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Four sisters – four terrible sorrows, each worse than the last! They don’t know what happiness is, and neither does their son.

calendar June 15, 2022

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Even when it’s hot, a chill creep over you from this dilapidated house. You hear moans and crying coming from there. Five people live in this unblessed house: four sisters and their common “child” – 29-year-old Giorgi. Well, they do not live there, but eke out a miserable existence. A sad fate befell all the inhabitants of this accursed house. They are alive and dead at the same time…

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Charity Number: One call saves a life!

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Four sisters – four terrible sorrows, each worse than the last! They don’t know what happiness is, and neither does their son.

Even when it’s hot, a chill creep over you from this dilapidated house. You hear moans and crying coming from there. Five people live in this unblessed house: four sisters and their common “child” – 29-year-old Giorgi. Well, they do not live there, but eke out a miserable existence. A sad fate befell all the inhabitants of this accursed house. They are alive and dead at the same time… 

There is not a single unbroken window in this house

The eldest sister Nunu is 61 years old, she got widowed while still very young, and she did not start a new family after that. Vardo, 59, has never been married. She took care of her parents and did all the housework. Two years ago, doctors amputated her leg because of gangrene, and now bedsores cover her entire body, and she dreams of dying soon, or at least getting some fresh air. Maya, 55, has a son, Giorgi, who has never seen his father. When Maya was young, a dishonorable guy vilely deceived and seduced her and left her when she got pregnant. So, she was left alone with her son, hoping only for her sisters.

“I don’t remember a single day when I was happy. How to be happy when your son feels bad?” 

Squint is the least problem 29-year-old Giorgi has. He has poor health, he does not hear well, sometimes he behaves strangely – he does not recognize either his mother or his neighbors. Sometimes he is afraid of people, sometimes he does not talk, sometimes he finds children’s toys and plays with them.The youngest sister, 50-year-old Irma, is now a mother, a daughter, and a sister to everyone. She looks after them and tries not to give up! 

“Don’t talk to me!”

Irma: I was so spoiled – I was the youngest child. My dad and mom adored me; my sisters played with me. I lived like a princess. I do not even know when our life started falling apart; I do not know when it took a turn for the worse. 
Vardo: After the death of our mother, dear. Mom died on June 26, 2008. She was the core of our family – she took care of everyone and everything. We were as safe as in God’s pocket with her. But she got sick. She had to be operated on her intestines once, then for the second time. But she could not stand the third surgery anymore and died. Poor dad experienced very much – he approached her photograph every day and asked to take him away. And you won’t believe it, he also died on June 26! Eight years later! That’s how we lost both mom and dad and were left alone.

“I don’t know how we came to such life”

Irma: Everything collapsed, everything fell into decay, we didn’t even have a whole window in our house, not even a whole chair. It happened somehow – we did not notice how… We had everything, and then nothing got left.
– What do you live on?
Irma: We live on an allowance and pension. Once a day we bring food from the social canteen. It’s hard to us to cook food. Once, my sister and I went to the forest, picked up branches and dry pieces of wood, and carried them home. My sister said to me through tears: “We are like horses, carry so much firewood – we only lack a bridle in our mouth.” We laughed, and then sat down right on the ground and started to sob… Either from hopelessness, or from feeling sorry for ourselves. But we stood up, wiped away the tears and moved on. Frozen Vardo, Maya and Giorgi were waiting for us at home.

