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calendar November 2, 2021

One call saves life!

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“Come to eat!” – these are the most terrible words in life for 8-year-old Gio and 3-year-old Gaby… The mouth starts to feel so disgusting that it immediately makes you sick… Oh, these damned noodles never end!

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Charity Number: One call saves a life!

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“Come to eat!” – these are the most terrible words in life
for 8-year-old Gio and 3-year-old Gaby… The mouth starts to feel so
disgusting that it immediately makes you sick… Oh, these damned noodles never

We will never know why these kids are punished,
but we can give them the opportunity to enjoy the treat, as our children
rejoice when we call them to the table… Oh, how delicious it is!
 How deliciously a loving mother cooks…
Let’s start sending her foodstuffs… At least a little bit, at least for these
little handsome men. But constantly… Little by little, but constantly! If
each of us sends at least one little crumb from his table at least once a
month, these children will become the happiest angels in the entire world! In
the entire world, friends! And we’ll be proud of it for the rest of our lives.

If you don’t
eat, you’ll be hungry. And after a few hours you still will have to eat it –
These disgusting, terrible noodles. Because mom has got nothing else.

 Gio and Gaby frown in disgust and show me how
tired they are – “Blecch”. Their mother Tatia never stops cooking noodles. She
cannot tell her children that this is their only salvation, otherwise they are
all finished. These two dull, damp rooms with stripped wallpaper for 300 GEL
per month are also a big deal and a salvation from a homeless life. An empty,
cold, uncomfortable house on the verge of winter, without a TV, gas stove,
washing machine, water heater… The list is pretty long. House without
anything! Two children in this house together with their mother are sentenced
to hunger and cold, they have to survive. 

The wind
shamelessly opens the wooden front door all the time, the stove is not lit –
there is no firewood. You need to put on several sweaters and hug each other.
Then you won’t be so cold.

– Tatia, there is not much room here!
How do the three of you fit in this tiny space?


– The
children can cope somehow when they don’t stay at home all day long. Gio goes
to school, so while my boy is there, he does not feel confined. Gaby was
supposed to go to the kindergarten, but it’s quarantine there for now. Please
sit down on this stool. Just be careful, there is a bucket behind you. And
don’t hit yourself against the pipe. Sorry for the inconvenience, but there is
no other place to put it. Do not take off your jacket – you will freeze. The
hardest time for us is when it’s cold. The children get tired of this
tightness, they get nervous, and start whining. Gaby has caught a cold again
and he is sniffling. This is not a house – it’s made of plywood. But you have
to pay for it too.

– How much does this matchbox cost?
Sorry, I can’t call it otherwise.


– Even these
two terrible rooms – it seems that nothing could be worse – cost 300 GEL per
month. The landlady takes pity on us – I am grateful to her – she does not
charge us for utilities. I get only 400 GEL of social allowance and pay 300 GEL
for rent – the rest 100 GEL is ours. It is terrible! I can do nothing.

Gio: “We
eat twice a day. In the morning, and then at eight in the evening. We always do
that. But Gaby is already like a hungry wolf. Look, he can’t stand it anymore.
It’s not yet eight o’clock.”

can you wait until 8 o’clock?

– Where do you sleep? There is only
one small sofa here.


– Gabi and I
sleep on a sofa. There is another room behind this door. Well, not really a
room. Just a space to sleep. The door can be opened just halfway. Gio can crawl
into there and lie on the bed. Just peep in there …

– Oh, my God…


– Ma’am, but
I’m slim and can easily get in there. Just look at me.

should get in turning sideways”- shows me Gio

“Well, I
got through, and now I can turn around inside. But don’t try to do the same –
you will get stuck.”

– True, true.

Tatia gets sad:

– Do you
think he really does not understand how bad we live? He sees everything, he
goes out, communicates with other children, compares. There is no point to hide
the truth – I tell him only truth: I tell him that we are all alone (this is
so, I raise two children after divorce, and I do not get alimony); that we have
no money, and I do not yet know how to sort out our situation. When school
started, our neighbors donated clothes for Gio. I don’t even know which one is
worse – when the school is off-line or online. When it is off-line – you need
clothes, shoes; when it is online – you need the Internet and a phone (sighs).
We are completely behind the times. Gio consoles me, but he often gets brooding
and sad himself.

