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calendar November 10, 2021

One call saves life!

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Gocha cannot talk. Terrible things happen to him because of this. Once his mom and dad and brother and sister did not understand, and his appendicitis burst. Another time they did not understand – and pneumonia developed. If they don’t understand he finds himself in an intensive care unit. His relatives are always on the alert! He only whimpers faintly, when he is feeling bad, he cannot even show anything with his hands. And then his mom puts his head on her chest, on the side where her heart is. She does it very often because he is often feeling bad. Mother Maya’s heart aches for a long time, and she needs to see a doctor.

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Bank of Georgia

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GE64BG0000000470458000 GE64BG0000000470458000


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Charity Number: One call saves a life!

Phone number:




Gocha cannot talk. Terrible things happen to him because of this. Once his mom and dad and brother and sister did not understand, and his appendicitis burst. Another time they did not understand – and pneumonia developed. If they don’t understand he finds himself in an intensive care unit. His relatives are always on the alert! He only whimpers faintly, when he is feeling bad, he cannot even show anything with his hands. And then his mom puts his head on her chest, on the side where her heart is. She does it very often because he is often feeling bad. Mother Maya’s heart aches for a long time, and she needs to see a doctor.

 But Gocha needs doctors more, one might say, the doctors raised him. They taught mom Maya to feed him through the tube. Mom prepares soup or porridge, then pours it into a syringe and feeds her son through a tube (probe). So he eats. And then you have to think about what to feed both Gocha and two other children next time. Nikoloz (8-year-old) and Iza (7-year-old) can eat by himself, and they don’t need any tube. They have a good appetite – it only remains to get food for them.

And it’s quite difficult when you have only 590 GEL per month. To get food, to get diapers, medications, and get to hospital in the capital, to pay utility bills. The Khetsuriani family does not manage to do all that.

This cute kid grew up in the Iashvili clinic

– Maya, what is the diagnosis of your youngest son Gocha? And when did the disease first manifest itself?

Maya: Gocha has several diagnoses: Cerebral palsy, epilepsy, microcephaly. He has been suffering from seizures since the age of two weeks. We were immediately sent to the Iashvili clinic in Tbilisi. There they taught me how to treat my son properly. My baby cannot do anything by himself: neither eat, nor sit, nor walk, nor speak, nor turn. He often has seizures. Yesterday they lasted for five seconds, and then they passed by themself. In such case, you need to put Gocha on one side and straighten his head. If he’s really bad and we can’t cope ourselves, then we take him to hospital for a while. (Sighs.)

Iza: “Aren’t you putting too much pressure on him, Niko?”

Niko: “Can’t you see, he is as safe as in God’s pocket”

– It’s difficult to feed him through a tube, isn’t it? You probably don’t trust anyone.

Maya: None of my family members dares to – they are afraid. I learned quickly to feed him. You need to know the dose of food; it should not be hot. It is necessary to monitor: if he coughs, you should immediately remove the tube so that he does not choke. This tube (nasogastric tube) is inserted through the nose and up to the stomach. You cannot put it into his mouth: Gocha has teeth, he will chew it. The tube needs to be changed once a week, but I change it even more often – after four days. It gets dirty because of food. I give him soups, sometimes broth, I process porridge with a blender.

“Now my boy will have lunch.”

– How does Gocha let you know that he is hungry?

Maya: Well, he opens and closes his mouth like a fish. (Smiles.)

– One can notice that you have accepted the illness of your son and have long been accustomed to it.

Maya: Only God decides whether to give us a healthy child or a sick one. My boy is saved by God and doctors. The Lord has worked miracles for my boy many times. When he was in the intensive care unit of the Iashvili clinic with severe pneumonia, having 40 degrees fever, which was impossible to lower, breathing through oxygen machine the doctors did not give a chance to Gocha to survive. Although they did their best. But he managed to survive, he is a fighter!

