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The scoundrel ended up in prison, but can this bring back a loving mother to the children?!
Two years ago, Ekaterina received a terrible diagnosis – cancer! She had a mastectomy and underwent chemotherapy. The disease would recede, then return. My God, she suffered so much, the poor woman! How hard it was for her to part with her beloved and loving children before her death! But what her husband did to her is beyond comparison with even cancer. He abused her so much that he ended up in jail for it! He was a scoundrel: he never cared for his children. Vodka killed everything human in him!” Shorena (13-year-old): Mom tried to protect us and didn’t talk about a lot of things! Like all Georgian women, she never complained to anyone! But I saw it myself once after her surgery as he hit her and yelled, “When will you finally die?” When I stood up for my mom, he pushed me too. My mom used to cry a lot. She knew she had cancer, but she endured it all. I had hoped she would live longer.
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Charity Number: One call saves a life!
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0901200270Mommy, who did you leave us for? Three children – left all alone after the death of their mother, their father is now in prison. We need to help the orphans!
“Every day, we light candles for Mom so that she knows we will never forget her” The scoundrel ended up in prison, but can this bring back a loving mother to the children?!
Boris (6 years old): “I wanted to stay there with my mom when I was at the cemetery! Mommy, you are so beautiful and tender! I will never forget you!”Two years ago, Ekaterina received a terrible diagnosis – cancer! She had a mastectomy and underwent chemotherapy. The disease would recede, then return. My God, she suffered so much, the poor woman! How hard it was for her to part with her beloved and loving children before her death! But what her husband did to her is beyond comparison with even cancer. He abused her so much that he ended up in jail for it! He was a scoundrel: he never cared for his children… Vodka killed everything human in him!”
“I love you, mom!”
“Before her death, my mother told me to take care of my brothers”Shorena (13-year-old): Mom tried to protect us and didn’t talk about a lot of things! Like all Georgian women, she never complained to anyone! But I saw it myself once after her surgery as he hit her and yelled, “When will you finally die?” When I stood up for my mom, he pushed me too. My mom used to cry a lot. She knew she had cancer, but she endured it all. She said she wouldn’t leave us alone with him, but she couldn’t keep her word. I had hoped she would live longer.
Popola (Ekaterine’s Mom): “My daughter’s husband turned out to be scarier than cancer! He tried very hard to make Eka die.” God only knows what my poor daughter had to go through. I don’t know how she endured that.– And how did you find out about it?Popola: Two years ago, my daughter was diagnosed with breast cancer, and she only mentioned it by accident when she felt the pain.Initially, she didn’t want to see a doctor, but I insisted. She had her breast removed, went through radiation therapy and chemotherapy. It seemed like the disease was starting to recede. However, my daughter’s condition didn’t improve. I noticed that despite the doctors’ good prognosis, she was crying, and getting sadder and sadder.One month ago, she began feeling very unwell; she couldn’t breathe, experienced pain all over, and her stomach started to swell.They admitted her to the hospital.There, they said the tumor had spread throughout her entire body.She begged to take her back home,wanting to see her children, fully aware that her time was running out. When we brought Eka home, she asked to call a priest. She was very religious and wanted to confess. She told everything to the priest. I heard it all and cried… She told how he used to beat her after the surgery, how he said terrible things to her, how he mistreated the children… I’m sorry, I can’t talk about it anymore.– Did you report this to the police? Popola: Sure! He’s a dangerous person. Recently, he beat up his own father, and now he’s in prison. I think he’ll pay for hurting my poor daughter. He should not be released. He could harm the children too!
“Ekatherine was very religious; a day before her death, she asked for a priest for confession.That’s when she confessed everything to him, how her husband constantly abused her… Her soul is at peace now.”– My God! How could she endure all of that?Popola: Her character was truly angelic, and she never uttered a superfluous word. She was quiet, calm. The children loved her so much.It’s so hard for them without her.They sit by her portrait for entire days.They light a candle for her, then tell her how their day at school went.They draw her, then kiss her.I don’t know how they will get through this.Shorena: My mom told me to be strong and look after my brothers and grandma. She said she was leaving me in charge. And she told me never to let anyone harm me. I will never forget those words.
“Our mom was a true angel.And now she lives with God in heaven.”
“This beautiful 38-year-old woman was brought to death by the brutal beatings of her husband, not cancer”Mago (10 years old): I love my mom. I promised her I wouldn’t hurt my sister and grandmother, but I can’t. And I can’t get tens at school, and I promised her that too. I miss her.
“And if I ask you for a TV, won’t mom be offended that I’ll watch cartoons?”Boris (6 years old): Mommy was quiet, but Shorena sometimes yells at us. I want to have a mom. She was kind. And now she has turned into an angel.Grandma says she doesn’t have any pain anymore and she doesn’t cry.Mago: She promised that she wouldn’t die, promised that she would always be with us, but she passed away. But why do moms die? You can’t leave children, can you?
“I draw my mom every day and then kiss her. I miss her a lot”Boris: I draw her every day and then go to sleep with her. She was very beautiful, but I’m not able to draw as beautifully yet.– Your mom is watching you and will be very happy if you obey your grandmother.Popola: Oh, sometimes they make so much noise, I tell them that Eka will hear them even in heaven. God, how unfair it is that I am alive and my daughter is lying in the damp earth. My sufferer, my martyr! I want to say to all mothers: I beg you, do not leave your daughters in trouble. Always ask how they are.
“They’re the only ones I live for.Only they, like my wings, keep me on this fragile earth.– Popola, how can we help you in raising orphans?Popola: I don’t know what to say.It hasn’t been 40 days since Eka passed away.I’m still in shock. Our income is just pension. I want to become the official guardian of the children now so that their father, that monster, can’t ruin their lives. Let him rot in prison for everything he did to my daughter. I need everything just for the children: food, clothes and shoes, toys, school supplies.We also don’t have a refrigerator.
“We draw our mom every day and then we go to bed with her.”Shorena: Can I ask for something too? We really need a stove. My mom taught me how to bake bread.If we don’t have money, I could cook something for my brothers.If you bring us a stove, I’ll think of it as a gift from my mom.We also need warm footwear and clothing for the children.We don’t have warm blankets; we just cover ourselves with whatever we have.Mago: And if I ask for a TV, do you think my mom would mind?She’ll be happy if my brother and I watch cartoons, won’t she?Boris: I want toys. Can I have them? That’s all. I won’t ask for anything else!The death of a mother is the heaviest loss and the most challenging trial that children can endure.In this incredibly difficult situation, they are now left without support, without money, and without the tender care that only a mother can give.
Let’s show these orphans that the world is full of kind and caring people capable of giving them hope and love. Because it’s these moments that define the essence of human kindness.If you are willing to visit the family and help them in person, here is their address: Tbilisi, Varketilis Meurneoba, 2 Tsereteli Str, Apartment 8.Every time you can help someone, just do it, and rejoice that God answers someone’s prayers through you!We are sure that all together we will manage to save them from imminent death.Please don’t forget to repost our story. Let your friends know about the grief of this family! It’s extremely important!Friends, there is one more request: if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:
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