out of depression… But she was “lucky” – she was entitled to attend a social canteen, and now she and her daughters can get at least some gruel there. Although it can hardly be called normal food, it still saves them on hungry days.

The girls are so exhausted by this situation that they have already forgotten how to dream of something else than just food. Dreams about beautiful clothes, toys, or anything else do not even come to their mind. “I just want to become an adult as soon as possible and start working,” – 13-year-old Tamara says. Lizi,15, is the most of all afraid of freezing again, because she still does not have a warm jacket. And only 8-year-old baby Mariam, after much thought, suddenly realizes that her biggest dream is a big chocolate cake for her birthday.

Unlike her daughters, Inga had a fabulous childhood – memories still give her strength to hold on and make her believe that her girls still have a chance to live a little in a carefree childhood before they become adults.

  “I’ll dream of a big chocolate cake coming true. “

The girls are alone at home, waiting for their mother. She left to bring them yummies from the social canteen. I have never heard this kind of food to be called yummies. Almost everyone frowns. While we are waiting for their mom, I ask the girls about their life and about their dreams. They look at each other with surprised eyes and cannot understand what I want from them.

– Just imagine that you have a lot of money, and you can buy whatever you want, live wherever you want, dress the way you want …

Tamara (13-year-old): I never dreamed of anything at all. What is a point? I never had toys, although I really wanted to. Now the only thing I want is to become an adult and work as a doctor or nurse.

– You know, this is not an easy profession. You have to learn a lot.

Tamara: Yes, I know. When mommy feels bad, I even give her injections. Her legs hurt, sometimes she can’t even get up and calls for help. But don’t tell her that I told you about it. She always says that nothing hurts her.

– Why does she say that?

Tamara: To go to work… She cleans up. If she can’t get out, then we have a hard time. And you talk about dreams…

“Sometimes I want to fall asleep and wake up as an adult”

Lizi (15-year-old): I want toy doctor’s instruments and a ball! And a chocolate bar that looks like cheese!

– Cheese-like chocolate?

Lizi: Yes, there is one. And I will also freeze …

– Why will you freeze, Lizi?

Lizi: Because last year I froze.

Mari (8-year-old): Ma’am, she doesn’t have a warm jacket, so she’s cold. And she is always afraid that she will freeze and never get warm again. And here mom came…

Mom came from the social canteen and brought food. Food that her kids call yummy. It became clear to me that the dream of instant soups might be real, because when you eat such meals every day, you dream generator just stops working. Just look.

This is food from the canteen… Probably, even the chef himself and the mayor of the city do not know what they have cooked. Although they should have been the first to try the meals, they give them to children! It is so unfair! How can you call that a lunch?

  – Inga, the girls have been waiting for you! I thought you were going to bring something unusual from the canteen, not this.

Inga: Oh, this is salvation for us! I was on the verge of committing suicide before I got entitled to attend the canteen. We really had nothing to eat. It is very hard to raise children alone when you have allowance only. Can anyone tell me how is it possible to distribute 320 GEL for everything? This amount was barely enough for two weeks. And then hunger came…

  – How were you left alone?

  Inga: Nothing surprising. My husband kicked me out in the street with my children four years ago. He’s never taken an interest in children after that. He doesn’t even call them. Mom supported me. But she barely makes ends meet as well. The only way she can help is to stay with the girls while I work as a cleaner.

  – I see that you cannot get a permanent job…

  Inga: What permanent job are you talking about?! Lizi has health problems, you probably have noticed yourself. She has a developmental delay. We are registered with a psychiatrist. She takes tranquilizers. She can be very aggressive: she yells, swears, can hit hard. Girls are sometimes afraid of her. Sometimes even I am afraid.

Lizi: I’m a good girl! Look how I love my cat!

“I have no dolls, and the cat is my child.”

  – What else do you like doing?

Lizi: I paint with my sisters. Tamusya draws, and Marikusha and I color. I’ll show you now!