The dream of my life are my children. Once when I was young, I was told I would never have children. (I had some problems on the female side – cysts.) I asked, I begged the Lord: “Give me children!” Do I have the right to choose? Rebuke him that He gave me something wrong? This is God’s gift. Special kids are so sweet! I beg all parents of such children – do not abandon them, do not leave them! Be with them and give them everything you can.

“I always put my son near my heart. It calms him down. We often while away the nights like this. I have no right to fall asleep until Gocha falls asleep”

– How did you meet your soul mate?

Maya: In a yellow Tbilisi bus. (Smiles). We both were standing in the bus. The driver braked sharply while approaching a stop, and we collided, hit each other. Paata (with a red bump on his forehead) did not get lost, he managed to get my phone number. We have been together for eight years already – thanks to that driver. I moved to my husband’s homeland, Samegrelo.

Yes, it’s hard for us to live. But the main thing is to love and understand each other. I am happy with my choice – my husband is a good person, although sometimes he is quick-tempered. He supports me, helps me as much as he can. The only thing is that he is very much afraid of Gocha’s seizures, he can’t look at that and goes out when they happen.

– How do Nikoloz and Iza react when Gocha feels bad?

Maya: Nikoloz gets very worried, he cries. Iza gets scared too.

Nikoloz (8-year-old): It’s only if he feels bad. And the rest of the time I look after him. I take him in my arms, if he cries, I stroke him and say: “Don’t cry, you’re a good boy.”

–  Does it help?

Nikoloz: Yes. I show him cartoons on TV, I take him to the yard in a wheelchair, I read rhymes, although he does not hear well. But he hears something, right?

Maya: My Gocha has only 30 percent hearing. But he hears voices. We are talking now, and he wants to answer us in his own way, but he cannot, my baby.

“Come on, Niko, read him something. He likes your voice “

– Gocha is lucky having such a brother!

Maya: Look at Niko! He got embarrassed as soon as we praised him. Well, why don’t you say further? He gives him medications and changes diapers. Once he gave me the whole piggy bank full of coins to buy medications for Gocha. “Take it, mom, hurry up and buy it!” He saves his toys for Gocha, for the future. His bike got rusty because of that.

– And Iza smiles so slyly…

Nikoloz: Do you want me to tell you why? Do you want to?

Iza (7-year-old): You will not say it!

Nikoloz: When Iza, breaks something, she always blames Gocha. Because he can’t talk.

Maya: You are both great at that. First you blame each other, then you blame Gocha. You burned the dress with an iron, broke the plate – and then pointed at my poor boy. (Smiles.) And sometimes he exhales so heavily, by chance, of course, as if he is distressed.

“My little, my pretty one. I love you very much. Is it okay that I blamed you in breaking the plate? Aren’t you offended? “

– Maya, you have so many expenses. How do you manage to cope? What kind of piggy bank can help here?…

Maya: If I could cope, would I have bothered you? I have 590 GEL for everything. 450 GEL of these is social allowance and 140 GEL is the remaining of Gocha’s pension. I cannot get his entire pension (250 GEL) until we pay off the loan we have taken for hospitals and examinations. From these 590 GEL we subtract the payment for electricity (30–35 GEL per month), costs for filling up a gas bottle (cost per week is about 20 GEL), price of two packs of diapers and Gocha’s anti-seizure medication (50 GEL). The farther from the center, the more expensive Clonazepam is. It costs 20 GEL in Tbilisi. But what can we do? Gocha must take several medications constantly so that his seizures do not recur. My heart hurts because of nerves. We live in the region, and it feels as if we are forgotten.

I addressed the administration board of our district for help. Do you know what these smart guys say? They say I need to live in Tbilisi or Batumi with such a child. Well, it’s a bitter truth. I keep traveling to Tbilisi all the time with the child in my arms by a minibus. Don’t even ask me about money for travel and anything else.

– Do your relatives participate in any way, do they help you?