– Is there any opportunity for you to
start working?


– I used to
work in a factory where semi-finished food was produced. Khinkalis, pancakes. I
would be happy to start a part-time work now. But my children need care. I’m
studying with Gio. Gaby needs even more attention. How could they cope without
me all day long? So, I’m not able to work yet.

– I see that you don’t feel
comfortable talking about your personal life. You are in your right.

Tatia sighs:

– I still
have painful memories of our marriage. I wanted to become a mother for an
orphaned boy, my husband’s son. But the child did not want to accept me.
Childhood jealousy had switched on. He started throwing tantrums, crying,
taking offense. God forgive me for telling you about this – but once my stepson
tripped me up when I was pregnant, and I found myself in hospital bleeding.
Probably no one can replace mom to anyone. Let’s close this topic, please.

– Sure. Tatia, but what about
alimony? You gave up, and that’s it?


  I get absolutely nothing. And it would be at least some help.

(Friends, perhaps someone of you is a
lawyer and will help this unfortunate woman get alimony for her children?
Alimony is paid not to the mother, but to the children, who were joyfully
abandoned, like street dogs…)

– So, you only hope on yourself?


– I hope on
myself, on God, and good people. God will not leave us, I know that. It
happened many times when there was not a scrap of food anywhere. I was about to
burst into tears of despair. I prayed so that nothing terrible will happen to
us. And then a life-saving call sounds – my mom or my sister has collected some
food for us. Whatever they could. Sometimes my neighbors share their lunch with
us. But my brother seems to have written me out of his life. Why? Because my
life didn’t quite work out? It hurts me so much. How is it possible to act that
way with your dear one? Is it possible at all? (She tries to hold back her

I wait for
her to calm down a bit.

– What did you dream about?


– I am so
loaded with problems, so sad, as if I have lived half a century. I don’t even
remember the last time I laughed. There is a mess in my heart, I feel bad, and

I really
wanted to become an obstetrician–gynecologist. I think, this is the most
interesting and amazing profession – to see how a new life is born. I know how
to give shots and I treat my children myself when they get sick. I do not get
lost – on the contrary, I get mobilized in case of emergency.

– Do you remember the days when your
sons were born? These days are very special for any mom.


– Yes of
course! My sons are my biggest pride, they are my life. Before my older son was
born, I saw Saint George in my dream. So, I knew for sure what to name him. Gio
was born on a hot September day – it was 15th. I remember the time on a clock:
12:50 and his first cry… (Smiles.) Before the birth of my younger son, I saw
saints in my dream again. Holy Father St. Gabriel, Saint George, and Saint
Nino. I remember how I talked to them. So, the name of my younger son was a
destiny as well.

When Gabi was born, he had problems with his knees, they hurt
a lot. He was not able to walk normally because of that. But they helped us a
lot at Iashvili Hospital. With God’s help we overcame all hardships.

It does not matter what happens to us – I believe that my
children are under the protection of these saints, and there will be salvation
for us. But I still can’t stop getting anxious.

This baby
is named after Saint Gabriel.

– I see. You have to keep sorting out
your daily routine.


– I can’t
feed my children, dress them, warm them, create normal living conditions for
them. I can’t take them to extra curriculum classes. Gio draws very well.

This is how we live: I warm water for bathing for 40 minutes
in a pan on a wood-burning stove. You bathe the child – and then you worry that
he can catch a cold in a freezing room. I have almost no firewood, I don’t
light the stove to only warm up, I light it when there is a real need. I cook
food for my children on a blue gas bottle. Well, “cooking” is a strong word. I
boil noodles or potatoes. Every day the same. Children hate it. They almost
start vomiting when they see pasta and noodles. I feel like a torturer.

I have
fears, terrible thoughts. I live in anticipation of something very bad.

This is
not a house but a matchbox. It’s hard to find comfort here.

You won’t
find such an ancient sink even at a flea market.

 Tatia prepares food on a gas cylinder,
squatting next to it, as they did in the 90s.

I tried to get enrolled in a social canteen. I have come
there many times – but they are full up. You must be lucky even for that. Do
you think that everyone gets enrolled? Then they found one place for me, but
not in my area – in Gldani. But you have to get there somehow, you need money for
transportation. For me every penny counts – but who cares? I applied to the
town hall to get help in paying rent. No reply from them. (She turns to the
side to hide tears that are about to run down her face, she squeezes one hand
with the other).