“Even with a broken arm, I have to take care of everyone”

– Vardo, what happened to you? What happened to your leg?
Vardo: I have diabetes, apparently, gangrene began, but I did not pay attention to that. It hurt, but I endured, I knew that it was not up to the doctor. I didn’t tell anyone, I didn’t show it to anyone. When the pain became unbearable, I went to the doctor. But it was too late! They had to cut off my big toe. But the process didn’t stop there. The rest of my toes started to fall off on their own… It was so painful and creepy – I don’t even want to recall that! After one visit, the doctor told me to urgently go to Tbilisi – my leg had to be amputated. It would be better if they shot me…

“It would be better if they shot me.  I’m half-human without a leg”

Irma: Let doctors not be offended, but when you have no money, they do not consider you a person. I think if we were solvent, the doctors would pay attention to Vardo and maybe save her leg. The same situation happened with my hand.
– Where did you break it?
Irma: I tripped on the floor. We have nothing whole here, even a floor has holes. I fell on my hand and broke it. The fracture was not open. I thought it would stop hurting soon. But the pain was unbearable. We went to the hospital, but they refused to take care of me until I paid 250 GEL. Where can the poor get that money? Our allowances and pensions are barely enough for medications and pasta. How could I pay 250 lari? Maybe you know how?
– Really? Did they let you go without examination?
Irma: Can you imagine that? Then our neighbors intervened, they called them, and only after that they put a cast to my hand. I have been wearing cast for 2.5 months now. I need money again to check how the things are going and to take cast off. I am just wondering what will happen if I remove the cast myself? It’s so hard for me to do everything with one hand. We have no water – we go to the river and wash there. It is so difficult to carry water from there for bathing and drinking. And we need to wash Vardo’s linen often. She doesn’t get out of bed. It’s really hard to me.

“We are alone in the world, and we have no one but us”

– Isn’t there a water in your village?
Irma: Everyone has water, but we could not bring water to our home. When there is no man in the house, it is very difficult to cope with problems.
– What other problems do you have that you will never cope with on your own?
Irma: Our gas is off – our debt for it is huge. When dad was sick, he asked to make the house warmer. We turned on the heating. I don’t know how it happened, but they said that we owe 650 GEL! We will never be able to pay this amount. That why we just froze this winter. We lay down in bed and wrapped ourselves up, we even had nothing to cook on. 

“We don’t know what happiness is”

– Besides water and gas, what other problems can we solve for you?
Irma: It would be just great if you could help us buy sticks for measuring blood sugar and a cupboard for dishes. We have only one closet, where we store clothes, food, and utensils. Please help us with groceries and a refrigerator. And if we have water, I’ll dare to dream about a washing machine. 
We were already leaving, when Irma said in an undertone: “Do you know what I dream about? To buy beautiful wallpaper with huge flowers and put them in at least one room to make us feel that we are still alive, that this is not hell, but just life. 

“It hurts to see these walls every day”

Friends, the Tediashvili family found themselves in an extremely depressing situation. These people need our help, and the sooner we do this, the sooner we manage to alleviate their plight. We believe in you and your kind, merciful hearts, that are always ready to save people. They need so little!
You can help them personally, and God will bless you! If anyone is willing to visit and help them in person, here is their address: Sagarejo, Seventh lane Japaridze street, house 5.
Every time you can help someone, just do it, and rejoice that God answers someone’s prayers through you!
We are sure that all together we will manage to save them from imminent death.
Please don’t forget to repost our story. Let your friends know about the grief of this family! It’s extremely important!
Friends, there is one more request: if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:
Our Fund’s accounts are:
(purpose: The Tediashvili family).
You can also transfer money from our website.
It is also possible to transfer money from TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (You can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link
We have already helped thousands of disadvantaged people! Let’s support this family too! And who knows, maybe someday we ourselves will need help of strangers! Life is always unpredictable!
We have good news for you – now you can read the stories of our beneficiaries on Instagram: and Telegram:
Even if you dial once this special number, it might save someone’s life: 0901200270! God bless you! 

A miracle is happening to us! Is it a dream?
Irma (51-year-old):  I think I know Georgian language well. There are many words to express gratitude. But I still need more. I look for words to express my gratitude beautifully.  But I have much more feelings in my heart. Believe me, my heart blesses you much more. You gave us warmth.
Nunu (61-year-old): You warmed us both physically and mentally.
Irma: Listen, let me finish, I must tell this… It just slips out my mouth. (Laughs and continues) When you installed the windows, brought us firewood and clothes – we kept warm physically… 
They interrupt each other. They seem to compete in expressing gratitude. 