Maya: My mother went to Turkey to pay off all the debts. Paata’s parents are no longer alive. He has relatives, but they live far away. My husband and I are alone together. We encourage and support ourselves. The main thing for us is to feed our children. And we are used to denying ourselves everything. But I feel sorry for them: they see nothing except potatoes, cauliflower, and porridge. My husband does his best to get some extra money if there is a temporary job at a construction site. But it is not easy to sort out everything… Children do not have winter clothes, shoes. I can’t pay for the Internet, so they often miss lessons. In the evenings, we all stay in one room, because there is no light in the other two – we need to change the wiring. The house is ours, but it is in such a state that everything has to be fixed. I have already talked too much about my problems.

– Maya, it can be too much only for indifferent people. Friends of the Fund are listening to you. What do you need the most right now?

Maya: We really need food, medications, diapers, probes, and syringes for Gocha. Also, blender and juicer so that I can cook normally for Gocha. Our blender is old and doesn’t work well. Our washing machine exploded, so I’ve been washing with hands ever since. It is very hard to do without an oven. The domestic problems I have are endless. The refrigerator is okay, but my sister-in-law borrowed it.

Gas stove became a scrap metal long ago.

– Children, what about you? What do you want for yourselves?

Iza: Can I talk about dresses?

– Sure!

Iza: Then I’d like to have one dress and shoes. Or two dresses… Well, it’s up to you. And for mom – a dress and shoes. Do you see what ugly shoes she has?

– Your order is accepted! Nikoloz, what are you thinking about?

Nikoloz: I tried to save money to buy the phone, but I didn’t succeed. But this is not my biggest dream. Although the phone would be good, of course. But it’s better if my brother doesn’t get sick.

“Don’t be afraid, baby, I am always with you!”

Maya: Children feel so sorry for Gocha, they treat him so carefully and tenderly. They caress him all the time, they call him “you are our little one”, “our sweet one”, “our little gold” … (Speaks with tears.) My son is so helpless.

– Are there days when nothing bothers Gocha?

Maya: There are few. But these are the happiest days of my life! When my boy laughs (yes, he can laugh), I am the happiest woman in the world!

– Maya, what is your biggest fear?

Maya: To lose my son. He has been to intensive care unit so many times during these five years I never know what will happen tomorrow. I ask God for my son to live long. And I ask kind people – help me do everything that is needed for my son. I hope the Fund will take us under its wing. You have helped so many families. And now one more mother begs you for help …


Friends, Maya is very restrained, and she is full of love. She manages to stay positive, despite the health problems her youngest son has. She took illness of her child as a fact, and she serves him. But we do understand her pain and anxiety, her fear for Gocha’s future. Let’s support this wonderful Georgian mother, this wonderful Georgian family. Our help is vital for them!

You can visit them personally and provide help at: Abasha district, Zanati village.

Every time you can help someone, just do it and rejoice that God answers someone’s prayers through you!

Let’s show our mercy and make the children believe that miracles happen! They believe in us. Do not let our little compatriots down. Show them what generous people live in Georgia

  We are sure that all together we will manage to change their life.

  Please don’t forget to repost our story. Let your friends know about the grief of this family! It’s extremely important!

   Friends, there is one more request – if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:

Our Fund’s accounts are:




(purpose: The Khetsuriani family).

  You can also transfer money from our website.

It is also possible to transfer money from TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (You can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link

  We have already helped many disadvantaged people! Let’s support this family too! And who knows, maybe someday we ourselves will need help of strangers!

  We have good news for you – now you can read the stories of our beneficiaries on Instagram: Https:// and Telegram:

Even if you dial once this special number, it might save someone’s life. 0901 200 270! God bless you!

When I saw so many gifts, I wanted to jump with joy together with Iza and Niko …


  “Tears flow from my eyes when I see so many gifts, but these are tears of joy,” Maya tells me, “You know, I spent all my thirty-five years in need. Even the simplest gift was a great luxury to me, but now there are so many at once! This emotion will be with me for the rest of my life. I don’t know how to express my gratitude! I would say that the friends of your Fund themselves are the biggest gifts for all those in need!”