– Our conversation upsets you a lot,
but that’s not what we want at all. Let’s do the following, I will talk to your
children.  And meanwhile you try to calm
down. Don’t worry, our readers will certainly help you.

– Gio, how is your school doing after
your absence?


– Sandro
keeps being spoiled, and Giorgi is quiet. These are my friends. Some children
grew up. What was going on today? At the sports lesson we went outside and
played dodgeball. Boys versus girls. We won, of course. I did not do anything
wrong today and they did not scold me.

– Well, do you usually do something


– Sometimes.
It’s good when school is not online. Because I was staying home alone and did
not see other children. They saw each other, but I did not. I don’t want to
study online – I don’t have a phone or Internet.

– Your mom said you draw well.


– I used to

– Oh, please! The adults say this
way: “I used to…” Children never say that.


– I used to.
How can’t you understand that ma’am? I used to draw when I had pencils and
sketchbook. And then only eraser was left. So, I can’t draw.

from an old sketchbook that ended

Gio: “This
is a funny chick – it loves to eat deliciously and also hates vermicelli
(laughs). It eats a lot – not twice a day.”

– Oh, that was a point! Sorry, dear!
I did not understand that. So, you need a phone, computer, and stationery for


– Why are
you asking me that, ma’am? Do you want to bring that to me?

I hear Gabriel’s voice:

– What is
she going to bring? What Gio said? I also want it, Mommy!

– Gio, we’ll tell our readers, and
they will bring you gifts.


– I also
want a skateboard, please tell them! It’s so cool! I can ride it sitting. My
friends gave it to me. But I still can’t ride it standing for long. Sometimes I
manage to. If I have one, I will learn to ride it.

Gabriel cries:

– Gio still talks, and they don’t
call me.

 Gio: “Our Gabi loves to cry”.

– Come here, dear. Tell me what you


Oh Gaby,
what a fear-monger you are. Can’t you wait for a couple of minutes?


– I want a
strawberry cake!

– Not a pastry, but a big cake,


– Yes! I’ll
eat it all!


– When I do
my homework, Gabi remembers everything by heart too. Come on, Gabi, say. Chito.
Chito, natsara… Come on!


– ჩიტო, ჩიტო

ვის  უგალობ, ვისა?

შენ გიგალობ,

დილა მშვიდობისა!

– Well done! What a smart boy!


– Gabi, say “red”
in English.




– And


– Black.


– Good


Gud monin
(Looks at mom.)  I also want a big gun
and little cars.

Tatia calmed down (she brings her son to chest):

– Ma’am,
he’s a good boy. Do you see how much he knows? Bring him toys. … If it only
were possible to enroll Gio to an English or drawing class! It’s a pity to give
up. Or to European dances – that’s what Gio wants. He saw it on TV in the
village. I would be happy to take him somewhere nearby by walk. To distract him
somehow from this wretchedness.

 Gio squeezed into the
room that serves as a bedroom and began to study English.

He reads
aloud to memorize better (I spied this through a narrow doorway) 

But Gaby
soon disrupts his privacy.

Fights on
the bed, and then hugs – so far, this is the best way to keep warm.

– It’s time to cheer you up. What can
we do to make your everyday life easier?


– Will it
happen to me as well? Nobody gave me gifts in my entire life! God bless you! It
is so hard to live without a water heater, without a washing machine, without a
gas heater. I worry how my children will overcome the winter. Gio’s bronchi are
quite weak. He didn’t have asthma attacks for a long time. But you should be
careful. He should avoid dampness.

We have nothing at all. Neither TV, nor fridge. Probably, you
are shocked by us, by the way we live. It is what it is. You can’t call this
life, of course. We have neither food nor warm clothes. But we manage to hold
on. God is merciful, he will not let us die. And you won’t either. I believe in
you – please help us!


This little
family found themselves in trouble. Gio, Gabi and Tatia are completely alone
held at gunpoint by winter, hunger and cold. They can break down while
officials are lazily looking for a place for them in the social canteen and
can’t find it. We don’t even have time to think. We have to hurry not letting
something terrible to happen. These wonderful children don’t even know in what danger
they are. Only mom knows that, and she seems to be lost. But she has hope. We
are her hope!