“A miracle is happening to us! Is it a dream?”

This is a story of kindness and love that you wrote, our faithful friends! You are the authors of this inexpressible joy, because without your support and kind hearts, this story would not have existed, and the Tediashvili family would not have survived this winter. Thank to each of you for the happy smiles you gave to poor, sick and desperate people!
Here is the life story of four unfortunate and needy people. Nunu, Vardo, Maya, and Irma Tediashvili were left without firewood in anticipation of a harsh winter and tried to stop the cold from the broken windows with cellophane and pieces of wood.

This is how their windows looked like 

These windows do not let cold air in and warm air out

Vardo (60-year-old): This boundless kindness warmed our souls, gave us hope, returned the joy of life to us. Even I, a one-legged woman, forgot about my pain…
Irma: Look, they don’t let me talk.
Maia (56-year-old): And food? They brought us food. I had no idea what to feed my sick child. Our social allowance was suspended for three months for the verification purpose. We were left starving…

House of the Tediashvili family today

Irma, I see that you liked the windows the most.
Irma: Your Fund installed metal-plastic doors and windows here. Do you remember what we had here before? How could we not be happy? We barely kept warm. The wind was buzzing so much, it was so cold… The stove could not heat up either. Well, we did not have the stove… We didn’t have firewood and they cut off gas six years ago… We owed 650 GEL. We did not have such amount of money.
Maia: We are happy with a fridge. Our food is so-so, but we still must somehow distribute it and save what they give us. We must spread the food over several days! We can’t eat everything in one day! Then the next day there will be nothing to eat. Now we will store everything in the refrigerator and use more economically. What can you do – such is the fate of a starving family.

“We already have a refrigerator! For someone it is a common thing, but for us it is a dream that came true!”

“I have much more feelings in my heart. Believe me, my heart blesses you much more”

Vardo: Your Fund helped us with medications too. Sometimes I experience unbearable pain. I need to ease the pain somehow. We all need medications. We are already old. When we addressed you, Irma had her hand broken. Maya’s gall bladder burst, and her duodenum was also removed. But my situation is still the worst – I have no leg. Now I have problems with my blood pressure. It was 240 yesterday. I need to see a doctor, cardiologist. But I have no money for that yet.
Who else helped you besides our Fund? Lots of people read our articles. Maybe someone decided to visit you in person? 
Irma: Yes. A military named Tamazi came to visit us. Unfortunately, they did not tell us their surname. He visited us together with his mom and brought us a lot of clothes. He also bought foodstuffs for us. These people were so pleasant. Cute mom and son. Let there be more such people in Georgia.
Giorgi (30-year-old. Maia’s son. It’s hard for him to talk) I liked the jacket. It is so warm.
Giorgi Kvintradze – Maya’s son is the third category disabled.
Irma: The girls who work in the local administration donated their personal savings and bought firewood for us. We are so grateful. This is how we keep warm, and we are no longer afraid of the cold of winter.
Does the local administration help you?
Vardo:  They repaired our roof three years ago. They gave us 5 kg of pasta. That was 3 years ago.  When my sister recently went to see if they would be generous with any other groceries, they answered – you already took the pasta … They remembered what happened three years ago. It turns out that the pasta was supposed to be enough for three years. It would be funny if it weren’t so sad. There is mud all around here. They haven’t paved the road. Because of it I can’t go out by my wheelchair. You can’t drive it… So, I stay at home chained to these walls. Now I at least can look out of the windows you installed in and see the sun. That sun warms me and gives me hope.

“We got warm!”