“These are the beautiful girls”

“And I drew a cat”

  – Inga, do the girls go to school?

  Inga: Yes, they all study at the same school, if you can call it study. It is difficult for Lizi to study in a regular school, the children there don’t want to make friends with her. It hurts her.

  Lizi: They are not friends with me, but I am friends with them! But I don’t know how to make them be friends with me too! I’m strong! I love to play in the yard. But I don’t have a ball. Neither blue, nor basketball – no ball at all!

“I want them to be friends with me”

“They say to me: “Go away, you are strong, we do not want to play with you” “

  – Inga, I talked to the girls while we were waiting for you. Mari said that she dreams of getting a cake.

  Inga: Yes, she dreams of getting a cake for her birthday, as Lizi and Tamara had their birthdays on September 21st and 22nd, but I did not manage to do anything special for them. A birthday without a cake is a sad day. I hoped they would give us something tasty in the social canteen – I have no money for anything. And my children have neither shoes nor clothes.

  Lizi: Say about jacket!

  Inga: Well, we have no warm jackets. What to do? What this handout can be enough for? But a least we don’t starve to death, thanks for that. Just imagine, my kids never had toys. Is this life?

  – Marikusha, what toy do you want?

  Mari: I don’t know… And which ones are there? In fact, I have not seen them from others either. I want a TV. Ours gives an electric shock. Mom says you can’t touch it, it can kill you. Have you ever heard that the TV could kill? And while there is no TV, my sisters and I play candy wrappers. Do you know this game? You need to hit the wrapper with your hand, and it will turn over. It is a stupid game, but we have nothing else to do.

Children’s only toys are the candy wrappers

Inga: Our TV went out of order. It can give an electric shock. And the only joy for girls are cartoons. But this is not of a high priority. Most of all I need food and a refrigerator. And we really need beds for girls. Ours are already broken. I have already told you about clothes.

Tamara: Mom, tell her about tablets or phones.

  –  Dear, tell yourself what you need.

  Tamara: For study, we really need either tablets or phones, I’m not talking about computers, they are very expensive.

  – Girls, Inga, I’m sure you will have many new friends! Together with the friends of the Fund, we can make your life a little bit easier.


  Inge is only 43 years old. When she was a little girl, like her daughters now, she used to have a fabulous life. Inga used to have toys and a carefree childhood full of wonderful memories. Now, in this difficult time for her, it is these memories that give her the strength to live on and not give up. She dreams that her daughters also will have time to live carefree, like children.

“I ask God for a beautiful childhood for my girls”

  God gave us this family and said: “Here they are, my children, and let’s see how you deal with them.”

  The family is in great need. First of all, they need food, beds, chairs, refrigerator, TV and tablets for girls.

Every time you can help someone, just do it and rejoice that God answered someone’s prayers through you!

Let’s show our mercy and make the children believe that miracles happen! They believe in us. Do not let our little compatriots down. Show them what generous people live in Georgia.

  Their address is: Rustavi, 17th microdistrict, block 18, apartment 58

We are sure that all together we will manage to change their life.

  Please don’t forget to repost our story. Let your friends know about the grief of this family! It’s extremely important!

  Friends, there is one more request: if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:

Our Fund’s accounts are:




(purpose: Inga Lukhutashvili).

  You can also transfer money from our website.

It is also possible to transfer money from TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (You can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link

  We have already helped many disadvantaged people! Let’s support this family too! And who knows, maybe someday we ourselves will need help of strangers!

  We have good news! Now you can read the stories of our beneficiaries on Instagram

and Telegram:

  Even if you dial once 0901 200 270, it might save someone’s life. God bless you!

Oct 29, 2021
Dec 10, 2021
Dec 30, 2021
fund overhead
Jan 03, 2022

Total expenses:



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02.12.2021 20:00:00
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31.10.2021 17:42:40
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Thank you, kind heart!
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87 Donors

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87 Donors


They need your help urgently