You can
visit them in person: Tbilisi,
2B Gudamakari Str.

time you can help someone, just do it, and rejoice that God answers someone’s
prayers through you! 

show our mercy and make the children believe that miracles happen! They believe
in us. Do not let our little compatriots down. Show them what generous people
live in Georgia

  We are sure
that all together we will manage to change their life.

don’t forget to repost our story. Let your friends know about the grief of this
family! It’s extremely important!

  Friends, there is one more request: if
you know about the misfortune of your neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop
us an email at:

Our Fund’s
accounts are:




(Purpose: the
Gabunia family

  You can also transfer money from our

It is also
possible to transfer money from TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. Find our Fund
under “Charity” section (You can read moreabout rights and responsibilities of
the Fund following the link

  We have already helped many
disadvantaged people! Let’s support this family too! And who knows, maybe
someday we ourselves will need help of strangers!

  We have good news for you – now you can
read the stories of our beneficiaries on



Even if you dial once 0901200270,

it might save someone’s life. God bless

The most wonderful gift was that…


“I thought it was impossible! I really did not expect such sympathy, such expensive gifts! One, two, three… ten! A lot of! We got a lot of gifts!” Tatia covers her eyes with her hands. That’s how she expresses joy, amazement, and happiness at the same time.

“And the groceries?! Thanks to kind people, our room was filled with food. My kids won’t be eating watery vermicelli soup for a while anymore. Hungry Gabriel won’t cry all the time: “Mom, I’m very hungry, give me at least some bread, please…” Tatia continues to express her feelings.

“While mom cooks food for us let’s eat sweets! For once you can first eat sweets then food!”

“My babies will have food and won’t cry anymore. Giorgi told me: “Mom, it turned out you cook delicious food! But you fed us with vermicelli soup … “”

Tatia Gabunia is a single mother. She raises two little children. Until now, she had nothing of her own. She lives in a rented house. But houses differ! This one cannot be called a house – it is more like a shack or a shelter.

Our Fund published a post about the Gabunia family on November 3, 2021. Here is a link:

– Tatia, first of all, I want to ask how are you doing?

Tatia: I haven’t been this happy in a long time! It’s a merit of your Fund. Kind people took my pain to heart. Do you see how many gifts did we get? My children only dreamed about delicious food, fruits, and sweets. There are many things they could dream of besides food. Lots of things! But when they were hungry, they forgot about anything else. And you, my dear people, made my kids immensely happy. You filled our refrigerator with food, cookies, fruits, and treats. Well, the refrigerator that you gave us yourself. We never had such a luxury!

“Let’s look into the fridge to see what yummies we have!”

I didn’t even dare to think about home appliances. And now we have a refrigerator, washing machine, TV, tablet, iron, blender, mixer – we have everything. The employees of the Fund paid attention to our furniture as well. They brought us two beautiful beds and a chest of drawers. Lord, will my children really sleep softly and sweetly?!

“We dreamed of a bunk bed because there is a little space in our house”

– Your life has changed significantly since we first came to you and published a post about you. Did you expect that?

Tatia: You are right, things have changed for the better. To be honest, I was somewhat skeptical about funds. I have always believed that there is a little kindness, but what you have done for me is both kindness and magic!

– No, Tatia, it’s not magic! We exist to unite people in a chain of goodness, and then warm each other’s hearts.

Tatia: You warmed my heart, you made my children happy. Do you know what was the best gift?

 “Son, if these trainers do not fit you, we will give them to other baby, right?”

– A washing machine? Our beneficiary ladies are always most happy about it.

Tatia: Undoubtedly, the washing machine is a very valuable gift to me. But the most wonderful gift was that I got a chance to help other mommies in need. Thanks to you I managed to help others.

– What do you mean?

Tatia: When the post was published, many people brought us food and clothes. We got a lot of foodstuffs. My children and I won’t be able to eat it all. Some of the foodstuffs were perishable. So, I decided to share it with others. There are lots of mommies in need like me. Some of the clothes did not fit my children, so we shared clothes too. It feels so great when you help others! I could not do this until now, because I had nothing. What could I give others? Now I understand how happy are people who can always help others and who help others!

– Many of them are friends of our Fund!