 “And my boy is happy, mom always feels it”

  Maya Khetsuriani is the mother of three children. The eldest, Nikoloz, is eight years old. He loves to solve mathematical problems very much – I called him a little mathematician. The middle one is Isa, a mischievous seven-year-old girl who likes to play football. The youngest, Gocha, turned six on March 5. He is wheelchair-bound. He simultaneously suffers from multiple diseases. He is given nutrition through a drip. He cannot talk and his hearing is impaired. Gocha needs a lot of medications, diapers, special cereals. The family is socially disadvantaged. It is very difficult for them to cope with everything.

  Our Fund published a post about the Khetsuriani family on November 11th.

  – Maya, how has your life changed since our Fund published a post about misfortunes of your family?

  Maya: I knew! I knew that the members of your Fund are extraordinary people (she means subscribers), but I really did not expect so much attention and so many gifts. How has our life changed? I will tell you now: you know that I feed Gocha through a tube. I used to crush everything, squeeze – it was hard… Now, this blender and juicer made everything easier for me. You can’t even imagine how much I needed them… Also, these medications, special cereals with vitamins, diapers… I can’t list them all!

 “I will soon learn how to wash too, because it should be easy with this”

  Nikoloz (son of Maya, 8-year-old): Mom, do not forget about the washing machine, how many dirty clothes we had… Gocha’s trousers, Isa’s clothes, you had to wash them every day…

  – And what about your clothes, Nikoloz?

  Nikoloz: Well, mine too, but I was relatively neat. I am a big boy; besides that, I have few clothes. I gave everything to Gocha.

  Iza (daughter of Maya, 7-year-old): And how can I not get dirty when I play football in the yard?

  Maya: Children don’t argue! We liked the washing machine very much, and the oven, and the meat grinder, and the kettle and the iron!

 “Iza carefully studies everything”

  Iza: When I learn how to bake, I will make a big khachapuri on this dish and invite all those people who helped us so much.

  Nikoloz: Iza, do you know that there are a lot of them, because many have read and learned about us?!

  Iza: I will also bake a lot – my mother will help me!

  – And yet, Isa, what did you like the most?

  Iza: I liked the kettle! As soon as you turn it on – hop – and there is hot water! And the iron is nice…

 “There are so many gifts! Can mathematician Niko count them?”

 “Mom, look, everything is so new and beautiful…”

  Nikoloz: Yes, it’s beautiful. But let mom iron, you are too young for that yet. You’ve already burned something and that’s enough! Better tell how you ate more sweets than me.

  Iza: Not at all, we fraternally divided them …

  – Is Nikoloz telling the truth, Iza?

  Isa is embarrassed.

  Iza: We haven’t eaten such tasty treats for so long, I couldn’t count well! I have already apologized, haven’t I?

 “Oh, what goodies, it would be nice if they didn’t end!”

  – Nikoloz, what of the gifts did you like the most?

  Nikoloz: I was happy with the juicer and the thing…  that whips up food…

 “I’m glad, I’ll help my mom whip up food for Gocha too”

   – And why a juicer and a blender?

  Nikoloz: I will give Gocha more food and he will get better soon. I don’t want him to be taken to the hospital again. He likes to be with me more than there. He makes me understand something. You know, he likes the sounds of horses … If only I had my own tablet or phone, I would often let him listen to them…

  – How did you get that he liked the neighing and snorting of horses?

  Nikoloz: He smiles then. I need a tablet too. I love math and I can find a lot of problems on the internet…

  Iza: I don’t want to miss online classes either, can you lend it to me?

  Nikoloz: I’m not as greedy as you…

  Iza: I’m not greedy, I’m little. Little ones love chocolate. And mom and dad don’t have any money to buy us chocolates. Then there will be no money left for food and medications for Gocha… I liked it so much that you brought us a lot of “cookies”. There was a lot of them!

 “My bunny was so happy with your gifts”

  – In general, which of the sweets do you like the most?

Iza: Snickers – I tried it before and I really liked it.