Nunu, you are the oldest, so I will ask you. We managed to do just a little for you, and you still have a lot of needs left. What is most important to you at this stage?
Nunu:  I’m very embarrassed, but… We need foodstuffs and medications all the time. Only three of us can use the social canteen, but there are five of us. Medications are very expensive – we cannot afford them.
Irma: We don’t have enough beds. We sleep two to a bed. Mother and child have been sleeping together for 15 years. What can we do? There is no other solution. We can’t lay the sick boy on the floor. And you can see what the floor looks like.
Vardo: We don’t have kitchen cabinets. We put the dishes in boxes… We don’t have wardrobes either. We store clothes in plastic bags.
I haven’t noticed the bathroom…
Nunu: We use tandoor room as a bathroom. Tandoor is broken. We bathe in the cold. But we endure. We have no other way.
Ladies, could you recall any stories from your past? Even if they are funny – let’s have some fun. 

The Tediashvili sisters are happy with your kindness and recall the stories of the past

Nunu: I will tell you.
Irma: She will tell you how she got lost in Tbilisi.
Nunu: I got married very young – I was 16. I was a young wife and wanted to present myself as a family woman. I told my husband that I would go to Tbilisi to buy cheap foodstuffs in the market and bring them home. He asked me whether I knew the way. I replied that I knew because I used to visit my grandmother with my mother. I went from Kakheti to Tbilisi. I walked around the market and got on the subway train. I found myself in Didube instead of Samgori. When the light came on, I realized that I was in a strange place. A voice announced – “Please leave the train”. (Didube was the last stop then). I asked the dispatcher how to get back to Samgori, and she answered in Russian: “Tuda i Abratna”. (Translator: it means “back and forth” in Russian) I did not know the Russian language then. So, I sat down on the bench and waited for the transport, marked as “Tuda i Abratna”. Then some woman helped me and went to Samgori with me. I reached Sagarejo in the evening. 
Vardo (laughs): After that, she started learning Russian language… And we used to call her “Tuda Abratna” as a joke.
     We all laughed a lot. I told the sisters that we – Georgians – never lose our sense of humor even in extreme hardship, and when we experience joy, we can cry for happiness.   Nunu agreed that and said: “When they installed new windows for us and I opened them for the first time, I started crying, I cried at the top of my voice. The representative of your Fund told me – “don’t cry, ma’am, good things happened.” And I replied – “I’m crying because I’m happy, I’m very happy”.
Friends, this story of joy written by you needs to be continued.  We should do good for every family until finally we save people from starvation and death. Together we will certainly manage to do it!
        If you have a heavy heart because of everyday problems or unresolved issues, as a distraction just see our posts on Facebook, or better call any of our beneficiaries, and all your problems will seem unimportant to you, compared with the problems of those to whom you helped in the most difficult moment of their lives.
          Our problems are noting if compared… Here are true misfortunes, in front of your eyes! Just thank the Lord for what you have. You are the happiest person in the world! Remember this and help those in need!
       Unfortunately, problems of this and other families do not end here and now… Therefore, from time to time, look through the stories of unhappy people on our website, talk to them. Every time you dial the Phone of an unhappy person, God is blessing you! For sure! Keep on helping these families! This is the best service to the Lord!     
        Friends, we have one more request for you – if you find out that your friend or neighbor needs help, please show your caring attitude and drop us an email at:   
          Your kindness is a chance for yourself to be happy in everything.
         Friends! Thanks again to everyone!
      Our Fund’s accounts are:
(Purpose: The Tediashvili family).
You can also transfer money from our website: «TБC Bank» (GeoPay), «Bank of Georgia» (e-commerce), «Liberty Bank» (PayGe), PayPal.
         It is also possible to transfer money from TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section   (you can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the     
       We have good news: now you can read the stories of our beneficiaries on
       Even if you dial once this special number, it might save someone’s life: 0901200270; Let’s believe that helping others, we take care of our own souls and draw closer to Lord through the suffering that we share with them!

Jul 05, 2022
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Jul 21, 2022
Aug 31, 2022
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Apr 10, 2023
Apr 26, 2023

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They need your help urgently