Tatia: I want to say a big thank you to them for existing as a hope for me and people like me!

– When they learned about your trouble, someone visited you personally, some became friends with you. Who would you remember? Who do you particularly remember?

Tatia: I will never forget the ladies who gave us Redmi 11 phone and lots of toys and food. They turned out to be colleagues. The organizer of this good deed was one of them – Mrs. Dina. God bless them! If you only knew with how much warmth and love, they came to visit us. We had such a terrible phone before – it constantly turned off by itself, at times it had no sound. We couldn’t call anywhere. Not to mention the Internet. Well, they made us immensely happy! 

Giorgi is not very good at expressing his joy. But the minute he saw the phone, his eyes suddenly lit up and he started dancing with joy! They brought toys to Gabi, a lot of cars. Gabi dreamed of military cars. You should have seen how happy he was when he found a military car amongst the gifts! He even goes to bed with cars. We couldn’t take them from him.  My children never had such toys.

Tamuna, who visited us together with her husband also made us very happy. This wonderful couple brought scooters, lots of sweets and clothes to my children. Can you imagine how happy my children were when they saw these scooters? There were two of them – one for each of them. On that day, instead of their crying, a cheerful children’s hubbub was heard from our hut!

I will never forget two wonderful girls – Tea and Vika. And also, Keti, Nata, Gvantsa, Mrs. Eliso, Mr. Niko. I don’t know who else to name. I don’t want to miss anyone. But, if I forget to give their names now, this does not mean that their faces will not remain forever in my heart! I have a huge sense of gratitude towards them. I wish that this kindness will return to them a hundredfold in life.

I just remembered the man who brought us ten bags of firewood and immediately disappeared. I didn’t even have time to thank him, let alone ask for his name. Also, Mr. Niko Darchia made Giorgi especially happy. He made his old dream come true – he brought him a bicycle! Giorgi was not at home at that moment, but when he came back…

– If possible, let Giorgi tell us himself. Giorgi, were you very happy with the bike?

Giorgi (8-year-old): I was really happy! I jumped on it right away. They gave me not only a bicycle. Do you want me to show you how many things I have?

– What did you like the most?

Giorgi: The most? (Thinks, can’t decide what to say.) Most of all I liked the tablet.

Giorgi will no longer miss lessons

– Why?

Giorgi: Because I will be able to attend online classes. I love learning and won’t fall behind anymore. I had nothing – no computer, no tablet, no phone. I could not attend online lessons, I missed them all the time. I didn’t want my studies to continue online. I wanted to go to school with my friends. I like going to school. The school is big, but my house is small. Besides that, the school is warm, and water does not flow from the ceiling. Now it is being renovated, and my school will become even better.

– What subject do you like most of all?

Giorgi: English. I read short stories in English and understand everything well. And the teacher says to me: “You missed a lot, but still well done!”

– What did Gabriel like the most?

Gabriel: I liked candies and chocolates because I love them a lot! Do you want me to tell you what else do I like? I like porridge and cake. I will eat to the end – I will not leave anything. Will you bring me a cake when you come?

 “Everything is so cool!”

– I’ll bring you lots of sweets!

Gabriel: I will let you play with my toys then. Then we will watch Tom and Jerry on TV. We have a new TV!

 Look what cool cartoons are there on my new TV.”

Tatia: Children were so happy with the TV. They often watch cartoons and behave more calmly. We lived in this house like cavemen. I got information from my neighbor. We didn’t have a TV or any information media. We are locked up all the time. We can’t go anywhere. If we go out, I count each tetri for the transport. And where to go? I do not work and will not be able to work with two kids. And to take them somewhere for a walk, you need so much money! The child will either ask to go to the store or asks to buy him an ice cream. How can I explain to him that our family’s budget is only 100 GEL per month, which remains from the social allowance after paying the rent? Now a new problem has appeared – Gabriel’s legs started to ache. He used to have this problem at an early age, but with the help of kind people, I cured him. Then we had to go for a check, but could not, due to lack of funds. All the time I dream that nothing hurts them. What will happen to us then? But can’t all dreams really come true?

– Do you get any help other from social allowance? Do the local authorities help you in any manner?