   – Maya, did the local authorities respond? Was there any reaction from them after the publication of our post?

  Maya: Absolutely no reaction. No one remembers us, no one is interested… They keep silent. We have such a child in our family. He needs special attention and care. We don’t even get his pension in full because part of it is kept by the bank.

  – Did you have a bank loan?

  Maya: Well, we took out the loan for his treatment and medications. We have been to an intensive care unit many times. Three times, he was in a completely hopeless state. When the doctor told me that there was no chance for him to survive, I fell on my knees and began to pray. I don’t know what I mumbled – I don’t remember that… But I remember praying for all those mothers who have disabled children like me! I prayed for all those children who were fighting for their lives at that moment! And a miracle happened, my Gocha was saved! Thanks to all the doctors of the Iashvili clinic. In fact, they raised my son together with me!

  – Maya, I know that our gifts made you very happy. But your problems didn’t end there. What else do you need?

  Maya: I am very embarrassed to say that, but we constantly need medications, diapers, and cereals for Gocha. If I buy all this with our meager social allowance, Nikoloz and Isa will stay hungry. Paata and I don’t think about ourselves anymore. If only they had food and didn’t have to go to bed hungry. I feel very embarrassed to ask you for anything else while my children are hungry…

  Satisfied that we made the family so happy, but still with a heavy heart, I ended our interview. Maya told me a lot more: how they sold their cow that fed the family, how they dismantled the flooring in the house and sold it to buy medications for Gocha. How difficult it was for her husband, Paata, to find part-time jobs to bring at least some bread to the children… She also said that Gocha had already grown up, so the doctor increased the dose of the drug for epilepsy – Epix. Now, one blister is not enough for him even for a week… One box of porridge is not enough for one day. Lord, there are so many expenses… Why?

  We can’t leave this wonderful woman in trouble. She needs your support again, for Gocha, Iza, Niko. So, while the little mistress Iza bakes a huge delicious khachapuri for all of us, we will try, our faithful readers, to give these little angels a few more beautiful, happy days.


  If you have a heavy heart because of everyday problems or unresolved issues, as a distraction just see our posts on Facebook, or better call any of our beneficiaries, and all your problems will seem unimportant to you, compared with the problems of those to whom you opened your kind heart and helped in the most difficult moment of their lives.

  Our problems are nothing if compared… Here are true misfortunes, in front of your eyes! Just thank the Lord for what you have. You are the happiest person in the world! Remember this and help those in need.

  Unfortunately, problems of this and other families do not end here and now… Therefore, from time to time, look through the stories of unhappy people on our website, talk to them. Every time you dial the Phone of an unhappy person, God is blessing you! For sure! Go on helping these families! This is the best service to the Lord!

  Your kindness is a chance for yourself to be happy in everything!

  Friends, there is one more request – if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:

  Your kindness is a chance for yourself to be happy in everything!

  Friends, thanks again to all!

Our Fund’s accounts are:




(purpose:  The Khetsuriani family).

You can also transfer money from our website.

  It is also possible to transfer money from TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (You can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link

We have good news for you – now you can read the stories of our beneficiaries on Instagram: Https:// Telegram:

  Even if you dial once this special number, it might save someone’s life: 0901 200 270!

  Let’s believe that helping others, we take care of our own souls and draw closer to Lord through the suffering that we share with them!

Dec 02, 2021
Dec 30, 2021
Jan 03, 2022
washing machine
Jan 13, 2022
household appliances
Jan 25, 2022
medicine,baby food
Jan 25, 2022
Jan 31, 2022
Jan 31, 2022
fund overhead
Feb 14, 2022
Feb 24, 2022
Feb 24, 2022
May 16, 2022

Total expenses:



Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
09.05.2022 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
04.05.2022 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
03.05.2022 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
03.05.2022 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
02.05.2022 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
01.05.2022 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
28.04.2022 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
28.04.2022 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
28.04.2022 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
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220 Donors

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220 Donors


They need your help urgently