Tatia: Nothing. No one helps us in any manner. We can’t even go to a social canteen. There are no places in the nearest canteens, and I have no money for transport to go to the distant ones. We are not on the homeless list. They say: “You are not registered here”. I wonder, is there anyone more homeless than us? Take a look at this shack, see what it looks like! But for me, it’s a dream: if only this shack was mine…

Children play Minecraft on the tablet you gave them, they build houses. They say to me: “Mom, look what a beautiful house we have.” Giorgi says that when he grows up, he will study a lot and really build me a beautiful house. May the Lord hear my baby, and may He not leave us in the street until then…


Friends, we managed to contain the danger that threatened this family for a while! We managed to give them a lot of necessary things, to make them feel joy and support. But they still have problems. They still need food and clothing. Besides that, Gabriel needs to visit the doctor urgently. And the problem of proper housing, which is most important for them, remains unresolved! So, let’s keep building a strong chain of good deeds. Let’s unite and help again this poor homeless family!

If you have a heavy heart because of everyday problems or unresolved issues, as a distraction just see our posts on Facebook, or better call any of our beneficiaries, and all your problems will seem unimportant to you, compared with the problems of those to whom you opened your kind heart and helped in the most difficult moment of their lives.

Our problems are noting if compared… Here are true misfortunes, in front of your eyes! Just thank the Lord for what you have. You are the happiest person in the world! Remember this and help those in need.

Unfortunately, problems of this and other families do not end here and now… Therefore, from time to time, look through the stories of unhappy people on our website, talk to them. Every time you dial the Phone of an unhappy person, God is blessing you! For sure! Go on helping these families! This is the best service to the Lord!

Friends, there is one more request: if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:

Your kindness is a chance for yourself to be happy in everything!

Friends, thanks again to each of you!

Our Fund’s accounts are:




(purpose: The Gabunia family)

You can also transfer money from our website:

It is also possible to transfer money from TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (You can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link

We have good news for you – now you can read the stories of our beneficiaries on Instagram: and Telegram:

Even if you dial once this special number, it might save someone’s life: 0901200270!

Let’s believe that helping others, we take care of our own souls and draw closer to Lord through the suffering that we share with them!

Nov 12, 2021
household appliances
Dec 03, 2021
Jan 13, 2022
household appliances
Jan 31, 2022
fund overhead
Feb 04, 2022
Mar 22, 2022
the tablet
Mar 23, 2022
bunk bed
Mar 28, 2022
Mar 31, 2022
fund overhead
Apr 11, 2022
Apr 11, 2022
Apr 11, 2022
Apr 28, 2022
May 13, 2022
Jun 01, 2022
Jun 22, 2022
Jul 08, 2022
office cargo
Jul 08, 2022
Jul 29, 2022
fund overhead
Sep 16, 2022
Sep 16, 2022
clothes and shoes
Oct 11, 2022
Oct 18, 2022
Nov 03, 2022
oil cooler
Dec 08, 2022
Feb 10, 2023

Total expenses:



Kind Heart
11.08.2022 18:26:37
გიორგი შალამბერიძე
28.06.2022 20:00:00
ირაკლი გაბაიძე
19.06.2022 20:00:00
ირაკლი გაბაიძე
18.06.2022 20:00:00
ი/მ შოთა კავსაძე
16.06.2022 20:00:00
სვანიშვილი ლაშა
14.06.2022 20:00:00
მალხაზ ვარდოსანიძე
14.06.2022 20:00:00
სვანიშვილი ლაშა
13.06.2022 20:00:00
ლევან კობაიძე
13.06.2022 20:00:00
ირაკლი გაბაიძე
13.06.2022 20:00:00
ზუხბაია ალექსი
12.06.2022 20:00:00
ლევან კობაიძე
12.06.2022 20:00:00
ქებურია კახაბერ
11.06.2022 20:00:00
სვანიშვილი ლაშა
11.06.2022 20:00:00
უჩა ფუხაშვილი
11.06.2022 20:00:00
ნიკოლოზი ფანგანი
11.06.2022 20:00:00
Kind Heart
14.05.2022 23:51:28
ხინიკაძე-გირკელიძე თამარ
29.04.2022 20:00:00
ოქროპირიძე გურანდა
20.04.2022 20:00:00
ნინო იოსავა
12.04.2022 20:00:00



620 Donors

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620 Donors


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